Huawei – putting the brakes on the Chinese



            The make-or-break round of trade negotiations between China and the USA, due imminently, has almost certainly crashed with the filing of charges against Huawei. The Chinese telecommunications equipment maker is accused of corporate theft, violating sanctions against Iran and the two indictments include almost two dozen alleged crimes ranging from wire and bank fraud to theft of trade secrets and obstruction of justice. “These charges lay bare Huawei’s alleged blatant disregard for the laws of our country and standard global business practices,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray. The Chinese vehemently deny everything.

If agreement is not reached on the trade deal by March 1st Trump has said he will more than double the punitive tariff rate currently assessed on about half of all Chinese exports to the US.

Meng Wanzhou, CFO of Huawei and daughter of the founder Ren Zhengfei, was arrested in Canada in December on the basis of a US extradition warrant. She was born 13 February 1972 Chengdu (net sources) which if accurate makes her a Sun Mercury in Aquarius square Saturn in money-minded Taurus and trine Uranus – ideal for a high-tech exec. She also has Pluto in Libra opposition Venus square Jupiter in expansive, materialistic Capricorn; with her Pluto inconjunct Mars in Taurus – she’s quite a formidable lady. Though she’s looking fairly strung out at the moment with her Solar Arc Uranus conjunct her Neptune and tr Uranus moving to a highly insecure square to her Mars come late March. Though since it also trines her Jupiter some deal may be struck.

Her father Ren Zhengfei, 25 October 1944, founded Huawei in the late 1980s and it is thought had Chinese government support financially at crucial phases of its development. It’s now worth many many billions.

He’s a formidably determined Sun, Mercury Mars in Scorpio square Pluto and trine Saturn – hard, ruthless, controlling, secretive.

The China/USA relationship chart is deflated exactly now with tr Saturn square the composite Jupiter, lowering enthusiasm, and will get more aggravated by mid March with tr Saturn opposition the composite Mars. These two influences will repeat till late in the year. Tr Uranus will oppose the composite Pluto in 2020 which will reset relations, either up or down.

China is a hot spot for Trump since his chart relocated to Beijing has his flashy and aggressive Mars in Leo in the 7th house of partnerships. With his Mars/Pluto midpoint close to the Descendant. So the relationship with the Chinese was always going to be hostile, despite Ivanka’s business interests there.

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