The US election, although it happens on a challenging, frustrated and aggravated Mars opposition Pluto, is nowhere near as heated as the last one. In 2020 at the election tr Pluto was opposition the US Mercury, triggering the demagogic, fanatical USA Mercury opposition Pluto – with the fast approaching Pluto Return (from February 2022) adding to the pressure-cooker mood. And on top of that there was a high tension, inclined-to-eruptions Saturn square Uranus which was bolstered by tr Mars conjunct the Uranus on the Inauguration. Quite a storm.
It won’t be sweetness and light and calm serenity but not as bad. Though the destructive Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the US Mars is still in place and aiming for the uncertain square to the Neptune by spring 2025 and beyond for a few months. Late November to end of December look odd on the US midpoints – hyper-sensitive and paralysed – and blown around by events, with perhaps losses and calamities (though that is Ebertin who tends to be a touch melodramatic).
If the Inauguration happens on the expected date and time there is a controlling Sun Pluto in the 10th opposition Mars on the IC – so not entirely happy electorate and a tough administration. With Uranus in the 1st hinting at a new image (determination to walk an independent road?).
Kamala Harris does have tr Jupiter square her Venus, Pluto Uranus from the election to the Inauguration which although minor will be helpful. Tr Saturn is also opposition her Uranus Pluto at the same time. The imponderable is her tr Uranus conjunct her Jupiter late November to late December which is lucky and successful but running alongside it is tr Uranus square her Mars/Saturn midpoint which is accident-prone and can accompany considerable setbacks, a test of strength. Plus the fact that her Jupiter does oppose her Neptune. However having said all that, looking back to the last time tr Uranus shook up her Fixed planets she was elected DA for San Francisco in late 2003 when tr Uranus was conjunct her Saturn and tr Jupiter in Virgo was conjunct her Uranus – so it may be she handles tough influences better than some.
Donald Trump, having had a near brush with destiny and a surge of adrenaline as tr Uranus squared his Mars over his shooting appears to have subsided into confused grumbles. Tr Jupiter is moving through his 10th this year which is generally successful career-wise and is conjunct his Uranus late November. But he also has his Progressed Moon square his 12th house Pluto which his SA MC is moving to conjunct at the election and beyond – which feels very logjammed. Plus his SA Neptune exactly conjunct his South Node over the election and moving on in 2025/26 to conjunct his Moon and oppose his Sun. None of which look helpful. In January tr Pluto is moving into his 6th house (birth time being accurate) which may be health related and he has tr Pluto opposition his Saturn/Pluto midpoint throughout January which is an uphill slog, discouraging and depressing.
That is my best shot – make of it what you will.
1. Here’s the “smoking gun,” as to why Trump will never be President:
***What supports Harris winning is Trump’s astrologically transits—after the Nov. 5th election. It is extremely negative (Saturn/sq/Uranus on Jan 27th & Saturn/sq/Moon on Feb 25th & Saturn/sq/Sun on Mar 11th). These astrological events are about Trump being angry, very depressed and feeling the victim because he has lost the Presidential race and will have to deal with lawsuits, punishment & possible incarceration. If he won, he would be very happy at this time. We would see transits that support his happy, successful win! His after the election transits are those of a “loser!” Has anyone else noticed his very bad transits after the election?
2. Here’s how I believe the Presidential Election will unfold…
Harris’ negative astrology has been pointed out already, so I won’t re-iterate it. Personally, I don’t see her T-Pluto sq her Sun/Moon (although in orb…are separating) being as forceful or impactive as an exact Transit such as T-Uranus/conjuct/Jupiter (co-ruling her 10th). That usually is sudden, unexpected great luck!
We all know the election will be close! The only scenario where I see her becoming President (as I still believe she will) will be that in the early days from Nov 5th and into early Dec (as Mercury goes Retrograde on Nov 25th) it may seem that she’s lost. But the election is mired in contested states, legal battles and protests. Then, when Mercury goes direct on Dec 15th with her having 2nd pass of T-Uranus/conjuct/Jupiter—she is suddenly declared the winner!
What follows are angry protests from the MAGA crowd and people speaking out against her, filing lawsuits, protesting and trying to take her power away from her (i.e. Sat/opp/Pluto & Pluto/sq/Mercury) as she’s Inaugurated…but very unpopular with many people in the country (i.e. Saturn/opp/Venus).
