Trump goes full tonto with choices ++ Don Jnr & J.D. Vance ++ Tulsi Gabbard

Caveat emptor (buyer beware) must be ringing through many Republican politicians’ heads. The electorate may be forgiven for their disinterest in anything beyond the dollar in their pocket. But senators and congresspersons don’t have that excuse for their wholehearted support for Trump, knowing full well his – ahem – idiosyncrasies and his mental deterioration from last time round.

 Now that he has gone full tonto (= crazy) with appointments that might seem extreme in a black comedy more than a few will be regretting their choice.

 What follows are jumbled astro-thoughts since it is not clear whether Trump will get a carte blanche to appoint whatever deplorable he fancies.

Matt Gaetz for one in as Attorney General, previously described as a person of moral turpitude, who was on the hook for sex trafficking,  allegations of sexual misconduct, illicit drug use and other alleged ethical breaches. Born 7 May 1982, he is a Sun Taurus with Venus in Aries in an ‘enthusiastic’ opposition to Mars and a stubborn Saturn Pluto in Libra. Tr Saturn Neptune opposing his Mars from this April onwards into 2026 will present him with failure and setbacks. His relationship chart with Trump has a high tension, prone to outbursts composite Sun square Saturn Uranus T with a bitterly resentful, dominating Mars Pluto conjunction square Mercury.

  Like several of the relationship charts with Trump 2026 is showing up as flashing-red-light time.

 Pete Hegseth, alarming the generals in (possibly) as Defence Secretary  is also facing an explosive 2026 with Trump.  Ditto Tulsi Gabbard, pro-Russian seemingly by inclination in as Intelligence will find relations with Trump stormy in 2025 and worse in 2026.

 Ditto Robert F Kennedy Jnr, and Susie Wiles, and John Thune, and the 1853 Republican Party – all show up 2026 as a year of panicky failure vis a vis Trump.

 The Inauguration chart would certainly back that up with a blocked Solar Sun moving to conjunct the Pluto and a sagging popularity with SA Saturn conjunct the Venus. Not terminal but highly stressed and stuck.

  When former UK Prime Minister Harold Macmillan was once asked what was the greatest challenge for a statesman, he replied: ‘Events, dear boy, events’. It may be off-the-wall internal policies or outside happenings but as with the UK political scene it may be that – stretching a point – what has been voted in recently under Pluto in Capricorn belonged to an old era and was not designed to make it across the transition into what lies ahead.

  Interesting times.

Add On: More straws in the wind.

Donald Trump Jnr – Tr Neptune will make a disappointing square to his Jupiter throughout 2025 undermining some high hopes. Tr Uranus will upend his Saturn in Virgo by square from July 2025 onwards into 2026 for an uncomfortable jolt. Again 2026 shows up with Neptunian slumps as it squares his Venus at the same time as his SA Uranus is conjunct his Venus – an emotional upset of considerable proportions.

 His relationship with his father is on a slide throughout 2025 with tr Neptune tr Saturn opposition their composite Mercury from April onwards and then conjunct the composite Sun at 1 degree Aries.

 Donald Jnr’s relationship with Vance is also spiralling downwards as tr Neptune Saturn moves into Aries from April 2025 onwards as it opposes their composite Mars, is conjunct the Jupiter and then opposes the Saturn right through till 2027.

 RFK’s relationship with Don Jnr is notably unhappy and disappointing with tr Neptune opposition the composite Mars throughout 2025 and then opposition the Saturn in 2026/27.

 J.D.Vance has his Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Uranus for an almighty upheaval, exact early 2025 which may be his elevation to VP. But with tr Saturn Neptune square his SA Midheaven at 0/1 degrees Cancer in 2025/26 it won’t all be a glorious success. 2026 will bring dented hopes though 2027 could suggest an uptick – which could bring him more prominence.

Add On: Tulsi Gabbard, Trump’s pick for director of national intelligence, would mean oversight of agencies like the CIA, FBI and the National Security Agency (NSA), with a budget of $70 bn. The nomination has raised questions over Gabbard’s lack of experience in intelligence as well as accusations that she has in the past amplified Russia propaganda. Formerly a Democrat. She will require Senate confirmation to take up the role.

 Born 12 April 1981 she has a fearsome chart with Sun, Mars, Venus in Aries opposition Pluto and trine Neptune – not a lady who understands nuances, tolerance or compromise.  She has a Leo Moon conjunct her North Node both of which tie into Trump’s 12th house Pluto – no doubt attracting her to his subversive power drive. Though it is an odd match with her aggressive Sun Mars Venus in Aries opposition Pluto square his Saturn Venus in Cancer.

