USA election – confusion and contradictions

With less than a month to go, here is a reprise of what has gone before with, I fear, no more clarity. What the astrology shows is a description of the individual’s reactions from which can be extrapolated a reasonable assumption of a win or loss – though not with 100% certainty.

  Both Trump and J.D. Vance have transiting Jupiter moving through their 10th house as well as tr Uranus which simplistically suggests success and a change in career or life’s direction.  But as ever there are  negatives as well as positives.

 Trump has the nerve-wracking tr Uranus square his Mars throughout this month which coincided earlier with the near miss of his shooting – it will test his sense of security and tend to lead to excitable over-reactions to prove his bravado. His 12th house Pluto is being pressured by his Progressed Moon in square late November and his Solar Arc Midheaven approaching a conjunction within coming months which will tend to brew up an inner storm as he feels boxed in. His Solar Arc Pluto is also square his Venus, on the degree now and strengthening into 2025, which again will magnify his emotional reactions as he feels emotionally under great stress.

  His Solar Arc Neptune is exactly conjunct his South Node at the moment and moving to conjunct his Moon into 2025. According to Sakoian & Acker, ‘Neptune conjunct South Node does not make for popularity. Their habits are out of harmony with current social trends. There is a danger of what they have worked hard will be stolen from them.’

 Late December to early January looks downbeat and stuck with tr Saturn opposition his Jupiter/Pluto at a point where Kamala Harris is in receipt of a minor lucky break. Throughout January over the Inauguration he looks deprived and under huge pressure.

 He also has tr Neptune moving in his 8th house of business finances and tr Pluto moving into his 6th house of health – so this is a time of transition which won’t improve his physical stamina, or his mental acuity or his cash situation.

J.D.Vance, 2 August 1984 8.11am Middletown, Ohio, (birth certificate) has the same mixter maxter of influences. Tr Jupiter and Uranus moving across his 10th, tr Neptune into his 8th and tr Pluto into his 6th. He looks in good spirits through this month; less upbeat late November to mid December; emotionally on edge late December to mid March with tr Uranus square his Venus; deflated for a few days over New Year; and both confident and frustrated through January..

Kamala Harris, 20 October 1964 9.28 pm Oakland, California (birth certificate) has tr Neptune off her Sun/Saturn midpoint which made September and early October a downer. But she’ll be edgy, quick tempered and tending to act impulsively when she runs into setbacks through this month till just before the election.

  The great imponderables in her chart are her Jupiter tied into a Fixed Grand Cross. It catches the tr Uranus conjunction 24 November to 13 December which on its own would produce luck and success. But given that her Jupiter is tied into Neptune, Mars and Saturn, the tr Uranus also tugs on them – in particular it is conjunct her Mars/Saturn midpoint late November to mid December which usually brings a test of nervous strength and can be accident-prone and very aggravated.

 The other complication is her Uranus Pluto in Virgo which is being tossed up and down by tr Saturn in Pisces square tr Jupiter in Gemini. She looks blocked in January 7 to 18th across the electoral college as tr Saturn opposes her Pluto.

  Relocating her chart to Washington DC does bring success her way since it puts her Moon and Jupiter in her 10th; but her Solar Return for either location looks acutely frustrated and trapped with Mars opposition Pluto squaring her Sun on both Solar Return locations.

 Mind you Trump’s Solar Return does not look like a winning combo either.

  Tim Walz, 6 April 1964, no birth time, has very little that is illuminating on his chart.

  The relationship chart between Kamala Harris and the USA is essentially stressed and distrustful with a composite Mars Uranus trine Pluto, square Neptune and inconjunct Saturn. The relationship chart between the USA and Trump has disappointment running alongside delusions and illusions, plus a chained-together inevitability. Neither of these point to a result since Tony Blair’s relationship chart with the UK reflected extreme dislike which did not stop him winning three times.

  Even more of a minestrone mix than most elections. Make of it what you may.

43 thoughts on “USA election – confusion and contradictions

  1. So, on Monday, DJT gave a truly bizarre Town Hall in Pennsylvania. He only took 4 questions (I think, I was sleeping) and asked people to play his favourite songs and swaying. The playlist frankly “gave funeral” as the GenZ would put it. While DJT is notorious for not understanding the context, and geneI hesitate to read too much into his choices, it somehow seems he is suddenly very aware of this own temortality – also proved by a subsequent posting on Truth Social where he denies any health issues.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump was purposely kept on the ticket until the election, but would, indeed step down if elected. But I’m not counting out major health issues triggered by the brutal schedule, either.

