Ukraine now nearly at the end of three years intense and exhausting conflict with Russian invading forces will be at the sharp end of Trump decisions as he takes up the reins.
The Ukraine, 24 August 1991 2.31pm chart, has ups and downs ahead. On the bright side tr Uranus square the Jupiter this April 2025 will bring some relief. But tr Uranus moving through the Ukraine 4th (which started this upheaval) to square the Virgo Sun from July onwards hints at more disruptions and unrest. Tr Pluto conjunct the Saturn also has another year to run of hardship and deprivation and maybe war time conditions.
The Invasion Declaration chart, 23 February 2022 9pm might even suggest the conflict could run on till 2026/27.
Zelensky’s Term chart, 20 May 2019 10am Kiev, is heading into its most turbulent phase with abrupt changes from May/June 2025 onwards with tr Uranus conjunct the Mercury and Sun; with a perhaps exit come late 2025 with SA MC square Saturn and more disappointment if it survives into 2026.
Zelensky’s personal chart is looking totally deflated after the US Inauguration right through 2025 with his Solar Arc Neptune conjunct his Sun Venus. Tr Uranus will square his Saturn from June 2025 onwards for eruptions, disruptions and a forced change of direction with a road-blocked tr Pluto square his Sun/Mars all through 2025.
The Zelensky/Trump relationship chart has clear signs of dislike on both sides with a composite Saturn Mars square Neptune. But what is intriguing is a yod of Neptune sextile Pluto inconjunct Mercury Sun which suggests a coming together which is fateful for both. It is more obvious what Trump means to Zelensky. But it slightly suggests the outcome of this argument will have a long-lasting effect on Trump as well. The composite Mercury is catching the March 2025 Solar Eclipse which will heighten tensions between them.
The Ukraine/Russia 1991 chart shows a disappointing and discouraging slog through 2025 with perhaps glimmerings of relief in 2026.
The Ukraine/USA relationship chart shows up late March/April 2025 as blocked and edgy though not much after that.
The Ukraine/EU chart is logjammed with the Libra/Aries Eclipses recently and in March 2025 putting pressure on the intransigent composite Saturn Pluto. Change is needed but may not come easily. 2026 will be the real test with the possibility or not of a transformation or split in the relationship.
Add On: Murmurs from Kyiv hint that the UK’s new Labour Government have worsened relations with Ukraine. Keir Starmer the UK prime minister is yet to visit Ukraine four months after taking office. Sunak visited Kyiv within a month of becoming prime minister. Boris Johnson, his predecessor but one, enjoyed a close relationship with Zelensky.
The Starmer/Zelensky relationship chart has a blocked, chilly composite Sun, Saturn, Mercury trine Mars; with Mercury in an evasive conjunction to Neptune. The composite Pluto will be rattled by the 2025 Eclipses and by tr Neptune in opposition early on; plus a oneupmanship tussle from tr Pluto square the composite Jupiter all through 2025. So it is unlikely to improve.
[Talking to London friends who have ears on the inner circle the general conclusion is that Starmer is a basically decent man but out of his depth. And one call him ‘ a coward.’]
Trump likes to be top dog, he won’t take instructions from Musk, Putin, Netanyahu or Zelensky for that matter. At some point they’re going to get “fired”. In his first administration, dozens of people were fired, that’s his pattern.
From now until the inauguration, there will be all sorts of suggestions from his court, hoping to influence him. But we don’t know what will come of it. It’s all speculation and hot air at the moment.
I’d love to see astrology analysis of the top Republicans in the Senate and House of Representatives. They’ll wield a lot of power – Congress controls money and treaties. Trump can’t exit NATO without Congress’s permission for example, because it’s a treaty they ratified. Ditto for any trade deals he might want to do.
His renegotiation of NAFTA into USMCA was ratified by Congress because he forced Mexico to recognise trade union rights as part of the “level playing field” with the US and Canada, and the Congressional Democrats were very happy with that. It follows that in other deals, he’ll carefully give something to members of Congress whose votes he needs.