   The relationship chart reflects the pluses and minuses with a tough, cold-hearted, workmanlike composite Sun trine Pluto and square Saturn; and a dominating Mars square Pluto. With a veneer of superficial good feeling from Jupiter (Moon) trine Venus.

Several of the relationship charts of his Cabinet picks point to minor setbacks in the months immediately after the Inauguration  – which may be the confirmation hearings? Or something else?

  She looks relatively upbeat vis a vis Trump at various points in 2025 with some hitches and glitches as well. But again 2026 looks ominous both on her relationship chart with Trump and her own personal chart with tr Neptune Saturn opposition her Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Libra.

100 thoughts on “Trump goes full tonto with choices ++ Don Jnr & J.D. Vance ++ Tulsi Gabbard

  1. Interesting enough, today Pluto moves into Aquarius which is the 6th house of health in Donald Trump’s chart. And it will oppose his Mars in Leo. As we all know Pluto in astrology governs the pancrease and digestive system. Looking at his birth chart he is the kind of person who likes meat a lot, especially beef. His health looks stressed and under strain over the coming years though for now it is still kept secret. He does have serious health issues. It will be interesting to see if he manages to finish his 4 year term.

    • Freedom of speech? Expressionism? Seems to be associated, from my perspective, that youn people are acting out their entitlements; others seem to see some rewards and want to cash-in.

  2. Breaking news early Sunday morning: “Pete Hegseth paid a woman who accused him of sexual assault in a settlement agreement that included a confidentiality clause, according to Hegseth’s attorney.”

    I think that while assaulting a woman and paying hush money won’t, per se, be an issue to Trump or most Republicans, not disclosing this voluntarily is. Hegseth seems to have a Retrograde Venus 29° Gemini, hit by the current Neptune in Pisces square.

      • Yes. Also, apparently this happened in October 2017, just two months after he had a child with a Fox producer while still finalizing divorce from his second marriage. He also now claims the accuser took advantage of his intoxication.

  3. Astrology!! Can we please cut out the snarks, barbs, side swipes and opinion-only comments. They will end in the bin.
    There are ways of respectfully pointing out flaws in an argument without letting anger get the upper hand. This is not a free for all site.

    • Fair enough Marjorie. Thank you for providing this space. The comments are such a valuable part of exploring astrology and providing helpful background information.

      I submitted my comment to provide a response to the extraordinary claim that the Jerusalem cross served darker purposes.

      That cross is so common, it’s practically hidden in plain sight.

      From the cover of the book of common prayer to the Vatican newsletter, actually named Jerusalem cross. A tattoo often signifies a visit to the city itself.

      • Not my area of expertise but from a brief look round. ‘That cross has a long history in Christianity but has lately been co-opted by some far-right groups as a symbol of the fight for Western civilization.’ “With opinion divided over whether it is a “Christian motto” or a white nationalist dog whistle.”

        • To clarify, I didn’t actually mention a cross in my post. I was referring to the ‘Deus Vult” tattoo – the catholic war cry for the crusades. The causus belli for wars declared by the pope. Thank you, Marjorie.

  4. @ Marjorie, @ Anita, @Solaia, @Nicole, and @larryc,

    I appreciate your responses and I do agree with much of what you said. I haven’t really been obsessing over the results of this election – not like I did back in 2016.

    It does alarm me when I read about all of these bizarre and unqualified cabinet choices and it does anger me when I think about how so many Americans could vote against their best interests (especially women, Arab Americans, Latino Americans, Millennials, seniors, and Gen Z) this election.

    However, I have come to terms with the fact that this this unfortunate reality at the moment and I’ve been trying my best to avoid catastrophizing the worst case scenarios (like I did in 2016).

    I’m sure my original comment on this post came across as defeatist and perhaps even indifferent to those who might fare worse under a second Trump term than myself.

    Given that I’m an Aries and I have Jupiter in my 3rd House of Aquarius, I tend to be a “social justice warrior” and a humanitarian. So, I do care about progress and I don’t really want people to suffer because of Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans.

    Also, my Moon is in Leo in the 9th House. So, I have an emotion connection to foreign countries, cultures, languages, and societies. I’ve been this way my entire life. I became interested in Anthropology, Ekistics, Geography, History, International Relations, Linguistics, and Sociology when I was only 6 years old and by the time I was a teenager, I became quite knowledgeable in all of these subjects.

    Having Moon in Leo in the 9th House would probably explain why I consider myself to be a “Global Citizen” and why I’ve become so passionate about the plights of Indigenous peoples (like the African Pygmies, Uyghurs, Rohingya, Crimean Tatars, Yazidis, etc.) humanitarian crises (like Gaza, Ukraine, Syria, and Sudan) and self-determination movements (like Kurdistan, West Papua, Tibet, and Somaliland) abroad. In other words, I couldn’t be indifferent to any of these issues even if I tried.

