Donald Trump is the unquestioned winner of the election with Jupiter crossing his 10th house natal Uranus and transiting Uranus conjunct his Midheaven pushing him across the line. His success comes despite a raft of imponderables ahead. His Solar Arc Neptune is conjunct his South Node exactly now, then conjunct his Moon in 2025 and opposition his Sun in 2026. And tr Neptune will square two of his Mercury midpoints throughout 2025. So word salads are likely to turn into word soup. Neptune does not enhance clarity of thought or speech, tends to undercut energy and motivation and can increase addictions and delusions.
Not that the Inauguration chart looks anything but control-freaky and dictatorial with Sun Pluto in the 10th opposition Mars in the 4th – the latter hinting at a mutinous electorate. Though Neptune in the 11th does suggest a lack of vision for the future. A defiant (lawless/reckless) Uranus in the 1st points to significant changes being implemented that break with convention or the past.
If his birth time is accurate then his Solar Arc Pluto is moving to conjunct his Sun – which can indicate a power play but as often ends with blocked progress.
Looking at his relationship charts:
With the Federal Reserve which is entering a troubled phase in 2025 and on with tr Neptune Saturn square its Saturn Pluto plus plus – DT is producing a sinking feeling with tr Neptune conjunct the composite Sun, with confusion and then worse by 2026. So his fiscal and economic policies won’t bring peace of mind to the money wonks.
With NATO there are some tremors but not as much as you might expect from his rabble rousing beforehand.
Ukraine’s Zelensky he really dislikes and there will be tensions and an agenda shift through 2025 and more so in 2026.
With Putin, assuming his 1952 birth date is sound, there looks to be a confidence surge in 2025/26 which could lead to overconfident actions with tr Pluto opposition the composite Jupiter.
With Benjamin Netanyahu, which is an argumentative, competitive relationship at best, there will be jolts and jangles into early 2025.
J.D. Vance, 2 August 1984 8.11 am Middletown, Ohio, like Trump has tr Jupiter and tr Uranus moving across his 10th house of career. His relationship chart with Trump shows enthusiasm/success at the moment with tr Uranus opposition the composite Jupiter; and a few downbeat moments through January/February 2025 but nothing startling. Though their composite Mars is catching the March Aries Solar Eclipse in opposition to arguments are likely.
Trump’s relationship chart with the USA is upbeat in spring 2025 but hitting disappointments and erupting tensions in 2026/27.
The USA chart, 4 July 1776 11 am Philadelphia, having moved through its history-changing moment of a Pluto Return is poised on that crucial moment of either facing up to an erosion of its super-power status or of attempting a reboot. There are risks and setbacks from SA Saturn conjunct the Mars now and square the US Neptune in 2025 bringing great uncertainty. There will be a resurgence of morale and a confident (over confident) push in 2026 when the SA Pluto squares the US Jupiter.
But I would pin point tr Pluto opposition the US North Node in Leo in 2027/28 as being the critical turning point. 9/11 happened when tr Neptune was exactly opposition the US leadership Leo North Node which dented US pride – and this may be the point where the future trajectory is decided.
Relations between the USA and Russia 1991 don’t look as upbeat through 2025 as expected from the Trump Putin bro-romance. Nor do the USA/Israel relationships look anything but disappointing.
This only a fast canter through the charts and more will no doubt follow follow. Trump’s relationship with General Randy George, Army Chief of Staff, if it is relevant, is fraught in the extreme in 2025.
Add On: Trump’s relationship with the present UK prime minister Keir Starmer is aggressively argumentative and competitive, as well as uncertain, suspicion-ridden and resentful. Not surprising when Labour sent activists across to help with the Harris campaign and the Foreign Secretary Lammy openly described Trump as a neo-Nazi sociopath. Ignoring the truth or otherwise of that last description there is a resounding lack of political commonsense amongst the present UK government. Like them or loathe them, other countries’ leaders have to be accorded a degree of respect for the position they hold and for the electorate who voted them in. Fouling the pitch before you start is plain stupidity.
The Trump/Starmer relationship chart has a composite Sun Mars conjunction at 1 degree Leo which is catching the tr Pluto opposition through this coming January, repeating late August to early December 2025. Early this coming January will be especially fraught since the tr Pluto opposes tr Mars once again on that degree. And their togetherness will be further upended mid March to early April with tr Uranus square the composite Pluto.
Starmer’s relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu is also at degree daggers’ drawn over the same period with a composite Mars at 1 Leo in their relationship chart – so January 2025 and the second half of 2025 with see UK/Israel relations at an all time low; with 2026 being not much better.
Trump also looks agitated with Netanyahu late this December to mid March 2025. And the Israel 8th house Taurus Sun is catching the final tr Uranus conjunction then as well – so the Middle East may be one reason for mounting tensions and disagreements.
Add On: Trump’s relationship with the present UK prime minister Keir Starmer is aggressively argumentative and competitive, as well as uncertain, suspicion-ridden and resentful. Not surprising when Labour (in government) sent activists across to help with the Harris campaign and the Foreign Secretary Lammy openly described Trump as “a neo-Nazi sociopath.” Ignoring the truth or otherwise of that last description there is a resounding lack of political commonsense amongst the present UK government. Like them or loathe them, other countries’ leaders have to be accorded a degree of respect for the position they hold and for the electorate who voted them in. Fouling the pitch before you start is plain stupidity. Hedging your bets before an election is wise.
The Trump/Starmer relationship chart has a heated composite Sun Mars conjunction at 1 degree Leo which is catching the tr Pluto opposition through this coming January, repeating late August to early December 2025. Early this coming January will be doubly fraught since the tr Pluto opposes tr Mars once again on that degree. And their togetherness will be further upended mid March to early April with tr Uranus square the composite Pluto.
Starmer’s relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu is also at degree daggers’ drawn over the same period with a composite Mars at 1 Leo in their relationship chart – so January 2025 and the second half of 2025 with see UK/Israel relations at an all time low; with 2026 being not much better.
Trump also looks agitated with Netanyahu late this December to mid March 2025. And the Israel 8th house Taurus Sun is catching the final tr Uranus conjunction then as well – so the Middle East may be one reason for mounting tensions and disagreements.
Add On 10 November 2024
Thoughts from today’s Sunday Times by Mark Urban with pointers to where Trump’s actions may be more limited than hysteria suggests.
Five forces limiting Trump’s global influence.
Debt, the risk of a trade war and volatility in the Middle East and Ukraine may threaten Trump’s ability to get his own way.
Steering clear of foreign wars is a Trump pitch, but the US could get sucked in an Iran/Israel conflict.
The US is militarily weaker than it was during his last term. The strains of sustaining Ukraine or backing up Israel have undermined the US ability to train and stockpile for what is considered to be the main event: a possible confrontation with China.
Another constraint on Trump’s foreign policy is America’s ballooning government debt. It now stands at $35 trillion, or 123 per cent of GDP, and will rise still further if Trump cuts taxes again. Among those the US has relied upon to finance its debt are China, and Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Add together weakening US military clout and growing indebtedness and it’s apparent why America’s ability to call the shots is dwindling in many parts of the world.
Trump’s trade war could derail his entire platform. Campaign promises of 60 per cent tariffs on Chinese goods and 20 per cent on others could spark all manner of economic consequences. Such a step could send US inflation back up, while triggering retaliation from others and wrecking American supply chains. Musk says “You need to be careful with tariffs otherwise you shock the system and it breaks.”
‘Whatever the outcome of a Ukraine peace negotiation, a confrontation with Iran or a tariff war with China, the limitations on American power are evident. Bending other states to your will — while simultaneously rolling back military protection for friends, waging a trade war with almost everyone and expecting geopolitical rivals to finance your debt — is a tall order. Making America great again seems an even tougher challenge now than it was in 2016.’
Unquestionably “ unquestioned” is false. We are actively questioning the missing votes, the broken seals on tally machines, the 2020 vote counts appearing as if by magic as vote totals instead of the higher 2024 numbers. Musk saying he woukd go to jail, then saying he knew the results 4 hours before anyone, Trump telling us he didn’t need our votes, he had enough weeks before. We don’t accept the reported results because the math is way off. Recounts ahead.
Have added to the main text above for ease of finding later.
Thoughts from today’s Sunday Times by Mark Urban with pointers to where Trump’s actions may be more limited than hysteria suggests.
Five forces limiting Trump’s global influence.
Debt, the risk of a trade war and volatility in the Middle East and Ukraine may threaten Trump’s ability to get his own way.
Steering clear of foreign wars is a Trump pitch, but the US could get sucked in an Iran/Israel conflict.
The US is militarily weaker than it was during his last term. The strains of sustaining Ukraine or backing up Israel have undermined the US ability to train and stockpile for what is considered to be the main event: a possible confrontation with China.
Another constraint on Trump’s foreign policy is America’s ballooning government debt. It now stands at $35 trillion, or 123 per cent of GDP, and will rise still further if Trump cuts taxes again. Among those the US has relied upon to finance its debt are China, and Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Add together weakening US military clout and growing indebtedness and it’s apparent why America’s ability to call the shots is dwindling in many parts of the world.
Trump’s trade war could derail his entire platform. Campaign promises of 60 per cent tariffs on Chinese goods and 20 per cent on others could spark all manner of economic consequences. Such a step could send US inflation back up, while triggering retaliation from others and wrecking American supply chains. Musk says “You need to be careful with tariffs otherwise you shock the system and it breaks.”
‘Whatever the outcome of a Ukraine peace negotiation, a confrontation with Iran or a tariff war with China, the limitations on American power are evident. Bending other states to your will — while simultaneously rolling back military protection for friends, waging a trade war with almost everyone and expecting geopolitical rivals to finance your debt — is a tall order. Making America great again seems an even tougher challenge now than it was in 2016.’
China could also refuse to finance any more American debt– or even call in existing debt — if they want to play hardball against Trump’s tariffs.
Been hearing that most popular internet search since Wednesday has been “what are tariffs?” Companies are already cancelling bonuses and starting layoffs in advance. My husband works for a global manufacturer. Praying his company doesn’t close now.
Thanks Marjorie
Based your projected forecast and the track record of the incoming administration it will all backfire in the next few years. I do hope there will eventually be revisions in the problematic political system in the future such as the electoral college gerrymandering and the two party the system, Supreme Court etc etc so hopefully the Pluto breakdown and rebuild process comes in the next decades to come and Pluto Aquarius will bring needed change beyond the incoming presidency
Harris chart shows a career high very soon which really seems odd given what has happened but there is talk Biden might fast track her to the Supreme Court.. do you see anything Majorie?
@Thomas, unlikely given how the process works. One of the current Justices should first die or resign. After which the President would nominate a candidate, and the nomination would be confirmed by the Congress. Given the precedent in 2016, Republicans would filibuster the vote.
It’s likely that if Harris is still interested in politics, her next step would be running for Governor of California with Gavin Newsom facing term limit in 2026.
The only person on the Court who could resign is Sotamayor who isn’t in the best of health (she travels with a doctor and has Type I diabetes.
More than likely Biden will resign and allow Harris to serve as president for less than two months.
Lots of astrologers were hinting that something would happen to Biden before the election and Harris would become president.
She can still run for governor of California in 2026.
I think it was in The Atlantic that I saw, or maybe The New Yorker, that Trump will now have set the shape of the court until 2045.
So two of the solutions are dilution when the next person comes or, as in other civilized countries, limiting the term of the justices and making people retire, as everyone else, around the age of 65. Everybody should be replaceable.
@ El Aznar
Yes, more than likely Thomas and Alito want to retire due their ethics concerns.
Of course Trump will replace them with 40 or 50 year-olds like ACB.
Then Roberts and Sotamayor would be the oldest at approximately 70.
Campaigning on expanding the Supreme Court would be somewhat risky, but Marjorie did mention something happening concerning the SCOTUS in 2029 which would be in line with the 2028 election and that is when Republicans will have to defend significantly more Senate seats than Democrats which could give Democrats the power to pass ethics rules at the very least.
@Roderick Is ACB republican?
Hi Thomas. Maybe a great position at a university or some legal work at a prestigious law firm or non-profit.
Please ,please can we get away from all the vitriol and hate and return to more measured astrology.
Mary, Quite agree. It is getting wearing. We are where we are. No opinions please. Some background context can be helpful, otherwise focus on the astrology.
Can we all please take a deep breath and wait to see what happens?