***The most positive thing I can say, that supports Harris winning is Trump’s astrology—after the election. It is extremely negative (Saturn/sq/Uranus on Jan 27th & Saturn/sq/Moon on Feb 25th & Saturn/sq/Sun on Mar 11th). These astrological events are about Trump being very depressed and feeling the victim because he has lost the Presidential race because he will have to deal his lack of popularity and lawsuits. Otherwise, we would see him enjoying some very positive astrology.
Right at the end of Trump’s presidency we had the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction @ 0 Aq 29”. This was on Dec 21st 2020, at 10:21am PST. That fateful conjunction- caught my eye, as I was doing some research on a personal event in my life-that changed the course of my life. The event (flat flooded-raining from the ceiling)- happened as T. Mars created a T-sq of Mars, Pluto, and Jupiter -fixed signs at zero. (On May 20th 2023). This Jupiter/Saturn conjunction is VERY powerful when triggered. As I was researching, I realized that on November 5th 2024 (election day in the USA) T. Leo Mars will oppose the Dec 2020 Jupiter/Saturn conjunction- exact. Then in Dec 11th T. Pluto will return to this same point, (0Aq29”) and then- on Jan 4th 2025 T. Pluto in Leo will once again oppose this 0 Aq 29″ point! AND do so again (the 3rd time) on April 19th 2025. On Sept 22nd 2025 Mars in Scorpio will square it. Is a “new world order” attempting to emerge? Whoever wins in November will have a rough go of it. Astrologer Judy Johns, who was a friend, always said that Jupiter *could* mean you got lucky and DIDN’T win the highest office, as it is such a tough job. Since Jupiter rules the Republicans, and Saturn rules the Democrats- I am hoping that Pluto touching that Jupiter/Saturn conjunction means that this is the LAST election with just two parties- that it will usher in the strength of a THRID party in American Politics by 2028. I recommend the book- “Predictive Astrology-The Eagle and the Lark” -Brady. Great tables in the back listing the cycles. I don’t know who is going to win, but have no doubt- that the power the two parties have will be challenged.
I know this site doesn’t discuss Chinese astrology, but it IS the Year of the Dragon and both Harris and Walz are Dragon children.
Here’s something new…”Trump campaign says it has been hacked ”
Can’t blame those radical lefties for this! All during the opening days of merc retro.
I think the indications for a Harris win are clear. Pluto and Neptune are at the end of their respective cycles and offering us the best of their signs: strong and healthy leadership from Capricorn and compassion for the oppressed (women and persons of color) in Pisces. Moreover, they are working in tandem in a sextile. In addition, Pluto is getting out of its chaotic return in the US chart and Uranus is in favorable aspect. This combination of outer planets is highly progressive and alone ensures victory for the Democrats.
But there is more. To my astonishment astrologers fail to mention the major importance of the US Chiron return. Chiron at 20 Aries plays a critical but severely neglected role in the US chart. It is in a T-square with the Pluto-Mercury opposition. At the last Chiron return, Nixon resigned (50 years ago today), was pardoned, the Vietnam war ended and Jimmy Carter was elected, turning the page on a very negative period in history. Chiron is about healing through suffering. The Chiron return lasts two to three years as it completes the aspects to Pluto and Mercury. The return will be exact in November. Great healing is about to begin. Echoes of the last Chiron return are the passing of Kissinger, arguably a war criminal, in December and Lt. Calley of My Lai last week, as well as the resilience of former President Carter, who at 100 wants to vote for Kamala and is the living proof that Southern white spirituality need not be twisted and pathological.
I am not concerned about Pluto’s square to Kamala’s Moon (and Sun). In a positive individual, such aspects bring out the best she has to give. The squares will be receding anyway by the time of the election. Her lead should be insurmountable by mid-October when Pluto turns direct for the last time in Capricorn, sums up its passage in that sign and passes the torch to Aquarius.
I also think Jupiter in Gemini favors Kamala’s fateful NN-Ascendant conjunction more than Trump’s Sun in late Gemini or Mars-Asc in very late Leo. He might have a piece of luck later, for example if the courts decide that the special prosecutor’s nomination is unconstitutional, but the writing is on the wall for the election. I expect Trump will commit some further illegal acts after the voting is done which will only increase the chances he will eventually end his life in jail.
André, a beautiful catch on the US Chiron Return. I hadn’t even considered it, nor does it seem anyone else has picked up on it as you mentioned.
Indeed, it certainly feels like the energy of the election has shifted. Only weeks ago, it seemed Trump all but had a cake walk back to the White House, and that Biden wasn’t going to be able to muster the strength to stand his ground against him this time. What a difference between then and now.
