UN, WHO, NATO, ICC – upending the global order

‘The day the UN died’ was the headline as the USA voted with Russia and China at the United Nations to avoid condemnation of the Kremlin over the blood-soaked Ukraine invasion – ‘as if Ukraine’s calamity was a natural disaster for which no-one could be blamed.’

 Ripples of unease are running round various international bodies as Trump tears up the global order.

 The UN, 24 October 19845 4.40 pm Washington, DC, is under major pressure for change as tr Pluto squares the Sun this year. But it is 2027/28 which look the most fraught with the Solar Arc Sun opposition the Mars Saturn hinting at a calamitous setback.

 The World Health Organisation 7 April 1948 New York, is rattled this year with tr Saturn Neptune and the Eclipses catching its Mercury in late Pisces. But again 2027 looks like being the key year of dented hopes. 2026 will see emotional and financial upsets also with tr Uranus square the Venus. Though it is a tough outfit with a Pluto, Saturn, Mars in Leo trine Sun so won’t budge easily under pressure.

 NATO, 24 August 1949 11.42 am Washington, DC, will be jangled when tr Uranus moves into Gemini to square the Sun from this August into 2026 – with 2026 looking high-stress and blocked with the Solar Arc Sun square Pluto, and tr Neptune Saturn in Aries in hard aspect to the financial Venus square Uranus.

 The International Criminal Court, 1 July 2002, which has issued a warrant against Benjamin Netanyahu, will be rattled this year; and will face it greatest test in 2027 after an explosive 2026.

  Not all of this may be due to Trump pulling the plug.  

16 thoughts on “UN, WHO, NATO, ICC – upending the global order

  1. I’m wondering about those later Cancer degrees in these charts, aligning with the Heavenly Twins, Castor, 20 Cancer, and Pollux, 23 Cancer in the constellation Gemini. So, as GD points out, the UN has Mars 23 Cancer and Saturn 24 Cancer and Trump has his Venus 25 Cancer and Saturn 23 Cancer.

    Alongside this NATO has 21 Cancer Mars, 23 Capricorn Jupiter
    ICC has Mars 22 Cancer, Jupiter 23 Cancer.
    Transiting Mars has already crossed those degrees last autumn, in January, and will finally be there again in March and early April. On 12th January, 2020, Saturn and Pluto were conjunct at 22 Capricorn, which may also be relevant as they challenged those Cancer degrees, and began a new cycle – ushering in the global chaos of the Covid pandemic.

    What’s also curious is that 23 Cancer happens to be where Saturn was in the tumultuous Revolutionary Spring of 1917 in Russia, when the Czar abdicated. It makes an exact alignment with D Trump’s own natal Saturn, and all the rest.
    Jupiter, maybe representing the king, or military general, was 22 Cancer (square Neptune 21 Libra) for Washington’s Inauguration in the spring of 1789. Amongst many other astrological ‘messages’ about what’s going on, I think the Twins could be involved in what seems to be a pattern. DJT is, of course, a Gemini.

    Here’s Elsbeth Ebertin’s take on the often troublesome immortal twin, Pollux:

    “Pollux has a strong Martian nature and has the name ‘the wicked boy’ of the of the sibling Twins. According to its nature, this star is brutal and tyrannical, violent and cruel if in conjunction with the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, MC or with malefics. Just as Mars has its good sides if the energy it creates is channeled constructively, so Pollux should not always be considered as unhelpful. The star badly place could manifest that way, not by the native misusing his energy but by others deceiving him and fate playing him some cruel tricks. Helper if in peril on voyages at sea.” [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.41.]

  2. Trump’s greatest achievement so far is reuniting the UK and the EU are constructive partners. The UK has been sitting at the top table beside France for the last several weeks. A new allyship has been formed and its two nuclear powers as one.

    • @Thomas, there’s joke online on how Putin was the NATO Recruiter of the Year in 2022, and now Trump is becoming the same for the EU. Let’s see how that holds.

  3. Not all this might have everything to do with Trump. There may be some truth in that but it made me wonder, from an astrological point of view, is how far do the charts of these organisations reflect a malignant narcissistic personality imposing his perverted will on them? Could it have been forseen from their charts – and Trump’s – that he would be the man largely responsible for their unpromising outlook? I suppose this goes to the heart of how predictive astrology can be.