I doubt anyone is more distressed about the election results than I am. But, based on Marjorie’s charts and everything I’ve learnt from a lifetime working in and observing American politics, it’s not going to be a bed of roses for Trump and his allies in imposing their agenda.
There will be enormous opposition and resistance — including me. You can count on that. There will also be terrible disruptions and pain for those of us in the opposition. Prepare for a fight, but know we have to pick our fights. But for now, breathe and prepare, logically and systematically. And don’t despair. The sun will rise in the morning — every morning.
The other thing to remember is that Republicans always overreach, thinking they have a mandate for their most extreme and unpopular policies, generating enormous pushback and opposition.
I knew the Democrats were going to lose… I talked to so many Americans from all over. The resounding consensus for voting Republican was the same thing that I felt – not feeling safe at all in Progressive places, smelling feces and urine every time I am in a Progressive city, the Democrats lying to all of us about how senile Joe Biden is ( I dismissed my bio esthetic dentist when he said that the Democrats were committing elder abuse on JB by his increasingly bizarre comments being broadcast around the world;) Then, allowing anyone and everyone into the country and spending a fortune providing the necessities on people that entered the US illegally. Blame the Democrats for pranking their supporters but I’m living like it’s 1980 and will never fall for the Democrats’ lies again:)
@ Jody, do you think that Trump is in good mental health?
He slurs and rambles and goes on tangents when he gives interviews and lies incessantly.
You show your true colors when you repeat Fox News talking points about this Democratic city and that Democratic city because I find it weird how Republicans are the ones who are always with the us vs. them rhetoric when we’re all supposed to be Americans, but that goes both ways.
Now Trump and Republicans are going to govern and treat all Americans equally but they won’t
If necessary, yes. For now I’ll stay and fight. How about you? I’m planning to prepare for the long haul.
Nicole, Thank you. Sane words of wisdom.
Nicole, did you say you would move to Mexico if Trump wins?
Or were you just considering it?
What would happen if you were to live better under Trump than under Biden?
@El Aznar, I said I’d definitely consider it if I felt in danger of being rounded up.
I like living in California and don’t want to leave. The thought of a Trump dictatorship appals me. Because my husband and I both loathe Trump we’ll avoid exposure to his triumphal speech by spending inauguration day in Mexico — Tijuana — even if it’s just to visit our dentist as we did in 2017.
Based on your remarks, Jody, I’m sure you’ll welcome Trump’s regime and authoritarianism.
There was a news report from the Business Standard today that the FBI foiled another Iranian plot to assassinate Donald Trump – 3 people were arrested this past Thursday.
Iranians don’t seem particular bright, or conversaly, they know something we don’t. President Vance would be 100 percent worse for them than DJT. We do not know much about what he *really* thinks about anything, but he is a Millennial who was actually deployed to Iraq, and while not in combat role, certainly one where he’d see and hear more things than your average guy “on the ground”. Chances he has any sympathy for Iranian regime are zero.
Solaia, the Iranians are close allies to Putin and Russia and who’s Putin’s BFF-Trump.
We still don’t know what Trump did with all of that intelligence that he stole from the White House and former presidents get limited intelligence from the current administration after they leave the White House so who knows what information that Trump has blabbed to Putin during his phone calls since he left the White House.
That’s why Bibi should be careful in sharing any Israeli intelligence with Trump.
Thanks Marjorie
I feared this result, though the comparative calm in the astrology after the election persuaded me that it would be a Trump victory. The delusion shattered by the Saturn trine were the Democrats delusions.
Looking back, as with Boris in 2019, there was benefit from Jupiter.
Again, looking forward events will I think provide challenges to Trump as it will clash with his world view. Again Boris in 2019 provides some sort of rhyme.
As I ponder the possibility of extensive Russian intervention in the US election and the more likely “brainwashing” effects of constant Republican lies through effective yet deceptive messaging through social media and podcasts, I’d like to share what I saw at the polls on Tuesday and add as dose of practical political reality.
For the second time I was a poll worker in San Diego, CA, this time at a four-day vote center in an ethnically-mixed, heavily immigrant lower to middle class community, with many residents originally from Vietnam, Laos and Spanish speaking countries.
We’re not allowed, of course, to look at people’s ballots, but I can’t unsee the ballots of two young Latina women that were shoved in my face. One young woman, with a belligerent look on her face in her early 20s I think, with a baby and accompanied by her mother, showed me her mail-in ballot and demanded to know why she was sent “a Democrat ballot.” I explained to her that, in the general election like this all ballots are the same but vary by district, and that partisan ballots are only for the primary. She wasn’t satisfied, showed me her ballot clearly marked for Trump, but wanted to know why there wasn’t a Republican running against the clearly-marked Democrat for a state Assembly race. I explained he didn’t have an opponent and, in answer to her further questions, told her she didn’t have to vote for him or in any race or for any ballot measure she didn’t want to.
I had similar questions from another young Latina with a baby and Trump-marked ballot. There were also three young men, all I think Latino, either wearing shirts with Trump slogans (one willingly removed it when we insisted, the other message was more subtle and acceptable) and another talked to me about the importance of Trump winning.
These are just five examples, but they mirror the national election results.
For those of you in despair over the results, as I am, let me offer a few more points. For any Democrat to win now they ‘d have to buck the current worldwide trend of “throw the bums out,” which has seen every democratically-elected government in power during the late pandemic and the recovery thrown from office, lost governing majorities or about to lose office — think France, Germany, the US now and likely Canada. They’re all being blamed, rightly or wrongly, for the impact of high inflation and housing costs, supply chain disruptions and loss of standard of living resulting from the aftereffects of the pandemic.
I think the US will experience huge buyer’s remorse quickly as people see the disastrous impact of Trump’s — and Vance’s — policies and chaotic style of government. Also, the margins of majorities in both the House (if the Republicans keep it) and Senate, with the positions of moderates and dissenters taken into account, will make it extremely difficult for Trump to enact his more extreme agenda without resorting to dictatorial powers. So Trump will have difficulty delivering on his promises.
Remember that in the US all elections are run locally. For any effective manipulation of the voting results there would have to be a massive, complicated and coordinated process to hide, destroy or lose votes. If that happened on the scale needed information would leak, I believe. If so, expect that information to come out and prosecution to result. And based on my observations of my county’s meticulously fair procedures and its careful checks, I think election interfere in the scale needed is unlikely.
My apologies for the length of this post and its lack of astrology, but I hope the information is useful.
A great thank you to Marjorie for running such an excellent forum.
Yes, indeed — kudos and greatly appreciative thanks to Marjorie for such an informative — and intelligent! — forum. Such quality is exceptionally rare.
Thank you, Nicole. A wave of buyer’s remorse is what I feel is inevitable and Marjorie’s posts regarding Trump’s Neptunian problems in office could point to that disillusionment.
It’s sad and highly unfortunate. This election is particularly consequential for the US and the world because Trump is such a vile, unqualified and demented individual with a notorious aura of ignorance, criminality, corruption, bigotry, and amorality from within and without, although his supporters can’t seem to get enough of him regardless.
Defeating him this time would have righteously propelled him into the maws of the legal system he sought so desperately to avoid, and further would have thwarted the aims of billionaires like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel who now have his ear and are seemingly free reign to impose their half-baked ideas on the masses through his Administration.
Had someone else emerged as the Republican nominee–Nikki Haley, Marco Rubio or someone else in that vein–a loss might not have stung as badly for so many who stood so firmly opposed to Trump, given that we all already know who and what he is from 2017-2021.
Anyone expecting anything different this time needs their head examined, but it seems a majority of voters in the US were willing to roll the dice and run with him anyway.
I can’t help but feel empathetic towards Kamala Harris. She takes the brunt of another crushing defeat for American women and the idea of progress born in earlier traditions in the US, from Women’s Suffrage, to Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, to Martin Luther King Jr. and Civil Rights. Harris like Hillary Clinton before her, she was held to an impossibly high standard by US voters and media, whereas Trump seemingly got by the same with grievous, nasty behaviors that would have felled any other candidate. As one person said, she had to be flawless, while Trump was allowed to get away with being lawless.
Instead of making history in an inspiring way by finally electing its first female president to the White House, the US instead makes history in an ignominious way by returning a now-convicted felon to the office for the first time in history.
Again, I can’t help but think and feel Pluto here. America has a long history of abusive patriarchal rule dating back to its founding and the role of slavery in its early economy. The country clearly has some nasty daddy issues, for which Trump seems to be the avatar called up to embody them from the deepest reaches.
“Anyone expecting anything different this time”
I think it will be different.
Thank you for that .
It really does seem that America is having its brexit moment (jubilation at the idea of agency and empowerment … based on fear mongering, rose tinted promises and the blaming/ shaming of “other” … followed by buyers remorse when the number and reality don’t actually add up) .
Boy, you sure nailed it…that, is simply said, the most clear description of this hornets nest.
Has the US interfered in any elections abroad?
@El Aznar, in recent history and in the way Russia is now doing in Moldova and Georgia? Honestly speaking, I don’t think so.
During the Cold War? Having gone deep into intelligence history recently, I can quote half a dozen of examples, including assassinations, where CIA was heavily involved.
Some might think this is Pluto in Capricorn karmic teaching to the US elites.
@El Aznar, many, though probably more by fomenting coups and overturning governments and elections. I’m thinking Iran in the era of the Shah, Allende in Chile, plus others in Latin America. More recent examples escape me at the moment. The US is no innocent by any means, despite its high-minded rhetoric.
“… aftereffects of the pandemic…”
Aftereffects of the pandemic or of – money printing in the previous decade?
More money in circulation – less it is valued. So what was $5 now is $12. The law of supply and demand.
I personally would like to see more descriptions and comments related to predictive astrology. I also need some education in the meaning of the stars which Marjorie has listed on the charts.
An announcement was made yesterday regarding the closing of a tire manufacturing plant in the area where I live, which will result in the loss of over 1,500 jobs. Based upon what was stated by the now former employees and others, no warning was provided and relatively recent investments had been made in upgrading the equipment, etc.
It was noted that the Japanese owners (Board) of this company made their “final” decision Wednesday night, which was also the day after the election. Was this coincidence or were they waiting to see the election results, particularly with respect to one candidate’s plans, such as the proposed tariffs.
While I can look at a natal chart and get an idea about the person’s personality, etc., I would like to see if this decision was reflected astrologically, through Donald Trump’s chart or the chart for the Town of Tonawanda, New York, USA, where the plant is located. Some people are blaming Joe Biden’s economic decisions, but the timing of this announcement suggests otherwise.
To me, this election is about the fall of Rome. Trump is a mad Roman emperor. Western civilization is disintegrating under our eyes. There will always be pockets of resistance and light, but the planet’s destruction is now assured.
At this point, I do not believe that there will be elections in the US in 2028. What is coming is far, far worse. When at last people realize democracy has died, there is a likelihood of civil war. That is what the US Uranus return will be about.
The dour Saturnian view with a pessimistic view of human folly wins out in the short term. It can never provide the faith needed to live on. Only an outer planet view can give that.
I put much hope in the US Chiron return. it did provide healing in the 1974-80 period. This time it was overwhelmed by the US Pluto return, which by progression is peaking now. In coming years, there will be the Pluto return of the US Constitution. The US will never recover in its present form. The American dream has become a lasting and living nightmare.
I saw a sign in front of a bar yesterday that said: « All Americans must be accompanied by an adult. » I no longer watch American television because it’s too depressing. The talk of the Québec provincial government is to create a special force to turn away masses of deported immigrants at the border with New York State. There is no trust in Justin Trudeau to do so. If American voters did not fear Trump, Canadian voters will not fear Pierre Poilivre, his Canadian alter ego. Dictatorship is coming to Canada as well.
Correction: Pierre Poilievre
Andre, Enough. This is not the end of the world – end of days – armageddon. Whatever. Just calm down.
Given the anxiety I have allowed non astro comments to proliferate but not for much longer.
Be grateful you are not living in the 5th century AD. Or Gaza for that matter.
I have a friend who has Neptune transiting her Sun, Saturn transiting her Mercury and transiting Pluto conjunct her descendant. I can’t pull her out of the Armageddon mindset. We can make it true if we buy into it, but resistance begins in the mind. Better to be happy just for the pure joy of existence and buck the entire system. I think of Robert Anton Wilson, Asc/Mercury, later Sun/Saturn/Mars in Capricorn, who chose optimism as a way of life no matter the terrible suffering he experienced (loss of a child, never-ending career setbacks). I am far from perfect in this area, but for myself, it’s time to choose joy as the greater form of rebellion.
