The Inauguration of January 2021 (assuming all runs to plan and time) does look a mix of successful and explosive. There’s Pluto on the Midheaven which is marginally surprising, more often turning up in dictator’s administrations given its tendency to over-control. There’s a successful and confident Jupiter in the 10th. But it is tied into a conjunction with Saturn and both square a disruptive Mars Uranus in the 12th – so there could be all manner of mayhem.
Looking back on past Inaugurations where momentous events happened in the aftermath:
George W Bush First term, 20 January 2001, which oversaw 9/11 and the wars with Iraq and Afghanistan had a warlike Mars opposition Saturn square Uranus; a directionless Neptune in the 10th; and a financial dirty-dealing Moon Pluto in the 8th.
JFK Inauguration, 20 January 1961 12.45, wasn’t overly descriptive, though it had a Yod of Mars sextile Node (Pluto) inconjunct Sun and Jupiter conjunct Saturn.
Franklin D Roosevelt 4th Term, 20 January 1941, had a brutal Jupiter Saturn in Taurus square Pluto in Leo opposition Mercury, with Pluto trine Mars – descriptive of Pearl Harbour the following December and the USA entry into WW11 that followed.
Herbert Hoover, 4 March 1929 – a setback Mars opposition Saturn, sextile/trine Neptune in last degree Leo (the end of the Roaring twenties) – the Wall Street Crash and Great Depression kicked off in October 1929.
Woodrow Wyatt. 4 March 1913, had a Mars Uranus conjunction – WW1 followed.
Abraham Lincoln, 4 May 1861, also had a brutal Mars Pluto in Taurus trine Saturn with a high-tension Saturn square Uranus – the Civil War broke out one month later.
The inaugurations of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan – neither of the charts were that remarkable despite an attempted assassination and a near impeachment/resignation.
The one with some striking similarities is the Inauguration of Andrew Jackson, 4 March 1829, which had a Mars in Taurus square Uranus with Uranus opposition Saturn.
Wiki: ‘Jackson’s name has been associated with the shift and expansion of democracy with the passing of some political power from established elites to ordinary voters based in political parties. “The Age of Jackson” shaped the national agenda and American politics. He feared that monied and business interests would corrupt republican values. He rejected the view of a powerful and independent Supreme Court and thought Supreme Court justices should be made to stand for election. He called for the abolition of the Electoral College.’
Though he has also been heavily criticised for his Indian Removal policies which exacerbated tensions with the Native American tribes and caused great hardship.
If Biden pushed through some of Jackson’s ideas on changing the political system, that would be real progress.
Some of the Inauguration charts are descriptive, in particular those leading into a war but others are less so.
Leading up to Inauguration Day, Im afraid we can expect a lot more to come… Twitter execs have released a statement that “Plans for future armed protests have already begun proliferating on and off-Twitter, including a proposed secondary attack on the US Capitol and state capitol buildings on January 17, 2021.” Off Twitter sites like Parler has been shut down.
Marjorie’s November post on Jan Inauguration stated “looked a mix of successful and explosive.” Notably the “marginally surprising Pluto on the Midheaven more often turning up in dictator’s administrations given its tendency to over-control” may indicate planning underway to control social media, paramilitary groups, white supremacy groups etc. etc who are trying for a second assault on DC. However insurrection is also planned at local level. I hope states like MI, AZ, PA and GA are fully prepared for what’s to come.
Hello, does anyone know the reason they changed the date of the inauguration? The new chart is…pretty awful.
Some astrologers have stated that Vindictivous Imbecilous and his crew is due for some perceived “uplift” in the later days of Nov. to the early days of Dec. 2020. Read into this what you will, but should be a reminder to be on the look out for the unexpected. 70 days is long time in politics. Especially given this Cretin’s luck throughout his life.
Have they said what brought them to this conclusion?
@Marjorie: You know when it comes to astrology jargon I suffer from dyslexia, but here goes.
“Jupiter will be in Saturn’s place opposite his natal Venus and Mars moving opposite his natal Jupiter over the period. Jupiter seen as benefic”(paraphrasing). Minus the possible interpretations.
Can’t think that’s going to do much to counter -balance the rest of the downbeat influences he has.
Ok, I hope so.
Full speed ahead with atonement for the lame duck Miscreant then.
