USA Mid-Terms – both party heads sagging



No sooner over one hurdle than another appears. The USA Mid Term elections on November 6 2018 will be more fraught than usual with the world watching to see whether Trump’s chaotic presidency will affect the GOP’s standing. There’s nothing pass remarkable about the day though Jupiter is poised to move out of Scorpio into Sagittarius for the result. Uranus is back at zero Taurus exactly square the Leo North Node, with the Node also about to shift sign, into Cancer that day. Both Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn, though not conjunct.

The two party chairpersons – Ronna McDaniels (GOP), 19 Jan 1973; and Tom Perez (Dem), 7 Oct 1961, if still in place, might be a hint of what the result is likely to be.

Neither look exactly delirious with joy. Oddly enough both have tr Neptune in hard aspect to their Mars/Saturn midpoint which Ebertin describes as ‘waning powers, inner torment, losses’. Both also have tr Saturn hitting on a Mars midpoint immediately after which is usually a setback.

Of the two, McDaniels looks marginally more upbeat with tr Pluto conjunct her Jupiter/Node which usually brings advantages. But on the other hand she also has tr Uranus square her Solar Arc Saturn and square her Solar Arc Mars, both of which could see a major upset.

There are no birth times so information is missing which could be more of an indication. The flesh-tearing is likely to continue.

8 thoughts on “USA Mid-Terms – both party heads sagging

  1. Dear Marjorie,

    In an earlier post (, you had said the following;
    “Mitch McConnell, Majority Senate leader (R-KY), 20 Feb 1942, hasn’t much over the election itself but is in a gung ho, revitalised mood from mid Jan 2019 onwards with tr Pluto square his Sun/Jupiter for two years

    Paul Ryan, the Speaker, 29 Jan 1970 2.37 am Janesville, WI, has a brilliantly successful tr Pluto conjunct his Mars/Jupiter midpoint in Nov 2018, plus a couple of more minor tr Saturn downers, so not everything he hoped for, but he’ll be on a high. With tr Jupiter about to cross his Ascendant.

    Chuck Schumer, 23 Nov 1950, Senate Minority leader, looks seriously jangled with tr Uranus opposition his discouraged Sun/Saturn midpoint; feeling restricted also from tr Pluto trine his Sun/Uranus.

    Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader of House of Representatives, 26 March 1940, has an agitated, unsettling tr Uranus conjunct her Sun/Mars; a depressed tr Pluto square Sun/Saturn immediately before; and a tr Pluto conjunct her Jupiter/Node – so really down, with one up.”

    That sounds to me like the Republicans will hold on to both Houses, though maybe only just.

  2. I believe there is a new Moon the morning following, also Venus turns direct and Mercury turns rx shortly after this election, I wonder if that will have any effect upon the results.

    • Hi Fe,

      Marjorie has done charts on most of them in the past. Use the search function in the top right hand corner of the website to locate the charts and articles on them by Marjorie.

  3. There’s so much speculation about if the election will be rigged, I can imagine there’ll be some intense drama with both parties. No matter what’s happens, we’re stuck with this dysfunctional chaos for awhile. But it’s nothing that a good hike won’t cure, at least the trees don’t have a political opinion.

  4. At zero degree Taurus Uranus will be squaring the tenth house Sun(supreme power in the state) in Trump’s term chart.Doesn’t sound that helpful or positive to me.

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