Thanks Lizzie:, especially when you wrote that choosing joy as the greater form of rebellion. Jane Roberts also said that choosing joy builds a spine of steel much better than bitterness does.
I’m not sure it’s the fall of Rome (just yet), but definitely the parting “gift” Pluto leaves each time it finally ingresses into the next sign. Also, a real foreshadowing of the Saturn Neptune conjunction next year. This all reminded me so much of 1989-90, but perhaps this is even more intense as it occurs on the World Point. An old system is being deconstructed but the current shape won’t be the final form when the mould sets, especially with that USA Uranus return on the horizon.
Probably as positive a take as I give at the moment.
Thank you Marjorie. Passions run hot on this particular topic and people loose their sense of proportion. How might that change (if at all) now that Neptune will soon shift signs?
Andre’s comment seems to be a bit of a muddle. Especially regarding Canada.
He seems to have conveniently forgotten that it was our current PM who illegally enacted the emergency act, then deputized the banks to freeze bank accounts of protesters.
Which could easily be seen as actually dictatorial.
Does it not make total sense that Pluto (power, the subconscious, death and rebirth) in Capricorn (ambition, materialism) at such a critical degree would leave such a jaw dropping parting gift ?
Plutos job is to expose the underbelly .
And it’s now set up the required mass/ universal recognition of where we are actually at as a species (good and bad) for Pluto in Aquarius to kick in .
Also , thank you for your amazing insights (your titan submarine analysis earlier this year was a particular highlight) .
You are right Andre but a bit ahead of the plot. We are in Othello and it is JD who is Iago.
Good analogy!
It’s interesting to consider Gore Vidal’s take on the ‘American Empire’ and his comparisons of this with the Ancient Romans. Obviously, the Romans did not have a democracy, that being an Ancient Greek idea and word. Anyway, here’s part of a Gore Vidal essay, dated 11th January, 1986…..
“Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: you liberate a city by destroying it. Words are used to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests. Finally, words must be so twisted as to justify an empire that has now ceased to exist, much less make sense. Is rectification of our system possible for us? Henry Adams thought not. In 1910 he wrote: “The whole fabric of society will go to wrack if we really lay hands of reform on our rotten institutions.” Then he added, “From top to bottom the whole system is a fraud, all of us know it, laborers and capitalists alike, and all of us are consenting parties to it.”
Try reading Man’s Search for Meaning
A book by a psychiatrist who survived the Holocaust-Victor Frankl.
He began a therapy called logo therapy in response to his experience
It’s about how we choose to cope with suffering-he noted common traits in those who survived—and those who did not.
Maybe it won’t be as bad as our worst fears, maybe it will. We don’t know right now.
The last time Pluto moved into Aquarius and Neptune moved into Aries is pretty much in line with the American Civil War. These shifts come early in 2025. Also signs indicating a potential recession worldwide.
@Cassandra, Pluto was in Aquarius during the American Revolutionary War, which, however, commenced with Pluto in Capricorn. Neptune was in Virgo and Libra.
And yes, Neptune entered in Aries the day after hostilities between the Union and the Confederacy started, but one might also remember this influence ran well into the 1870’s and Reconstruction Era, when Black formerly enslaved people briefly enjoyed more freedom than for the next century in the South. It was also widely idealistic time in Europe, with Italian and German National states forming, Sweden passing constitutional monarchy, Alexander II abolishing serfdom in Russia (2 months before the Neptune passage).
I spent considerable amount of time studying historical “passages” when Pluto entered Capricorn and everybody were dooming. I honestly can say that from my personal perspective, Pluto in Capricorn events have been more “manageable” than Neptune in Pisces I’ve REALLY dislike for corrosion of information, “post truth” aspects and moral panics.
I see a recession, too. Trump and his new administration will almost certainly overreach and meddle in the economy in ways that needlessly cause problems and harm. His obsession with mindlessly enacting tariffs on foreign goods won’t do anything but dramatically raise prices and kill jobs.
I’m not betting on what Uranus will do in 2027-28. It will almost certainly be chaotic, and perhaps even nuclear, given the natal degree of the US Uranus is frequently implicated in nuclear developments. I shudder to think about what could happen with Trump’s stubby fingers on the nuclear football.
But for certain, I think many people who voted for him will be furious because the bad ideas he will enact will affect them personally when they thought it would only be bad for others.
The transit of Neptune into Aries aligns with the Sibly chart of the USA’s Imum Coeli (I.C.). Dissolution of America. The Democrat’s chart has a Sun-Neptune conjunction that opposes Saturn.
When the last transit of Neptune into Aries arrived in 1861, the Democrats attempted to dissolve the United States and form a new government. Neptune transits America’s I.C. Neptune cued the Democrat’s to activate their Capricorn Sun conjunct Neptune opposition Cancer Saturn in those areas they controlled politcally. Secede from the United States of America and join, reluctanly in many cases, the Confederate States of America. Most would have preferred to stay lone states.
Everyone is taught now that the Civil War was fought over slavery but that is not the case. The Civil War was fought over the dissolution of the United States on the “Union” side and the establishment of the Confederacy on the Confederate side. It was all about Saturn. Government.
Just in case you don’t think that is true from the astrology take it from the guy who saw it coming 20 years before it happened. Andrew Jackson, the Democratic Party’s first president, after forcing South Carolina to back down from a secession threat and the state’s passage of a law in contravention of federal law said in May 1833 “the tariff was only the pretext, and disunion and southern confederacy the real object. The next pretext will be the negro, or slavery question.”
And it was. The Saturn element of the Sun-Neptune oppose Saturn means if the Democrats can’t govern the nation, they will want to break free and govern themselves without regard for the rest of the country. It is this aspect that is behind the santuary cities. Legalization of marijauna. These are state laws that are against the federal laws. What is tolerated now could become a spark that sets off a much worse conflagration.
A new party formed in 1854 determined to end slavery in the west. The Republican Party Aries Sun is conjunct the United States I.C. The largest Union veteran association after the Civil War was called the Grand Army (Aries Sun) of the Republic (United States I.C.).
My worry is these Governors who have come out stupidly and started throwing out challenges. They need to stop any more additional attempts to stop federal law by state law and had best be very careful. The entire setup of the Civil War shows that the ultimate result of the previous attempt at dissolving federal authority went very badly for the ones who tried it. Some southern cities that were destroyed had such a bad economy afterward they didn’t rebuilt the burnt areas for 120 years.
People today tend to focus on the battles of the Civil War but that was not the limit of what occurred, the Union did not go to war with the Confederacy they found it illegal and debellated it. That means the war that came was not a normal half way war with existence afterward. That type of war has to go on until the hostile state is completely destroyed and its territory subsumed. The Confederacy was utterly destroyed and it took its people, economy and infrastructure with it.
I was listening to the news the other day “ first time since Independence Day July 4th 1776, US has voted for a CONVICT” Trump is clearly protecting himself from prosecution by being a president again. Those who voted for Trump has lost their morals, and they are going to regret it. He is just going to be the president for his own interests, he might not even be able to fulfill his promises.
Three things are incredible at the current hysteria:1. using the term Nazy,neo-nazy,so easily,without i dare say minimal knowledge of history 2.not looking realistically what Dems leave to Trump-horrible US foreign politics,relationships never worse with key countries 3.extreme paradigms rhat were boosted by JB establishment-trans and woke on one side and cancel culture at the other side,without any critical public analyses.
Why did Trump get so many votes from young?I hope some serious hate free analyses will take place
This is view from EU, East Europe, (not Russia believe ot or not) I reckon you will not publish,given the opposite view in the era of biased democracy.
Excuse me for the errors in writing.
“Extreme paradigms that were boosted by JB.” Not sure if this is directed at me, but if so, can you let me know what those were.
I can’t speak for them, but I’m guessing that the “JB” Rosa is referring to above is Joe Biden, the current President, not yourself JB.
Thanks. Amidst the maelstrom I’ve only just clocked there’s another JB in all this!!
I can provide to you Marjorie is when I did cards on him for the coming year suggests he is going to face some set backs from his own ideas and possibly people turning on him for not doing what he said he was gonna do or possibly wrecking the economy.
I got a lot of pentacle cards from him which seems about right.
@Tirin, I know many people here hate mixing tarots with astrology. I personally am also a tarot reader, if not as frequent one as earlier. My intuition tends to be related to places and come in flashes I have no control over what so ever.
But I do remember there was a lady at a Fox News show pulling a tarot for DJT and the one that came out was The Death.
Death tarot card is not interrupted as literal – usually about major change and new beginning. So she was correct there.
America had a chance to rid itself of this despicable criminal clown once and for all. A political loss likely would have undoubtedly sent him into a retirement home in prison, if not kicking and screaming along the way.
Instead, they gave him a lifeline, and yet one more in a countless string of second chances. They literally chose a demented, morally bankrupt dotard, a convicted felon, over a younger, far more capable and qualified candidate in Harris. It’s grievously unfathomable and a choice that will have many far-reaching repercussions for the country and the world, one that I believe many Americans themselves will come to regret, but not before a great deal of pain and suffering that they seem to desperately want for others.
Much has already been said and will continue to be said, probably for years, about the racism and misogyny that led to this outcome. Clearly the Dems have missed the mark, for their part, on feeling the pulse of the population. Perhaps the bill has finally come due for the corporate catering they converted to back when Clinton’s DLC committee drew the party away from labor concerns in search of corporate dollars back in the late 80s/early 90s leading up to his own Presidential run. The near-collapse of the party at the federal level now seems likely to be laid at the feet of nearly 4 decades of leadership.
And even with all of that, it’s unfathomable in any case that the country seems so hell-bent on doubling down on its worst vices, entrusting the worst individual to ever sit in the Oval Office with a mandate and full control of all 3 branches of its vaunted Constitutional government. Trump and his minions will be the wrecking ball that so many Republican MAGAts have clamored for, and there seems little to stop them.
This seems like one hell of a Pluto Return finish for the US. I know Aquarius Pluto to come isn’t all fun and games either, compared with Capricorn Pluto, but the country at least had a chance to step forward into the new era with a legitimate government and leadership in place. Perhaps the US Pluto Return is actually about the country dying and possibly being reborn through a death wish infatuation with all its worst elements, of which Trump may be the ultimate avatar of the malice, bigotry and malignant narcissism that runs deep through Americas’ roots.
What am insightful analysis. Thoughtful and inspired. Perhaps the Pluto into Aquarius transition still has to deconstruct before the renewal. Let’s hope it doesn’t take too long. My instinct is 2 years then the new dawn will break.
The mid terms
@KateS this is what I’ve always been saying. 2026 looks SO different, not to mention 2028.
If this is of any consolation, we are about 18 month of a right wing imposing their program in Finland. Today, a new poll showed main opposition party, SDP, at 24 points, 6 points ahead the Coalition party leading the Government. We’ve often been ahead of curve politically – in 2011, when Finns Party wan one of the first populist right wing landslides in Europe, in 2015, when they were accepted to Government and 2019, when the Center Left had unexpected victory.
A significant feature of the next four years will be the move of the outer planets from Earth and Water signs into Fire and Air. Pluto from Cap. into Aq. – Neptune and Saturn from Pisces into Aries and Uranus from Taurus into Gemini. My guess is that we will go from being obsessed about social justice/culture issues to dealing with unprecedented technological change. How the new political reality in Washington will respond is anybody’s guess.
Hi Marjorie, please can you compare his chart against the World Economic forum who Keir and Kemi are members and its agenda?Also the Bilderberg group,The WEF, and the United Nations 2030 plan and 2050 plan, please as would be interested if he will support it ? Also what does it mean for the celebrities who endorsed Harris? especially the ones linked to the Diddy party go-oers?
Trump campaign quietly distances itself from RFK Jr after new vaccine safety comments
Republicans concerned former independent candidate would struggle to make it through security clearance for top government role. Telegraph.
No surprise there
He’s a walking petri dish, lacking flouride but also lacking all modern vaccinations.
Buyer’s remorse, fur shur.
Marjorie, recent news stories suggest that this new Trump administration will get rid of traditional security clearance procedures–because so many of their people would not get clearance.
(I’m trying my best to ignore Trump news–and it’s hard to do! I’d like to enjoy the last months of the Biden administration. I wish Biden would do something outrageous since SCOTUS has made the President king-like. But he’s a decent man–but I think if he made Hilary queen that would be a good laugh.)
