Turkey – currency collapse a concern globally



Turkey is facing a full-blown balance of payments crisis as foreign funds flee the country with the lira down 35pc in the last six months. The fear is that their currency collapse may be ‘harbinger’ of an emerging market rout which could ripple out. The increasingly autocratic Erdogan recently tossed out his Economic Minister and replaced him with his son-in-law.

The country chart looks confused, uncertain and on high alert with tr Neptune conjunct Uranus on the midheaven now into late 2019; with real hardship approaching for the beleaguered population in 2020/2021 with tr Pluto square the 4th house Saturn and the Solar Arc Moon is also conjunct the 4th house Mars in late 2019/early 2020.

Erdogan was sworn in for his 4th Term at 4.30pm 9 July 2018 in Ankara. It’s an explosively erratic chart with the Mars opposition Node square Uranus in place; and more significantly a pressured and blocked 8th house (financial) Sun opposition Pluto, which will come exact by Solar Arc in 2021.

Erdogan’s Saturn is conjunct the Turkey Scorpio Sun so he’ll have a dampening effect on the national spirit; and his Neptune conjunct the Turkey Saturn will produce uncertainty and distrust. The relationship chart has a composite Pluto square Mars Saturn which is bleak and cruel. That’s been jolted an detonated through this year up to 2020/21.

None of it good news.

3 thoughts on “Turkey – currency collapse a concern globally

  1. Hi Marjorie,
    Hope you are well!
    Is there anything regarding Gibraltar/Spain/UK’s respective Charts that may point to
    1. Brexit negotiations and 2. Re return of Gibraltar to Spain?
    I ask as Spain obviously have a veto on any forthcoming EU votes re Brexit,
    big emphasis on Ireland and the Border but Gibraltar may even be a
    bigger Elephant in the room.
    Best regards and thank you if you look into.

  2. I looked at Turkish Charts too during the Coup Attempt in 2016, and was struck back then on how much worse things looked for 2018-2021 than for the time immediately after the coup. I was especially interested in economic indicators, because Turkish Economy seemed to be booming with 6-8 per cent growth in GDP most years since 2010. But looking at industry reports and articles, I discovered some key problems there. My understanding is Erdoğan Administration is deeply corrupt. This is nothing new in Turkey, but Erdoğan has had means to syphon funds at a scale few previous Turkish politicians have. Therefore, I suspect Erdoğan has been creating political instability to posticipate the inevitable crash. Ironically, this has probably fastened the crash by affecting tourism. In 2015, Turkey was 6th most visited country in the World. I know for a fact they’ve lost half of visitors from many European countries since, and even visitors from Muslim countries making a good portion of arrivals become more wary.

  3. The Turks democratically elected themselves a dictator- Ataturk is probably spinning in his grave- ‘He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap. My people are going to learn the principles of democracy, the dictates of truth and the teachings of science. Superstition must go. Let them worship as they will; every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him against the liberty of his fellow-me’- Amen to that

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