Trump-mania reaching new heights – mad. devious or both



Donald Trump is either descending into paranoid psychosis or he’s up to his usual game of diversionary tactics to render reality irrelevant; plus his narcissistic urge to keep attention focussed on him. Although his return in private to obsessive conspiracy theories about Obama’s birth certificate, Hillary not winning the popular vote and it not being his voice on the Access Hollywood sex tapes, might hint at the former. Both are also possible since even the mad can be smart and devious. He’s under growing pressure, possibly more than we see, with the Mueller Russia investigation circling closer to the family; sex allegations against himself and Moore; his hotels losing business; and generally being unloved except by his fan base who continue to cheer even his most rancid and ludicrously unbelievable tweets.

From this weekend tr Uranus moves to square three of his key midpoints until early February. His Sun/Mars – even more impulsive than usual and given to reckless macho reactions; over-strain (cardiac troubles). His Mercury/Pluto – fanatical pursuit of plans, nervous breakdown through overtaxing strength. Venus/Saturn – lonely, quarrelsome, high-tension. Plus his Progressed Moon will conjunct his 12th house Pluto over this New Year – pent up pressures, power-struggles, opening up old psychological wounds, resentful.

It won’t ease up in early 2018 for him,  with February seeing tr Saturn square his 2nd house Neptune, bringing financial concerns, forcing him to face a sobering reality, returning till late 2018, worse in 2019 with tr Saturn square his 2nd house Jupiter. Tr Saturn just before in this coming January moves into his 5th house of children, fun and speculation – so all three areas will have Saturn’s repressive and separating hand landed on them for three years ahead. February also has tr Neptune opposition his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint bringing disappointment, undermining his bullish confidence/social standing and brewing up more deceit than usual, returning late in the year. And the explosively disruptive Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Mars grows ever closer, exact in six months’ time.

His relationship chart with the USA 1776 will continue at high tension through 2018; and with a sense of a growing gulf from mid this December as tr Saturn squares the composite Neptune and more so in mid January with tr Saturn opposition the composite Sun, which returns on and off till October 2018. 2019 is when the more challenging upheavals show up with tr Saturn opposition Venus, Mercury, Mars and conjunct the composite Moon; and tr Uranus opposes the composite Pluto and trines Saturn. 2019 is also when tr Uranus squares his Solar Arc MC and his Solar Return is beyond horrible from June 2019 onwards with Saturn Pluto in the 10th opposition a 4th house Mars.

18 thoughts on “Trump-mania reaching new heights – mad. devious or both

  1. Just a thought, Deborah, wouldn’t Dems moving to red states upset the apple cart? Turn those states blue, especially with red voters being unhappy with being reamed, and turning blue from anger. Also New York, Cali, Penn, and New Jersey have enormous urban areas that will not turn red. If you look at a map of votes, it’s always urban areas that are blue.

  2. An additional clue to The Donald’s mental issues: he was raised going to Norman Peale’s church every Sunday. Peale wrote “The Power of Positive Thinking”, a hugely popular book.
    To quote an article written by Rae Paoletta: “The Power of Positive Thinking’ is a very problematic ideology, because it’s got features of a cult [….] There’s a belief that there will be some magical thing will happen if you just believe something 100% and you ignore all the doubts and all questions.”
    “In Trump’s case, one could argue that his repeated attempts to block negative press — and his incessant lying — are all attempts to dismiss any bad thoughts or emotions about him.”
    “In several of his books, psychologist Albert Ellis describes how he treated several of Peale’s followers, who suffered mental and emotional breakdowns as a result of his teachings. He said these patients exhibited symptoms characteristic of borderline personality disorder. In the long run [Peale’s teachings] lead to failure and disillusionment, and not only boomerang back against people, but often prejudice them against effective therapy.”

  3. Good piece in today’s Washington Post by Dana Milibank pointing up where Trump’s seemingly ‘mad’ behaviour has smokescreened the really important horrors ongoing this week – tax bill, Children’s Health Insurance, North Korea and Mueller.
    My money would be on mad and devious, with previous personality disorders worsening with age and stress.

    • I’m with you on this one, Marjorie. I’ve noticed every time a heavy, worrying accusation heads his way he deflects with a bigger story like all ugly malignant narcissist do when in danger of being caught out.

      His son-in-law Jared has now been accused as one of the senior players in Russia-gate today so, let’s see how Hairflick Trump reacts to this now the FBI is getting closer in scrutinizing that vile circle he surrounds himself in.

  4. Having witnessed the symptoms of dementia with a close family member, I can tell you that Trump doesn’t have it. He’s just batsh*t crazy. Always has been.

