




The UK is facing a crunch point of its own with the 8th house Mars about to be detonated by Solar Arc Uranus over the coming few months. The 8th house rules international and business finances as well as deeper transformations. In the past when the UK Mars was under pressure it also accompanied significant disasters – train crashes, ferry sinkings, subway fires and the like. Uranus Mars tends to suggest a shock or an experience that feels like a collision.
Tr Uranus is also in a high tension square to the 11th house Saturn in Leo, which rules the legislature and local government as well as the country’s long term hopes, later this month till mid March 2025 for the final time. In one sense this will be a relief once it passes over since it finishes a four year bumpy patch of tr Uranus in hard aspect to the UK’s four Fixed planets. Though there will be continued pressure for change with tr Pluto trine the Uranus till 2025 year end. Luckily side by side tr Pluto will oppose the UK Jupiter for some moments of high confidence and cheer also throughout 2025.
Into mid 2026 tr Uranus will square the UK Pluto for another jolting change and upheaval – and by early 2027 tr Uranus will have cleared the UK’s 8th house so (cross fingers) the economic storms wrought by Uranus in Taurus and to a degree initiated by Pluto in Capricorn may settle thereafter.
Towards the end of the decade tr Neptune Saturn will move into the UK 7th house for a revisioning of close partnerships – some separating, others coming together with a common purpose. Tr Pluto moving into the UK 5th from 2029 starts a long phase of being creative and building a solid image.
The Bank of England, 27 July 1694 JC, is certainly flagging up problems through 2025 with tr Neptune in an uncertain square to the BoE Saturn through February but much worse tr Neptune and Saturn will oppose the BoE Mars in Libra and then square the financial Venus from April 2025 on and off till early 2027, which looks like major panics over the economy. It may pick up a smidgeon in 2026 and more so in 2027 with a resurgence of confidence from tr Pluto opposition the Pluto/Jupiter midpoint and after that the Jupiter. But there will be a downer before the improvement.
There could well be a reset of relations with the EU since that relationship chart has tr Uranus conjunct the composite Pluto from 2026 onwards, which could well (perhaps) bring improvements in trade.
The Keir Starmer Government, 5 July 2024, a Water heavy Cancerian/Pisces chart with a New Moon and Venus in Cancer and Saturn Neptune in Pisces will not find the transition into the new Air Fire era easy to negotiate. Plus the explosive, unpredictable and uncompromising Mars Uranus in the economic/financial 8th house always did bode trouble on the housekeeping side. Neptune conjunct the shipwrecking Scheat and the South Node conjunct the mischief-making and can-be-unlucky Vindemiatrix won’t help.
Starmer’s personal chart has a confused and devastated Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Neptune exactly now with an undermining SA Sun conjunct Neptune following in 2025. Then his Solar Arc Mars is conjunct his Sun and Pluto which looks terminal on the career progress front through later 2025 into 2026. One way or another he is heading nowhere good.
ADD ON: In varying degrees the current Cabinet will be reacting badly to tr Saturn Neptune moving into Aries and tr Uranus moving into Gemini mid year – since most have key planets in early Cardinal and early Mutable which will be undermined and jolted over the next two/three years.
Starmer’s relationship chart with Rachel Reeves, the Chancellor with a yod of Pluto in last degree Virgo sextile Neptune Sun Venus in early Sagittarius inconjunct Mars will be pushed and pulled right through 2025 and 2026.
Ed Milliband with his 2 degree Capricorn Sun and 2 degree Saturn in Taurus in a none-too-stable opposition to Jupiter will find the next two years an uphill struggle and disappointing.
It’s interesting to see a few posts suggesting more nuclear would have been a better answer. Work on Hinkley Point C started 2017. It won’t be commissioned till 2029 or later (13-15 years in construction) at a cost of close to £50 billion. That’s one power station. Its construction also has an enormous carbon carbon footprint.
One might ask the question why nuclear power stations just like High Speed train lines cost twice as much to build and take twice as long to complete in the U.K. compared to anywhere in the world. I note that the likes of Google are thinking of building their own nuclear plants to support their energy needs which suggests some people think it has a future as an energy source.
