Ukrainian forces are on the offensive attacking across the border into Russia in order to “stretch” and “destabilise” Russia. The Kremlin has declared a federal emergency in the Kursk region and said it was transferring extra forces to try to snuff out the incursion that has damaged its credibility. More than 76,000 civilians have been evacuated from border areas. Zelensky said it was a “fair” response to the nearly 2,000 cross-border strikes into Ukraine by Russian forces over the summer.
Zelenskiy also posted that Russian forces appeared to have started a fire in one of the cooling towers of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant that it has occupied since the early days of the war.
The Ukraine country chart, 24 August 1991 2.31pm Kiev, always did look in line for some cheer through the middle of this year and beyond with tr Uranus square its Jupiter and several Jupiter midpoints extending on into spring 2025. That won’t magically remove all problems since tr Pluto continues to conjunct the Saturn till late 2025 which is a discouraging slog; with a jolting tr Uranus square Sun from mid 2025 and a confused/devastating SA Neptune square Pluto late 2025/early 2026.
The Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, 1 April 1980, looks edgy in the extreme with the Uranus opposition Venus square Mars North Node being jolted by tr Uranus hard aspects right through into 2026. The Aries Sun is also catching this October’s Libra Solar Eclipse and next March’s Aries Solar Eclipse. So is at a crisis point.
Zelensky’s Term chart, 20 May 2019 is on highs and lows this year and moving into an undermining phase from June 2025 onwards with tr Neptune square the Mars; with indications of a destabilizing phase from 2026 though 2027 with tr Pluto square the Uranus. Though that could be for any number of reasons since he must be beyond exhausted.
Putin’s original presidency chart, 31 December 1999, is certainly rattled exactly now with tr Uranus square the Mars and that runs on and off till March 2026. It is likely to test his nerve and may provoke an over-reaction. 2025 into 2026 also see a confused tr Neptune Saturn square the Mercury and tr Uranus in an emotionally upsetting opposition to Venus. Maybe not terminal, but nerve-stretching.
The Russia 8 December 1991 7.45pm chart, looks depressed this year with tr Saturn square the Sun and Mercury and an explosive and disruptive Solar Arc Mars conjunct Uranus also in 2026.
The Russia 8 November 1917 chart will also be affected by tr Neptune Saturn moving into Aries square its financial Venus; with jolts and jangles and one piece of luck in 2026. Be interesting to see whether the Saturn Neptune which over Stalin’s death and the Russian Revolution of 1917 has a similarly momentous effect.
This has certainly been an interesting turn of events. I’m happy to see that Ukraine making progress. Hopefully, Vladimir Putin’s regime will destabilize sooner than later.
I recently began studying Vladimir Putin’s chart. I’ve been looking to see how (and possibly when) Vladimir Putin would meet his demise. Putin’s 8th House is ruled by Gemini and his Moon is in his 8th House which makes me wonder if he’ll die at home, possibly from either a respiratory or mental illness…or some form of cancer. I will admit, I would have been much happier if Putin had Pluto squaring Mars in his 8th House instead (it would be poetic justice).
Pushing the war onto the aggressors territory. Rooting for Ukraine. Zelenski has character in spades.
I agree. Ukraine was perfectly justified in giving the Russian Federation a dose of its own medicine. The Ukrainian Military has also been more humane than Russia’s military. For example, Ukrainians are not targeting Russian civilians, residential areas, schools, hospitals, museums, libraries, cultural heritage sites – they’re only targeting Russian military locations.
Putin has elaborated on using tactical nukes to protect against existential threats. I’ve forgotten the signatures for nuclear weapons being used. Even if Putin did, with neutron weapons (limited fallout), he’s nuking his own soil, yes? Wind patterns would spread anything kicked up into the air, afterwards.
When Chernobyl let go in 1986, prevailing winds blew fallout northward over Scandanavia, the North Pole, thence over Alaska, Canada, even Seattle on the 3rd day. Seattlites were listening to Curt Cobain, so never noticed 😉
Error the incident was on 2000, I mistyped! Apologies.
I note from the Daily Telegraph on line that on 12 August 2020 the Russian nuclear sub KURSK blew up costing 118 lives and Putin was heavily criticised for not dealing with the issue. The Ukrainians are embarrassing him with now by invading KURSK. It’s interesting to compare the position of planets then and now!
Now I am intrigued. And I would be interested in such a comparative chart as well.
Is Kursk cursed?
Saturn-Neptune conjunctions took place in 1917 at the time of the Russian revolution, 1953 when Stalin died and 1989 when the Berlin wall fell, which led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. They have a clear correlation with Russian history and always seem to involve the end of a corrupt state or regime that has outlived its purpose. It is fair to expect the next one in 2025-26 will bring the end of Putin.
Interestingly enough, next year’s Saros cycle also aligns with the assassinations of Czars Alexander II and Nicholas II, the death of Stalin and the end of the Soviet Union.
2025 may be momentous in modern Russian history. Will the Russian Federation (which, like the US, is formally a collection of states and republics) fragment, like the USSR?
Thank you Marjorie for such an excellent over-view of this volatile situation. I’d noticed that the approaching Full Moon at 27 Aquarius, square Uranus, and opposing retro Mercury in Leo, seems to crop up in these charts you’ve posted, including the Mars for the Putin Presidency.
I also noticed that the day of the Full Moon is the anniversary of the August 19th 1991 Yeltsin “tank speech” Russian Coup, with its leadership Sun 25 Leo and Jupiter 24 Leo in the 10th on Nick Campion’s 8.00 AM GMT chart for the iconic historical moment. It’s 19 Sagittarius Moon connects with the Zelensky 16 Sagittarius Moon and 18 Pisces Neptune – both in range of the approaching Saturn/Jupiter square on the day of the Full Moon. What is suppressed or contained, and what is expanded I wonder?
All deeply concerning, yet somehow a familiar pattern unfolds too.