Both Harris and Walz seem to be tapping into something deeper within the collective. Even the suddenness of Harris’ rise as a candidate seems very Aquarian/Uranian, as is the dramatic surge of support around her campaign. Her very laughter and joy carry a Uranian vibe. When was the last time the US had a Presidential candidate who laughed so openly and authentically?
There’s such an air of decency, humility and service around Walz that is also somewhat Carteresque in the way that former President Carter made an impact after his term in the White House ended. I’ve seen people also liken him to Democrats of a generation ago, and even some Republicans, white men who were masculine, but also thoughtful, forward-looking and kind, rather than toxic and bigoted like Trump, JD Vance and others still, like Elon Musk and the rest of the cadre of clowns on the Reactionary far right.
I do think Harris and Walz’s ascendancy is very much symbolic of Aquarius Pluto on the scene, while Trump and Vance represent the last gasp of the Reactionary Far Right associated with Capricorn Pluto — bitter, grumbling old men. Even Vance who is in his 40s, seems old before his time. Harris and Walz are on some level avatars of the new energetic period we are moving into.
All eyes on Monday 19th and the full moon. Start of the DNC conference – could be interesting……
I think unless Kamala does something spectacularly wrong between now and November the election is hers. Compared to Trump she looks like a grown up which plays into how Middle America is now bored of the Trump drama. Trump seems to really be rattled by her crowd sizes which will only continue to bait him as we head closure to the election. We are witnessing a man in meltdown.
Nicole -conservative journalist, Jennifer Rubin, stated that Trump was objectively so much worse at the press conference than Biden was at the debate. She also said that no reporters will say or do anything about it. Thoughts?
@Aim, I like Jennifer Rubin a lot. She’s extremely sensible and realistic, more moderate than than conservative, I think.
I did hear a lot of criticism of his out-right lies, his rambling and erratic statements on NPR and CNN, plus a surprising amount of criticism from mainstream journalists who don’t normally point out his increasingly deluded, demented ramblings.
What was interesting was also the set-up at his resort. Normally there are mics for the media at these press conferences. But this time not at all, so that the only person you could hear speak was Trump and all the attention was on him.
The more I think about it, it was striking how awful he looked, relatively pale and wan compared to his typical orangey phony tan. The astrologers who’ve seen a coming health episode may well be right.
As I said, the lies and misrepresentations spewed from his gob nonstop — about 90 percent in contrast to the, say, 50 percent of his presidential years. I think he’s totally lost touch with reality — and the media is starting to report his rantings as such.
@Nicole – in some of the photos from his “presser”, he does look gaunt and pale. Did he have another covid attack? Long covid…? Ah well. may the best spin doctor win.
Delayed reaction to the assassination attempt? PTSD? Heart issues? Lots of mainstream media now are reporting on his disjointed and disconnected ramblings, vile and demeaning comments and outright lies. We’re seeing an old man in full meltdown now, unfit in every way for the presidency. I hope voters recognize it too.
Again — I think Marjorie is spot on in pinpointing the serious health issues in his chart. Remember, his (also awful but more competent) father died of Alzheimer’s in his 90s.
The delayed reaction to the (surprise!) shooting attempt could explain it. But, as you say, ” his disjointed and disconnected ramblings, vile and demeaning comments and outright lies” are what should have him face the music. Now it’s about that non-existent helicopter ride!
Must control soap box ! 😉
Yes it goes on and on demanding attention, draining the will to live and we seem to be increasingly submerged in their culture via the media.
I really wish we never Brexited, the UKs cultural horizons have narrowed dramatically.
What ‘culture’ are we lacking since exiting the EU? Please don’t say France, because only the French believe that!
Thank you Marjorie. The US election system is indeed relentless! This month may be important, as I noticed that the fizzy 27 Aquarian full Moon square Uranus (restless people?), and the push-me-pull-you 17 degrees Saturn/Jupiter square on that same day appear to be involved:
Kamala Harris – Saturn 28 Aquarius, Sun 27 Libra, Moon 27 Aries.
Venus 17 Virgo, Pluto 15 Virgo, Uranus 13 Virgo
Donald Trump – Ascendant 29 Leo, Mars 26 Leo, MC 24 Taurus. Uranus 17 Gemini, Nodes 20 Gemini
The Inauguration date also reflects this – Venus 17 Pisces, Saturn 16 Pisces. Uranus 23 Taurus.