@Troy, I speak “astrology”, and yet my brain melted with that.
It sounds Classic/Vedic. But, I may have made some sense of it. Trump does have a Jupiter in Capricorn (Saturn) oppose natal Venus in Cancer transit right now. From Western Modern Astrology point of view, Venus – love, but money as well – has always been week point on his chart. It’s conjunct Saturn in 11th house, squaring his natal Jupiter in 2nd (explaining his real estate success and inconjuct Moon in 4th. Since 11th house is associated with friendships, but also extramaritial affairs. Since Jupiter opposition is associated with excess in that yes, it can bring good things, but also lead to exaggeration, it’s not purely beneficial, especially with people who have a tendency to overreach.
And, with Trump, quite honestly, my key interpretation with this passage when I first looked at things happening around 2020 YEARS ago was that he is going to lose the election and Melania will divorce him. This was reinforced when I learnt that Marla Maples was caught with a bodyguard under lifeguard tower when DJT last had the passage, although it took a couple of years for the marriage to fall apart. I know Melania’s ex-BFF said she really doesn’t want to, Trumps’ marriage works for them, but given what we now known about Deutsche Bank loans, she might be in hurry to get “hers” out before Deutsche Bank. There might even be something in this for DJT, like transferring assets for safekeeping.
So, definitely not a historically good passage for Trumpster, and he should be very careful with those ideas on “Trump TV”.
Isn’t Jupiter in its detriment in Capricorn? Would that effect Jupiter’s beneficence in that Saturn-ruled sign? When he lost the election, transiting Pluto/Jupiter conjuncted Trump’s Part of Fortune at 22 degrees and is now opposing that Venus/Saturn in Cancer which I agree is a weak point. Transit Saturn was opposing his Venus at the election.
For the rest of November and into December, Jupiter and Saturn move forward into Aquarius but Pluto has plenty of time to oppose Trump’s Saturn/Venus midpoint, which does not bode well for him.
@Solaia: My bad for the brain melt Lol; I tried. Seems the consensus is nothing special there.
As for Trump TV, let’s see how it does against the dueling crime drama starring the dynamic duo of Psy and Tish nipping at his heels with guest stars the #MeToo prosecutors.
Solaia, I see Trump is now blaming Fox for losing;.
‘@FoxNews daytime ratings have completely collapsed. Weekend daytime even WORSE. Very sad to watch this happen, but they forgot what made them successful, what got them there. They forgot the Golden Goose. The biggest difference between the 2016 Election, and 2020, was @FoxNews!’
“The inaugurations of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan – neither of the charts were that remarkable despite an attempted assassination and a near impeachment/resignation.”
I’ve said most I was about to say about 2021 chart I was going to add below, but I still went through my chart files on some of the past Inaugurations, and noticed that Reagan’s 1st is relevant in studying 2021 chart in that it carried “Grand Conjunction” in Libra, and, using my preferred housing system, 5th house of Entertainment. Since Grand Conjunctions only happen every 20 years or so, this is the latest Inauguration with the aspect. It also actually has a tight Pluto/MC aspect, in this case Pluto square MC, that’s similar to 2021 Inauguration.
Nixon’s 2nd has 6th house Uranus square Jupiter and Mercury on MC. I’ve come to view that on Mundane Charts, 6th house of workforce, military personel, police force and civil service (Internal affairs), is often more problematic than 12th house, because issues in 6th are visible and thus lead to open conflict. I would say that if you consider the root cause of Watergate becoming an issue, in other words Mark Felt leaking to WaPo on Nixon’s cover up attempts, and Nixon consequently going full blown paranoid, this is more than telling. Also, the chart had 4th house Moon inconjunct the same Jupiter/Mercury/MC. I interpret this as Nixon’s inability to communicate to people, making the crisis worse.
As a non American, non astrologer, I quite agree, but referring to 17,410,742 British citizens who bothered to turn up to vote as ‘the Brexiter mob’ is neither accurate nor respectful.
Many of the middle, currently not so silent but fed up majority including me, marginally favoured remain or leave. Mostly, people have decided to respect the vote, however disappointed they are.
We’re living in tumultuous times, polarising opinions. Astrology helps us, perhaps, to understand them. In any case it’s fascinating and I really appreciate your work, Marjorie. Thank you.