The basic problem with wind renewables can easily be seen by watching the U.K. generation dashboard. At times over the past couple of weeks it has shown renewables generating over 50% of the U.K. power needs on some days and less than 10% on other days when anticyclonic weather was dominant . The electrical grid is designed to run at a certain capacity and can’t cope with swings of that magnitude without other power sources to come in to fill the gap. The most flexible way to do that is with modern gas powered generating stations but at the moment that requires burning natural gas which is a fossil fuel and therefore breaches the climate targets to which the U.K. has signed up. At the moment there are not a lot of carbon neutral alternatives apart from nuclear power. There has been a lot of talk about building huge battery backups, storing kinetic energy by pumping water uphill or using surplus wind power to generate hydrogen. None of these are viable solutions at the moment. As a consequence it looks as though Miliband intends to still burn fossil fuels and then to try to capture the carbon. It should be noted that the government has promised £22 billion for carbon capture projects so they are not going to be cheap either. There is a certain hypocrisy in some parts of Europe such as Germany where people decry nuclear power and then import electricity from the largely nuclear grid in France to keep the lights on when the wind turbines stop turning.
Why tidal power isn’t in the mix is beyond me. We are an island with predictable high and low tides. seems criminal not to focus on it.
Mainly because it is extremely expensive to build and maintain. It can also be a major wildlife disruptor (the Severn Estuary project has been on the back-burner for ages because of this). It could and should be a big contributor to our energy supply, but really needs a lot more research into more user-friendly forms than the current systems available and most research these days is heavily financed by private money and commercial concerns. We do have some wave generation in the UK (Wave Hub in Cornwall is a big one) and research is ongoing but (imo) nothing like enough of it. Research that used to be funded by universities and government is now mostly the preserve of private money and private money tends to want quicker returns than projects like this can give.
Chernobyl really did a number on attitudes to nuclear power in the West and as a result only the French kept building nuclear power stations.
Then when Fukushima happened the German Green party persuaded Merkel to throw Germany’s nuclear power in the bin despite the fact that Germany is a tectonically stable country. They then got on their high horse about renewables and acted all morally superior for getting rid of nasty nuclear power, conveniently not mentioning that this moral superiority and eco credentials were bought on the never never thanks to cheap Russian oil and gas underpinning the energy grid and keeping the lights on. Anyone paying attention could see the network of pipelines stretching back to Moscow and realise that Germany had placed its delicate parts firmly in Putin’s hands.
Funnily enough when the Ukraine war happened some German Green Party politicians became very hawkish. Feeling guilty much?
Then the Greens/German government decided not to extend the nuclear power plants to cover the shortfall, but to return to coal fired power stations. So as a result of Green Party policies, German pollution and fossil fuel usage has gone up. You couldn’t make this stuff up.
I used to be frightened of nuclear power when I was younger but the more I have learned about it the more I have realised that if you want to reduce emissions and keep the lights on, it’s basically the only game in town when it comes to providing the energy baseline. A lot of people point out how long it takes to build nuclear power stations. It does. But had there not been so much anti nuclear power hysteria and similar attitudes regarding build time being put forth in the last few decades then a whole fleet of new nuclear power stations could have been up and running by now. The UK’s general slowness on new infrastructure projects hasn’t helped things.
Fusion power is the ultimate goal and if that is achieved that would be a huge step forward. Never mind the naysayers – we have to do this to keep civilization on the road. I wonder if there are any charts for the fusion power projects/collaborations such as ITER which might give some clues as to progress in this area?
I remember being told in 1965 that “fusion was just around the corner…” Then, it was “power beamed to Earth via microwaves.” 😉
Here we are, and the corner keeps moving further way.
In Washington state, WPPSS (pronounced “whoops!”) was a reasonable source of power. Till it all collapsed after 3-Mile island. Anyway you cut it, not gonna be free from risks.
I honestly think human civilization really does have no other option but to go for fusion regardless of the old joke about it always being 30 years away.
tokamak is also the building at iter
Regarding Ed Miliband: he’s one of the more consequential former Labour leaders.
He scuppered intervention in Syria in 2013 (Tories had no majority at the time, and were relying on the LibDems and Labour to vote Yes, but both voted No). Russia then stepped into the void and their indiscriminate bombing caused the refugee crisis of 2015.
Miliband also changed the Labour party’s leadership rules. The old system designed by Michael Foot was an electoral college, with one third of the vote going to members, one third to MPs and one third to trade unions.
He changed it to one member-one vote. With the MPs and unions disenfranchised, Labour became open to entryism (with Miliband setting the fee at a mere £2!), and led to Corbyn.
