UK 2020 – nervy wait for what comes next


Poised on the brink of a momentous change the UK heads into 2020 with a transformative Uranus trine the UK Pluto, bringing a new order into being. That transit picked up at the recent election and rolls through till early February 2020, across the pull-out of-the-EU date. It seemed mild enough, looked at in advance, but even soft aspects appear to have a significant effect on country charts.

The heavy concentration of Saturn Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn are all focussed on the UK 4th house which certainly indicates the roots/foundation of the country undergoing a massive shift under great resistance. Emotional tensions will flare from Saturn there and mutinous rumblings will come courtesy of Pluto. Jupiter will help to smooth over a few rough edges. Often Jupiter in the 4th is a time of waiting and it does look as if 2021 is the year when more ructions are likely, of which more below.

Saturn has just cleared the gloomy opposition to the 10th house Moon mid this month – though Saturn’s effects can hang around like rotting fish to make an impact months ahead. The 10th house Moon refers to the monarchy/and or ruling classes, and this transit suggests separation and mourning. Saturn then proceeds to oppose the UK 10th house Jupiter in Leo from April 7th to mid June which will damp national confidence and enthusiasm, perhaps prompting the need for financial cutbacks after a phase of over-spending.

Before then through February there’ll be a nervy mood with tr Neptune square the Uranus/Pluto midpoint and then square the Saturn/Node midpoint in March, which latter influence repeats October to mid January 2021 – and will bring uncertainty, gloom, deception, suffering through falsehood.

Uranus squares the Sun/Pluto midpoint in the second half of April 2020 and again late December 2020 to mid February 2021. Ebertin describes that as “sudden adjustment to new circumstances: carrying out fanatical reforms” – and can, he suggests, be a change into restrictive circumstances.

From the look of what’s around in late December 2020 across the New Year into the crash-out Brexit phase will be exceedingly nerve-stretching and uncertain with both the UK Saturn/Node and Sun/Pluto midpoints being activated. At that point the Solar Arc Mars will be conjunct the 3rd house Mercury provoking noisy arguments – and perhaps transport or communication snafus.

The Progressed Moon will continue in the 10th house through 2020 keeping ambitions buoyant. From the start of 2021 it heads into the UK 11th for a change of focus towards the future with an exceptionally bumpy ride ahead for two years as it squares the 8th house Mars, opposes Venus, squares Neptune and finally is conjunct the UK Saturn. At the same time tr Uranus in 2021 from May picks up the conjunction to the 8th house Mars which will bring a disruptive series of events, financial and otherwise, running on for several years as Uranus follows the Progressed Moon round the UK Fixed Grand Cross. In 2021 in May as well, the Progressed Mercury will square the UK Mars for explosive arguments; made all the more bitter by tr Pluto conjunct the Mercury/Pluto midpoint throughout 2021/22 – which tends to bring hostile debate, fanatical obstinacy and a degree of mental strain.

But for all that Jupiter in 2021 will have moved, along with Saturn, into the UK 5th so there will be some attempt at celebration.

3 thoughts on “UK 2020 – nervy wait for what comes next

  1. The Annular Solar Eclipse today at 4 Capricorn is at the same degree as the one in December 1647 just before the outbreak of the Second English Civil War 1648-49 which ended with the execution of Charles I.

    There was a total solar eclipse at 0 Capricorn in December 1517 just before the Pluto Saturn synod in Capricorn in January 1518. The Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are in exactly the same signs in the 1517 and 2019 eclipse chart as are the Ascendant, Descendant, MC and IC for a chart cast at London.

    The 1517 and 1647 eclipses bookend the beginning and the end of the struggle of Catholics and Protestants for religious and political dominance in Europe which basically ended in stalemate at the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648.

    As in the 17th century people whatever the conflicts people will ultimately just have to learn to live with their differences if they want to survive,

    • I was prompted to take a quick look at 1518 on Wiki to see how these patterns might have played out. There’s the mysterious Dancing Plague of Strasbourg (!), and the Treaty of London was crafted by Cardinal Wolsey, making Henry VIII look good. Here’s what it says:

      “The Treaty of London in 1518 was a non-aggression pact between the major European nations. The signatories were Burgundy, France, England, the Holy Roman Empire, the Netherlands, the Papal States and Spain, all of whom agreed not to attack one another and to come to the aid of any that were under attack.[1][2]

      The treaty was designed by Cardinal Wolsey and so came to be signed by the ambassadors of the nations concerned in London.[3] Pope Leo X originally called for a five-year peace while the monarchs of Europe helped him fight back the rising power of the Ottoman Empire, which was encroaching into the Balkans.[2] Wolsey was very keen on instead making lasting peace and persuaded Henry to avoid war and take a more diplomatic route in foreign affairs.”

      This treaty didn’t last of course…..

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