I suppose one can be thankful for small mercies. I wouldn’t take health advice from a man who looks even more unhealthy than Donald, if that’s even possible and certainly not one who claims to have a worm in his head.
@VF: Well, as long as he still has 3 or 4 working brain cells, what matter “worms”?
@ Marjorie.
That’s hilarious about the security clearance since Trump gave his son-in-law Jared a security clearance after he couldn’t get one the traditional route after revising his security clearance application multiple.
No, even Republicans know that RFK Jr. in the Cabinet would be a liability besides they probably already have someone from the Heritage Foundation picked for whatever role RFK Jr. was supposed to hold.
I wonder what the effect of retrograde Mars will be in the inauguration chart? Hopefully, the old man will not have much energy to wreck the system. Lets hope.
JD Vance will finish his term and he will be even worse.
Vance scares me more than Trump, since he seems to believe in nothing other than his personal ambition and power, lacks ethics and operates as a tool of his patrons, the utterly vile Peter Thiel and vile and unstable Elon Musk. Vance also wrote the introduction to Project 2025, which I’m sure he will be eager to impose on the nation.
People continue to vote against their self-interest.
Its nowhere near that simple re own interest.
Many Liberals were incandescent about the Dems attitude towards self id child ‘transition’ and lifelong medicalisation, the erasure of women and gays rights, the sickening reality that women have lost nearly 1000 medals to trans identifying men in sport and that there are male rapists in womens prisons.
Meanwhile ‘cancel culture’ has seen multiple more people lose careers than during McCarthyism.
All the while the Dems wouldnt listen.
Women and men were caught between a rock, and a hard place.
I’m disgusted with the result BUT the Dems should have paid attention to Terf Island Nicola Sturgeons loss and listened to the Feminists who approcahed them.
And feminists both sides of the Pond warned that if governments didnt listen, people would vote for those who did, however counterproductive long term.
Marina, You nailed it. Not only that – but the pandemic played a huge role. Small biz lost big time. The Dems have a short (as all governments do) – the people do not! When Neptune enters Aries – Big Pharma is going to have a rude awakening. I’m thrilled that Kennedy is on his team.
I respectfully disagree. They spent millions and millions of dollars in ads pounding on the fact that Harris supported the transition of prisoners. The reality is that only “two” such cases happened in history. Yet, this was one of the major themes in people’s minds. Reality and propaganda were mixed in this election, and in the end, people believed the extreme portrait created about the Dems. Trump is the greatest seller of our time, and he successfully sold his version to millions. I also would not dismiss the bro culture growing among the young men.
Just fire up your boat and head for safety in Mexico if you become too afraid. I believe you can still access the NYT and Wapo:) take care
Repubs ran a particularly egregious campaign against lgbtq and women’s rights. We should be on the same side afaiac.
I’m as “terfy” as they come, but I’d say Trump’s victory (more the Dems’ defeat) is about WAY more than the gender ideology issue (& with the greatest respect, that is really not just about “propaganda” from anti-Dems in the USA. Quite a few of us over here on terf island are very firmly on the left and have been aware of it for years!). That’s an example of the problem, but I’d say rather it seems to be about appearing not to listen, fullstop, to the concerns of many in the electorate, or rather, swathes of the electorate not feeling that they’re being listened to about their concerns, and being lectured and spoken down to instead – while being told “we know what’s good for you better than you do.” The message isn’t resonating, I’d say. That doesn’t mean Trump will resolve anything, of course, but it feels like more of a protest vote. I can’t imagine he’ll last the whole term, but I agree, Vance worries me even more…
@Laura, please explain what your issues are?
First people claimed that the top two issues were the economy and immigration.
Well the macro economy is pretty good and Harris pointed out that prices at the grocery stores are the result of price gouging and inflation is due to the pandemic.
The Senate had a bipartisan immigration bill ready for a vote but Trump told Republicans not to vote for it because he needed immigration as a campaign issue.
After Trump was called out for lying about Haitians in Ohio eating cats and dogs JD Vance said that it was ok to lie to focus the attention on immigration.
Then you had lies about FEMA’s response to Hurricanes Helene and Milton.
You want the Democrats to responds to lies and conspiracy theories that some people are too dumb to believe?
Trans make up like 0.00001% of the population so tell me how are they an issue impacting the daily lives of women unlike Republicans allowing women to die from pregnancy complications because they only see women as incubators and therefore disposable?
I’m in the UK, Roderick, an avowed leftist, a strong believer in social reforms and women’s legal rights (we have a VERY strong history of that here and as a result for many years secured far better protections in the US BECAUSE we dealt with evidenced reality not theory, focused on the lives of ordinary people and understand class politics which the US consistently skirts around ) and what I’m saying is responses like your defensive kneejerk response here (there appear to be a lot of erroneous assumptions you’re making about my beliefs) is part of the huge problem the Dems have. They have lost touch with their supposed voter base and their reality, are giving far too much credence to unevidenced yet fashionable theories, highly capitalistic while claiming to be the opposite, and have lost sight of what used to be actually giving a damn about the working classes, their material reality, what people see as fairness, safety, people being able to put food on the table. Now we now Trump doesn’t give a damn in reality about ordinary people and won’t resolve those – he didn’t pay his own workers, for goodness sake. But that sense of not being cared about has got so bad, a lot of people think the Dems are SO awful, that you actually have ex-Obama voters and minorities voting for Trump. Why? What is it that’s inducing people who you’d think should be flocking to the Dems to despise the Dems SO much that they’ll actually go out and vote for someone as awful as Trump? I agree he’ll do them no good at all. But that’s not the point I’m making here. What ARE people’s problems on the ground?. Have the Dems been listening and offering better solutions to THOSE problems than the Orange Idiot, rather than imposing unevidenced, middle class tribal identity politics and policies on them? If they haven’t and aren’t connecting with those who should be their main core, why the hell not? I don’t feel like the Dems have learned ANYTHING in eight years. This is a vote against them, not for Trump. On the plus side, the shine’ll come off very quickly – but what is being done to connect with those voters? Have you actually asked people why they voted that way or are you too busy angrily judging them and feeling morally superior?
Trump is the living embodiment of America’s Pluto return. The gangster, underworld, crime, propaganda and dishonesty , revenge, deep rage, sold as transformative and profound change, pick your keywords. Transiting Pluto in his 6th will be key to his near and mid term future I think.
@Gamal, this is an excellent observation. My Sun is at the beginning of Aquarius and these are precisely the qualities that drive me nuts about Trump. Well said.
It’s very much worth reading Marjorie’s post on both the Heritage Foundation (16 Feb 1973), and their Project 2025. It was posted in September 2023.
“(the Heritage Foundation) looks to be powering ahead through this year with tr Pluto conjunct the Jupiter but high hopes of success will be deflated by SA Neptune conjunct Jupiter, exact in late summer 2024. And it will run into a catastrophic phase of setbacks and disappointments come 2026/27 with tr Neptune Saturn opposition their Pluto and square Mars, at the same time as SA Pluto squares the Sun. Nothing that looks like progress with their project.”
I noticed that there’ll be a Solar Eclipse at 28 Aquarius in February, 2026. This is in SS 10 North series, about which Brady writes:
“There is a very strong emphasis on communication, and at the same time frustrating or inhibiting events….this is therefore a good time to take things quietly…”
With the Solar Eclipse conjunct the Heritage Foundation’s Sun, that suggests their leadership and possibly core values are challenged or ‘eclipsed’ in some way? Donald Trump’s natal Ascendant/Descendant axis in Leo/Aquarius, plus his Leo Mars, are highlighted by that Solar Eclipse too. Tr Mars in Aquarius that month will potentially trigger the eclipse by the end of February, very beginning of March 2026 so quite a high energy moment for both the Heritage Foundation, and Donald Trump himself – a man not noted for his ability to ‘take things quietly’ as Brady advises!
@Jane, thank you for pointing this out! I reread this and my feeling about Heritage Foundation unravelling 2026/27 is that Republicans will go after ACA and Social Security early due to their quite likely Trifecta. This will lead to REALLY heated 2026 midterms.
I also am not beyond thinking Trump doesn’t, deep down, like these people. People with Heritage Foundation background in Trump I Admin were some of the swampiest swamp creatures ever, Betsy De Vos, Rick Berry, Scott Pruitt… And you’ve never really seen or hear about them. Trump remains a “short fingered vulgarian” to the core, he much prefers McMahon klan to these kind of people giving airs.
Another overly hopeful and unrealistic comment.
Thank you, Jane, for this reminder. As you can imagine, I’m pretty depressed (though a cat in my lap helps a lot!).
This gives me some hope for their ultimate failure. Republicans have wanted — and tried multiple times times — to destroy Social Security since it was enacted in the ’30s and the ACA since the Dems passed it.
A cat somewhere around, being what Cocteau called ‘the visible soul of the home’, is always helpful. I learned recently that their purring vibrates to some frequency that humans find healing – science, not wishful thinking on my part!
Being a fan of the search box on here, I found Marjorie’s post of 24 October, 2022 very interesting, and concerning. She posts charts there for Obamacare, Social Security, and Medicaid. There is certainly tension between Obamacare and the Heritage Foundation I think, plus the Solar Eclipse and transits I’ve already mentioned impinge upon that chart too. Marjorie writes:
“The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), 23 March 2010 looks to be under immense pressure with a frustrating, trapped tr Pluto opposition Mars in 2024/25. With an undermining tr Neptune Saturn conjunct the Sun in 2025 and square the Pluto and Moon by 2027. That looks to be a damaging run from 2024 to 2027.”
Testing times, to say the least. I don’t live in the US, but have relatives and friends there. I do worry for them all.
As a Brit unaffectedly directly by the US Election – the worst thing about the last Trump presidency was his domination of the newscycle. Every day looking at the news and wondering “What’s he said or done now?”. Who has he been rude to, aggressed or simply showing a lack of intelligence or courtesy. That grandiose personality either telling you it’s the biggest ever or the most horrible. All just constant attention seeking. Let’s not forget he was impeached twice which gave the media even more to get their teeth into and meant Capitol Hill focused on sorting him out rather than the country itself. It became so peaceful when Biden was elected.
You’re so right GD. Exhausting. Somehow, for me, it represented the whole “blockbuster”, “super-hero” vibe of all the endless Hollywood movie franchises, super-hero comics, and so on that have been part of our culture for so long. It’s interesting how some of the more recent back story super-hero movies have been darker and more troubled iterations of those modern myths and legends. Makes me wonder about Neptune in warrior Aries, and how that might filter through to popular culture. Pluto in Aquarius might present as Judge Dredd…..
Totally agree! I think I am going on a media diet just to avoid seeing his face everywhere all the time. Let’s focus on what we can change and accept what we can’t. This too will pass.
I realise tensions, tempers and panic are peaking but hysteria clouds judgement and is no help in making astrological predictions. As I said before – staying detached is not easy when the main players are unpleasant/corrupt but it is what astrology demands as a practice.
The media are now searching around for glimmers of hope: Will he destroy democracy?
“Does this mean that Trump will destroy US democracy, like his “friend” Viktor Orbán in Hungary? Unlikely. Not because Americans are more democratic than Hungarians, which is a doubtful assumption anyway, but because the US political system is much more complex than the Hungarian political system. Largely set-up to prevent tyranny, the US political system is extremely complex and rigid. Most importantly, it is almost impossible to change the constitution, which has been at the heart of Orbán’s transformation of the Hungarian system. This does not mean that Trump cannot significantly weaken liberal democracy, but he will have to do it with weaker instruments (like executive orders) and with significant judicial pushback (although probably less from the US supreme court than from state and local courts).”
Trump’s victory is not the end of the world. Aaron Glantz
“During his first term, significant social movements emerged and gained traction. The #MeToo movement- and the Black Lives Matter movement.
Trump was at odds with these movements, but they still made progress. It may seem counter-intuitive, but it’s true: diversity, equity and inclusion programs proliferated under Trump. Then they retrenched under Joe Biden.
Even the Daily Beast lists a few
1. We Survived the First One
2. At Least There Won’t be a Civil War
3. He May Even Stop a War or Two
5. It’s the Economy, Stupid
4 is he may go off into outer space with Musk.
Lara Trump is looking very upbeat right through into February 2025 and beyond.
I think folks’ major concern is less with a fading Trump, more with Project 2025 which may be the real legacy of this election. Would it be useful for a fresh look at the astrology of it?
Lara Trump aside, the usual cheerleaders haven’t come out in any elation at this victory. A conspicuous silence, which strikes me as odd. I’m also interested to see what happens re: Harris’ transits through the end of the month into December that you flagged up.
