Trump’s foreign policy starts to emerge



Donald Trump has stunned Beijing by speaking directly to the Taiwanese leader, which overturns four decades of US protocol on Taiwan. China sees Taiwan as a province, not an independent state. Taiwan does not have a formal mutual defence treaty with the US, and American commitments on the defence of the island are deliberately obscured. But as China’s military might grows, Taiwan relies ultimately on the US security umbrella in East Asia for protection from invasion.

China was always going to be a Trump hot spot/aggression-zone with his Mars on the Descendant located to Beijing, with his Pluto also conjunct the Desc  (see relocated chart above). [US Presidents who went to war usually had a strong Mars line through that geographical zone. GWB’s Mars MC ran through Afghanistan and to the right of the Middle East.]

The China country chart natally has Mars Pluto conjunct in Leo in its 7th, and both Trump’s Mars and Pluto fall in the China 7th, so it will be a considerable clash of wills and temper.

The relationship chart between Trump and China has a formidable and unbudgeable Sun Pluto Saturn Mars conjunction.

Trump’s relationship with the Chinese leader Xi Jinping, who is pushing for Taiwan’s unification with China against the wishes of the population, has a power-playing, struggle-for-the-upper-hand composite Jupiter Pluto conjunction. Tr Saturn is in the aftermath of a separating opposition to the composite Sun at 16 Gemini; with a disappointing, distrustful tr Neptune square the composite Venus in 2017, and Sun in later years. And there’s an explosive, argumentative tr Uranus square the composite Mars in April 2017 and Dec/Jan 2018.

His other Mars line, on the MC, runs through Libya and down through central Africa, extending north through eastern Europe – Rumania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine – the countries most worried by Russia’s increasing belligerence on their borders. Not that Trump is likely to declare war on Poland but since his Jupiter MC runs through Russia, he’ll favour Putin over the neighbouring EU countries, which will give NATO a huge headache.

Trump’s relations with the EU, not mutually supportive from square one with a composite Mars Neptune, looks exceptionally stressed this month and throughout 2017 with tr Pluto square the composite Mars; and mired in confusion in 2018/19 with tr Pluto square Neptune. Trump has Pluto on the MC through Brussels so it will spark up his power hungry, controlling streak but that line can also be at high risk of backfiring.

Trump’s relationship with NATO is hostile with a composite Mars Pluto Saturn Mercury; and showing great agitation in 2018/19.

3 thoughts on “Trump’s foreign policy starts to emerge

  1. Let the games begin.

    I think everytimeTrump is told you can’t do that he will do it. …….. and this is with only one foot in the door.

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