Trump, the love hate chasm widening – VP and family showing alarm



Trump’s approval rating among Republicans is at 87 per cent, beating most former presidents (with their own party) bar GWB after 9/11, who notched 96 per cent. Though most Americans disapprove of Trump, by 53 per cent to 42 per cent. So the polarisation is extreme.

Where the US really starts to get bitterly hostile to the President is from early 2019 till late 2020 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Mars (maybe conjunct the composite Moon); with tr Saturn adding its own chill. And a major turnaround and disruption from Uranus in 2019 as well.

The two Republican charts, 22 Feb 1856 and 28 Feb 1854, are both in thrall to Trump though for different reasons. The 1856 relationship chart has a heavily aspected head-in-the-clouds Jupiter Neptune; and the 1854 has a chained-together Saturn Pluto making them feel their fortunes are inextricably mixed. On both there are undercurrents of real anger and bitterness but whether that surfaces or not is a moot point. There are upsets showing on both relationship charts through this year into 2019, especially the 1856 one.  (I’ve never found Party charts too useful but the USA relationship one will make sense.)

With yet another financial scandal surfacing as the New York AG sues the Trump Foundation and family for misuse of tax-exempt charity funds for personal and political purposes, and a couple of dodgy associates also up on charges, the question is at what point will the right and religious lobby be forced to remove their rose-colored glasses and face the truth about their sinner hero.

VP Mike Pence and wife Karen are becoming increasingly devastated and confused by the whole charade with tr Pluto square the composite Neptune on both their relationship charts in 2018/2019.  KarenP, who wears the trousers in that marriage, a quadruple Scorpio, seriously dislikes Trump and is getting more aggravated through this year and next. She looks teeth-gritted and on edge in 2019.

Mike Pence has the debilitating tr Neptune square his Gemini Sun in 2018/2019 with jolts, jangles and disastrous patches in mid-July/August and November. Sept/Oct and January also look littered with losses. 2019 is insecure, frenzied and anxious. He’ll recover by 2020.

The Trump tribe appear to all be entangled in the Trust lawsuit.

Ivanka’s relationship chart with her father was always odd with a composite Sun, Mars, Saturn, Uranus – and that’s a deal of anger about unfairness and unkindness, no matter what a sweet smile she puts on. It was always going to get kicked onto a different track with tr Uranus trine the composite Sun from last month, now trine the composite Mars and those run on into 2019 when tr Uranus trines the Saturn.

She’s made double figure millions since 2016 in her business enterprises which hardly fits the rules of ethics but is in a sticky phase of losses of one variety or another with tr Pluto square her Jupiter/Saturn midpoint exactly now on and off till late 2019. 2019 looks unsettled with tr Uranus opposition her Scorpio Sun; but she’ll be bulldozing confidently ahead by 2020 as tr Pluto squares her Jupiter Pluto conjunction – though that latter can bring conflict with authorities for rule transgressions.

Jared is under enormous pressure with tr Pluto conjunct his Capricorn Sun in 2018/19 and then square his Pluto in 2020/2021; is in a sinking panic at the moment and that runs on till late 2019 as well.

Donald Trump Jnr is in a discouraging year with tr Saturn conjunct his Capricorn Sun and Venus, with accidents and setbacks various, running into 2019 when he looks under a black cloud of anxiety; with 2020 worse.

Eric Trump, is also disheartened this year with tr Saturn hitting various midpoints and making a separating square to the composite Sun with his father; with catastrophes and disasters around at points into early 2019; and more throughout 2019.

Trump’s (I was only joking) comments on how much he admired Kim Jong Un’s ability to get his people to pay attention to him might give the family pause for thought. Kim’s uncle as I recollect was executed by a scud missile or some such; his half-brother despatched by nerve agent.

13 thoughts on “Trump, the love hate chasm widening – VP and family showing alarm

  1. Kiwi,

    I am an ‘Esteemed Norwegian’ as you call us ? Norwegians are mostly
    Progressive Liberals, we will have to swallow hard to award this Peace Prize but as we gave the Peace Prize to BO for doing absolutely 0 apart from being mixed race that shouldn’t be too difficult.
    It will be interesting to see what happens to BO when transiting Mars hits his Aquarius Ascendant in the autumn and is opposite his sun at 12 Leo it is not going to be pretty, the term ‘ fall from grace comes to mind’

  2. Wow! This was quite a lot of work and deeply appreciated! Sounds like the 2018 elections may have an impact as well as all the legal issues mounting up. Fingers crossed!

  3. I cannot imagine that a committee of esteemed Norwegians would even consider the drumpf, no matter what his cult followers think

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