That said, I now see Bannon has piped up with his rhetoric. Is he still looking “gloomy” over the new year?
Trump had nothing to do with Project 2025 and has said many times it is not his idea. “ I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal.”
As far as Bannon and Walsh they were joking. After a long, hard fought campaign, they made a joke and people laughed. I followed it last night on X and everyone knew they were joking. Go look and see. It’s just another hoax like Russia collusion or that Trump said Neo Nazis and white nationalists were “very fine people.”
@Maggie, people were convicted and went to prison for what you call “Russia collusion hoax”. Also, Trump definitely called demonstrators in Charlotteville “very fine people”. Whether he realized there were members of organizations that have been forbidden outside the US for being selfproclaimed Nazis, is questionable. But this
I am willing to live with the fact Trump wan both electoral college and popular vote fair and square this time, but this kind of cultish revisionism of what happened in the US and in the World from 2015 to 2021 is, honestly unnecessarily and even counterproductive.
Solaria. Every news source left out his final words: “ During the press conference, Trump explicitly condemned Neo-Nazis and white nationalists, stating, “And you had people – and I’m not talking about the Neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.”
@Maggie, for all his apparent condemning of Neo-Nazis, what did he actually do on the issue? I think this truly is one argumente where you can’t win, because the Trump Admin dropped the ball not only in monitoring the US Far right activity, but keeping foreign Far right activists out of the country.
The one thing that really stunned me the first time I saw images from Charlottesville was that there Nordic Resistance Movement flags flying there. Not only, their leadership attended. These were people whose history well. Members were convicted for bombings in Sweden just a month before. They staged antisemitist fights outside Gothenborg Book Fair a month later, on Yom Kippur.
In Finland, a member killed a passer by of their “flag demonstration” next to Helsinki Railwaystation in 2016, and later assaulted a Finns party politician. Another member stabbed a Left Party activist at a Library in 2010. He was again in the news this Summer attacking two preteen Somali boys at a mall (and here, to their credit, the mall security actually subdued the person).
The organization was legally banned in all Nordic Countries sometime in the late 2010’s. Yet they were proudly flying their flags in the US, with leaders receiving ESTAs. The latest leader was only put to Terrorist list in the US this Summer.
And yes, I acknowledge DJT who, by words of many people closest to him, struggles to read, didn’t know. But if he had any organizing skills and humility, he would have listened to Intel Community.
Inside the Trump-shaped trojan horse that crossed the line, there are folks intending to take it forward whether he was aware of it or not. I also echo Solaia’s point. That reply sounds as if it came from Twitter in 2017.
Sorry JB, you’ll have to read this as a long thin post.
On July 30, the day the Heritage Foundation announced that Paul Dans, director of Project 2025, was stepping down, the Trump campaign put out a statement on “Project 2025’s Demise.”
“President Trump’s campaign has been very clear for over a year that Project 2025 had nothing to do with the campaign, did not speak for the campaign, and should not be associated with the campaign or the President in any way,” co-campaign managers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita stated. “Reports of Project 2025’s demise would be greatly welcomed and should serve as notice to anyone or any group trying to misrepresent their influence with President Trump and his campaign— it will not end well for you.”
140 of the personnel working on Project 2025 come from Trump’s camp, i.e. they worked with him when he was in office 2016. Apparently Vance has also been working on it. Check out the write up on Wikipedia. I think this is what most people are worried about as JB said.
We all know that Trump speaks the truth and nothing but the truth … so help him …!! 🙂
@Maggie, Trump regularly denies he said something which is well-documented and recorded and denies support for issues, policies and proposals he suddenly discovers are unpopular, like a national abortion ban and Project 2025.
He’s not a policy guy and never was. He’s a “me, me, me,” “give me prestige and money” guy.
Project 2025 was developed by graduates of his administration as a blueprint to remake the federal government and the nation in their hard-right worldview once they grabbed power again.
I passionately hope the Heritage Foundation efforts fail. Even you would dislike it’s impact on your life — like destroying the regulatory system which protects the food and water supply.
Dano was fired not for policy or political reasons but because of some sort of sexual impropriety I don’t recall.
The lack of cheerleaders is probably because he has transiting Saturn in the 7th and it will be moving into the 8th next beginning in May next year but not established in there until 2026. He already has transiting Neptune on the cusp of the 8th. And transiting Uranus will be squaring his Asc/Desc also affecting relationships.
Great article by ProPublica on New Administration Plans. When people tell you who they are – believe them.
I follow you JB as I know you have some sense as to what is going on.
@Marjorie, I don’t fully buy into the general “End of the Democracy” panic either (although, admittedly, I finally deleted X app from my phone yesterday waking up, for my own psychological wellbeing’s sake). Most importantly because the State Rights are still there, not only in the worse, but in the best, too. I feel the atmosphere is sobering in general, which goes well with Pluto leaving Capricorn.
Further consideration: Maybe focusing on “End of Democracy” aspect was
a messaging mistake, to begin with. But when I think about it, it wasn’t necessarily Harris’s campaign that made this mistake. If you think about it, much of this messaging came from Republican Never Trumpers, Liz Chaney etc. And obviously, it didn’t resonate outside Washington circles.
This doesn’t mean the US is destined to sliding into Fascism. Quite the contrary – I think Trump’s Inauguration chart 4th house Mars will demonstrate “buyer’s remorse” manifesting soon, especially when people realize what Project 25 would mean to THEM, in particular.
Solaia, I also deleted my X app yesterday for pretty much the same reasons. I’m not American and my heart goes out to those appalled by what has happened, I found myself getting very stressed by the effect trump presidency could have on the wider world but realised this is all out of my control and I needed to protect my mental health.
I am no astrologer or even an expert amateur but this strikes me as the last gasp of pluto in capricorn before it leaves for aquarius. I have read that pluto in aquarius can lead to more totalitarian leaders though.
I feel that since 2016 we’ve been living in the twilight zone, I thought I saw a light at the end of the tunnel but it seems it was only an oncoming train!
@Solaia, the end of democracy has already happened in several instances in the States.
A couple of weeks ago Florida’s Republican governor DeSantis threatened to arrest staff at a television station for running an ad in favor of a state amendment that would have enshrined bodily autonomy for women.
In states where voters approved reproductive rights, Republican dominated legislature have changed the language of ballot initiative or sued to state supreme courts to have the will of the people voided.
DeSatan scares me too. I can’t help feeling that he missed his calling as a lead member of the Spanish Inquisition.
He is taking his frustration of not being the GOP presidential nominee this year out on Florida
Oh well.
Too bad so sad that Florida is getting what they elected TWICE.
Marjorie – Thank you for this post. I am not as optimistic as you, but I hope you are right. One of the things the Europeans are not tracking, but I have been, is the rise of White Christian Nationalism in the USA. There were prayer networks here so Trump could fight off Demons and win the election – with the Democrats characterized as Demonic. They call it Dominionism and they list it as the Seven Mountain Theory where they plan to take control. I say this for the Europeans so they can go out and research it and understand some of the undercurrents. Living in the American South at the moment, I know people of this mindset. The Europeans went through their religious wars, and do not understand what is brewing here in the USA. Trump being the Mob Boss that he is leveraged the power that the Right Wing Catholics and the Evangelicals offered him, and he took it. There is also Dark Money at work. There is also a whole group of young voters that have not been educated on World War 2, who do not understand the background to all this.
It is ok. If we don’t learn our lessons, we have to go through them. The USA is going to become more isolationist and Europe is going to find itself on its own. We had our 80 year American Century – now another country has to step up. We’ll see how this card hand plays out.
The other thing is I have lived all over this country – due to dads career (military kid) and then my corporate career. I have lived on the east coast, north east, American south, I have taken business trips to West coast and Texas. I can tell you – that there are multiple countries and mindsets at work here – with each group adamant that they are right.
I think a Black and a Woman was a bridge too far for many of them, whether we like it or not. (I am a big fan of Kamala).
I have thought for a long time that Pluto is Aquarius is not going to be all Kumbaya. It won’t.
Dr Timothy Snyder predicted that if Trump won there would be a great sorting hat happening, and people would start moving states. I expect that as well, and plan to do it.
They should have fixed this border mess years ago. So I do expect Trump to round up and deport the illegal aliens. Food prices will go up. A lot of people came here for the work – why don’t we just go on and create a guest worker program???
I do expect an isolationist term, the rise of the Oligarchs, a few public health disasters. I sincerely think that your comment on Buyers Remorse will happen.
I will go with what has been chosen. I will say the dumbing down of America has happened and it has led to this. Rupert Murdoch should be ashamed of himself. I will privately grumble, and watch everything unfold, and take evasive action as needed. I have relatives who support Trump and when I am with them I will smile and nod and not say anything.
The protest voters in Michigan, the are going to F around and find out. The protest kids on campus. They are going to find out. I grew up in an Authoritarian Environment. Free speech? Hah! Stick with the program kids.
Dr Snyder has written extensively on this as well as Ruth Ben-Ghiat, they are both worth the read. My country will go on in some form or fashion. My ancestors are survivors, and I will take their lessons. I personally know how to blend into walls to where you never quite know what I am thinking and where my allegiance lies.
The buyers remorse comment is right on. Let them find out. My big question at the moment is how do I protect my financial assets as I do expect them to take away Social Security – so will have to plan on being completely self reliant.
This is just one of those pivotal moments in history.
I am going to buy a book written by Seneca next.
In case you thought I was exagerrating
Those of sound mind and education just do not understand what we are dealing with here. Please note Mike Johnson and Donald Trumps name at the bottom of the article. My comment went into Moderation – see the copy from the Wikipedia page for context:
The Seven Mountain Mandate is part of dominionism.[12]
The biblical base for the movement is derived from Revelation 17:1–18, wherein verse 9 reads, “And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains”.[12] The seven areas that the movement believe influence society and that they seek to influence are family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government.[12] They believe that their mission to influence the world through these seven spheres is justified by Isaiah 2:2 “Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains.”[7]
By using strategic spiritual warfare, adherents attempt to gain control of the seven mountains by researching and mapping the geographical strongholds of territorial spirits, using prophecy from the movement’s prophets to determine the demons’ names and roles, and intercession in which they pray on-site to rid the location or “mountain” of demons.[5]
Followers believe that by fulfilling the Seven Mountain Mandate, they can establish the kingdom of God on earth and bring about the end times.[7][5]
7M Films
7M Films is a talent management agency accused of cult-like behaviour.[13][14]
Main article: Ziklag (organization)
Ziklag is a Christian nonprofit organization named after the biblical city of Ziklag which subscribes to the Seven Mountain Mandate. Its membership is exclusively for high-net-worth individuals with a net worth of over $25 million as well as faith-based interests.[15]
Prominent followers
Michele Bachmann, 2012 Republican presidential primary candidate and U.S. representative for Minnesota’s 6th congressional district from 2007 until 2015.[16]
Lauren Boebert, Republican U.S. representative for Colorado’s 3rd congressional district[17]
Rafael Cruz, pastor and father of Republican U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas[3]
Butch Hartman, American animator
Mike Johnson, Republican U.S. representative for Louisiana’s 4th congressional district & Speaker of the House[18]
Tom Parker, Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court[18][19]
Paula White, spiritual advisor to Donald Trump[4]
Andrew Wommack, evangelical leader[20][21]
You’re right. Christian Nationalism is alive and well in the US even in Southern California, where I live, but we’re fighting back. They’re also militia-based and run boot camps here. The founder of the aggressively-recruiting Awaken Church in San Diego is an Australian with a German Nazi family background.
I agree about buyer’s remorse, which I think will set in quickly
once prices rise with Trump’s tariffs and Musk’s planned government overhaul, which I doubt will fully happen (too many big businesses grift off the federal government).
Come to California; we’d welcome you here. I play to stay and fight back.
Thanks Nicole.
It isn’t just Trump it is the people who voted for Trump even though Trump insulted and belittled every group except straight white men.
The fact is these voters decided to choose the possibility of more economic comfort over their physical safety and humanity even though the economy tanked at the end of Trump’s first presidency and his proposed policies are going to make current economy worse.
It is that so many groups voting against their self-interest that is baffling.
Thank you
2025 looks dark, that said pushback will be coming. The various US house races are still being counted which will decide control of the house. Maybe it represents Kamala’s juperian glimmer later this month. The house controls the purse. Two races for the senate are also still too close to call dems ahead in both. The senate may be more spit than expected
You do not take account the US Uranus return in 2026-27 which is a clear sign of either civil war or a major external conflict, perhaps both simultaneoulsy. I wish you would.