@Candy, I agree with you here on Trump wanting to be the top dog. The purging of “too” visible people has already begun, in a way, with Trump announcing there won’t be a place in his new administration for Pompeo and Haley. I also feel that Elon is overreaching by endorsing Rick Scott as Senate GOP Leader, and this might be part of why his relationship with Trump tenses.
From previous blog:
“Relations between the USA and Russia 1991 don’t look as upbeat through 2025 as expected from the Trump Putin bro-romance.”
Trump makes meaningless statements and promises which he has no intention of keeping. In the end he does what suits him. People like Putin or Musk might think they can manipulate him (and win the election for him) but given his current declining mental state I seriously doubt that they will get what they want. As his dementia progresses his world will get smaller and smaller and he will leave ”‘the details” to his staff. The swamp will take over, literally. Zelensky may not get the wholehearted support he had from Biden but the US military are watching very closely what is happening in Ukraine and gaining important intel both on Russian capabilities and the quality of their weaponry. I see no reason to despair. As Marjorie says, April 2025 may bring some relief for Ukraine.
I do think Zelensky could be replaced this coming year, however, he is clearly exhausted and acting more and more like the kind of autocrat he said he would never be.
The war will drag on until Putin and his Ditto Heads go and the remaining elite decide they have had enough of fighting. If Ukraine were to fall, the fight would continue from within. I don’t see them giving up, ever. With or without US support.
“[Talking to London friends who have ears on the inner circle the general conclusion is that Starmer is a basically decent man but out of his depth. And one call him ‘ a coward.’]”
I think, under these turbulent Plutonian skies, some opinions might be less than helpful while this plays out. As pointed out in the comments of the previous post about Trump.
Context helps and these were serious people, one of whom had known him for a long time.
The reason I mentioned it was because it surprised me – not quite the response I expected.
@Marjorie, I actually am not that surprised given how everything armed forces and defense has traditionally fallen under Tory sphere of influence in Britain. It seems to be a trend in Western Europe, with a notable exception of Nordic countries, where Social Democratic hegemony created a “rightwing Socialists”.
Also, while Tory Governments seemed clueless about trade policy, the people in Defense position of the Cabinet were very competent according to people I personally know and were involved in Finnish NATO adhesion project.
It doesn’t surprise me to discover he is ‘a coward’ – it fits with the fact he has been unable to be straightforward, stand up and say what his policies are etc, etc. His chart has good potential for being passive-aggressive. I’d say his career as a KC was perfect for him because he was acting on behalf of others – that’s exactly what mars in cancer, libra and virgo planets like doing. He could legitimately ‘attack’ witnesses/defendant in court.
Question being is he perceived by some in that way because he’s more circumspect a politician than the rabid populists who preceded him.
We’re so acclimatised to crazies now that sanity looks suspicious (or weak).
@André, re. so called “assets”, it’s good to remember that people become assets for three reasons: ideology, bribery, and blackmail. DJT doesn’t have ideology. The possible blackmail material Russians have is all out. Russia is essentially broke.
They do not have anything they can hold DJT with. Elon, maybe. But as said, Trump does not like Elon, and will make his own choices, which may be surprising.
Yes. And absolutely noone would care about “golden showers” footage or other salacious information about the President Elect. This might have been a big deal in another political time and place. But right now it’s worthless. So yes, the Russians have zero leverage over Trump
I expect the phone call between Trump and Putin last week did happen. Peskov was quick to say it was fiction because it made Putin look very weak. “Vladimir, we have a lot of troops in Europe you know”. The analysts who suggest the phone call never happened “because the Kremlin denied it immediately” don’t know how to analyze Russia
The Kremlin’s only strength at the moment is in communication and information manipulation. Of course they were going to deny a phone call that makes them look like they were talked down to by America. Jeez
I’ve been reading ‘Night Train to Odesa – covering the human cost of Russia’s war’ by Jen Stout, a Shetlander from Fair Isle. In this it is extremely clear that Ukrainians, having fought against Russia for very many years, and having now tasted independence and asserted the use of their own language, realise that this is their last chance to avoid being swallowed up by Russia and will fight to the absolute bitter end. They remember the Holodomor, Stalin’s entirely man-made famine of the Thirties which killed millions of Ukrainians, and the events of this war have shown clearly that despite any protestations of ‘brotherhood’, Russia wishes only to destroy them and their country.