Possibly something stirs with the Presidency itself too. The 1789 chart for the Washington Inauguration was aspected by the significant Saturn/Pluto conjunction in 22 Capricorn as the extraordinary year of 2020 began. It has a Cardinal t-square of Neptune, 21 Libra, Mercury 24 Aries, and Jupiter 22 Cancer. It also has Uranus 1 Leo, which caught the 2020 Winter Solstice conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius – both planets maybe suggesting leaders of different kinds. Pluto is now opposing that Uranus, and could be a reminder of Saturn and Jupiter’s new cycle?
The new cycles of Saturn and Pluto, and Jupiter and Saturn, suggest we then entered a new phase for the collective, which might be reflected in the US Presidency?
The chart I looked at, in Book of World Horoscopes, has 28 Leo rising, 22 Taurus at the MC, and Nodes 28 Scorpio and Taurus – so our potent August full Moon/Uranus may illuminate future directions with this chart too? Maybe alliances are highlighted then, or open enemies, or both. Not long to go, so we shall see.
I’m still worried by the effect of tr Pluto squaring Kamala’s Moon. It’s a truly horrid aspect. When I experienced it, I thought I was dying, I could feel the life-force draining out of me. When it passed I suddenly rebounded.
Researching famous people, Sinaed O’Connor died when tr Pluto squared her Moon; Boris Johnson resigned as an MP, ending his political career when tr Pluto squared his Moon. With King Charles III, the first time coincided with the coronation (but there was a benefic Jupiter aspect); the second time tr Pluto squared his Moon, he was diagnosed with cancer. With Joe Biden, the second time tr Pluto squared his Moon, he announced he would not run for re-election.
Kamala has Moon at 27 Aries 39, opposite Sun at 27 Libra 48. Biden has his Moon at 0 Taurus 59, conjunct Kamala’s Moon, which might be why he picked her as VP.
Since early 2022, tr Pluto has been squaring her Moon, then his, then hers, then his. They’ve both been under stupendous stress. Would not be surprised if she was running the country much as George HW Bush did as Reagan slipped into dementia.
Tr Pluto is swinging back into Capricorn – on election day it will be at 29 Cap 47. In Kamala’s 8th house, squaring her Moon and Sun within a 2 degree orb. Huge stress, possibly a death (8th house). But whose? Biden’s? Hers? Trump’s?
Candy, I have a late Libra Moon and have experienced the square from Pluto during the last few years. The transit certainly lived up to its reputation as tough and stressful. I experienced a breakdown in a very close relationship with my sister whose Sun is conjunct my Moon and her husband whose Venus is conjunct her Sun and my Moon. Natally Pluto sextiles my Moon which perhaps softens some of the long term effects of the transit in my case. Maybe the Pluto square Moon in Kamala’s chart reflects major relationship changes in her life with males (Mars rules her Moon)? Just a thought.
I thought the headline on Marjorie’s previous post was right- nothing clear ahead -especially during retro mercury.
I would have thought that the Jupiter could help Trump come November but like Boris in 2019, it will not turn out well in the long term. I fear he will blow up in a Jovian way, whether before or after the election.
Harris’ chart looks better but her problems will really start if she is elected.
@Unmystic Mom, your option (c) has been keeping a lot of people up at night.
Your analysis is pretty good, but there are a couple of inaccuracies that really affect the calculations: 1) it is not the new, incoming House of Representatives that determines the vote in the case of a tie, but the old, outgoing House (the new Congress will be sworn in during January 2025 as well). That would put it in the hands of current Speaker Mike Johnson, who is a dyed-in-the-wool Trumpist and who is known (although he has so far managed to wriggle out of legal consequences for this) to have helped concoct the legal framework for the previous Republican attempt to steal the election.
And, 2) scarier still, the outcome will not be determined by the votes of individual members of the House, but rather by delegations.
Here’s the background/explanation: A so-called “contingent election” would occur in one of two instances: either 1) a third-party candidate won a state (yet another reason to root against RFK Jr.), or if there were a tie in the Electoral College.
With such a slim majority in the House, and a few Republican members of Congress who are anti-Trump, we could still see a vote for Harris in such a case–right?
Sorry, that is highly unlikely; per the 12th Amendment to the Constitution, added in the early 1800s, the vote in the House is not by individual member, but by state delegation–the group of congresspeople of a particular party from each state. The delegation’s vote is based on the majority vote party votes in that particular state. So, for instance California–which has a huge number of Democrats in Congress and not too many Republicans–has a majority-Democratic delegation, whereas Wyoming, which has no Democrats in Congress, obviously has a majority-Republican delegation.