It will be really nice once the Inauguration, Brexit, Covid are over to settle down to a wider range of subjects.
Zita, It’s not disappointment on my part. It’s horror. And no I won’t respect what I regard as an act of egregious self-harm. There’s nothing in the astrology that suggests anything other.
Not sure why this is here. If you read the UK post it did separate the electorate out from the mob = Boris, Farage, Gove, Rees-Mogg, Duncan Smith etc.
Anyways what’s done is done – it’s just a question of what can be saved from the wreckage – which may be precious little the way things are running.
Thank you for replying. But aren’t Trump, Brexit symptoms of existing conditions?
With Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus in their current configurations wouldn’t it all have come to a head in some way anyway? But not necessarily in the way it has.
After all as far as I’ve understood it, Pluto in Capricorn was always going to overturn institutions and governments, which you can’t do without disturbing various vested interests.
As you’ve indicated in posts, the EU, UK and US all have similar elements in their charts, so would be going through great upheaval anyway.
For the record, I would have voted Remain had it been allowed.
“As a non American, non astrologer, I quite agree, but referring to 17,410,742 British citizens who bothered to turn up to vote as ‘the Brexiter mob’ is neither accurate nor respectful.”
As an European who views Brexit as a tragic mistake based on partly ineptitude (David Cameron and most British pro-EU leaders who’ve always failed to explain what’s in it for British people), partly callous lies of some truly horrible people (Nigel Farage et al.). There have hardly been anything resampling “mobs” in Britain on either side regarding this issue, surely the atmosphere is more threatening at any given local match at Premier League, and no matter how much I despise Nigel Farage personally, his crowning achievement was having a small bunch of mostly middle aged or even elderly people to have a walk on English Countryside.
Thank you Solaia. I always read your posts with interest and have learned a lot. Sadly, I didn’t understand this one.
Young people should have voted. Mr Farage like Mr Trump, sadly but incredibly against all the odds, managed to mobilise a lot more than a small bunch of middle aged and old people.
This is something we must ponder and learn from.
Isn’t that the story of populists throughout the ages though? Populism is designed to beguile those who feel disenfranchised, fearful and powerless, that’s why populism thrives where there is economic and social upheaval, when people are looking for a ‘saviour’ but rarely delivers what it promises. History is riddled with far too many examples, sadly.
Can we please keep the heat out of the debate as far as possible. AND remember that this election was never going to open the gates of Camelot. The toxic, slanderous tr Pluto opposition the USA Mercury, back late this December and on and off through 2021 is followed by the Pluto Return. It will be stressful in the extreme at times.
Remember also that 1) this is an astrology website not a political forum. And 2) just because people disagree with you they are not necessarily idiots.
I agree. I don’t know a gnat’s butt about astrology. I come here because I enjoy reading what Marjorie posts and contemplating it and comparing it to world events, and I have always been fascinated by astrology as well as numerology and intuitive resources. But I’m exhausted by the nonsensical accusations of chaos, mayhem, and Civil War. The same voices were claiming Biden would never win. We just went through a count in one week. I didn’t expect to be at this point for a month. Biden is going to be the next President. We always knew Trump would not concede nor accept it nor go down willingly, nor would his followers, and we knew he would egg them on and use every lie in the book, which is his greatest talent. But I experienced the elation and the high and the relief this past weekend that I never expected. I am already feeling the exhaustion among his supporters. And I am feeling Trump’s exhaustion. I am sensing that he may not even be strong enough to fight it in January nor may he want to. I do not expect him to be at the inauguration. Why would he? He and his cabinet will not cooperate in any way. We knew this. Living in Florida (and being from Tennessee) I know many angry voices who are still out with their black stars & stripes parading along sidewalks like the KKK. So what. Big deal. It’s over. Stop quacking about what was or what you imagine the worst could be. Start expressing what you WANT and being grateful for the possibility. We have so much to celebrate.
Joy, thanks for this – we are on the other side of the world, but grateful for Hands On experience of all that’s going on over there. Marjorie is impartial, working only from charts – an astrologer’s bible. It was never going to be a walk in the park, we’re in tumultuous times, but need to keep perspective, an eye on the truth, even if this is only felt. Nobody on here has partisan interests, just trying to get the full, just, realistic picture. We’re in this together, entirely, so we all sink, or all swim. Regards from Over There.