Things may not be as ominous for Ukraine as I had originally anticipated.
Various news sources are reporting that Donald Trump is considering former Republican House Representative Mike Rogers for Security of Defense.
Mike Rogers is very pro-Trump but he apparently has a very traditional “George W. Bush” type approach to foreign policy and he’s very pro-Ukraine.
I hope Trump picks him.
@ Chris,
Trump does Putin’s bidding first and foremost so Zelinsky is a dead man walking.
@ Roderick,
Zelenskyy is not a “dead man walking.” He may not keep the support he needs from the U.S., but there are other countries willing to help Ukraine.
I refuse to sink into a perpetual state of pessimism because the election didn’t go the way I wanted to.
I’m still grieving over Kamala Harris losing…but I Will eventually get over it.
My support for Ukraine still remains strong regardless. And I do not believe Vladimir Putin is invincible.
@Chris Romero, thank you. There are several reasons for not to panic here.
1) Trump in is habit of putting other people on speaker phone, as (for once usefully) reminded by Maggie Haberman at a CNN interview. Last time around it was Ivanka, who is now curiously staying out of it.
2) According to Marjorie’s August 12th post, Musk’s relationship with Trump doesn’t look particularly happy over the next few months.
People are still understandably grieving and in shock, and horrified by Project 25, but let’s not forget how dysfunctional Trump 45 Admin truly was. Somehow, the collective mind seem to have contributed all the clashes and ouster of the “flashier” characters DJT brought to the Admin to “adults in the room”, but it was really mostly Trump’s doing.
I don’t think DJT much likes Musk, and he certainly hates being overshadowed. He might be out of Trump’s good graces faster than you can say “Scaramucci”.
3) Still re. Musk. If Musk is selling sanctioned goods to Russia or their proxy, it’s legit to ask who else gets their hands on it. Russia might be somewhat divisive at Washington and even Pentagon, but Iran isn’t. Musk, raised in Apartheid SA, has an antisemitic streak, that certainly clashes with many Republicans.
4) As you said, Putin isn’t invincible. He may not be visibly ill as in 2022-23, but since his neurological issues and bloating are mostly away, my guess is he was, indeed, going through some heavy cancer treatments including chemotherapy and cortisone. The cancer might be in remission.
Trump spoke to Zelensky and put Musk on the line. They are both Russian assets and probably told him resistance is futile. The idea that Trump would act contrary to his handler’s wishes is laughable.
Musk was put on the speakerfone during the Trump/Zelensky call, post-election. What in Ned is happening?
Maybe something connected with Starlink? Quite an Aquarian/Uranian feel to that technology.
“Russian forces were reported by the Wall Street Journal to still be using Starlink terminals both in Ukraine and abroad in April 2024. The US Department of Defense has been working with Ukraine and SpaceX to curtail Russian use of the network.[142] In May 2024, the Pentagon and SpaceX eventually blocked Russia’s use of Starlink satellites in the Ukrainian War.[15]
In September 2024, downed Russian Shahed-136 drones were found to be equipped with Starlink terminals.”
Zekensky has a retrograde Mars in Leo at 0 degrees, so catching a repeat pattern in this Winter’s Mars retrograde. Personally I have noticed when tge Venus retrograde sign/degree matches my own Venus retrograde it is a significant and difficult time for me.
On a separate note, i have read that Kyiv officials have said the relationship with the Starmer government is worse than under Sunak. I can’t recall if Marjorie has looked at Ukraine/ UK relations under the current administration.
Here is Zelinsky’s natal chart in a biwheel with his Age Harmonic chart.