    • Yes, @Solaia, I agree 100%.

      I actually pay close attention to what Trump himself says at his appearances and events. I usually feel like
      I would rather chew on shards of broken glass than hear his voice, but I do so because I am beyond horrified.
      I started wondering years ago if Trump was a puppet designed to allow for more dangerous people than him,
      secretly obtaining the access Trump is given, by taking advantage of Trump’s extreme narcissism in order to
      pull rank on him if he somehow is reelected. Seeing that it is Vance as V.P., and paying attention to every word
      he says, knowing full well that either Trump or Vance means the end of democracy for the U.S.

      I recently saw a YouTube video about Myanmar. The video was not political at all, it featured young foreigners
      from European countries, who were working with schoolchildren in order to help establish them with birth
      certificates and early education in order to bring these poorest child citizens some opportunity of a public
      school opportunity. When I learned about the coup that took place, I shuddered to imagine that same thing
      happening here, and the aftermath of such a political takeover if enough nefarious people were willing to.

    • Thanks Solaia. I’ve been thinking the same thing, especially when I recall that Marjorie said that Vance would be happy during December – February, (paraphrasing, of course). I can’t imagine him being happy to lose the election
      It will be his agenda and not Trump’s, but equally distressing for those who didn’t vote for the Republican ticket. Pluto in Aquarius will be interesting to see play out in the next few years.

  2. My 2 sense(spelling on purpose). While I am disappointed it’s Harris and not Whitmer, apparently the powers that be chose Harris as her astro seemingly meets the moment. So it’s her time to shine brightly according credible Astrologers.
    Now….not even if hell freezes over can Felon Don win the popular vote. Hillary won it by 3 mil and Biden won it by 7 mil. So based on this trend, the Pied Trumper with his miriad of historic negatives since the last election will lose again by 9 to 10 million votes, which should translate to between a 6 to 7 point Harris win. The Trumpsters are flooding the zone with sewage polls, and with the assistance of Musk, influencing the betting markets to skew the trend so when Harrris wins, they can claim fraud again with even more fervor this time to more effectively jam up the process of victory. So they will only at best, delay her win.
    Ignore the noise on popular Media and listen to Allan Lichtman and Michael Moore with their solid forecast track record.
    After this part of the plot fails, and Trump is likely convicted on criminal charges in one of the cases by probably summer next year, all hell is gonna break lose from the MAGA disciples!

    • @Troy, given Whitmer’s stunt with the Dorito maybe it is best that she wasn’t chosen as the nominee.
      What a stupid thoughtless gift she gave Fox News and Michigan Republicans.

      Not only did she put Harris at risk for losing Michigan but the race for the open Senate seat is closer than it should be.

      Unfortunately, I don’t think that Harris is going to win by that many votes, but I think she will win by at least the same number as Hillary but she will win at least two of the three Blue Wall states and either Georgia or North Carolina to win the Electoral College.

      It won’t be the blowout to rid the GOP of Trump but I think that Trump will slowly fade into the twilight after his criminal trials are over.

      • @Roderick: While that was poor judgment on Whitmer’s part, no politician gets everything right. Given she won that purple State by an even bigger margin than her first Gov. Election, she’s allowed a mistake. It’s not egregious in the grand scheme of things so it won’t dent Harris’s campaign.

        • @Troy,
          What she did was premeditated and was tone deaf, but she shouldn’t have apologized and told them that they were mistaken and let it die down.
          Now the Republicans have another scalp on their mantle which only emboldens them the next time.

  3. Little late to this due to having been away with minimal screen time for the weekend, but I want to mention something that’s emerging this US Election cycle and might :

    It seems that the polling has been inundated by polls from Republican affiliated new polling companies. This already happened during 2022 mid-terms, and Democrats did significatively better than expected. My guess on why they have done this is that there’s a “long con” they are pulling to contest Presidential, Governor and Senate races.

    • According to Ezra Klein in the NYT, polling was off nationally by 4.5% in 2020, and by 5.1% in swing states. It is best to sit back, try to relax and wait patiently for the results. I do not expect them to be clear until November 20 when Pluto enters Aquarius for good.

      • @André November 20th Pluto entrance is, indeed, going to bring a change in tone. First of all, it’s effectively the period either candidate can hold back the race being called by the major media outlets. But it could also be other things, also on global scale.