Now there’s this mad energy policy.
He can’t seem to think two steps ahead, he can’t imagine the consequences of his actions.
I’d be interested to see an astrological analysis of him. He’s born on 24th Dec 1969 at 2 p.m. in London. But I can’t see what in his chart accounts for his delusional quality.
Good point.
Re “delusional”, perhaps not so much delusional as simply lacking in imagination and intelligence – his Saturn opposition Jupiter across his Asc./Desc. angle square his Mercury and MC in the 9th. (Whole-signs)
“perhaps not so much delusional as simply lacking in imagination and intelligence … ”
Like his manifest desire to extensively carpet some of this country’s most productive farmland with solar panels that would surely be best placed on brownfield and industrial sites? At a time when our food security needs to be expanded, not curtailed. Absolute idiocy. To me, Milliband comes across as a zealot and frankly, not overly bright. He definitely has that inability to think ahead on his schemes that this entire cabinet seem to share. Coupled with their hear-no-evil, head-in-the-sand inability to change course when they get things wrong. It all feels very Neptunian. Will they change when Neptune does, or simply implode?
Gilly did you see the picture of the acres of solar panels torn away from their base in the last storm. most have to be completely replaced and god knows where all the plastic waste goes now, not to mention the whole wind structure that collapsed in anglesey. When challenged about the environmental waste a commentator didn’t know which propaganda stream to favour, waste or climate. very droll.
Interesting interpretation. I think Miliband has shown tenacity, courage and intelligence in the way he has pushed through clean energy policy and made brave decisions in the face of climate change. It would be good to see his chart.
I think Miliband does believe in his “manifest destiny” which is dangerous. The current power strategy is in part a result of Milibands time as energy minister under Gordon Brown. He is also the man responsible for the Smart Meter fiasco where utility companies have rolled out millions of obsolete devices at huge cost that are going to cease to function once the 2G signal is cut off. The U.K. would have been best advised to follow a more balanced strategy for getting off fossil fuels with at least a third to half of the grid being based on nuclear power but the path Miliband chose was almost entirely wind based, a strategy that subsequent Conservative governments blindly followed. This means the U.K. is going to need large numbers of gas power plants to cover the periods when the weather is calm. As a consequence Britain will almost certainly still be using large amounts of fossil fuels to generate electricity come 2030.
The way Starmer’s government is trying to rush change in areas such as local government reform, housing, energy etc reminds me very much of Edward Heaths administration in the 1970s which suffered from the same type of overstretch. Interestingly Heath had a chart dominated by planets in Water and Earth signs. He became leader of the Conservative Party in 1965 when the outer planet set up was Uranus in Virgo, Neptune in Scorpio and Pluto in Virgo. By 1970 when he became PM after the Conservatives won the June General Election things had begun to change as Uranus moved to Libra. By 1972 Neptune was in Sagittarius and Pluto was in Libra. It was this year that the wheels came completely off his government. I wonder if the same will happen to Starmer when Neptune moves to Aries and Uranus to Gemini. Heath’s administration inherited a poor situation economically and encountered a lot of bad luck in office but as I recall it had the magical ability to turn every crisis into a disaster by persistently making bad decisions. Heath was a technocrat much like Starmer who thought all political problems could be solved by gathering experts round a table. The result was near anarchy with the government having multiple states of emergencies, strikes, power cuts and a three day week. In Northern Ireland he effectively abolished juries and introduced internment without trial. I heartily recommend the therestishistory podcast about his government.
I will be watching with interest to see what happens this time
Thanks Hugh. Very interested to see how this unfolds too. This government’s Mars Uranus in Taurus is, as Marjorie notes, unpredictable and uncompromising, and would be eager to rush through too much at the same time without considering the impact, and longer term effects. A bull in a china shop vibe.
Current energy strategy, so far, is impractical and certainly does require nuclear power for energy security. Plus much more effective storage for wind and solar energy. It also amazes me how they (both the previous government and this one) have more or less brushed over the ethical and enviromental issues surrounding the manufacture of solar panels for the UK in China. Similarly, the promotion of heat pumps without factoring in the need for significant insulation etc at properties where these are installed. More Mars/Uranus perhaps – hasty and even visionary, but ignoring practicalities and expense. Mars is said to be in detriment in Taurus which might have something to do with it.