“The toxic, slanderous tr Pluto opposition the USA Mercury, back late this December and on and off through 2021 is followed by the Pluto Return.”
My favorite Mundane Astrology anecdote is about Pluto to Mercury transit. Finland has a Pluto opposite Mercury on Country Chart, and then, had tr. Pluto conjunct Mercury back in late 2009-early 2010. The main happening that year was water pipe breaking and flooding the main Underground Station in Helsinki. Since Helsinki Underground is one line, it couldn’t run for 2 months. Still, it affected my life, since I’d just become one of the 70 000- 80 000 people using that stop daily. Luckily, trams were running. However, one day I saw a lot of commotion close to railway station. Turned out, a train had derailed and hit a nearby office building. Luckily, nobody died. But I think there’s hardly anything more literal than issues with Underground Transportation with Pluto/Mercury.
And yes, I think there are “grimmer” interpretations, as well. Finland declared Independence just a month after October Revolution. Pluto Retrograde brought a Bloody Civil War. There are, obviously, similar forces here. Most importantly, role of media and social media in inciting division and hatred.
The 2021 Inauguration chart looks more like the coronation of King Donald 1, surrounded by barbed wire and army divisions rather than the peaceful ascension of President Biden. I wouldn’t put anything past the great toddler in chief.
Looks like we’re already off to the races;
I am concerned, in light of both astrology, and recent events.
Many people don’t remember the Posse Comitatus, but I’m from Wisconsin, where they’ve been active since the 80’s. The Wisconsin militia groups were also implicated in the plot against Gov. Whitmer. It’s common knowledge here that the militia’s strategy has been to infiltrate the military, and law enforcement agencies as a means to obtain training with firearms, and other weapons. The police who Trump has glorified have become increasingly militarized over the past 20 years. And all three groups are for the most part full of Trump supporters, not to mention the free range RWNJs who are armed, and ready to go off the chain right now due to the election results. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail in the end.
Not to be obsequious, but I really appreciate Marjorie’s analysis, as well as enjoy reading the intelligent, interesting commentary.
It is a very challenging inauguration chart. I note that Biden’s 8th House Pluto at 7 Leo opposes the inauguration Jupiter at 7 Aquarius while his Jupiter at 25 Cancer opposes the inauguration Pluto at 24 Capricorn. I find that mirroring quite intriguing. The inauguration Uranus/Mars squares that Leo/Aquarius Pluto/Jupiter axis. The Moon in the 12th house representing the people squaring the 10th house Sun of the leader suggests issues of consent I think that there will be a strong drive from the new regime to exercise power but it will meet popular opposition and I don’t think that will just be from the usual suspects such as Republicans in the Senate or Trump die hard supporters. I am not sure I like the fact that Uranus and Mars are so close to the position that Pluto and Mars occupied in 1861 at Lincoln’s inauguration which was just a month before the outbreak of the US Civil war which occurred on a Uranus Mars conjunction.
Assassination attempts against Biden et al? Too many angry (redneck) people with loaded guns who believe “they have to do something” – in a similar vein of taking out the governor or Michigan?
That Biden and the Dems won the election will always be rejected by those who will never be satisfied.
The Moon in the 12th House suggests a people confined. It has shown up a few times in charts during the coronavirus pandemic . It is there in the U.K. Libra Ingress Chart for 2020 and crops up again in the Aries Ingress 2021 chart at London. I was therefore not entirely surprised to see it in the 2021 US Presidential inauguration chart. Biden has said tackling COVID is his administrations priority when it gets into office but I suspect the measures taken may not be universally popular. Not that this would be unusual as governments of all political colours around the globe have faced varying degree of discontent when trying to tackle the virus. In this instance it may be a catalyst for more organised opposition.
There exists a widespread phenomenon that wearing masks and lockdowns are violations of Constitutional rights. A lot of people just won’t get with the program no matter how important. I hv family members who refuse to wear masks; they are so headstrong. Yet entire countries are shutting down…but without the “american”-style pushback of rights violations.
Unpopular since Trump announced that he made it all go away. So sad.
@Hugh Fowler, Pfizer has a vaccine that’s working for 90 per cent of cases. It’s not 100 per cent, but herd immunity does not require it.