    I’m just exasperated at the moment…but I’m not really feeling the despair that I felt a week ago.

    I’m sure the next for years are going to feel like a cheap reality television series, but I don’t really believe it’s the “end of democracy” like some editorial writers and people on social media carry on about.

    Despite my frustration, I do remind myself things could be A LOT worse. At least we’re not enduring a war, famine, or a genocide like all of those people in Syria, Gaza, Ukraine, Yemen, Sudan, and West Papua.

    • @Chris – appreciate that you read and integrated something of what I offered. Thank you.

      Just have a Plan B for yourself.

      I’m all for rallying around the flag, protecting the underdog, etc. I was told decades ago by a fortune teller that I need to lighten up and quit rescuing those who should or could be rescued. Instead, I focus on abandoned kittens and cats. Meaning: the immediate and the “here and now”. The little things are just as important.

      From that, I can say – I’ve done well and have been well rewarded. Unlimited affection even on my worst days … after too much Jack Daniels to numb out the world.

      Good luck to you.

      • @Chris and Larryc — thank you. I agree. I too am trying not to obsess and am avoiding a lot of news — and also focusing on helping abandoned cats and kittens and creating something new, good and rewarding in my life. It’s important to protect your mental health. I’m also looking at learning more about astrology to help me understand the “why” and impact of planetary influences.

  5. Hegseth has a strong 18th Harmonic chart. It has to do with strength,
    conflicts, enemies. “war & revolution”, fire, revolutions, suitable for Secretary of Defence. The 18th Harmonic is motivated towards security.
    One of his two KITES has focal Jupiter opp Mars, an aspect dealing with
    much war. The other KITE has a focal point Pluto also a war signifier
    with opposition to Venus. He will be motivated to stimulate peace in
    times of war.
    Factoring 18 gives 2 X 3 X 3. 2 represents the opposition, war. 3 gives
    ease, peace, trine aspects.

  6. Tulsi Gabbard…Heliacal Rising Star is Deneb Algedi…”seeking the legal
    laws that govern a nation.
    PARANS: Vindemiatrix rising as Saturn rises…”collecting info in order to
    implement new systems.”
    Murzim culminating as Saturn rises….”able to influence others.”
    Sualozim culminating as Moon on IC…”good networker. Popular.”
    El Nath sets as Mars on IC….”to take strong physical action even in the
    face of opposition.”
    Alhena sets as Venus on the IC….”desire to reform.”

  7. Pete Hegseth, a right wing militant Christian Nationalist covered in tattoos referencing the medieval European Crusades and formerly investigated for sexual offences is nominee for defence secretary in Trump’s Cabinet of Curiosities. Born 6/6/80 Forest Lake, Minnesota. With god on his side, what could possibly go wrong?

  8. Thank you for adding Junior and JD Vance.

    Junior’s relationship with his father has always been complicated, to put it mildly, and I’m constantly in awe of his lack of self preservation. He must know the moment something – anything – goes wrong, his father will blame him. But now, he seems to play with the fact he has a pretty daughter who also seems to be good at golf – there are photos of Kai Trump with Elon. Such a sickening family dynamic.

    However, I can see where it goes wrong this time, too. Likely one of nominations Junior pushed is going to backfire badly. It could be Elon, too. He has been reported having talked to Iranians, and I doubt that he had Trump’s consent. Trump has already signalled he will bring Jared back as some sort of a “special convoy”. Obviously a corrupt and nepotic choice, but Jared stood the ground against Bannon, and no doubt will do so with Musk, if needed.

  9. Both Matt Gaetz and Tulsi Gabbard are very dark characters. People might have different political views, but these two are something else. As Marjorie said, we have to let this play out, but in the meantime, may God protect the US.
    It may be wishful thinking, but Mars’s retrograde in the term chart makes me think they may be ruthless but will not achieve much.

    • @Bette, fully agree on this. Psychopath as a word gets thrown around much, but I think Gabbard actually is one. Not a muscle on her face flinching when she knowingly lies, and that’s not all botox.

      • @ Solaia, I don’t know about Gabbard being a psychopath but her growing up in a religious cult and from my perspective being closeted are what disturb me most about her and how she operates.

        People who are in the closet spend a lot of time and energy pretending to be someone who they aren’t and eventually the stress of living a double life becomes too stressful and mental health issues result if there is no outlet.

        We are living in dangerous times with so many mentally disturbed people in positions of power and influence.

        • @Roderick, yes, being closeted and having been raised in a homophobic cult is definitely a driver for Gabbard’s and many other politicians’ policies. What I’m referring to here is specifically lack of emotional response when put under stress visible in tv interviews, presidential campaign etc. She also was in military and deployed numerous times over 20 years, most recently after her congressional career, which is an additional potential red flag. “High functioning” psychopaths tend to excel in certain military roles.