Age Harmonic Jupiter, r7, open enemies trines natal Zelinsky.
Age Harmoni Uranus, r10, is opposed by A.H. Trump…no funds for him.
Age Harmonic Saturn, foreign affairs, conjuncts natal Jupiter, 7th, open enemies.
A.H. Zelinsky conj 9th cusp…..looking for help abroad.
Here is Ukraine’s current biwheel, natal inner, Age Harmonic chart, outer.
Main characters are depicted around the inner and outer wheels.
Age Harmonic Putin squares Uke’s MC/IC axis.
Age Harmonic Trump squares Uke’s natal Saturn, r1.
Age Harmonic Zelensky conj A.H. Jupiter, ruler natal 12 and sextiles
natal Pluto, ruler Uke’s MC.
Age Harmonic Russia trines Uke’s natal Moon, r7, open enemy.
Age Harmonic Sun, r8, resources, squares natal Trump.
Summary: a reluctance by Trump to support Uke with USA resources.
Zelensky Leo Saturn on Trump’s Asc/Mars makes me think Zelensky will not give the narcissism any energy. Nothing much worse for Leo than the cold detachment of an Aquarian however friendly the relationship may start. That transiting Uranus square next year is going to be interesting for them both.
I have a combined chart with someone who has Saturn on my Mars. They blocked all my efforts and all my endeavours and was forced to shape my energy in accordance with their requirements. It’s an intriguing thought that Zelenski might be structuring (or limiting) Trump’s energy and efforts
Mars and Saturn together can also bring concerted and long lasting action
If Trump’s Saturn has been on Zelenki’s MArs, I would have been worried. But the opposite points to a very interesting dynamic
typo: If Trump’s Saturn had been on Zelenski’s Mars….
Apparently one of the reasons Scholtz sacked his Finance Minister this week, was because the now ex-minister was pushing him to send much needed Taurus missiles to Ukraine. But a look at the Russian economy – based upon multiple reports – does not paint a pretty picture. Ever increasing inflation; interest rates at 21% and staple foods (butter, potatoes and eggs) in short supply. Add to that demographic predictions (made far worse by ever growing war casualities) and the coming years will be increasingly tough for Russia. You would have thought that the MAGA man would have spotted this once in a generation opportunity – but apparently not. You have to wonder why!
I recall reading some time ago that Putin was re-activating some kind of former Soviet award program for women to re-populate Russia. Ten or more children and you win this nice award and head scarf.
More seriously, how else could Russia overcome the losses from war in Ukraine?
Oh, one person whose chart might shed light to all this is the spymaster Kyrylo Budanov. While unlikely to ever become a fully political figure, he is only turning 39 (!) in January 4th, and is therefore likely going to influence Ukraine’s faith long haul, save an assassination. Ukrainian GUR has both knowledge and capacities they can leverage with the World leaders akin to Finnish military intel after WWII.
This looks bleak, but as a Finn, I can say that maintaining the independence can be a victory. And I know this part of Europe will stay committed and emphatic towards Ukrainian people, no matter what German Counsellor Scholtz with his own political issues says about “Finlandizising” Ukraine (already a sign of how clueless Scholtz is, given what was going on in Finland behind West Germany’s back…).
I read your previous articles on Russia and Putin not looking happy astrologically, either. In February, after Navalny’s death, you wrote:
“Putin’s initially Presidency chart from 31 December 1999 might be an indicator. It will receive a shocking jolt leading to over reactions come this August and on and off into early 2026 with tr Uranus square the Mars. It already has a panicky-failure SA Neptune conjunct Mars at the moment and is facing devastation/confusion and worse judgement calls through 2025/26 with tr Pluto conjunct the Neptune.”
Now, this is interesting, because the prisoner swap where also several Russian dissidents including Kara-Murza were freed took place in August 2nd. And while Putin seems to be in better heath than in 2022 – I now seriously think he might have been in cancer cure -, he has since suffered several humiliations including having to call for North Korean troops to help him with Kursk region.