    • A professional would tell you the early Alzheimer symptoms vary greatly between individuals, and often go unnoticed because the person affected and/or their family don’t recognize them. I can tell my grandfather and his sister, born little over a year apart and very similar characters most their lives – very extroverted, very verbal, quite temperamental – went very different directions once the illness took hold. Which, also, happened when they were the same age, 82. My granddad became very mellow, very calm. His sister went to that “typical” paranoid mode. My grandmother was the only person she trusted in her house. My granddad also had a quicker decline, but ultimately they died less than year apart. I see a lot of my greataunt in Trump.

  5. Today, not one but two Trump opponents with previous ties to him came out with stories about people close to Trump saying he might not be “quite there”. Joe Scarborough told Trump’s inner circle had told him during campaign he has an early onset dementia. Now, I’m not a MD. But I did talk about this with a professional in the spring, and was told some signs were there. He actually seems to gotten better since, but it could be medication. My specialist source told me Alzheimer medication typically works for a couple of years, then it’s really a steep decline.

    It could, of course, be detraction, there’s something coming with Flynn soon. They might use this as a defence tactic.

    • Another Alzheimer-expert friend said the same. He’s always been a touch of the malignant narcissist = undermines organizations in which they are involved, are always ready to raise hostility levels, dehumanizes the people with whom they associate, without morality, no conscience. He’s not at the extreme end of that since then he’d be a sadistic serial killer. But he’s certainly got a smidgeon of it. The other way of looking at his pathology is the perverse personality disorder – those types reconstruct reality to suit themselves, and are ferociously resistant to insight. It is another type of narcissistic disorder and they react with volcanic rage when confronted which is very unpleasant to be on the receiving end of. All of the above are extreme defences against an inner core filled with deep shame/humiliation or, worse, nothing there at all. Facing the reality of their lives would lead to total psychological implosion.
      I’m not a great labeller of psychiatric conditions since everyone tends to be a mix of this and that, but broad types can be instructive. And dementia would certainly exacerbate pre-existing mindsets.

      • Also, he definitely is a narcissist too. I unfortunately have one in family. But this does not protect you from dementia.

        Also, that “something” about Flynn just dropped. He has plead quilty on lying about his contacts with Russians during Transition. Pretty minor charges, but likely meaning he is collaborating. Not looking good at all for Pence (Transition Chair), and possibly Trump himself.

      • Trump may have become a serial killer, state sanctioned, with a whole political party helping him. Trump’s executive orders that deconstruct Obamacare and Children’s Health Insurance are going to kill many people, literally. His signature on the dotted line is complete complicity with this.

  6. Hmm..but even so if he gets another term it’s all for naught. It’s getting hard to see a silver lining.

    Libyan officials just used his characterization of CNN as fake news to try and discredit the videos of human slavery coming out .

  7. tr. Saturn will also oppose Trump’s Mercury for several months next year – Saturn making a station at about 9 Cap – which should create a series of misunderstandings.

  8. The Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 23 Capricorn in January 2020 will be directly opposite Trump’s Saturn at 23 Cancer. Looks pretty fatal to me in some way.

  9. Deborah,

    Thank you for enumerating the evil that this man and the republicans are about to do to us. I am sick to think that this tax cut will cut medicare cancer patient from treatment. They are evil.

    Marjorie, thank you for giving us the astrological weather vein.

    • Please explain about the medicare cancer treatment cut? This sounds like a very serious thing, since the majority of cancer patients are on Medicare. Death rates from cancer would soar.

  10. What he is striving to obscure is a hideous tax bill that is taking away thousands in itemised deductions for middle class citizens in the name of “simplicity,” while benefiting the Mercers, Kochs, Waltons and Trumps to the tune of billions (estate tax, only imposed on estates worth more than $11 million currently, and the Alternative Minimum Tax, imposed only on those wealthy payers with such skilled accountancy firms they can use high level strategies to get down to virtually a zero bill). He is bullying Republican senators, who are terrified of his tweets and nicknames, and to avoid them are ready to sell their middle class voters out, hoping and praying they won’t notice what’s being done to them. Big vote is expected today. He has lied, mischaracterised, and otherwise misrepresented what will happen to ordinary citizens, most of whom won’t find out until they file after the next Congressional election. This is partially to force Americans from high tax states (New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, California) that traditionally vote Democratic, to move to GOP states with little or no state tax. (In the Northeast, we have to tax more because of snow removal, a giant burden that Texas, for example, does not bear.) The benefit to him, and the Steve Bannonites, is that Dem states will then lose Congressional representation in the 2020 census. You can’t make this stuff up. It’s beyond diabolical. Thanks, as always Marjorie, for keeping an eye on this and employing analytical skills the rest of us don’t possess.

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