  10. Here is Gaetz Heliocentric chart which joins Trump & Gaetz Jupiter, as
    attorney general. His past misdeeds with relationship and drug problems
    is shown Venus and Neptune aspecting a mixed bag of malefics in Libra,
    namely Saturn exalted in Libra, Pluto, and Mars in detriment.
    Pluto = Mars/Saturn gives hard work or problems.
    POSITIVE: intense focus aids the individual in initiating and accomplishing
    NEGATIVE: intense fear and depression cause one to act destructively.

  11. It’s unbelievable that all of this nonsense is taking place…but this is where we’re at. Given everything that has gone down so far, I wouldn’t be surprised if the United States applies to join BRICS in the near future.

    I’m so sick of this pathetic excuse of a pseudo-“Western” nation that I don’t care anymore if Trump and his associates run the economy to the ground, deport all the migrant workers, reinstate the Muslim ban, issue a nationwide abortion ban, and let Gaza be destroyed. Since Latino, White Women, and Arab American voters were arrogant and foolish enough to vote for Trump, then they’ll just have to suffer the consequences together.

    • @chris understandable but best to heed Kamala’s advise to stay engaged more than ever along with pragmatic choices regarding personal finances and safety for the next few years. As Marjorie points out none of this is compatible with the transition that lies ahead and there will be a reckoning of sorts

      • @Anita, Kamala and AOC, Libra Suns with Aries Moon. They are not done with Pluto moving to friendly Aquarius and Neptune making their Moon happen. I really hope AOC will run for the Senate. And while my spider senses are there with Ruben Gallego being Democratic Party’s nominee 2028 (see also Inauguration Chart 2029), I see AOC becoming a Senate Leader at one point.

        • We are also waiting on the too close to call senator bob casey race in PA it is heading to a recount and outstanding ballots are still being counted

          • @Anita, I also read California and NY votes are STILL shrinking Trump’s victory. You honestly should have this 10 days (!) after the Election day. Say what you will about Florida and Texas, they count fast.

          • @Anita, responding on slow count in California: I honestly don’t think voter protection is an excuse here. California has around 40 million inhabitants. Less than some of the most solid democracies in Europe. The UK, Britain, Italy, even Spain count the National and Regional level votes within a day or two.

            But I do understand the core issue isn’t as much counting the ballots as identifying and recording people. Most US States need better record keeping on identities. This is somewhat controversial, but would help to streamline the system, maybe direct resources to in person early voting. I guess that the first, however slim, popular vote victory in 24 years might convince Republicans too on voter suppression not being the way.

          • @Solaia, I was a poll worker in California. One reason the counting is so slow is that the bulk of the votes are now mail-in ballots, whether mailed in, dropped off in drop boxes or brought to the vote centers. For election security the registrar of voters in each county matches the signatures on mail-in ballot envelopes to the signature on the voter registration form or a more recent driver license. If the signature is rejected the voter is offered the opportunity to come in and fix it or “cure” the ballot. I spoke to two young men at the polls whose mail-in ballot signatures were rejected and they were encouraged to vote in person instead.

            After the election the Registrar also undertakes a one-percent hand-count to confirm the accuracy of the results.

            I was extremely impressed with the Registrar of Voters’ procedures and practices to ensure a fair and secure election.

    • Chris, As a triple Virgo I am one of the world’s great worriers – up to a point. Once I ‘hit the wall’ in marathon terms and run out of energy for tearing my hair out, I miraculously seem to switch off.
      I’m all for activism but also for knowing when picking or continuing a fight against idiocy/bad actors is not productive. The thought that ‘I am not God’ and cannot fix the world is helpful.
      Stand back and let it play out. As you said before it is rarely as bad as we anticipate. And even if it is, you can’t do much about it at this moment.
      Wait, watch and join the resistance if/when you feel it is right. Or not. You have a choice about what attitude to take.

      • Very wise words, Marjorie. That’s what I’m trying to do, focusing on the joy my little orange cats bring us, grateful that I still have interesting freelance work to take me out of head, looking to local organizations to see how I can make a difference, finally refocusing on my neglected novel. It’s really tough listening to the subhuman particle’s grating voice and his ever-more outrageous Cabinet appointments. But I’m not going to let him “win” by taking over every aspect of my consciousness.

        And I comfort myself with the knowledge that Republicans always overreach and people will turn against them — especially since their “landslide mandate” is proving to be about a 1 to 2 percent popular vote margin.

        • Nicole, you seem so knowledgeable about various U.S. shenanigans (wink). Do you think it is worthwhile to donate to the ACLU at this time. Thank you.