  4. Trump & Musk are quickly turning the entire world (except Russia and N. Korea) against the US. While never know what exactly is going to happen in advance with Uranus involved, I have long believed the next World War would be far more directly economic in nature than a military one fought with solders, tanks, jet-fighters and aircraft carriers, and increasingly this looks like a war that the world in unity will wager against the US. Trump and his unwanted and unnecessary trade wars may prove to be a key culprit and catalyst for what does come.

    A global economic collapse, perhaps brought on by wild crypto speculation reminiscent of the late 90s dot-com rapid boom & bust cycle in a few short years would also not be completely out of the blue. Seems like some kind of crash could be unfolding as Uranus wraps up its time in the money sign of Taurus. Crypto began its rise when Uranus first entered Taurus in 2018. It would certainly be ripe for a reality check.

    My honest guess for this upcoming period is this plus an asymmetrical internal conflict in the US between the tone deaf oligarchy and the masses who have gradually begun to wake up and relax the damage being done by this administration to their country. It may well turn out to be everyone against the deeply corrupt US oligarchy.

    • @Clarence: “Trump & Musk are quickly turning the entire world (except Russia and N. Korea) against the US. ” Disagree on this venture. T is definitely injecting chaos for help the bread dough to rise. But is it a loaf I want to eat? It’s his kitchen now. Musk is one of those agitators. I’m not savvy enuf to conclude Musk’s intentions. Maybe it is a byproduct of his mental conditions, which dovetail into T’s ambitions.

    • Related to this topic, who has been selling gold in the last week. On Monday, 24 February it reached a high of $2955, today it is $2889. Could it be related to stories that Fort Knox is going to be ‘audited’.

      I don’t buy Reuters take that it is ‘pausing for breath’

  5. Noting the echoes between the U.N. chart and Trump’s – partly because they’re 8months apart. UN with its Saturn-Mars in Cancer where Trump has Saturn-Venus; UN Gemini Uranus-Moon on Trump’s Sun-Uranus (and Sag Moon); plus of course the outers of Leo Pluto and Jupiter-Neptune Libra.

  6. All signs point to a major military conflict in 2026-27 as Uranus nears 8 Gemini, the telling indicator in the US Uranus return. The remedy to internal unpopularity for authoritarian leaders is external war. Massive lies do not end well.

    • @André, wars against foreign enemies are very much not there for Trump 47 Inauguration Chart. And the Inauguration Charts of the past have had these indicators. I am thinking that either the Inauguration Chart won’t be relevant in 2026-27, or we will see something completely new.

      • The Pluto in Aquarius square Saturn in Taurus on 24 June 2028 has Uranus/Mars/Mercury conjunct at 11 Gemini just about to cross the descendant on the US Sibley chart at 12 Gemini. Uranus at 6 Gemini conjoined Mars at 9 Gemini when the US Civil War broke out in 1861. Incidentally Saturn will be exactly conjunct the US Civil War Pluto at 8 Taurus in 2028.
        I can see potential conflict in the US chart but it may not be external.

    • 2026-2027 would be after the 2026 midterm elections.
      My guess is that if Trump were to start any type of military action before the midterms because the polls look dreadful for Republicans or after the Republicans lose the House and maybe the Senate and a few governorships it will make the GOP’s situation worse not better.
      Consumer confidence is at its lowest level since August 2021 which doesn’t bode well for the economy staying out of a recession.

      • @Roderick: A war can be useful for triggering economic recovery…but the noises being made with drawdown during the Ukraine conflict from war stockpiles were that the US would not be in a good situation for major boots-on-ground scurrying.

        This is all speculation, which T enjoys. Waiting another few months to see how T’s agenda plays out would be wise. So far, he has been all-talk, little productive action domestically and worldwise. Kicking over the checker board has been his forte’.

        • Agree with you, Larry, about the lack of readiness of US forces. So many of the munitions the US sent to Ukraine came from stockpiles that have not yet been replaced, according to my husband who spent his career supporting the military/intelligence communities and still follows developments closely. Our Navy ships are also in relatively poor condition.

          Military recruitment has lagged and will probably become more difficult with Trump’s efforts to erase/eliminate minorities from the military and other public sectors, especially since Blacks/Latinos have made up such a large share of the US serving military. But Trump/White supremacist SecDef Hegseth probably view minorities as acceptable cannon fodder.

    • The question is: who’s going to be fighting who? Don’t fancy our chances (in Europe) if the US and Russia/North Korea are aligned…

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