  4. Another factor to consider is that early voting is opening now in many states. While the candidates continue to make their pitches, many people who have already made up their minds are voting now. So 5 Nov transits are more indicative of how people will vote on that day, and perhaps feelings about the outcome late that evening, but they don’t necessarily account for the millions of ballots that will have already been cast in the previous weeks and the transits in the heavens that may be influencing them.

    For what it’s worth, Harris would seem to be a shoo-in based upon the likely popular vote outcome, but the cumbersome Electoral College which has become a literal noose around the neck of US democracy could throw the election to Trump. It’s an untenable archaic system that only seems likely to further deepen the political divide and cause greater acrimony, no matter the outcome of this election.

    • @Clarence, imagine Harris would win the Electoral College but not the popular vote. That could, theoretically happen because “Deep Blue” New York is steering to right, as I think parts of California.

      • @Clarence, imagine Harris would win the Electoral College but not the popular vote.

        That’s unlikely to happen given the how the Electoral College is automatically skewed toward the GOP.

        One of the scenarios I could see would be that Harris wins by a few thousand votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania while getting blown out in Texas and Florida and getting millions less votes in California and New York than previous Democratic presidents.

        The problem with a theoretical low Democratic turnout in New York and California would mean that Republicans would retain control of the House and given that there is an open U.S. Senate seat in California it would be in jeopardy too or require a lot of last minute injection of campaign spending which could better be used in Senate races in Montana and Ohio.

  5. All I can say is that Ohio has given the U.S. 8 mediocre and mostly forgettable Presidents. Vance certainly doesn’t offer any hope for a departure from that trend as a prospective 9th one, if Trump manages to win and then succumbs to what appears to be increasingly poor health. He’d be a continuation of MAGA for sure, but without the charismatic effect that Trump has somehow managed to enthrall his followers with.

    There’s no small irony in the fact that Trump is essentially a hair’s width from returning to the Presidency, given the awful mess of things he made during his previous 4 years, not to mention his signs of advanced aging when Biden was essentially forced out by the Dems and US Press for the same reason.

    The country seems like it’s gotten itself into quite a nit in the worst possible way over a longing for faded traditional mores and gaslight manipulations by Reactionary right-wingers over the usual red herrings—race, immigration, and abortion—and empty promises to fix the unfixable.

    Personally I’m hoping for Harris to win and for an end to the Trump narcissistic menace upon this planet once and for all, but I’m also wondering if the US is so hell-bent on sabotaging itself that it will literally drag itself and all of us down into whatever hole it needs to go into, with another Trump term. If so, it may be truly be a Plutonian collapse, given that we are in the final throes of the nation’s Pluto Return in Capricorn.

  6. @Sherry, the best way to relieve your anxiety is to DO SOMETHING, as Michelle Obama said at the convention. That’s also the way I’ve learned to shake myself out of depression and anxiety.

    Noting that you live in a red Texas community and may have limited options, if you aren’t already doing election work to help stop the Republicans from winning, may I recommend checking out Activate America ( or Swing Left (

    Both have postcard or letter writing and other easy volunteer opportunities you can do quietly from home and none of your right-wing neighbors will know what you’re doing. I’m doing postcards for Activate America and am going to b a poll worker.

  7. What is the significance, if any, of the Ascendant-Descendant Axis and the MC-IC Axis of Trump and Vance being almost conjunct?

    Does that mean that Vance is really sympatico with Trump’s agenda and would genuinely carry it on if he were to become President? Would he be Trump 2.0? Or am I reading too much into it?

    • Vance is essentially “Trump Jr.” but without the charisma and following (inexplicable as it may be) of “Sr.” He’s considered to be one of the most disliked politicians in the U.S., and that was even before Trump chose him as President. There’s no real MAGA heir apparent. When Trump goes, the whole thing will likely collapse, but not before all his sycophants stake their own clams to the mantle.

  8. I believe Kamala’s Saturn conjuncts the USA moon in her 10th house. Saturn is now transiting her 10th conjunct Chiron and to me that seems a strong indication that she is destined to bring the country the healing it so badly needs.

    • Saturn on the MC is an indicator of heads of state or government who are long-lasting and history-making. Examples are Elizabeth II and Justin Trudeau. Trudeau’s Saturn at 0 Gemini opposes Neptune on the IC and is about to be upended by a Uranus conjunction. His political career will not end well and his fall may be surprising and dramatic. There are reports this weekend that at least 20 members of his caucus are calling for his resignation.