          • @Speakerdee, Thank you! I’ve seen too much. Yes, absolutely. The ACLU is always at the forefront of defending and protecting vulnerable people. Good choice.

        • @Jody, you think the Republicans are not bought and paid for by special interests? If so, you’re naive. You prefer overt corruption?

      • Thanks Marjorie … agreed definitely no time to throw up your hands and roll over Personally I am sticking to balanced NPR news in small dosis to stay informed . I am however somewhat concerned about what is in store under the upcoming Uranus return for the US I’m sure you will address that outlook at some point

      • Sag Rising/9th House Virgo here and i feel as you do, “it’s out of my hands”. I am willing to sit back and let the experts behind the scenes take this on, the ones who have the Plan B. Meanwhile I just feel like a hapless villager caught in the crossfire of the Yorks and Lancasters.

      • Marjorie: As you said before it is rarely as bad as we anticipate.

        If we lived in a vacuum that advice would be appropriate, but we saw what happened when Trump and his unqualified minions were confronted with the COVID pandemic and all of Trump’s worst personality traits were exposed when they were least helpful and the incompetence of his appointments had real world impact.

        Someone surmised that Trump will face some type of challenge during his term and we know from experience that Trump isn’t a serious person nor does appoint people who aren’t vapid cartoon characters.

      • Thank you for these thoughts
        I’ve been talking to some neighbors about how we may approach this differently this time. Try to stay calmer.

        There is an energy around that man & the obnoxious spectacle that is very American (we brought the world “reality” TV after all) and it can be exhausting. I taught tweens for a dozen years—it’s like middle school drama, but with people who are supposed to be adults and that’s what can make it scary.

        Also seeing what happened in Turkey, Hungary, Poland (seems to have turned around a bit) and Isreal—strong man leaders debasing their countries and having grown up in the 60s when Power to the People was an anthem, when there was so much growth & possibilities (and turmoil too) it’s hard to let go of the dream.

    • @Chris – few on the blog are pleased abt Drompf. He may finally conk out and JD takes over. Wasn’t that hinted for the JD updates? “2026 will bring dented hopes though 2027 could suggest an uptick – which could bring him more prominence.”

      Many in my personal network have, like you, given up hope. Being the stubborn Scorp that I am, I’ve had a Plan B. Unfortunately, six years without a f/t job have stretched thin, and I’ve waited too long to make the leap as I should hv ten yrs ago. No one to blame but me for that.

      I’m reading the Sinclair Lewis book, just checked out from the library. In large print, of all good fortune. Strange how the events are so parallel to today’s.

      Going off the grid might just work…until the dust settles and Drompf’s brown shirt armies have become complacent.

  12. If this was all a great Hollywood movie with the old orange entertainer playing his most outrageous role to the biggest audience ever, can you see a good guy winning soon Marjorie? Trump must be having a ball watching response to his cartoon appointments.
    I know its not even remotely funny, but this train is miles off the tracks and I can’t help feeling Trump is loving all the concern he’s stirring up.

  13. It’s disingenuous to suggest that the good people of the United States voted for Mr Trump because of the dollar in their pocket. They were fed up with woke nonsense and leftist rhetoric.

    Godspeed USA.

  14. No one should be shocked by any of this. I certainly am not.

    Trump told everyone who he was. He also showed them, many, many, many times. He was even President before! And he caused chaos then! Why would anyone believe this time would be different? If anything, it can only be worse, because he’s already had 4 years of practice. And the US voted him in again anyway. Fools they are, the whole lot of them.

    I heard Steve Schmidt of the Lincoln Project anti-Trump campaign say this today: When a clown goes to the castle, he doesn’t become a king. Instead, the castle becomes a circus.

    • That is a Turkish saying. I agree no one should be surprised.

      Eva Longoria of Desperate Housewives is the first famous actress to leave the US because it has become dystopian. She is also active in the Democratic Party. She recognizes that she is privileged but she won’t be the last to go. She will spend her time between Spain and Mexico.

      The first Mars-Pluto opposition brought us the election. The second will be on January 3 when Kamala Harris is expected to certify her loss in Congress. If she goes there, she or her husband will be in grave danger when they come out. Also, Biden will be humiliated if he attends the Inauguration. This has actually happened before. In 1921, the corrupt Warren Harding, a Republican, left Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat he had defeated, at the bottom of the steps of the Capitol in his wheelchair.

      Democracy has died in darkness. Those who expect anything other than sham elections in the midterms are in for a shock.

      Crisis is the Chinese word for opportunity. The Chinese curse is « may you live in interesting times ».

      According to the Times UK, Ukraine says that Tusli Gabbard, the new director of national intelligence, is Russia’s girlfriend. Putin has taken over the US government. Biden ends his career in catastrophic failure.