I’m also hating all this 12th house fear mongering. Sometimes it’s just a “transitional” house. Means things come to an end and new cycles begin.
we’ll all know in several months.
@larryc, site does not let me respond below, but this is obviously a chart for a “long haul”, not just first months of The Administration.
I also realize everybody is just exhausted at the moment with gaslighting and covid-19 peaking, but December – early January look a lot less stressful. Saturn will pass to Aquarius December 18th and Jupiter, depending on time zone, December 19th/20th. Georgia rerun chart doesn’t look bad at all for progressive candidates, either.
Keep the faith!
It could be that the virus has spread so much that a large number people are confined because they are sick—so confined as prevention or because people are too sick to be out.
No here immunity—not enough will be getting the vaccine yet.
I’m not sure I would read the election as the Dems winning. Trump got 47.5% of the national popular vote, so not a huge repudiation.
Republicans gained seats in both the House and in state legislatures. The Senate may still (in my opinion, almost certainly will) go to the Republicans.
The American people ejected Trump, but they have not rejected the Republican party.
Indeed, I think they have voted for divided do-nothing-spectacular government.
Americans elected him since he was so “different” due to his many unusual tendencies. Well, nothing happened much on his watch except to become isolationist and to emulate milder dictator methods of strong-arming. “Disagree with me? You’re fired!” At least those former office holders weren’t turned into kimchee using an AA cannon.
Still, not my president. Now or back then.
Being strong and pushing back China was long overdue. We can disagree how Trump handled it, but China needed/needs tough handling. Hope Biden continues being tough on China
@ Sounh
The way that Trump ‘handled’ China was counterproductive. Our agricultural exports were hurt so badly that Trump had to send money to farmers in the Midwest and the cost of consumer products have risen due to Trump’s tariffs.
I don’t understand you people because there are always ways to handle situations which don’t end up producing self-inflicted wounds like Trump did.
Biden is over 50% in popular vote today! There’s no way for Trump to get enough through electoral college unless they convince enough electors to be “faithless”—which would be a huge error on part of GOP. 50% popular vote!
This leadership transition can’t come soon enough for me! The drama! The knowledge that the leader is dim, erratic and incompetent – AND has stirred up alt right is deeply disturbing & has changed my view of humanity-we are animals! Some rise out of survival mode, but more people operate at that level than I realized, which saddens me. (Uranus is in my/3rd house now, My sun is Taurus—I was wondering what belief I’d be changing & I think this is the one. I’d naively thought most humans acted at a more lofty level.)
I’ve been teaching kids in a diverse city for decades. This administration’s policies has terrified me—for the safety of my students and their families more than for myself—but also for my own children as well.
@KG, for non-Americans who may not have been following US Elections very closely before, Biden has currently the same percentage of Popular Vote Reagan had when he wan Carter on “landslide” in 1980. 1980 obviously had a strong Independent candidate John B. Anderson, who “ate” Reagan’s vote among Republicans. This is often forgotten, given how swiftly that Admin consolidated.
I’ve stated it several times that something is a miss with Biden’s transits according to the pre election assessment by many astrologers, including Marjorie. Added to this she wrote some time ago that Barack and Pelosi look somewhat gloomy over the Inauguration.
Could it be that they’re subdued by the gravity of the task ahead? Maybe, but I’m still in expect anything mode. Especially since Trump is in full on vindictive mode and his legion is paranoid, primed and pumped!
On top of this, by comparison, a few have written about Buttigieg’s transits over the Inauguration(which happens to be a day after his birthday incidentally) as if the heavens open up and anoint him the chosen one.
Very perplexing to the astrologically challenged folks like myself.
Buttigieg has been talked about as potential chief of staff. I expect he will get some cabinet appointment or other as he’s whip-smart and talented and has been helping out the Biden-Harris campaign. He went on Fox & Friends on a few occasions and smoothly delivered some bubble-bursting factual information in that folksy Midwestern way. Speaking of which, since Biden is an Easterner and Harris a Californian, it would be helpful for them to have some “flyover country” advisors on their team.
@Les: Yes I’ve read this in the media as well, but let’s examine. Do you really think a political talent like him with his obvious ambitions would accept a chief of staff position? I think not. The mere suggestion is condescending. What is more plausible is the U.N ambassadorship that Pete’s team is rumored to be angling for. Makes sense given his multi lingual, articulation and people skills. But even then, why would his transits be so glaring for even this cabinet post. Only three positions I can figure being so outstanding.