      In Kamala’s case, the coming transits of Saturn in Aries opposite her Sun, Uranus in Gemini on her Asc-NN conjunction, and Saturn in Taurus square Pluto will be very trying, particularly after the mid-term elections in 2027-28.

    • No American President has been elected without a strong connection with the US Moon since 1960. The Moon signifies an emotional rapport with the people. Trump has his Mars-Ascendant conjunction opposing the US Moon, which is a sign of a toxic relationship. It is interesting that Trump’s Mars in Leo opposes Kamala’s Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn usually wins. Kamala also has Mars in Leo opposing the US Moon and sextile her Sun and trine her own Moon. Her chart is far more balanced and positive.

  9. Kamala’s Sun and Moon are trine and sextile the US Moon, while her natal Saturn is conj. the US moon giving her a strong connection with the US. She has tr. Mars squaring her Sun and Moon in late October which will bring a jolt (October surprise perhaps?). If I had to pick between them I’d say the Jupiter in Trump’s 10th house gives him a slight advantage, but the Capricorn Moon on election day possibly favours Kamala with her Scorpio planets and Virgo stellium. It is tiresome – I wish it was over.

  10. Andre: Agree re two-bit psychics, although there may be a few who truly have the gift. My Aunt Clarkie, who passed away many years ago, was one of the few. There was nothing woo-woo about her and–needless to say–she wasn’t on the internet nor did she profit in any way from her gift. She was a very sensible, grounded woman who dressed and looked like an old-school librarian, but she was a legend in our family for accurately predicting future events. Her psychic ability was no less than phenomenal. In a low-key matter-of-fact tone, she would, for example, tell a relative to cancel a trip to a certain location because the train would derail enroute. Sure enough, the train derailed. That sort of thing happened all the time–she was never wrong. Clarkie, BTW, was born with a “veil” or “caul” over her face–said to be a marker of psychic ability. Of course it would be wonderful to know her prediction re Trump….guarantee it would be spot-on. Again, I don’t “buy” most psychics. Clarkie was one in a million. Not keen on tarot readers either. For me, astrology is tried and true.

    • I used to enjoy seeing psychics in my youth. Some were quite good. I remember one I saw in London in December 1973 at the tender age of 18, more than 50 years ago. She predicted I would become a father in 1977 and saw the letter J. My son was born exactly four years later and his mother’s name was Johanne. That psychic insisted I had the same abilities and could develop them. Later, a medium told me the same. Maybe it’s my loaded 8th house and water grand trine. I have had flashes of premonition and some contacts with the spirit world, but chose not to go further. I remember being in New York City in 1986 and refusing to see the Twin Towers because they were not supposed to be there. I prefer astrology as well, with some numerology thrown in. By the way, the numerology also favors Kamala.

  11. Would appreciate a look at Boeing, the company too big to fail.

    Machinists’ Union (IAM, founded May 5, 1888 in Atlanta, GA) continues to drag its feet to demand everything…and more…that was “lost” from their previous contract negotiations, including a 40% pay raiase across the term of the new contract. “We deserve it!”

    Hiring another CEO wasn’t really going to do much, even if he isn;t a bean counter. This is a company-wide failure, a culture totally institutionalized and uncontrollable.

    Non-machinist layoffs were announced Friday Oct 11, 2024, to the tune of 10% of the (non-IAM) workforce. Business postings on LinkedIn aren’t realistic nor pretty. They range from “let them die” to “We gotta rescue it!” to “let the govt take it over…”

    This will hit the local (Everett, WA) economy quite hard. All those truck dealerships which depended on the annual bonus payouts to clear away their pickup truck inventories. I am faced with a 15% rent hike next summer; apartment mgmt has taken a rethink on that stratosphereic increase. (supply & demand, Larry!)

    Internal program failures weren’t going to be resolved by hiring a new CEO: 777X intrinsic structure failures, continuing 787 failures and problems, doors and wheels falling off the aircraft…

    It makes sense to have a third party take over one of the divisions (Commercial Airplanes) and allow the smaller military segment (Defense & Space) to amble along on its own.

    Thanks for your insights.