      The historical parallel is not Hitler in 1933 after all. It is Lenin in 1917. American socialism will only be for oligarchs.

      Here in Canada, authoritarianism is coming as well. I am reading The plot to destroy America, published in 2004. The onnly thing Philip Roth got wrong is that Canada would be a safe haven. The people want to get rid of Justin Trudeau so much they can’t see they’ll vote in a mini-Trump.

      • Andre,

        I am reading “The Plot
        Against America”. It is
        an unsettling novel.

        I suggest you find a copy
        of Sinclair Lewis’ “It Can’t
        Happen Here”.

        It was written in 1936, the
        lead character Buzz Windrip
        predates DT by eight

        • Correction. Wilson was not defeated by Harding. He had served two terms as the WWI President. He was crippled by a stroke while in office. He spent six months in seclusion at the White House. During that time, his wife replaced him as much as he could to protect him. It is said she was the first woman President. She lived long enough to attend JFK’s Inauguration. FDR served as Assistant Secretary of the Navy under Wilson, a crucial and trusted post at that time. He was VP candidate in 1920 but the Democratic ticket was defeated by Harding, who died in office three years later in one of the most corrupt American Administrations. In 1921, FDR was himself crippled by polio but never lost the will to follow in Wilson’s footsteps.

          Robert, I will read « It can’t happen here ». Sinclair Lewis’s wife, Dorothy Thompson, was a famous reporter who specialized in the rise of the Nazis. She interviewed Hitler before he came to power. She thought then that he was an insignificant man. She was the first American reporter expelled from Berlin in 1934. She then stated that she hadn’t realized that he was a religious figure. She also attended the Madison Square Garden event held by the American Nazi party in 1939 and said she heard the same lies.

          My Canadian intellectual friends are suffering from the « It can’t happen here » syndrome.

          • You have the right title. The Plot to Destroy America is my unthinking translation of the French version. I am reading it in the English-language original.

  15. These appointments and nominations aren’t surprising since the “D” list is all Trump is comfortable with. It’s his natural home.

  16. Remember, all these people have to be confirmed by the Senate, and the Repulicans in the Senate have elected John Thune as Senate Majority leader. He’s been a Senator since 2005, so he’s from the Bush era.

    He was born on 7th Jan 1961 in Pierre, South Dakota. He has Sun conj Jupiter conj Mercury conj Saturn in Capricorn, possibly trine Moon in Virgo. No fire apart from Uranus in Leo, and no air apart from Chiron in Aquarius.

    His Saturn opposes Trump’s Saturn-Venus conj. His Uranus is conj Trump’s Mars and his Pluto at 7 Virgo sits in Trump’s first house, closeish to Trump’s ascendant.

      • Yes he will try to do just that it was confirmed by senator susan Collins during a meeting with the senate republicans. Hopefully they won’t cave on their constitutional responsibilities

        • @Anita, I think they will, for some people. The Fox White Nationalist guy might get the Defence, because he hasn’t ran a hot dog stand, and Pentagon will bury him miles deep in red tape. Same with Gaetz and DOJ. But they will stick their heels on Gabbard and most likely RFK Jr, who have been Republicans for 2 seconds.

    • @candy
      While you are correct that would be the normal course there are ways around to undo the process. We are at the mercy of the senate on checks and balances of the system on this one

  17. ICE deportation repercussions already starting here in Seattle region. I rcvd 4 calls today, threatening me with prison if I do not take out a cash bond. I called the local ICE office – the woman I spoke with told me the scammers have started.

    “Is this the pre-Xmas shopping season?”

    “No, no but don;t be surprised by callers posing as ICE officers.”

  18. With this cast of clowns things will inevitably go badly. The big question is – will Trump allow free and fair elections in ’26 and ’28?

      • Candy, the majority of states are controlled by Republicans and I am sure that Trump would have no problem unleashing the military on states which refuse to comply.

        Look how many active duty police and military along with veterans were arrested on Jan 6th.

        These people aren’t satisfied that their man is back in the White House.

        • The blue states that do exist — California, Illinois, New York, among others — are already fortifying themselves against the Trump onslaught to come. They won’t go quietly, and I suspect many red states won’t have any easier of a go of things.

          Most cities in the US are controlled by the Democratic Party. States do have a great deal of legal power over them in many cases, but they should not neglect the fact that cities are the economic engines in the US. Ruin them, and you are literally shooting yourself in the foot in economic terms.

          • Many voters in those states that you mentioned voted for Trump. There was a huge majority of people that were silent Trump voters while signaling that they were voting for Kamala

    • @DW
      Not so much clowns, we would call them here cowboys, with apologies to genuine cowboys, they will just make it up as they go along, just being announced that Kennedy is going to be in charge of Health!!!!
      I do wish sane Americans that common sense will prevail. In fact sooner or later common sense will prevail.

