Wendy Williams – a compulsive attention-seeker



Wendy Williams, the syndicated talk show host, ‘shock jockette’, author and fashion designer, is taking a break from her show for health reasons. She has Graves Disease, an auto-immune thyroid disorder, and fractured her shoulder recently.

Born 18 July 1964 9.30 pm Asbury Park, New Jersey, she has a Cancer Sun which will tune her into the public mood in her 6th house of health and work trine an intense Scorpio Moon. She has an expansive Jupiter in her 3rd making her a confident communicator, in an indulgent opposition to her Moon Neptune and square a flamboyant Mercury, ramping up her need to talk in an attention-seeking way. Her Jupiter is also in a lucky sextile to her Sun. A 7th house Uranus Pluto will add punch to her delivery and her relationships.

She’s got Jupiter moving through her 10th since December 2018 for a year so it seems unlikely she’ll be out of the public eye for long. Though she does have accident-prone Uranus transits to several Mars midpoints, running from late last year right through till April. She’s also got tr Pluto trine her Jupiter on and off all year which will boost her confidence and again make it unlikely she’ll be lingering for long on the sidelines.

Though in general she’s moving towards the end of an old career phase with tr Saturn gradually heading for her Ascendant by 2021 onwards which will give her a yen for a quieter life – or it will force the issue.

One thought on “Wendy Williams – a compulsive attention-seeker

  1. Thanks Marjorie, Good to know she’ll be ok, and maybe all this happening now is the prelude to her ‘quieter life’.

    Quick Query: Can I check whether a 7 deg orb for a Sun to Jupiter sextile is too wide? Could you still feel it though dependent on whether Mercury (7 deg orb conjunct Sun but exactly sextile Jupiter) is at the party? Thanks

    Very best wishes, J

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