  12. In reply to @ larryc, I appreciate your advice, but my woundedness goes deeper than that.

    I spent the entire Trump presidency in tears. I began to experience severe anxiety attacks,
    anytime Trump made public announcements. I had not ever experienced that depth of fear
    as an adult, for such a prolonged time. I began to realize that I was allowing fight or flight
    take over. It got worse, never better. Then I read a post written by a person who said that
    they recognized Trump’s speech patterns and behavior in their own father, who was a cruel
    domestic abuser of his own family. I had not realized that Trump reminded me of my own
    abusive father, because my father was an alcoholic and Trump does not drink alcohol. Trump
    just sounds like a ‘dry drunk’ when he spews constant hatred and cruelty.

    Personally I cannot subject myself to that again. I cannot tolerate it. I am a Pisces Moon/Chiron.
    I have to physically remove myself from the horrors of emotional cruelty and vindictiveness.
    I refuse to go back.

    • I totally relate to the crying throughout his presidency. The fear, the gut-aching anxiety. The bewilderment that no one stopped him. It is not possible for this monster to be elected again. He may be able to steal, cheat his way. But he will not be elected.

      • I’ve found that a lot of voters are disgusted with the millions upon millions of dollars spent each month providing housing, laundry, food, cell phones, etc to the people that have entered the US illegally and are being housed, while so many Americans are struggling.They’re being housed in motels and the public isn’t allowed near these shelters -Peter Santenello just did a video of Massachusetts and the residents of the town with the migrant housing said they just pretend that they don’t see what they see. They said that the migrants drive nicer cars than they have and have side hustles but without the required food vendor license.I don’t have a problem with migrants, but at what point does it stop? Then the drugs, homelessness and crime in Progressive cities where someone can hit a person over the head and there’s zero consequences because laws have changed, favoring the criminal because they had a difficult life. This is what I am noticing are the concerns of voters. Thanks

  13. Trump campaign asks for military aircraft with antimissile capabilities and other security measures in lead-up to election. Biden simply said, “Give him what he wants…as long as it isn’t an F-15.”

    Feeling unloved, pressured, paranoid. I recall what someone posted of him as a child, “He always wants – and gets – two scoops of ice cream.”

  14. What does Kamala’s alliance with warmonger Dick Cheney represent? Does it mean she will be very pro-military and engage international interference? While Liz Cheney’s positions on stage with Kamala make sense in terms of who she is, for Kamala to tie herself to Dick Cheney is a strange world.

    The “never Trump” mentality is easy to understand, but it’s hard to understand a candidate like Kamala who has such wide swings on positions. She was rated “the most liberal Senator” in 2019, but now she’s claiming to be the person to bring the country together and bridge the left & right divides. Though politicians change their minds on issues, few do as drastically as she does. We have never had two worse candidates for the presidency, IMO.

    • @JAS: Nixon wasn’t necessarily a crook…he did take on the mantle of someone’s placard that read, “Bring us back together again.” Something like that. And, “Only Nixon went to China.” The job isn;t the easiest, and with ‘Nam going downhill fast, well…

      “We have never had two worse candidates for the presidency, IMO.” Disagree strongly. Yes, Harris can galvanize and unify the country. If you feel another team is better, well, for now, you can vote for that pairing.

    • Jas, beyond his recognition that it is imperative to stop a very dangerous trump, I think Dick Cheney’s pre election support has as much to do with promoting his daughter than Kamala herself. I suspect Liz at some point in time will run for president, and perhaps he thinks that after Kamala, another female president in the future would be more acceptable to the electorate. He’s always looked at the long term.

      • @Jeanie, I agree with your assessment. Kamala is accepting Dick Cheney’s support, not tying herself to his positions. She needs an extremely broad coalition across the political spectrum to beat back the existential threat to our democracy and survival as a nation that Trump represents.

        My current way of coping with my anxiety is starting poll worker training tomorrow. (I’ve also been writing postcards to infrequent voters.) Having enjoyed working at the polls during our March California primary, I accepted a promotion to the number two position at a four-day vote center. I was incredibly impressed with the thoroughness and competence of our county’s registrar of voters management and training processes.

  15. Tim Walz is an Aries whose life will be changed by his relationship with a partner following the recent solar eclipse in Libra and next spring’s eclipse in Aries. I expect his relationship with Kamala may be strained once Saturn enters Aries next year and she becomes unpopular in the following difficult years.