  19. Has JD Vance named his COS yet? That should be very interesting and elucidating. Also, Usha Vance should be announcing her COS, her team and her mission/charity. I’m interested in what she may choose to focus on since she is an attorney. And she was allegedly upset over Jan 6. Wonder how she’s feeling about her new role.

    • There was s clip of Vances getting to a plane just a few days before Elections, she was 3 m or should I say 10 feet ahead of him and giving ” the angry walk”.

      Interestingly, I just finished listening to a 4 part podcast on Peter Thiel, and while he bankrolled JD in 2022, he has stayed away this cycle, apparently because his now deceased boyfriend talked him out of donating to Republicans.

      • Hmm. But Thiel gave start up $$, IIRC, to Polymarkets which was just raided by the FBi a few days ago. Polymarkets had the same winning map (same results) of the USA seven days prior to the election. There is a photo of Don JR sitting at a table with CEO of Polymarkets.

  20. Al22: …..”galactic ignoramus Lauren Boebert”–LOL! Marjorie Taylor Greene would be a more logical Trump pick for Education Secretary, since she has the IQ of a gnat. Boebert looks like Einstein next to her.

  21. 2026 are the midterm elections. All this suggests that the GOP and Trump will get thumped by Democrats in those elections (I could be wrong, of course). From my mouth to God’s ears.

    Marjorie: thank you for continuing these posts about Trump. You must be sick of it by now. I know I’d be.

    • I would imagine that Marjorie understands the reasons why Americans have such angst about elections because it’s such a fraught system I I really hope there will be some changes eventually in the Pluto in neptune phase regarding electoral collage party power scotus gerrymandering etc ect The discord is unsustainable.

      • Transiting Eris in late Aries is moving into a square with the US Natal Pluto in Capricorn. This actually might only be the beginning of chaos disrupting the US power structure. Even when Trump is arrested–which he will be sooner than later by massive opposition, if not nature–the drama from this period will likely continue to play out for a decade or more.

    • Yes Marjorie, thank you. It must be very annoying to constantly be asked about US politics, but your words prove to be a steadying force to a lot of us.

  22. On a more personal note, this reminds me of when I landed this page the first time. I distinctly remember Easter 2017, when photographers outside WH caught an apparent shouting match between Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon. It was later reported Bannon, the architect to Trump’s 2016 victory at least in his own mind, went truly ballistic on Kushner. I also think this prompted an astrological question that truly shed light to Bannon’s demise.

    And while some reputable journalists still seem to pay attention to Bannon – I read saw headline of his interview for Italian “Corriere della Sera” -, anyone looking this from a human relationship POV knows he is now “dead” to Trump. The same faith will expect Elon, sooner than later.

    • Kushner will supposedly have no part in this administration, nor will Ivanka. Trump’s first term and its cost to their socialite lives has been devastating and damaging beyond repair.

      Bannon is definitely on the outs with Trump, but the resident pub drunk still thinks he has an influential role from the sidelines. To the extent that he does, it’s the US corporate media propping him up.

  23. Oddly, or maybe not, DJT seemed downright deflated yesterday visiting White House. Could have been Biden turning the heat up with the fireplace, or that he had one of the “bad days”.

    Which makes me think about who is *really* behind these choices that seem to be aimed singularly to troll the establishment Republicans. If I had to take a guess, I’d say it’s Don Jr. It was earlier reported he and Eric convinced their dad to choose JD Vance as a running mate opposed to Doug Burgum. I think this would also explain who is not in.

    Therefore, it might be interesting to look at Jr’s chart.

    • I think we’re looking at Vance taking over along the way. It would explain what Marjorie wrote a while ago about the long and winey road for the US post the Saturn return

      … —The 2028 election will be even more fraught than the 2024 with a Yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Mars on the focal point, with a downbeat Sun opposition Saturn; and a hope-for-change Uranus Trine Pluto. The USA will have just undergone a Uranus Return, the first since 1943/44.

      The 2029 Inauguration again has controlling Sun Pluto in the 10th with an edgy, disruptive and ruthless Sun Pluto square Saturn and trine Uranus trine Mars – either hardship and tough conditions, or a war somewhere out in the globe to contend”—-

      Not much improvement till 2032 election

      • @Anita, I honestly don’t think 2029 is as bad as 2025 chart, or 2021 chart, for that matter. Pluto is separated from the Sun by 8 degrees. It is in a Grand Trine with Uranus and Mars. For a non-American observers, it looks like an outward manifestation of power.

        I actually dislike the 2033 chart more. Scorpio Mars in 7th house squaring (loosely) Pluto/Jupiter. Looks like isolationism doesn’t work in a World that by then must be ravished by natural disasters and waning resources. Elons of this era have gotten rich largely by selling intellectual and intangible property. But it’s really stunning how little a son of emerald mining tycoon understands natural resources, and how access to those matters.