1. The top Job(clearly would take something drastic, but hey, it’s 2020!
2. The VP(the drastic thing occurs and Harris selects him as her VP).
3. Secretary of State(rumored reserved for Susan Rice as payback for turning it down under Obama due to the GOP Benghazi clown show).
The top 2 in line of succession should a President be rendered unable to function, which I believe would engender such a high level of emotion and sense of significance by the likes of Buttigieg.
We shall see what may come.
@ Les. Buttigieg doesn’t have enough experience in Washington to handle such a political position as chief of staff. Also I believe that Biden being old school will chose a former Democratic senator like Mark Pryor from Arkansas.
I have no idea what is going to come Buttigieg’s way in the near future but I don’t see a high profile position for an openly gay male in a Biden administration, but I could see him as Kamala’s VP running mate in 2024 after Pluto moves fully into Aquarius.
Off topic here. A necessary digress given recent vaccine news so a good read for context.
Yes it’s over, I’m an American and love Majorie’s posts and have been a fan for years. My state is still counting votes (NC), my two sons voted and my grandson 15 months observed the process. All early voters, no long lines, no voter suppression.
I’m happy, Trump is out!!!!! That in itself makes for a glorious day!
If I read the chart correctly, it’s a VOC moon at 29 Aries. Nothing will come of this.
My gut feel is Biden’s presidency is just getting us through to 2024 when Pluto is moving into Aquarius. I think Biden will be blocked at every turn by the Republicans and struggle to enact meaningful change.
People have forgotten how in thrall the Dems were to the vested interests of big business and the corporates. It’s obviously much less worse than a self-interested Trump presidency but I’m not sure it’s genuinely going to get better for the average American.
@GnarlyDude, Obama’s 1st also had 29′ degrees VOC Moon, 7th house in Sadge. Sure, you’d probably find millions of disappointed people, but in 10+ years, nobody has been able to get out a better healthcare plan. Obama’s 1st was also incredibly telling in pointing out the main issue, namely House passing to Republicans in 2010. There’s literally a Uranus/Venus in 11th house of “parliament” opposing retrograde Saturn in 5th. I suppose Obama’s serious celebrity status caused a lot of opposition against him.
I suppose Obama’s serious celebrity status caused a lot of opposition against him.
I think there was a lot of opposition against Obama came from within the Democratic Party especially from Democratic Senators because they felt that Obama had not paid his dues and was only two years into his first term when he announced his candidacy for president in 2007.
Let’s also not rule out racism inside the Democratic party and there were several red state Democrats who eventually lost their seats in 2010 and 2014 who were always looking over their shoulders whenever they were asked to vote for what most would deem progressive legislation.
@Roderick, these are good points. I remember Obama’s relative inexperience in Washington being an issue for many Democrats, especially those who’d been strong Hillary Clinton supporters in primary. He chose Joe Biden as a running mate partly to tackle this, since Biden had been in Washington for 40 years and knew everybody.
The time is purely speculative – so Moon could be into Taurus.
@Marjorie, I think the change of administration is legally set to midday, January 20th, no matter when President swears in. And 29’02 means they should run 2 hours late to have a Taurus Moon.
In any case, Moon VOC is hardly the most worrying aspect of this chart, or indicator of “accomplishment”. I do think an Administration can be “derailed” for various reasons not related to how well they perform, and this showing of chart. For post-WWII US Administrations the main reason has been, more often than not, a war. With Uranus/Mars in 12th house squaring Administration 10th house Sun/Saturn/Jupiter, I could well think of this indicating domestic terrorism issues. Although the last time Mars was in the 12th house on Inauguration Chart would have been in 1957, with Eisenhower’s 2nd Term, which, in a way, was calm between storms of McCarthyism and Civil Rights Movements violent repression.
So, I also think all that 12th house could simply indicate a “transitional” Administration. It certainly has more in common with 2017 chart, which was also mostly above horizon, than “the crazy busy” charts of 2025 and 2029.
@Troy, Pelosi might not look good around Inauguration because Dems underperformed at House races, and there’s a chance they’ll look for someone less “combative” to fill the that Speaker chair especially is Georgia reruns and/or a miracle in North Carolina product a Democratic Trifecta.