  16. There is something that I wish to clarify about my first comment. In 2007, I moved to an extremely politically conservative
    and highly religious community in Texas. My computer died, so I decided to use the local library computer room briefly until I was able to buy a new computer. So, of course I start searching for my favorite astrology sights online at the library. And….there is a message. The PUBLIC library has BLOCKED astrology sights from being looked at on their computers,
    because whomever was in charge of this, deemed astrology as ‘occult’ and was therefore banned. They lumped astrology right up there with x rated pornography, and banned it from being uploaded on screen. I am not kidding. It was technically illegal, but they did it because they considered occult and astrology to be offensive to their religious ideals.

    We now have a community activist who promotes a metaphysical themed open air market on the town square,
    once a month. And this open air market is always protested, the entire weekend, by the prevailing religious
    community in our town. The police show up, etc. etc. Imagine if Project 2025 is allowed to take over now.

    THAT is why I am scared of a Trump and or Vance presidency.

  17. Jupiter has turned retrograde just before reaching Trump’s Sun and Mars. To me, that means victory is snatched away. On the day of the Jupiter station, we learned of the Woodward book and Trump’s continuous ties to Putin. This wll turn off some voters and put Trump on defense. At the same time, Jupiter completed its sextile to Kamala’s Mars in Leo and will repeat during the retrograde. This ensures in my view a dignified win.

    Kamala’s term was always going to be extremely difficult. There will be many negative events in November until the Inauguration involving both foreign and domestic enemies. There will be no time for a honeymoon.

    Still, when she is declared the winner, which may take some time because the result will be contested, there will be a huge sigh of relief and the sense that Trump’s career is over, thanks to the Chiron station and US Chiron return in November. Kamala may end up being disliked like Tony Blair, but he was reelected and was undeniably progressive.

    • Agreed ….also since Control of the senate is in play and if dems lose control you can be sure the republicans will make Kamala’s life miserable on confirmation hearings maybe even block them ect.

      • @ Anita,
        Harris has already stated that if the GOP ends up controlling the Senate that she will have to keep most of Biden’s Cabinet.

  18. A person who I respect, who has a YouTube channel that I watch, he is rather small and anonymous as far as YouTube psychics go. He used to offer free call in readings, so I called in one evening and was surprised by what he told me.
    I’m not paying for a reading anytime soon, but I was extremely impressed with what he said to me, upon seeing me on his shared screen, it was very uncanny. He no longer offers these free readings, and he stopped posting on his YouTube channel, until night before last.

    He said, in so many words, that he sees a legal matter brewing, and that the matter since it involves voting, will be taken up by our Supreme Court. He said that he sees Trump being president for a brief time, then he sees Vance being the president.

    Needless to say, I was shaken to my core. I was not expecting him to say that, and because I believe that this guy
    has some true psychic ability, I was literally expecting to see Kamala elected president, and that’s that. Now, faced
    with the idea that Trump in fact could be back in office, I am genuinely frightened. It would be akin to returning to
    an abusive relationship and the abuser is upset because they have already dealt with law enforcement over it, and
    all they wished to do now was to kill their victim outright for seeking help from law enforcement.

    I am strongly considering, if Trump becomes president again, of just following the legal channels and revoking my
    U.S. citizenship. I will claim that I do not recognize Trump as a lawfully elected president, therefore he is not my
    president and I make a formal declaration that I am to be considered an enemy and combatant of the U.S. at that
    point. I have travelled to many countries in my lifetime, there are other places I could live. Of course, this is the
    last thing on earth that I ever want to actually do, but the only thing worse than a Trump presidency, is a J D Vance
    presidency, in my opinion. May as well go live in Russia under Putin if that is the case. That is how I feel.

    I am able to vote early, so next Friday when the polls open, I am marching in and voting all Blue. I will be overjoyed
    if Harris wins and is declared the winner. I am not going back. I am never going back.

    • Be patient and do not revoke your citizenship. Where would you mvoe to? Kentucky? Tennessee? Canada? You and I are just motes. Formulate your Plan B, if you must.

    • @Jeanie, I agree with your assessment. Kamala is accepting Dick Cheney’s support, not tying herself to his positions. She needs an extremely broad coalition across the political spectrum to beat back the existential threat to our democracy and survival as a nation that Trump represents.

      My current way of coping with my anxiety is starting poll worker training tomorrow. (I’ve also been writing postcards to infrequent voters.) Having enjoyed working at the polls during our March California primary, I accepted a promotion to the number two position at a four-day vote center. I was incredibly impressed with the thoroughness and competence of our county’s registrar of voters management and training processes.

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