It gets worse. The House is elected on a proportional basis, with a state’s number of representatives based on its population size. But again, the vote will be by delegation–so the vote of populous California, with its 52 representatives, will have exactly the same weight as that of sparsely populated Wyoming, which only has 1 representative (currently, the right-wing Trumpist nut Harriett Hageman).
The Republicans currently only hold the house by a couple of votes, but they have a delegation advantage–26 to 24–and zero recent history of putting country over party. It’s horrifying.
In case you’re wondering, this is another reason people here, on the Democratic side especially, are frantic to get out the vote–because we know it’s such a winner-take-all system at the presidential level, and the Trump people are doing everything they possibly can to win via technicalities and legal chicanery, regardless of the will of the majority of voters.
Excellent analysis, @AI22!
Transiting Jupiter can be a false friend. Jupiter approaches Trump’s sun this year, but never actually goes over it by the time of the election. By then it is retrograding, opposes his moon, conjoins his North Node, and then goes over his Uranus at the end of November.
Marjorie may well be right about his health problems. On his progressed chart you can see Mercury progressing over his natal Mars, the MC over his natal Pluto, and Jupiter squaring natal Venus. None of these exactly makes a 78 year old man any fitter. And as Marjorie says, Pluto goes into his sixth house.
I think it unlikely that he just won’t stand. He would call anyone who wimped out of such a contest a quitter, and he won’t want himself to be accused of that. However it does seem likely, on past behaviour, that he may try to challenge the decision of the voters – and as many suggest, the votes may be very close. He was a sore loser last time. He has never been known before for grace and dignity in defeat. If he fights the decision, it would be wearing indeed for Harris to cope with it. Perhaps that’s one way that the transits Marjorie alludes to may present.
Although Harris and Walz are doing well at the moment, and their quick wits are upsetting the mirthless Trump, there’s still time for Trump to reassemble his forces or for the Democrats to do or say something rash. Nevertheless, Harris’s current solar return is pretty upbeat, while Trump’s is much less so.
Whoever does get in is going to have a terrible time of it as president. Nothing is going to be easy about the role. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to do it!
Maybe he won’t stand…maybe not gonna be him 🙂
“If the Inauguration happens on the expected date and time…With Uranus in the 1st hinting at a new image (determination to walk an independent road?).”
I can interpret this in three different ways. Take your pick as you like it.
(a) The Democrats win a trifecta of Presidency, Senate and House and look at delivering a bold program (which could trigger the financial issues that Marjorie has predicted for 2025).
(b) DJT wins and launches Project 2025 (which would certainly be Uranianly unconventional).
(c) The election is contested in the courts (and/or both candidates get exactly 269 Electoral College Votes throwing the election to the House) and there is no clear winner on Inauguration Day.
Keep in mind that the US Constitution is very clear that the term of the outgoing President ends automatically at 12 noon on Inauguration Day, no ifs and no buts). So a new President, even if only a temporary one, must be sworn in at that time. The third in the US line of succession, after the President and Vice-President is the Speaker of the House of Representatives, which in case of the expected Democrat win would be Hakeem Jeffries. So it may be an unexpected outcome.
(d) A far-out there possibility (which can’t be ruled out because of DJT) is that Trump refuses to recognise the election results and holds his own Inauguration ceremony outside of Washington. There is no requirement for the inauguration to take place in Washington or the oath being administered by the Chief Justice. Any federal judge can administer the oath of office.
I find it interesting that the Moon is in the sixth for Inauguration Day. The mind(s)/mood(s) of the American public will not be in a happy place.
Also note the stellium in not just the 10th House (unsurprising), but also the 11th House. The legislature will likely play a more outsized role in this presidential term than usual. It will be a struggle (Saturn) for women’s rights (Venus) and it will likely appear to fail repeatedly (Neptune). But generally Saturn rewards hard work, so I expect it to succeed in the long term. Alternatively, Neptune in the 11th could be seen as drug legalisation going through the legislature.
Thoughts and comments invited.
DJT has announced a presser from Mar-a-Lago today 2 pm through Truth Social. A very concise message, certainly written by a staffer. This is interesting, since he has had only one public event, a fundraiser in Montana, in calender this week.
Maybe he kicks Vance to the curb and announces a replacement. 🙂
Most likely just an attempt to get attention as Harris/Walz has been hogging the limelight. The size of their rallies has Trump envious and nervous.
I’m watching it right now: old man who doesn’t look well, ranting about everything and lying, lying, lying. He sounds desperate for attention and appears to be panicking, doing his classic transfer of ascribing his actions, thoughts and patterns of behavior to others. He looks much older and is displaying his usual incoherence and inability to stick to a subject. Gah!