It will probably be an external conflict because Trump or Vance will still be in the White House so no Democratic mob is going to use violence to remove Trump from office although the Democrats may impeach Trump again because he has committed some criminal offense.
Having Trump as CIC during a military conflict is scary given how he likes to talk off the cuff and believes that he knows more than the generals.
A couple of questions if anyone can help. The main article says the inauguration chart is “control-freaky and dictatorial” – would not that chart be the same even if Harris had won? So, with the publicity surrounding Project 2025 should that not have suggested to astrologers that Trump had the edge? Or do the personalities themselves bring something of their own charts to influencing the onauguration chart? I can imagine that electional astrology must be hugely complex – I guess study over time has led professional astrologers to weed out what they consider the most important elements but those must to a degree be educated guesses? What about individual voters’ charts – at some point might there be an AI supercomputer that could handle and process all the individual charts of an electorate to provide a clearer predictive picture. From what I understand software can now draw up charts in an instant – and the use of that must have transformed the art -even if human intelligence and experience must be applied to the data for a truly rounded reading. I guess the refinement of AI could transform such things even more rapidly
@ Nick88,
When I read astrologers describe the inauguration chart as dictatorial I knew that it more than likely pointed to Trump winning because Democratic voters would not have allowed a Democratic president to act in such a manner while Trump has been able to do whatever he wanted because the GOP is deathly afraid of him.
That’s what I figured. But I don’t know quite enough about astrology or American politics!
The US should send the Statue of Liberty back to France. It clearly is no longer worthy of it. I have a friend in New York City asking me if the Canadian border is still open.
@ Solaia,
I wanted to add to your point about birth rates and fertility issues taking place around the world.
Demographers have been warning about declining birth rates in much of the Global North and the Western World since the 1960s. They said it could have an impact on the workforce and global economy in the future.
The future is happening now and birth rates in the Global North/West have never stabilized – they’ve only gotten worse. For example, every country in Europe (with perhaps the Faroe Islands being the exception), Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States all have fertility rates well below the 2.1 replacement ratio.
And now, low birth rates are no longer just an issue exclusive to the Global North/West; some countries in the Global South (China, Vietnam, Cuba, etc) are now faced with this new normal.
I’ve noticed the low birth rate issue has caused massive panic and a frenzy among mant right-wing and white nationalist groups here in the United States and in parts of Europe in recent years. As a result, some affiliates of such groups often promote the “White Genocide” conspiracy theory that White People will soon become extinct due to massive immigration from non-white countries, interracial marriage, and white women not having enough children.
It’s been my contention that while many Catholic and Evangelical Christian Americans are adamantly pro-life, racism and xenophobia are also major driving forces in the anti-abortion movement.
I say this because, statistically, I believe white women tend to have more abortions here in the U.S.
And some right-wing politicians have been very blunt about their concern regarding this issue. For example, I remember a few years ago, a very conservative Republican mayor in Ocala (who even kept a Confederate flag on his desk) was quoted something along the lines that he supported pro-life because he was tired of “White women” leading the “genocide”
So, it makes me wonder: would some of these Republican politicians (excluding fundamentalist Catholics and Evangelicals) be so passionate about controlling women’s bodies and vilifying feminism if it were mainly Black and Brown women having abortions? It really makes me wonder.
@Chris, even a blind man knew that the pro-birth movement was about the declining birth rate of whites.
Ironically abolishing abortion will have the opposite impact because more white women hold jobs where they can afford to take off work and travel out of state to have an abortion while most women of color are employed in jobs where they don’t have paid time off or the money to travel to another state for an abortion.
I do appreciate you taking the time to study all of this. I know you’re doing your best to provide us with the most accurate interpretation possible based on the astrology.
However, I must ask: having gone through all of this information, does it really appear that we (the United States) is headed for a far-right totalitarian dictatorship for many years or decades to come?
I know this is probably a very difficult (perhaps, almost impossible) question to ask, but I was just wondering if the astrology offered any clues of any silver linings or rays of light in, what feels at the moment, a hopeless situation.
I don’t mean to sound overly dramatic, but my Americans like myself desperately wanted to believe common sense and reason would prevail. I and many others always knew it was a possibility Trump could win reelection, but we choose to put a lot of faith in the American electorate to make the right choice.
However, things took an even more shocking turn this election than the 2016 election. Not only did Trump win the Electoral College, he also won the popular vote (which has never happened before). Trump received 45% of the Hispanic/Latina/Latino vote, made significant gains with the Arab American community, and upped his margins with African American male voters. In other words, all of these felt surreal.
I would like to think we’re in for just another 4 years of political challenges but that we’ll overcome by 2028. Although, I know the astrology doesn’t care what I hope for.
Anyway, I’m still oscillating between a state of shock and despair over all of this. I guess I really misjudged the new “era” we’re entering. Pluto in Aquarius appears to be manifesting in a way that amplified the darker side of human nature rather than humanity.
Your fearful beliefs and obsessive overthinking is unhealthy, Chris. The only thing in life that we can control is ourselves and there’s more to life than doom scrolling and negative projection; plus, it just flat out doesn’t make anything better
Joni Patry and Janet Kane write about this. You might check them out. Silver linings may be unknown. Helps to think in a cosmic time scale. Something wierd like the aliens showing up could happen (Pluto-Aquarius). Could be something like preventing a nuclear war. Could be simply that the American Century is over. Germany is supposed to be a very nice place to live now. Germany was a beacon of enlightenment for years. Germany had Hitler and completely destroyed itself. Who knows. The big lesson being – never get over confident that “History is Over” and that “Liberal Democracy will prevail”. Life will always find a way. Maybe not in the way we expect it to. Maybe it is simply to teach us how to fight for what is important – and to remember what is important – and to not let yourself be taken in by propaganda – hard lesson a whole demographic here is about to learn.
NY POST:The young New Yorker also said Trump is better equipped to handle the migrant crisis plaguing the city.
“Trump said he’s going to send them back. I want him to send them back, especially the ones who are hurting people,” he said.
“I want New York to go back to what it was before they started busing migrants here. We had problems, but we don’t need them to add to it.”
Oh the irony that NYC is the location of the Statue of Liberty
The New Colossus
-Emma Lazarus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”[12]
My city, Los Angeles is home to people from all over the world. I love that!
Having said “Then it winds up looking like Harris gets inaugurated, not Trump”, here’s another thought: it could be somebody else, not Trump or Harris. Could Vance be inaugurated right off the top? How would that work? Anyway, it doesn’t feel quite over yet as to the actual (legal) inauguration….but perhaps it’s only paranoid me.
Having studied and re-studied Trump’s chart for more than a decade, it continues to surprise. It works incredibly well and fits hand in glove with the US chart. It was always going to be a wierd election. To me, it looked like Trump would rise again in 2024, despite all things to the contrary, right up to the election. Then it winds up looking like Harris gets inaugurated, not Trump. How could that be? No doubt, Trump’s chart does not look too good by January 20th, relative to Harris’s. I’ve tried all sorts of times for the US chart (uncertain as it is), but mostly use the Scorpio rising one as it seems to work reliably. With the election overwhelmingly over now, short of uncovering mass dishonesty, which is impossible, I cannot imagine what could explain how Harris could still win. January 20th looks stronger for Harris. On November 15/16, Pluto at 29 Capricorn 56′ is inconjunct Trump’s ascendant in Leo. Not a great aspect, butt then on Christmas day, Uranus retrograde at Algol is sextile Trump’s natal Saturn at 23 Cancer 49′, having gone back into the US 9th house of the Supreme Court. ??? No idea. So, we wait for the final outcome.
Whoever was going to win this time would have erroded the trust of the electorate because the economy is going down, AI is behind the corner and russian propaganda seems to be working wonders. Unpopular measures would have been required and if you do people good by force they are going to resent it. At least Trump and his apes are going to hit the wall and hit it hard. Taking us all with them.
As an Aqua born in an eastern EU country – Romania – during the time the anti-abortion law was in force, I felt disheartened by the result of the elections. It’s appaling for me that people who lived in democracy all their lives are willing to breed a generation of children that have to face the hatred of their mothers, fathers and all family as I did, being forced to hate their families back as a means of survival. And the whole society. And everything around them. Not to mention the Pluto in Aqua generation seems to be disconnected with their feelings, grim, favoring intellect rather than emotions. I only regret Elon and his incels won’t live long enough to feel the effects of their deeds on their own skins.
As for my country, it seems I have to leave all behind and start anew. Romania belongs to the group of eastern territory claimed by russians in 2021 and again this autumn to be a bumper state as it already was for the last 40 years before the 90s. No peace, no future, no prosperity for us poles, bulgarians, czechs, romanians, moldavians, hungarians. We were forever thrown to the wolves or should I say bears for the balance in europe to be maintained.
Fine, start anew, but what? AI is replacing fast most of the work I do as a software programmer. Sam Altman resigned from OpenAI declaring that the change brought by the AI is difficult to mitigate both as an individual and as a society. If AI replaces all the jobs, the capitalists won’t have any more consumers. The slaves won’t have any money to spend on their exquisite robots to clean the houses. Basic income? As greedy as the people are, it won’t be enough to cover even the basic necesitites. Ceausescu, our dictator, fed us ‘scientifically’, rationed food. Scarce at least. He was an aquarius, btw. If the commies in our country had something in common, it was the Air signs prevalence in their charts. Gosh, people never learn. At least we didn’t have guns. Back then, in my childhood, people were stomping each other for a piece of bread.
Nicely written, ria. Thank you!
White Christian Nationalism. The Payment from Trump will come due. Project 2025 said today they are getting ready with the policies to implement. As far as Neptune? Theocracy.
I studied the USA’s chart (12:15 pm July 4th 1776) and figured out that when Mars went into Leo- it would favor a patriarchal candidate. The USA SA Moon is in Scorpio now. Will be squared by T. Pluto this month. A changing attitude has prevailed among voters. It was clear that come spring 2025 as T. Neptune squares USA Venus – the issues around female /money/ values would be foggy. (I expect the abortion issue to go to the states). T. Saturn will move to square USA Venus in May. Tax cuts. All of this lead me to believe that Trump would win. I didn’t expect the Tsunami. I certainly hope the Dems would think to look within – as to why they lost the House, Senate, White House and popular vote. But no. I have no doubt that plenty of traditional Dems just jumped to the other side- sick of wars, censorship, and not an affordable state of living. Election day the moon was in conservative Capricorn. Trump gathered around him some wonderful people- who are very smart. Elon, (who HELPED North Carolina more than the government) Tulsi Gabbard who is sensible, (and would make a great president), Kennedy who knows about the environment, and also is a strong pull for many voters. And Joe Rogan who gave his show a voice for Trump and Vance. Open to Harris- but Harris declined (and she reached out to him-when she heard Trump was going on). No going on was a mistake – she could of reached male voters. Rogan is fair, smart as hell, curious, and a decent person. He was a Sanders supporter- at one time. The Dems need to ask themselves why so many have jumped ship. I doubt they will. Trump isn’t a Nazi and neither are the people who voted for him. I am hopeful that the USA will begin to prosper in 2026. I didn’t support Trump, (Voted for Stein- the GREEN Party) but I understand those who did. Will the Dems attempt to learn why they lost so badly? I doubt it. I was a lifelong Dem until this year. And I am in my 60’s. I am tired of their hypocrisy. So get ready for 8 yrs of Republicans. (Tulsi could run in 2028).
Trump’s Saturn Pluto midpoint is at 1 Leo and will be impacted by the Pluto/Mars opposition at that degree on 3rd January 2025. Interestingly if you draw up a relationship composite midpoint chart for UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Donald Trump it has both Sun and Mars at 1 Leo as well.
Hugh, It is very odd – hardly a straightforward jubilant run into the White House. Wait and watch
Many astrologers and psychics are saying the same thing. Wait. It’s not over.
Personally, for what it’s worth, I don’t think he won. Just like he didn’t win in 2016. ‘Russia, if you’re listening’. 2024. ‘Don’t vote. No need to vote. Mike Johnson and I have a secret, right Mike!’
He does this stuff in plain view on national television and gets away with it. He’s well cared for.
Marjorie please consider doing a chart of Biden and Harris for end of November, first of December.
Harris can still become president. Biden was shoved out before and it can happen again. Throw in some legal Judo and Trump could be stymied by the system.