Marjorie do you see any reconnection of that Nordstream and the cheap Russian gas and cheap Russian oil. I am not an economist. But, I look at USA gas fracked. First, this is environmentally and energy unsafe. Liquifiyig the gas. Sending the liquid gas on tankers with all that oil over to Scotland terminal, I think. Does that not seem wasteful and envinronmentally unsafe. It also seems extremely expensive and unnecessary cost becoming inflation in our country. The Americans have managed to swoop on the Russian gas money. But at what cost to the environment. The high price of this gas is possibly causing all this inflation. Norway was in the media yesterday capping their gas exports. Restarting Nordstream seems to me the only way of bringing down inflation. Again, I am not an economist but I don’t think we can realistically keep up with this level of inflation. Particularly on food. And it seems, in my mind, to be with the loss of the cheap fuel we had being replaced with expensive and environmentally unsafe fuels from elsewhere.
Having studied the subject for my thesis – I cannot understand why biogas never seems to figure in our energy plans. Considering how intractable the water companies seem to find the nation’s sewage, it seems an obvious solution to me. Not necessarily the greenest solution (it’s methane gas) but a solution nevertheless; one that would kill 2 very big birds with a single stone. Does anyone here understand the astrology of such things?
Looking at the Governments chart it is interesting to see that the Moon/Sun midpoint is sitting on the midpoint for the nodes in Cancer – the crab – and opposing the U.K. Capricorn Sun . With its South Node in the 1st house in conjunction with Lilith. It does feel like a Karmic Government which is stuck between its past roots and a modern world. The Labour / Trade Unionist movement came from Sunday Church Meetings, fighting for fairer rights. Given the fact that those rights for the workers, have been in place for a few decades now. They appear to be wishing to take this fight further, not letting go and now wish run the country – completely. The freedom fight turning into the oppressive fight ? This is jarring with a modern society, use to its freedoms, which has moved on from the 19th Century. With a Sun/Moon midpoint in water, the element on earth which washes over all – they are acting like rulers determined to impose the views on others.
I think so too Jane, which is all the more galling as he’s a man with more rhetoric than substance. He gets off on thinking he’s a visionary who definitely knows better. You’d think he’d have a greater grasp of reality with all that earth. I really dislike him. Still karma seems to be kicking in, though as the wives are great friends and the families socialise together, I can’t see him being demoted soon. However the new target of 95% shows his wings are being clipped a bit so the inevitable power struggles have begun. Interesting you describe him as a catalyst. In a weird sort of way he echoes Farage, another ghastly man.
Sorry this was in answer to Jane below on Ed Milliband.
No real astro perspective but the last and saddest episode of The Mirror and The Light shows the downfall of the lowborn Cromwell(Mars in Taurus patient boy), who in the end created a more united and more easily governable kingdom for a deranged king (Moon in Aries angry boy) who ruled through execution for 38 years. Nothing changes.
Interestingly, Henry VIII and his acts are cropping up now. His change of the law to allow marriage between cousins and the establishment the Church of England with the King as Defender of the Faith are under discussion. How apposite that Wolf Hall has been broadcast too. Astrologically any reason he, his time and actions resonate so strongly with us now – apart from 500 years being quite a long time for something to remain unchanged!
It is the second Pluto return of the reign of Henry VIII and of the establishment of the Church of England of course.
Yes, I’ve been fascinated by these resonances with Henry VIII for some time. Supreme Head of the Church of England – Act of Supremacy – was passed on 3 November, 1534. Neptune was at the very end of “religious” Pisces and dipping into Aries that year, as now. It was 0 Aries for the actual legal moment, with Pluto 2 Aquarius, and Nodes 0 Leo/Aquarius. With the Moon 29 Pisces, square Uranus in Sagittarius in the 1066 chart for the UK, it seems as if Neptune’s transit described the religious upheaval affecting the citizens quite well.
Neptune in late Pisces in 1698 sees a huge fire at the Palace of Whitehall, 4th January 1698. Neptune was 28 Pisces, Pluto 7 Leo. That year also had a parliament that lasted for only two sessions. Uranus at 29 Gemini opposed itself in the 1066 chart, squaring the Pisces Moon. Be interesting to see what the 29 Virgo Solar Eclipse may bring next September. Saturn in Pisces will be aligned with the 1066 Moon then – bringing echoes of history maybe, or a depressed population?!