    • @ Solaia
      Rumor has it that Melania won’t be joining her dear hubby in the White House this term.
      She will be living between NYC where Barron is going to college and West Palm Beach Florida.

      If this rumor pans out I wonder who will be his escort to all of those state dinners and other social functions.

      Laura Loomer perhaps.

  24. Oh yeah, that Mars/Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Trump’s composite with Gaetz… LOL. And Pluto squares Mercury. What could possibly go wrong? Maybe I’ve missed something but I still haven’t heard of RFK Jr. being given anything. . . for all his flaws, if Trump betrays him I will feel bad for the guy. All that Kennedy mythology behind him and he still couldn’t figure out he was being tricked. Pluto is exactly on his natal Mercury at the moment.

  25. Tulsi Gabbard is a singularly creepy figure, with such a flat emotional affect that I understand why people reacted to her as a kind of Manchurian candidate when she ran for president. So many of the people in Trump’s orbit, like Gaetz and Trump himself, present as cartoonishly villainous. I feel unsettled just observing them speak, and I marvel at how obtuse much of the electorate is that they do not see this for themselves. I wonder if there will be some link you perceive, astrologically speaking, that connects his cabinet.

    • One of two of the picks have Mars Pluto aspects in the relationship chart – which fits the ethos of coming months – but is tricky to handle. Master slave connections with simmering resentment behind respectful smiles. Could also signify a relationship that has destruction at its heart with ruthless determination behind joint actions.

  26. Was saddened to hear of the passing of the revered NYC astrologer, Michael Lutin, a few days ago.

    Apparently he told friends, a few months ago, that Trump would get in, but he wouldn’t stay in, no more than two years. (Sorry, no astrological details were shared).

    • @Christine,he may have seen the same things Marjorie sees. Mostly Neptunian things that tend to be a bit overlooked in political astrology.

  27. In every case, Trump makes the worst possible choice–worse than normal minds can even imagine. I heard a rumor that he wants to nominate galactic ignoramus Lauren Boebert as Education Secretary. (Lord, I hope that’s not true, and is just someone’s idea of dark humor.) And don’t get me started about Project 2025, which is a blueprint for imposing a “Handsmaid’s Tale”-type regime on American women. As the title of a best-selling book a few years ago had it, “Everything Trump touches dies”; I really hope that doesn’t turn out to be true for the U.S. writ large and the world order generally.

    Any hope from the astrology for a rapid downfall and unexpected early exit of our home-grown Nero?

    What a horror show. Those of us who have the option are making plans to emigrate.

    • But look at who he is putting in place, even if he makes an early exit? Scary people with no experience in the areas they will have command over.

  28. Well we do know that Trump is very good at firing people, but if this is a different Trump – a deteriorating Trump – it is going to be interesting.

  29. According to varoius publications, Trump may well go on a massive borrowing spree, in an attempt to supercharge his political goals. Never a wise move and I wonder if, not too far down the track, there will be a mighty bubble to burst. I wonder, also, if that could be the cause of friction with his inner circle (tainted by association) and whether there are any astrological pointers to such a scenario?

  30. I am so frightened. I live in Tyler, Texas. I moved here in 2007, Tyler has over 100K population, it is spread out so it does not feel like a large metro, just a bustling community. It was bustling, back in 2007. Everything ran like clockwork, independently owned/operated businesses flourished, real estate was plentiful and affordable. Then in 2015, Abbott was elected mayor. His cabinet is atrocious, and they have just run everything into the ground. Our state minimum wage is $ 7.25/hr. That makes it tough to justify wages higher than $ 10.25/hr. Yet it costs at least $ 1,000/month to rent a crappy studio apartment. ‘Affordable’ housing is probably over 300K for a basic house, if you can find one. The first thing I noticed when Abbott was elected back in 2015, I noticed that daycare centers for children began to disappear. Abbott has made it very difficult for people to get Medicaid, which is supposed to provide health care for the vulnerable poor. Yet health insurance remains a luxury item, so many families here with working parents who do not earn anything close to a living wage, health insurance is considered the employers responsibility to provide, yet employers skirt this issue because health insurance remains prohibitively expensive. Abbott is a huge Trump supporter. He receives a minimum of 14K a month, for his settlement alone, on top of his governor salary and perks. Abbott is no different than Trump, Trump will do the same thing to the U.S. that Abbott has done to Texas. Of course, Elon Musk loves doing business in Texas.

    I am so damned scared and angry. I am 61 yrs. old, I seriously doubt that I will never be able to vote for another president again. I believe we are getting an Oligarchy with Trump returning to the White House.

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