Trump 2020 bid – lies and bullying hide the wound


Trump announced his bid for 2020 around 8pm in Orlando last night which was when a mid degree Capricorn Moon was approaching a conjunction to Saturn Pluto and opposition Mars – not an auspicious kick off. His 2016 launch on 16 June was on an exact Jupiter in Leo trine Uranus, sextile Mars Sun Mercury in Gemini – not spectacularly definitive of a win but certainly indicative of good luck.

This time round he has lost the heavy emphasis on his natal Jupiter that was there in 2016/17 from transiting and Solar Arc Pluto which was definitely a bringer of good fortune and success.

As this next election approaches the tr Saturn Pluto is opposing his Saturn Venus in Cancer, this year and next, which the Mountain Astrologer in a useful piece suggests will open up his emotional wound of being unloved and under-nurtured.

Birth time being accurate he does also have tr Pluto trine his midheaven from early 2020 to late 2021 which is generally helpful on the career front; though at the same time he has tr Pluto opposition his Sun/Mars midpoint which points to extraordinary stresses, maybe cardiac issues and considerable frustrating obstacles.

He’s also got tr Uranus square his Solar Arc Midheaven this year and early next which will force him in a new direction, followed by the upheaval of tr Uranus square his Pluto from mid 2020 onwards for a year. And he has a nerve-wracked tr Neptune square his 10th house Uranus this year and next; moving on to undermining, confused squares  to his Moon and Sun in 2021/22.

Where his chart runs into worse headaches is from late 2021 till 2023 with a neurotic, panicky Solar Arc Saturn conjunct his financial Neptune at the same time as a nerve-stretched Solar Arc Neptune opposition his Uranus; with worse in 2022/23 from Solar Arc Mars square Pluto and Solar Arc Pluto square Saturn when he’ll feel completely walled in.

I looked back to the point in the late 1980s and early 1990s where his finances hit the deck heading to the verge of insolvency despite his boasts at the time of being worth $3.5 billion. Starting in the mid 1980s his Solar Arc Saturn moved across his Ascendant; and his Solar Arc Pluto squared his 10th house Uranus with tr Uranus in opposition starting an earthquake in his career; and his Solar Arc Uranus was conjunct his Venus in Cancer which is emotional and financial shocks and again hitting on his wound which equates being loved with being obscenely wealthy. And his Solar Arc Mars hit a panicky-failure conjunction to his financial Neptune.

Over the 1989/early 1990s the Saturn Uranus Neptune in Capricorn were square his natal Neptune and Jupiter in his financial 2nd house.

What’s around now and in the next few years is not quite as disruptive as that period though in many ways is more destructive with Pluto Saturn Mars. And several of the same key areas of his chart are being highlighted – his 2nd house Neptune, his defensive Venus Saturn and his maverick 10th house Uranus.

What is sickening, teeth-grittingly so, are the stories now emerging of how he cowed reporters into silence over the reality of his situation as he veered towards bankruptcy. Joshua Greenberg, who was an evaluator for Forbes rich list wrote in the Washington Post: ‘Journalists told me how he’d tried to block their reporting on his empire — by making up ethical scandals about them, furnishing fake documents and, in one case, threatening to expose the private life of a closeted media executive. Wall Street analysts witnessed a campaign of intimidation that began when Trump got one of them fired for (correctly) doubting his casinos’ ability to pay off their debts.’  Greenberg asked ‘How did Donald Trump, a self-serving promoter who lost billions of dollars for his investors, convince the world that he is a financial genius? It wasn’t just by fabricating tales of his success. It was also by bullying and silencing people who could have stopped those deceits — particularly reporters and Wall Street analysts — forcing all but a very few into a conspiracy of silence.’

Not much changes and the old slash and burn technique clearly still has traction.

5 thoughts on “Trump 2020 bid – lies and bullying hide the wound

  1. Globally fascism n not wishing another term for such leaders increases while they easily get the next term n boast n Try all to stay forever.. Modi in India to Tories in UK..

    Really Ukraine like smaller countries seem more mature

  2. those who now (re?)promote an American “shemitah” like event in January 2020 are going to wind up like those who promoted the original several years ago!

    re plutocrats: have you seen fb making news today?

  3. P45’s powers are definitely on the wane (waning moon), and he is increasingly unpopular (Moon in Cap with Saturn and Pluto), yet he squeaks through, as indicated by Jupiter rising in Sag. Because of an extreme level of confusion, lies, misdirection, corruption: exact Jupiter – Neptune square.
    DT is poster boy for a cadre of heart-dead plutocrats, and they have a few more years of Pluto in Cap to dominate the playground. DT is also emblematic of the hustler / con man character type, and more time is needed to more fully expose how such characters operate and their impacts.
    Sorry, folks: The nightmare ain’t nearly over yet.

    • So do you think we’re stuck with him in the Whit House until 2023?

      (I hope hope hope that’s not what you’re saying)

  4. The Trump rally seemed to focus last night on how he was “wronged” by the fake media. Describing the press as the people’s worst enemy, he’s certainly has deep pathological insecurities. He continues to “joke” about becoming president for life, much like President Xi. I’m not certain what cozying up to Kim, Putin, and other current dictatorships is supposed to accomplish…but definitely Trump feels “on par” with his so-called bromances and beautiful love exchanges with Kim and others.

    For all that, the Amerikan masses are eating it up. What will happen to them when the honeymoon ends?

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