Mark Rylance was so believable and charismatic as Thomas Cromwell, it was difficult not to feel sadness at his downfall and death. ‘The Mirror and the Light’ has been an incredible watch. A rare thing nowadays, but the BBC have made something which actually treats the audience as intelligent human beings. Cromwell was executed on 28th July 1540 in the borough of Tower Hamlets under a Jupiter/Sun/Uranus conjunction in Leo 10, 14, 15 degrees, in opposition to Pluto in Aquarius 12. While Cromwell dies, Henry is preparing to marry the teenage Catherine Howard who like Cromwell is destined to become yet another of Henry’s victims.
The Church of England has recently seen the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury over his protection of child abusing clergy and today there has been press coverage regarding the Archbishop of York over similar allegations of cover ups. During the year 1534, when the CofE was founded, the NN was in Leo conjunct Saturn. Pluto was in the early degrees of Aquarius and Neptune likewise in Aries. There may well be further revelations next year when both these outer planets have their return.
For our American friends on here it will show in March 2025 on HBO. It is stupendous. I was in pieces after the last episode. Mark Rylance is so unbelievably good (a Capricorn???!!). He owns the part forever.
@anna Mark Rylance is so unbelievably good (a Capricorn???!!).
I’ve followed Mark Rylance’s career closely since I first saw him on stage 20 years ago and found him mesmerising. He is 4 days younger than me, so much of his chart is very similar to mine, and it’s been fascinating to me to observe how elements of his life both reflect and contradict my own.
Did you see him in Jerusalem too…incredible man. He really is one of the greats. Time for the floorboards Gilly!
@anna (but responding to myself as there’s no reply button on your comment).
I’ve not seen Jerusalem yet, no, but will at some stage. I take it you recommend it? (-:
I saw him twice at the Globe. His Richard II was spellbinding; never seen a performance like it (and never expect to again!)
Yes highly recommend Jerusalem.
Those books are fantastic and I grew to like Cromwell too reading them, but Hillary Mantel was driving a vision of Cromwell that was propagandist. It’s not as black and white or as simple as you lay out. Cromwell transferred the coffers of the Church to the coffers of the King and much of the charity of the church to the peasants was not replaced nor money shared to them. It’s no different to the money and power of Goverments being passed to conglomerates without the work force actually benefitting as has happened since neo liberalism today.
Concerning the article an 8th house Mars is not always as negative as many say, it can be a force for productive good, even with Uranus affecting it. As the UK has a sluggish and stuck economy and is struggling to find it’s place, it’s possible the shock of Uranus could be new economic ties to Europe, or a technological breakthrough that affects the economy, fusion maybe.
‘Hillary Mantel was driving a vision of Cromwell that was propagandist …’
Very much so! Cromwell was always the villain of the story before Hilary Mantel. I have wondered if it reflects her obvious antipathy to her own Catholic education?
Mmmh I wonder whether the UK is so different from France and Germany which are going to face their own problems during this period. The change from earth water to air fire will produce mist and fog to start with. Certainly, there is considerable change which will make old attitudes and positions look if not ridiculous then… old. I see the Mail and Express (and Boris) trying to revive their old hit -Brexit but that is soooo last decade.
What I wonder about is the transit of Jupiter through cancer next year which may provide some relief or alternatively magnify and exaggerate difficulty.
Cancer is the sign of homes *and homelands*. I’d expect a lot more nationalistic rhetoric across the world.
I have close friends in Germany, France, Italy and The Netherlands (journalists for the most part, with fingers on important pulses) say dinner-table chatter is increasingly of discontent with the EU and the desire of large swathes of voters across Europe for fundamental change. While the chances of any of those countries actually pressing to leave the EU is vanishingly small, dissatisfaction is rife, and coming government changes in France and Germany are likely to reflect that feeling. Add that to the rapid rise of Reform in the UK polls, and I’d say Brexit, and disatisfaction with the EU, is a very long way away from being ‘last decade.’ It seems more likely to me that it will be a major bone of contention throughout the coming year/years.
The ecnomic fallout from leaving the EU will only worsen over time so I agree that I can’t see this topic diminishing.
I would be interested to know the astro-prospects for Rachel Reeves as she seems to have scored some financial own goals, over winter fuel payments, farmers’ IHT and NICS. Is she likely to be replaced?