And, I think there’s a real chance of this, looking at Inauguration/Biden Admin Chart. I can’t stretch enough how indicative 11th house of Congress. Now, you have 9th house “pleasant” Venus sextiling 11th house Neptune, BTW strictly conjunct asteroid Ceres. This is, TBh, THE LEAST troubling aspect of this chart. By comparison, 2017 Inaugural chart had 11th house Mars square 8th house Saturn and inconjunct 6th house Jupiter, indicating mutual hostility and blocks in “workflow”.
I am in the USA, and I assure you things are already better with Trump dumped.
This could be the problem exactly. Biden (or anyone) have no superpowers. Do not have too much expectations. If you do, it is bound to end in disappointment.
I do understand the positive feeling .. my point is, don’t build expectations.
@Sounh: Agreed; good reality check. My singing the happy song recently for example was more about Trump getting prosecuted than a back to normal scenario.
Any jubilation must be tempered and balanced with circumspection. The Inauguration is just “the end of the beginning”.
Apparently the departing President is expected to attend the inauguration of the newly elected. Will be interesting to see whether Trump turns up. If he does, can only see him embarrassing himself through the process and trying to turn all the attention to himself. Probably claim the large crowds that come to see Biden inaugurated are there to see him off.
I don’t see him exiting the White House quietly. He’ll make it as difficult as possible for Biden’s crew to make the transition arrangements. Every decision will be fought over as he tries to get the best deal possible for himself, or rather cling onto the scraps of power that come with making it difficult.
And then a week after he’s gone, we’ll discover he’s moved to Russia or somewhere. Ghosted everybody and talking about what a rubbish place America is.
“Probably claim the large crowds that come to see Biden inaugurated are there to see him off.”
Actually it is quite likely that the Inauguration will be massively scaled back due to the pandemic and that Trump may be able to legitimately claim that his inauguration had bigger crowds than Biden’s.
Troy: Exactly. Those 71 million Trump supporters aren’t going anywhere. That’s what is so scary.
Many of them will fight to the death for their deranged leader. We’re going to see a whole lotta civil unrest.
God only knows the crazy plans that are already in the works.
@Julie: Democrats better make sure that 2016 was the year complacency died. They’re gonna have to treat every election(including midterms) like it’s 2020; or else!
Tx Marjorie, Andrew Jackson is certainly an interesting character. I have been struck by Joe Biden use of the word people, “we the people” perhaps this ties into Plutos transit in Capricorn and the rebirth of a new system based on one person one vote thus abolishing the electoral college. Now that could be explosive?
Be very very very careful of what you wish for.
The UK, which generally always ran things through a parliamentary system, tried its hand at a referendum in which everybody had an equal vote and look at where we are.
A one person one vote system will be far easier for a demagogue to manipulate than the Electoral College.
A weapon that can be used by you can also be used against you.
@Unmystic Mom, The UK is a Monarchy, you have no experience what so ever how this works on Presidential Election. I live in a Republic that used to have Electoral College for Presidential Elections. Since we have a multiple party system, Electoral College vote would constantly be brokered. In 1925, Electoral College chose a President “off list”. In 1956, Center Party worked Communist electors against Social Democratic Candidate seen as too “westminded”, leading to a future 26 year presidency during which Parliament was constantly undermined of Urho Kekkonen. The Constitution only
was changed to prohibit “off list” candidates in 1988 and to direct election in 1991 with a second round in case a candidate doesn’t reach 50 per cent on first turn. Presidential rights were limited, but they still lead foreign policy.
I see no reason why this shouldn’t work for The US, too. It might even allow a third party/independent candidate a real chance to if not to be elected, then shift discourse.
Some perspective. Roughly 71 million voted for Trump! Including the new Qanon members of Congress. Compare this to 2016 and let it sink in.
Trumpism is thriving.
Indeed. Some people are crowing about the fact that Joe Biden got the most votes ever cast for a candidate in a presidential election in this election.
They forget to mention that Donald Trump is second on that list, in the same election, ahead even of Obama.
The Blue Wave was countered by a Trump wave.
“They forget to mention that Donald Trump is second on that list’
Its been mentioned – ad nauseum, and far too frequently, before mentioning Bidens increasingly expanding and historical win.
