Trump’s Attorney General – another sinkhole

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Just as I thought the astrology was off track (with another volcano predicted to erupt) as Trump gave an emollient (comparatively speaking) and disciplined address – and hey presto another Russia scandale has catapulted into the headlines. Jeff Sessions, the Attorney General, is being beset by demands that he at least recuse himself from the FBI investigation of the Trump election/Moscow connection and other demands that he resign forthwith. He appears to have been ‘economical with the verite’ at his confirmation hearings by saying he had not held campaign discussions with any Russians, when in fact he had met the Russian Ambassador twice.

Sessions, 24 Dec 1946, never did look to be having an amiable honeymoon in his unexpected elevation. He’s got tr Uranus opposition his Sun/Pluto from end of Feb running till March 19th which is a sudden reversal, a high risk situation, which will upset his ambition for power. And it’s not going to get easier. From March 9th tr Neptune squares his Mars/Jupiter which is failure, feelings of inferiority; with tr Saturn ratcheting up the pressure and bad temper from March 7th to early May as it squares his Mars/Uranus. And by April he picks up tr Uranus opposition his Mars/Pluto which is disastrous. Most of these influences repeat later in the year into 2018; and if anything 2018/19 are even more devastating for him with tr Pluto square his Sun/Saturn and Mars/Saturn. Woe is him.

His relationship chart with Trump looks separated and frosty from March 7th onwards so not inconceivable that he goes.

I’ve lost track of how many investigations are going on officially into Trump/Russia connections, business and otherwise, let alone lawsuits, but the US heavyweight newspapers are going to town today. As one senior politician remarked it’s always a bad idea to pick a fight with the media – “like getting into a pissing match with a skunk.” Somewhat derogatory about the esteemed fourth estate, but at least for once they seem to be doing their job.

[See Trump Feb 21st post for details of astro-influences ahead in immediate future.]



3 thoughts on “Trump’s Attorney General – another sinkhole

  1. Marjorie, I can’t find your comments on Putin but he must be laughing up his sleeve at the mayhem in the US. Surprisingly, Igor Sutyagin who was imprisoned by the Russians , stated in a BBC interview last night that Putin did not want Trump to win the election as he would increase military spending and is too unpredictable to read. This view has been underlined by other Russian commentators who say that the undermining of American politics and creating a paranoid atmosphere is the goal. Would it be possible to have an update on Putin?

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