U.K. businesses at the moment are caught in a vice between increased Employer NIC from spring next year plus the burden of paying the highest electricity prices in the world at something like 2.8 times amount charged their counterparts in the USA. My personal feeling is that the Net Zero commitments are going to the biggest long term problem for the UK particularly given its dependence on fickle wind power. None of this has been helped by chronic underinvestment in the electrical infrastructure which means the UK grid cannot even process all the power delivered by renewables when the conditions are favourable. There has also been a woeful neglect of other carbon zero alternatives such as nuclear generation where no new power stations have been completed in 30 years.
The Ed Miliband the Secretary for State for Energy chart has an uncomfortable relationship with the U.K. 1801 chart with his Jupiter at 1 Scorpio opposition Saturn at 2 Taurus square the U.K. Jupiter at 1 Leo indicating limitations and a potential clash of beliefs and values. This is being triggered at the moment by transiting Pluto in Aquarius.This is not helped by his Mars at 6 Pisces lying close to the U.K. Pluto and his Sun at 2 Capricorn square the U.K. Uranus at 1 Libra which is unpredictable and can be explosive. He has a great drive to succeed at the moment but is going to find limits placed on his ambitions.
It is worth noting that Milibands Mars is conjunct Starmer’s Jupiter/Chiron and in opposition to his Pluto/Sun. The composite mid point chart between the two looks quite tense with Pluto at 18 Virgo and Uranus at 20 Virgo opposing retrograde Saturn at 19 Pisces and retrograde Chiron at 20 Pisces. In addition Mars at 6 Taurus opposes the Sun at 6 Scorpio. There look to be potential power struggles in that chart.
Milibands Jupiter also is exactly square Rachel Reeves Jupiter at 1 Leo while his Uranus at 8 Libra squares her Venus at 9 Capricorn. Their relationship is eased by her Sun lying sextile his Venus and her Saturn sextile his Moon. The composite midpoint chart has the Sun at 29 Capricorn square Uranus at 28 Libra and Pluto retrograde at 8 Libra square Saturn at 6 Cancer. Pluto is sextile Neptune at 9 Sagittarius and trine Mercury at 9 Aquarius. There look to composite Neptune is conjunct Antares which is not a very helpful placement since it is associated with dishonesty, theft, deceit and a generally evil environment.
Interesting that the astrology indicates power struggles between Milliband and Starmer but inevitable given that according to Dominic Lawson in today’s Sunday Times, Ed Milliband is responsible for persuading Starmer not only to become an MP – he gave him a safe seat – but also leader of the Labour Party. Headlined, “He (Ed Milliband) is the most consequentlal politician of our era – worse luck for us”, the article makes dismal reading and was largely provoked by Milliband’s vote against airstrikes against Assad in 2013.
I read that too, Zita. It certainly sets out the fall of the dominoes from EM’s ambitious (ruthless?) leadership bid onwards – he has been a catalyst of some sort I believe. His natal Uranus, 8 Libra, is one degree off the UK ascendant. Potentially, this is in the Aries/Libra solar eclipse zone of last autumn, and next spring. A shake up?
As Marjorie writes:
“The Keir Starmer Government, 5 July 2024, a Water heavy Cancerian/Pisces chart with a New Moon and Venus in Cancer and Saturn Neptune in Pisces will not find the transition into the new Air Fire era easy to negotiate”
The same might apply to Ed Miliband’s natal chart with all its Earth and Water – plus Moon in Cancer and Sun in Capricorn like the UK chart. If time is right, he also has an earthy Taurean ascendant, and a Capricorn MC. I found the “manifest destiny” quote in the article quite chilling – we can’t know if he really believes this, but I suspect he does.
Interestingly, I have just read an article about Glasgow’s Electric battery Buses unable to cope with heating and driving in the last cold spell. They just came to a halt! One commenter posted this is happening with electric cars too. Where does this leave the country in the future?
It leaves the UK, like all other countries, grappling with the detail and the reality of responding to climate change by changing policy and approach away from oil. It’s not going to be easy or smooth, for politicians or anyone else. But demonising those who are at least trying to make positive decisions is dropping the country into the hands of the far right.
The trouble is, that the UK’s contributions to climate change are tiny. While massive countries like China, India, Russia and Brazil, continue to pump out greenhouse gasses like there is no tomorrow, even huge changes made by the UK are going to make as near to zero impact as makes no difference.