Walking Dead – high kill rate and ratings – Andrew Lincoln



A fatal accident on the set of The Walking Dead stopped filming temporarily when a stunt man fell to his death. The Walking Dead, launched 31 Oct 2010, now on season 7, is a post-apocalyptic, zombie horror television series, which has the highest viewership for a cable show ever. It is most popular, as are other zombie shows, in rural areas, particularly Appalachia, southern Texas, and eastern Kentucky, and overall is split 50-50 between men and women, with a lean towards younger viewers.

The launch chart has an intense Sun Venus in Scorpio with the Sun sitting on the midpoint of Saturn and Mars which fits for a drama about the undead. Pluto North Node in Capricorn is in a bleak square to Saturn and semi-sextile Mars as befits the grim subject – one fan blogger totted up 1200 slaughtered in season 6 (500 more than Game of Thrones), some of them non-human – presumably the latter can’t be undead, since they won’t be killable. Never having watched it I’m not sure which alien species this covers. There’s also a Mars trine Uranus for high-adrenaline action and Uranus in a lucky conjunction to Jupiter. Evidently this season is losing viewers, perhaps to do with tr Saturn squaring that Jupiter Uranus. Tr Pluto is also square the Solar Arc Saturn over the tragic death of the crew member; and Solar Arc Pluto is exactly square Saturn within 18 months so perhaps it is drawing to an unnatural end.

Lead actor is Andrew Lincoln, 14 September 1973, London, UK, who is a Sun Virgo. He, like the show, has a Pluto square Saturn, formed into a T square by his North Node, so he is tough enough to fit the genre and quite controlled. Plus he has an earthy, determined Mars in Taurus opposition Venus in Scorpio square Jupiter in Aquarius; with Jupiter trine Pluto, sextile Neptune. His emphasised Fixed Jupiter will make him idealistic, confident and  indulgent. He also has two Yods – Jupiter sextile Neptune inconjunct Saturn, and Mars sextile Saturn inconjunct Neptune. The first is challenging to live up to and the second will suit him to the creative, movie business. Though he’ll never feel he fits in.

2018/19 will be years of radical change for him with tr Pluto square his Uranus, though he has a healthy CV behind him for much lauded parts in Brit TV as well as films. He’ll pick up tr Uranus square his focal point Jupiter in 2018 so new doors will certainly open for him when this is over.

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