Weisselberg, Trump’s CFO – follow the money



Allen Weisselberg, Trump’s chief financial officer looks likely to be in for a congressional grilling after Cohen’s testimony in which he named his former colleague as a co-conspirator in a long list of possible crimes. Weisselberg has been among the longest lasting employees to Trump’s company, where he began working for the president’s father, Fred, in 1973. He has negotiated Trump’s loans, co-signed his accounts and helped complete his personal taxes.

His loyalty has always been beyond question but there do look to be rifts in the relationship in the near future; or at least major strains.

Weisselberg, 15 August 1947, was born oddly enough on the same day as India/Pakistan so shares similar planet placings – and present challenges. He’s a charming Sun Venus in Leo, often a financier’s sign, with Saturn, Pluto, Moon and Mercury also in Leo so fairly immoveable and lucky with Jupiter in Scorpio in square to most of his Leo planets.

He looks fairly poleaxed this year mid February to late March, and again later in the year and on and off till late 2020 with tr Pluto in the catastrophe and crisis-prone opposition to his Mars/Saturn midpoint; and major upheavals and restrictions from tr Pluto opposition his Sun/Uranus midpoint from this April, till late 2020 as well.

His relationship chart with Trump was majorly stressed with high insecurity through this January to mid February with tr Uranus square the composite Mars. And starting now tr Pluto is bearing down in opposition to the composite Sun and Mercury till late 2020 which will stretch their connection to breaking point or at least put it under intolerable pressure. Plus a major jolt come May this year with tr Uranus square the composite Saturn, and another in July to September as tr Uranus squares the composite Venus and both of these repeat into 2020 as well.

It’s not that easy a crossover with Trump since W’s Uranus is conjunct Trump’s Sun. But W’s Leo planets fall in Trump’s 12th for confidential dealings and Weisselberg is pretty immoveable. Interesting to see what shakes out of the tree.


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