UK – an epidemic of elections

Apologies to non-Brits for the boring minutiae of internal elections.

Just to add to previous posts.  Boris’s Neptune clearly caught up with him as he exits the Tory leadership race. He has coming up a confident tr Pluto trine his Jupiter but also sextile Neptune. That Jupiter Neptune opposition tends to send him off into cloud cuckoo land and both ends are being triggered this year. What inflates can also deflate.

Michael Gove, 26 Aug 1967, no doubt propelled by his string-pulling wife, Sarah Vine, a Daily Mail columnist, has, against all his previous declarations of being unsuitable as PM, now says he’ll stand.

The adopted son of a Scottish fishmonger, he’s a keen social reformer, who believes in ‘creative destruction’. He was criticised by teachers’ leaders for the “climate of bullying, fear and intimidation” that occurred during his time as Minister for Education. He’s popular within Westminster but not so much outside. He has his Sun, Mercury Venus and Uranus Pluto in Virgo, a Taurus Moon and Mars Neptune in Scorpio square Jupiter in Leo.

Through the campaign for the leadership he does have tr Jupiter conjunct his Pluto Uranus in Virgo but that has gone by September 2nd. Plus a sinking tr Saturn square tr Neptune on his Sun/Pluto midpoint till mid August. He has one mildly successful tr Uranus sextile his Jupiter/Node until Sept 3rd but that’s all of note (without a birth time).

Theresa May, 1 Oct 1956, a quiet Remainer but keen to polish her Brexit credentials now that it is a done deal, is a Sun Libra, with Venus Pluto in Leo square Saturn in Scorpio, and Jupiter Mercury in Virgo so cool, hard working, utterly determined. Her Sun falls on the UK Ascendant which might be thought a good sign. She’s got a charm-offensive tr Pluto trine Sun/Venus until mid July; and a lucky tr Uranus opposition her Jupiter/Node running now till September 3rd, which could stand her in good stead. Plus tr Jupiter having moved through its Jupiter Return in early July, will be conjunct her Mercury and Sun/Jupiter at the final in early September. No birth time so not much more info.

Outsider Angela Leadsom, 13 May 1963, a Leaver, has an enduring and utterly determined chart with a Taurus Sun (Mercury) opposition Neptune square Saturn in Aquarius opposition Mars in Leo. So not much budges her. She probably doesn’t expect to win. But she does have a useful tr Uranus sextile Jupiter/Pluto till Sept 3rd as well as a career-boosting tr Pluto sextile Jupiter/Saturn.

Angela Eagle is expected to run an official challenge to Jeremy Corbyn, which is a protracted process involving party members as well as MPs. Born 17 Feb 1961, she’s a rebellious Sun Aquarius opposition Uranus, and is certainly in a mood for a risk with tr Uranus square her Jupiter in Capricorn running till early September; as well as a reasonably successful tr Pluto sextile Jupiter/Pluto and Jupiter/Node.

2 thoughts on “UK – an epidemic of elections

  1. Marjorie, I wonder whether the September eclipse at 9 degrees Virgo will help Michael Gove? His natal venus is 8 virgo. Plus tr saturn in sag is trining his natal saturn in aries. Also he has a wide trine from tr Pluto cap to his Pluto virgo. Might any of these influences make a dent?

  2. No apologies needed, Marjorie. Here in the Colonies, we’re more apt to apologize for the incredulous Trump (family name Dromph, I think).

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