Harris could write executive orders that would create a quagmire for Trump. Still time before the Inauguration for political skulduggery.
“There is many a slip, between cup and lip.” Shakespeare
Hm there really would be blood on the streets if they tried to overturn this kind of majority. Though I confess I am intrigued to see what transpires with Harris’s Jupiter midpoint being twanged later this month into December. Biden from memory is sinking deeper into Neptunian mists.
Totally unrealistic.
Please say more. What’s unrealistic?
Kudos to Marjorie. “She looks like a sure bet to lose” in her post about Harris back in July. So many astrologers thought she would win. The celebrity charts are interesting and informative, but your mundane analysis has always been of the greatest interest to me.
Marjorie, any updates on the main people behind Project 2025? I remember you said they looked somewhat downbeat next year or so, which is interesting since they seem to have got what they wanted.
She wrote ….catastrophic phase of setbacks and disappointments come 2026/27 with tr Neptune Saturn opposition their Pluto and square Mars, at the same time as SA Pluto squares the Sun. Nothing that looks like progress with their project……
so that would be approaching the midterm elections
I don’t know if I understood well what I just heard on the radio, but it seems as a convicted fellon, Trump can’t go to the UK and Canada.
Will probably have diplomatic immunity?
I was wondering if there was something to overwrite the ban.
I believe he’s not officially a convicted felon until he’s been sentenced. His current sentencing date is 26 November but legal experts expect it to be delayed now. There’s speculation that the judge could delay sentencing until 2029 when he’s out of office again.
I sincerely hope you are correct !
There is talk in Canada of closing the border to mass deportations. The next prime minister who will likely follow Justin Trudeau next year, Pierre Poilievre, will be a mini-Trump. He will receive Trump with open arms.
Such a weird thing the world shifting Right. Pluto? Saturn?
Isn’t impersonating someone else on the internet considered bad form, or are you actually Astrologer Jessica Adams? lol
Aren’t all US presidents and vice presidents ‘swampy’ in terms of communication? most modern politicians for that matter are masters of word salad, they show that unclear communication isn’t relegated to an iffy neptune mercury contact or gemini stellium, you don’t find truth tellers in politics any more.
Trump’s inauguration biwheel, looks scary. Trans Uranus conj the MH;
trans Mars conjuncts natal Saturn; trans Pluto conjuncts his 6th cusp
of health; trans d’Arrest, heart event, aspects Merc at 8 Cancer.
9 Cancer is a common area for heart disease. Trans Mars aspects
natal d’Arrest.
The Solar Eclipse at 9Aries forms a paran with his natal Merc at 9Cn.
Hopefully the election strain of travel and the numerous court cases
will pass with no adverse effects.
Also significant — California will pass the tougher-on-crime Proposition 36, and by 70% of the vote. This is very significant since it will undo much of Proposition 47 supported by Kamala Harris in 2014. Plus LA voters turned against George Gascon. Both these votes suggest a big change. Psychedelic drug legalization was defeated by 57% in Massachusetts. Pro-drug policies are no longer winning. CA voted for Harris but rejected some of Harris’ and Newsom’s signature policies.
I can’t support him personally, but this is what the people want apparently.
Yes, I remember Marjorie was never keen on Harris winning this time round. I will re-read that because it was good, *brave* predictive work there Ms. Orr!
This is an astrology website, not a broadsheet op-ed column.
OK, JB. Thanks?
This is a mundane post about a current event.
Where is you astrology? I hate that people who might not have the approved opinion get people like you jumping on them. She was congratulating Marjorie. Please let Marjorie condemn if she sees fit, you aren’t her watchdog.
@Maggie Thanks Maggie.
I was just congratulating Marjorie. I’m an astro student myself.
That K Harris July 24 post was great work. There was zero doubt in what she wrote, and it was written within a very ramped up and fraught political climate.
I was impressed. Apparently, a lot of us are.
Archie Dunlop on YT (Talking Astrology With Archie) was also correct about Harris, months ago.
Posting questions without the necessary transits or placements but does Trump even want to be president anymore? Did he just want to win to prove a point and head back to the links?
Will he be replaced by malleable Vance after inaugeration? Is Trump just the decoy being propped up by the real power brokers? (No, I do not believe in the Deep State, but I do believe in profiteering opportunists.)
He’s a trojan (term of your choice) to get various interests inside and out of the US over the line, yes.
Pluto into the 6th now will increase those health issues.
Scary!! I’ve had Pluto in my 6th house since 2013……. until 2030. I’m still alive and kicking
Glad to hear you’re in rude health.
‘Though Neptune in the 11th does suggest a lack of vision for the future’
In a natal chart this position tends to show an ability to tap into the zeitgeist and connect with a group, so unless event charts are different wouldn’t it be a positive for Trump? I see it’s in square to Neptune, which is deception though.
Is this an inauguration chart or the announcement of the win chart because it’s not inauguration yet?
I put up the Inauguration chart for 20 January 2025.
Ah thanks – I did not realise they always do it at the same time.
I’m translating from one portal what Trump is promising:
“More tariffs: 10% tax on all imports, 200% on some cars, specifically directed against China.
Mass deportations: record number of deportations, asylum restrictions, ban on citizenship by territory.
The end of green politics: increasing fossil fuels, withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, repealing Biden’s electric vehicle regulations.
Abolishing Diversity Programs: Eliminating Diversity Programs at Universities, Returning to the “American Tradition.”
No Federal Ban on Abortion: Delegating Abortion to States, Rape Exemptions, Incest, Maternal Health.
Ending wars: criticism of aid to Ukraine, agreement proposal, redefinition of NATO mission.
Enemy Investigations: Use of Federal Agencies to Interrogate Opponents, Possible Firing of State Attorneys.
Tax incentives: reduction of corporate tax to 15% for domestic manufacturers, abolition of tax on tips and overtime.
Less bureaucracy: Dismissing the “deep state,” establishing a commission with Elon Musk on government efficiency.”
Kudos to Marjorie for getting it right. But as she rightly notes, there are astrologers who believe Trump has a 17 degree Leo rising and that we should be using that chart. I don’t want to get into the weeds because I’m an amateur astrologer at best, so I’ll just post this link to an article on the topic from Kepler College’s website:
Thanks for this, Monica!
@El Aznar, I find this unreliable because of different house systems giving different results. I’ve seen Saturn, classic maleficent 6th/12th house close to Asc/Desc or in Solar Return 6th/12th produce scary results. But these require precise TOB.
Don’t dismiss the house rulers. Hamaker is big on that, and I think it is something she brought into Western astrology from Indian. She also has a book on it.
I understand that in more northern latitudes the houses can go “off”, but one of her pupils I mention often was born on Sweden and uses Placidus to very good effect.
Trump’s Sun/Mercury midpoint is on the USA Chart Venus. He does speak of love for his country. His Sun/Saturn midpoint on his Mercury. Which is near the USA Jupiter/Sun midpoint. He is very much for America. His Sun/Venus midpoint is in the USA Jupiter. Which coincides with his Jupiter crossing his mid-heaven giving him this astonishing win. The planets were certainly aligned for him last night. Whatever you think of him. He was meant to win. He is there for a reason. Whether good or bad it was his win for a reason.
Of course, he is just a vessel for something else.
I was taught astrology by an old Theosophist. It depends which way we look at astrology. Some mechanically, others spiritually or philosophically. We don’t see frequencies. Yet like the internet, planets give influential communications. America’s Election has turned out to be a shocker for most. I looked at Trump’s interaction with the American Chart. There were signs of affection. Jupiter was aligned. America also has an Aquarian Moon ruled by Uranus. Interestingly, having just looked at the midpoint between the USA’s Pluto and its Moon’s mid- point. The USA’s Solar Arc Chart has its Uranus on that mid-point. Uranus is also the planet that spins in a different direction. It certainly did on the US Election day. Trump has returned for a reason. He may go down in history as one of the most influential people America has had. He may not be a super intellectual, or indeed a brilliant politician. Yet he has delivered a jolt from the heavens, which will bring change.
Marjorie ahe predicted Kamala defeat “definitely” and all her fans were shocked but once again she’s proved right…she was right during India election results too..Her experience and devotion r unapralleled…
Liked humour above…word soup
Not to detract from Marjorie’s power and knowledge, and maybe I’m wrong, and she out it so nicely about how far the astrology can go with our knowledge of it so far, but it is as if I am having this impression that she pretty much thought Trump was finished and had no chance during all those court cases and troubles, and that that only recently change to being more wary and cautious.
@ Helen, please stop the pro-Trump propaganda.
Trump is a Russian asset and he has degraded not only the U.S. but its military and his own supporters.
He is a narcissist who has failed at every business he has started and he was a failure during his first four years in office downplaying COVID to Americans while sending COVID tests to Putin.
Really Roderick? She made a perfectly acceptable post using astrology and you jump on her? Are you the moderator here? Where is your astrology? I for one, found it interesting.
“His Solar Arc Neptune is conjunct his South Node exactly now, then conjunct his Moon in 2025 and opposition his Sun in 2026. And tr Neptune will square two of his Mercury midpoints throughout 2025. So word salads are likely to turn into word soup. Neptune does not enhance clarity of thought or speech, tends to undercut energy and motivation and can increase addictions and delusions.”
Trump likely has dementia, and at this point I’m starting to think of Alzheimer’s, since there is family history. I have a family member who was diagnosed with this Summer 2020, in the middle of pandemic, at relatively early stage. I had my suspicions 2-3 years prior to that, she started to struggle with finding words and were suffering of chronic insomnia. The disease seemed under control for 3 years after the diagnosis, but the progress since Summer 2023 has been scary. She is now struggling not only in completing daily chores, naming weekdays and things, but also accessing chore memories. The astrology: She is a Sun Aries, with Pisces Venus, Mercury, and Mars. Her Solar Arch Neptune is currently moving through these, and approaching Sun and MC – she is a midday baby, seems to run in the family, her children are daytime babies too.
“With NATO there are some tremors but not as much as you might expect from his rabble rousing beforehand.”
Many of his European NATO counterparts seem to have a realistic view on truly needing to start spending on defense. He also seems to be appointing numerous NATO hawks to his admin – Mike Pompeo, for instance. So, I would not be too worried of this, either.
“J.D. Vance, 2 August 1984 8.11 am Middletown, Ohio, like Trump has tr Jupiter and tr Uranus moving across his 10th house of career. His relationship chart with Trump shows enthusiasm/success at the moment with tr Uranus opposition the composite Jupiter; and a few downbeat moments through January/February 2025 but nothing startling. Though their composite Mars is catching the March Aries Solar Eclipse in opposition to arguments are likely.”
Vance is actually who I am worried about, with Trump’s declining health. He is obviously a seething boiler really poorly contained anger. And likelier than any VP in recent memory to ascend to power. It would actually be curious to see how his chart look on personal level as Trump’s decline continues. I don’t see him being a viable candidate in 2028 – he just lacks Trump’s charm (how questionable it might be…)
Yes, Trump has classic dementia stooping posture. Both my parents had/had dementia so I recognise the signs. Could this be connected to the Neptune transits?
@Virgoflake, this is how I read Marjorie’s interpretation of his Solar Arch. I am not an expert in it as an astro tool, but see the pattern elsewhere. I might look at my great aunt for a reference, too. She descended in her 80’s, way before they started doing MRI scans to suspected cases here. But she was classic Alzheimer sufferer, unfortunately with a mean and paranoid streak. My grandfather, her brother, seems to have had the vascular form. He was very bright well into his 80’s, then had three strokes, the last taking him at 87.
I was a young teenager and living with my grandparents when this happened. Likely why I’m so “tuned” into seeing the symptoms. DJT has had really painfully familiar moments that I can’t explain “just” with a 78-year-old person doing 4 campaign events a day.
Maybe also take a look at what happened with the ruler of the 6th house (health).
Thanks Solaia. My mother has Lewy Body, so suffers from paranoid delusions which is devastating, though her essence still shines through once you are able to console her that her thoughts aren’t real which isn’t always easy. Currently she has Chiron transit her 8th house. Neptune-wise, her solar arc Neptune is in her 4th as it crossed her IC at the same time she had to go into care and it (Solar Arc Neptune) currently squares her 6th house Pisces Sun/Venus.
@Virgoflake, so sorry to hear, from what I’ve learnt, Lewy’s is the worst. We had luck with my grandfather, he used to have a temper (never violent, just would make his point heard…), but became extremely
mild mannered and cheery after the second stroke. And my grandmother was the one person who the paranoid great aunt trusted and who could even talk her out of her fits.