Biden leads Trump in the overall vote by 4,405,315 votes, and they are still counting some ballots. Biden has received 75,812,820 votes.
This morning Biden is ahead by 4.6 million votes at 76.2 million.
I am very worried about what I saw yesterday, and yes Marjorie is right.
It’s official. Donald Trump is certifiably insane. He is now planning mass rallies
to contest Biden’s win. His team is recruiting hundreds of loyalists to fight election
results. The vote counters in Pennsylvania are getting death threats. The Trump-
appointed official in charge of approving the transition process is refusing to
cooperate with Biden’s staff. Trump will ignite a civil war before all this is over.
He will try to take the whole country down with him. And millions of people look
upon him as a great patriot!!!! How does this obviously sick man engender such
stalwart loyalty?
Gad. I figured something like this would happen. Trump has no idea how government is supposed to work. Meanwhile, the pandemic is going to be a mess. It is going exponential now. I don’t think a lot of his followers read nor have strong critical thinking skills. They have no idea about what happened in Europe last century – WWI and WWII.
Tom Joseph @TomJChicago
‘Trump’s enablers fighting the election result are not serious. This is a dementia story. They are trying to construct a fantasy for him. A way to ease his exit & lower his rage. They will tell him they tried everything. Dementia patients often need to led to next steps this way.’
This may not be the whole truth but some of it may be likely. The helpers will also be desperate since once out of the WH, many of them face business, financial and other crise – or ignominy into oblivion for those who sold their souls to work alongside him.
@Marjorie, this is also true for Narcissistic Personality Disorder People. There’s a popular psychology term “flying monkeys” describing NPD enablers, attacking their “enemies” on their behalf. And this is a classic move.
BTW, after seeing Trump golf, I’m more convinced than ever that if dementia is involved, these are vascular dementia issues rather than frontotemporal. There’s too much fluctuation in DJT’s condition to fit that. He is getting worse, but not at rate FTD produces.
Thanks Marjorie. The chart does look dramatic, but possibly the Pluto is also transformative. I live in hope! Transformation, like revolution, comes at a price as we know.
And Solaia, interesting what you say about the type of dementia. Trump’s father is said to have had Alzheimer’s, but I suppose one can never be sure. Having seen/lived with frontotemporal dementia in someone close to me, I can say that there are fluctuations in some people. I witnessed perfectly ordinary responses and remarks, alongside all the more upsetting and disturbing manifestations and delusions. This was right up until the very end – a combination that was heartbreaking really. I agree, once it gets a grip the progress seems rapid, but experienced years beforehand when it was almost invisible….You could tell something was wrong, but not all the time.
@Jane, I first began to suspect Trump had vascular dementia when he tossed that umbrella boarding AF1. Completely blacking out on a random task while appearing mostly functional is such a typical thing to happen with this type of dementia. Apparently, things like this happened to Finnish President at the time, Urho Kekkonen, starting from mid-70’s, but his issues only became an “open secret” in the end of the decade, and it took to late 1981 before he had to leave the office. And he lived up until 1986, but he was in excellent shape, having been a champion high jumper in his younger years and having enjoyed making people who wanted to talk to him trying to keep his pace on cross country skiing trips all through his career. And, Trump had that incident a year ago, requiring an improvised visit to Walter Reed, after sloping on one side at a press conference with Erdogan – a typical stroke warning – a couple of days earlier.
Thank you Solaia. Yes, I know what you mean. Possibly there’s more than one thing going on anyway. I don’t expect the coming weeks and months until January to be “normal”. And certainly, astrologically, there’s quite a way to go. Normal may just surprise us all and morph into something different.
I have written a lot about Inaugural Charts, and will definitely come back later to day.
A quick note: I think moving Inauguration Day from March 4th to midday January 20th in 1937, in the beginning of FDR’s second term, was consequental. Not only because it changed Sun and axis of tge chart, but because it marked a real shift in The US role on World Stage. While The US had become less isolationist since the early 20th century, and especially after WWI, it was with WWII that they became a Global superpower. That role has, of course, been challenged by Trump’s actions, but this is something coming Administration will deal swiftly with (Venus in 9th sextile Neptune in 11th, I consider other aspects having too large orbs to be of importance).