I’m so sorry, my family went thru that with our mother a decade ago and it is heartbreaking and so difficult to watch their suffering without any good treatment. Marjorie had a post about it a while back where I outlined her transits which I can’t remember offhand but I wish you all the best dealing with it.
Thank you for your kind posts, Solaia and Maggie x.
Maggie, my Mother is on new medications that can reduce the symptoms somewhat. I hope science will soon find a cure for dementia.
Totally agree regarding Vance – which is why he was chosen, instead of a patriot with actual scruples like Pence.
My only astrological comment is that it could be argued that delusion applied to all Americans, on both sides of the aisle.
Otherwise this was to be expected (matching my initial fears when Biden dropped out), if only based on what is known about the American public from decades as an ‘outside’ observer. The Democrats might have won with somone else, but their fate was cast when Biden chose Harris 4 years ago. It’s not Harris’ fault, Americans still aren’t ready to elect a woman president, and Black no less, if they were willing to choose someone like Trump, and overwhelming so.
The most enlightening anecdote was from The Guardian, which reported that an 18-yr old voted all Democrat downballot, but Trump for president, supposedly ‘because of the economy’, and well, maybe he’s ok with abortion, despite all evidence to the contrary.
The fears aren’t just for the US – but the entire world’s trajectory. As many fellow Americans, I am now planning for exile, but I’m not even sure where it would really be safe. And let’s forget about fighting global warming, or the next pandemic… I only hope, Marjorie, that you are right regarding NATO, because Putin basically dictates what Trump does.
Unlike younger generations, my only personal consolation of sorts is that my time is more limited than theirs, but it would have been nice to leave it a better place for them. Instead, I’ve decided to stop “fighting the good fight”, because at this stage it’s pointless. They have won.
Power to women? But isn’t Aquarius kind of androgynous, so maybe power to the gay people, the queer, the unusual? Not really women… Also technocracy (techno – Uranus & Aquarius, -cracy – Pluto)…
I was trying to remember what Joni Patry said, and I just recall her mentioning something going one way and then on election day a big surprise or something like that…
@El Aznar, I read Pluto in Aquarius as a turning point in natality, World wide. Many countries have struggled with diminishing birthrate for a while. The US has the issue, too, but has guaranteed sufficient workforce through mass immigration. Imagine what rounding up illegal immigrants while young people simply refuses to procreate with the opposite sex will do to that… And yes, there is the glorious Pluto in Aquarius, Uranus in Gemini coming before we know, bringing AI and robotics and reducing need for human work, but imagine this being handled by the genius mind of Elon Musk.
So much of the signalling goes opposite ways: on the one hand you have people complaining of overpopulation and some job postings being filled with a ton of even overqualified candidates and on the other hand you have low birth rates… But then you have need for workers opposite AI making a whole ton of people redundant? How will it work? If you have a ton of non-working people, what will they live from? Universal income? For which, again, there are opposing views…
I can’t say I fully understood “Imagine what rounding up illegal immigrants while young people simply refuses to procreate with the opposite sex will do to that…” Could you just elaborate a bit? Thanks!
Thinking about the confusion (Neptune), hopefully it will end once Neptune leaves Pisces, which it rules and where it creates this dissolution of any firm facts and knowledge. Off-topic, weirdly, given Neptunes strength in many mathematicians’ charts, no big breathroughts in maths while it was in the sign of Fish? Or maybe I’m wrong?
Another opposing message is “Learn to code!” or “Everyone should (learn to) code!” versus Nvidia chief saying knowing coding in the future will be obsolete, given that AI will do it all… Now you figure out what will you do. Now you have all these lucrative jobs in IT, although in my view that is again very Neptunian, the glamour of money and good life, when you also have a ton of really not all that very well paid jobs in that sector, and then you also have these IT companies firing people or really reaching peak employment of developers and not needing that many of them anymore… So many oppositions.
El Aznar, glad to do so. In few words, the job market is going to two different ways:
There is scarcity traditional of “good” jobs, working one’s way up a corporate ladder. It’s been 10 or more years already that when someone in the middle management retires, companies won’t hire a replacement.
On the other hand, there are low pay, low added value jobs which aren’t worth being automated at the moment, but still contribute significantly to GDP. These jobs are typically manual, typically include very uncomfortable work environment and are typically left to those with no choice, such as immigrants without a legal protection.
It’s clear that some realignment will, eventually take place. There will be new middle class jobs, that previously would have been skilled labor. I see mechanics getting paid more than marketing managers (and rightly so). But while this disruption is already very much on the way, it may not be a good idea politically to enhance, rather than mitigate, the influence to the vast middle classes.
The genius, ketamine-damaged mind of Elon Musk? That terrifies me!
‘Though Neptune in the 11th does suggest a lack of vision for the future’
In a natal chart this position tends to show an ability to tap into the zeitgeist and connect with a group, so unless event charts are different wouldn’t it be a positive for Trump? I see it’s in square to Neptune, which is deception though.
Is this an inauguration chart or the announcement of the win chart because it’s not inauguration yet?
Musk knows the
price of everything and
the value of nothing.
For all of his enormous
wealth, he strikes me as
a charmless egomaniac.
There is far less to him,
than meets the eye.
As I’m sure you are aware, Marjorie, a number of well-known astrologers have been calling this election for Kamala Harris for quite some time. For some: no ifs, no buts. Pluto into Aquarius, bringing women to power – and more signposts were quoted! Another said that although they avoided calling election results, they were pretty certain Harris would become the first female US President, this week. The most ‘pessimistic’ Harris supporting astrologer, suggested a void of course moon might lead to an unresolved vote; which I understood to be a tie, with lots of legal debate and possibly unrest.
The result could not have been more different – Trump had a pretty easy victory! So do you think wishful thinking clouded their judgements or were they looking at the wrong astrological indicators? Either way, not very good for their credibility.
Majorie didn’t make a prediction, and if you look back at the comments in that post, some of us expressed doubts.
Kamala has Moon at 27 Aries. This was getting a square from Tr Pluto at 29 Cap.
Tr Pluto squaring your Moon is HORRIBLE. It’s genuinely malign.
When tr Pluto squared Biden’s Moon, he was forced to step down as candidate. When tr Pluto squared King Charles’ Moon, he got cancer. When tr Pluto squared Boris Johnson’s Moon, he resigned as Member of Parliament, ending his political career. When tr Pluto squared Sinead O’Connor’s Moon, she died.
When I experienced it, I could feel the life force draining, I struggled badly with ill health.
Squares and oppositions from tr Pluto to the Moon are dangerous, and people should be super-careful when it’s upon them.
Yes agreed. I had Pluto square my moon in Libra, it was a few years of time that everything I tried was ripped apart. Didn’t help that Neptune and Uranus also square from Capricorn. But, 35 years later Pluto will trine my moon. Can’t wait to see how that works. Pluto on my moon aged 18years bought first flat but, also married a wife beater.
The problem is most astrologers won’t/don’t read the actual chart but project what they want to happen. The same over Brexit. Most astrologers are left-leaning and liberal and of a certain age.
I’m also sceptical of the Pluto in Aquarius means women will lead/come to power discourse, as El Aznar says. Aquarius is a masculine sign.
It’s technological. It’s gender-bending and cold-hearted to the individual. It’s all fairness and equality for the people in an airy fairy way but not very good on individual rights. With Leo as the shadow of the age, that’s what is going to be difficult. One of the reasons that people are obsessed with celebrity.
At least Kemi and Trump are going to be interesting, flawed, individuals with convictions. They will be funnier than dull technocrats like Starmer and Harris.
Let’s face it, there are no good choices right now. Not one inspired politician in the west.
Aquarians I know are also startlingly devoid of any empathy or kindness, sometimes looking cruel, and I think can be dictatorial.
Aquarians are fixed signs. We (for I am a 0 degree aquarian sun) can also de-personalise. The Labour Party has this problem I think as does communism. Broad sweeping policies for the community that doesn’t recognise the individual needs. For a non conformist sign, this is rather conformist.
“… that’s what is going to be difficult. One of the reasons that people are obsessed with celebrity.”
Could you also explain what exactly do you mean here? Thanks!
As well as Pluto in Aquarius, we have entered the Aquarian age. The opposite sign is Leo which is all about the individual, being the centre of attention.
To me it’s no coincidence that now people take selfies, are part of the attention economy, reality TV, social media. Everybody wants to be a star.
Possible one of the most significant things said in the 20th century was by Andy Warhol: ‘In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes’. That’s the Aquarian age, shadow side Leo, in a nutshell.
We’ve just gone through the Piscean age, symbolised by Christianity and the fishes. The shadow sign was Virgo, hence the oppression of women, forcing them to remain at home, be homemakers.
Aquarius is a very detached uncaring non sexual sign but does seem to bring telephones, communications mechanical and of course the Internet from 1997 Uranus conjunct Jupiter. Mega Jupiter event, hard to realise we hardly had any phones then and certainly not like now where your whole life can be on your phone. Disconnected from humans, Uranus ruling Aquarius indeed.
It’s going to be poor for women I suspect, something to do with procreation and technology and removing the complex connection of a mother/child to making babies in test tubes. None of these tech nerds are known for their humanity or ability to ‘connect’ and now they are, through technology turning everyone else into their image.
I too have made comments to other people interested in astrology to stop the Aquarius hero worship, but none of them listen, these days I just assume anyone droning on about how fabulous the Age of Aquarius will be or any planet connection to Aquarius is just a sub par astrologer. It is a dictatorial, emotionless sign as El Aznar also said, the problem in astrological circles is so many have become obsessed with blaming all the ills of the world on Neptune and the age of Pisces they cannot envisage calamity of another flavour
This drive towards legalising paid surrogacy is very Aquarian. It denies and detaches motherhood. I see this as the next battle for feminists after our battle to have our sex rather than gender respected.
Trump and Kemi flawed? That is some understatement! I’m pretty sure Trump’s main “conviction” is that he is the most important person in the world who should be allowed to get away with anything he chooses to the detriment of others. And what is this obsession with wanting “entertaining” politicians. Politics is not entertainment. Our society’s desire to celebritise everything is part of the reason we are where we are. Strange that the “entertaining” politicians like Trump and Johnson lacked the judgement and grit and work ethic to do what was best for their countries during a pandemic and allowed hundreds of thousands to die that needn’t have.
Hi, The truth is that astrology is a flawed instrument for making election predictions. Sometimes it is clear, other times a mush of contradictions. The need for certainty – and making a definite prediction – pushes some astrologers into being overly definite.
It is all too easy to get it wrong especially if you have skin in the game and are invested in the result. Or your ego gets in the way and wants the glory of being right.
I spoke to another astrologer today and she said she took a more historical view. OK this has happened, what does it mean in terms of where we (especially Americans) are at and what comes next. Staying detached is not easy when the main players are unpleasant/corrupt but it is what astrology demands as a practice.
First impression of the article above: it’s as if the turmoil everywhere in the world just won’t end.
@El Aznar, these were my thought exactly this morning. I think many voters will have a cruel awakening later in 2025, though, if the recession Conservative pundits have been praying to happen will, indeed, come.
Do you know the approximate timing of the onset of the recession?
Gurmeet Singh predicts recession starting around 3/1 and running through August. —Vedic. He says very tough economic times ahead. I like him even though he was also incorrect about US election. He’s not deleting his prediction and keeping it up on his site which I admire.
And you know what else is interesting: it’s as if everyone is just an acting officer, a temporary head. Everything is just a flux towards something else entirely. I thought e.g. that David Cameron would rule for a whole lot. Look at how that ended up. But now it is difficult to imagine anyone right now having staying power beyond a few years.
You know who The Daily Mail seems to be spotlighting a lot? Lara Trump. So maybe in the next few days we could cover the Trump crew and their respective transits, progressions, and solar arcs.
Dear Majorie,
I’d like to know how Trump’s chart reads with General Mark Milley and General John F. Kelly, who both warned the US about electing Trump.
@Candy, I’ll give her credit here. She actually DID see heavy energy here. The campaign didn’t turn out to be a disaster the way people thought after seeing 2016. It ran apparently flawlessly, but this just tells how important “moods” and “vibes” are in politics.
Personally, my main tool used has always been Inauguration Chart, and 2025 Sun/Pluto oppose Mars was always something that alarmed me, but I thought of right wing terrorism.