Tom Cruise has been blowing off expletives at crew members on the set of Mission Impossible 7, who were ignoring distancing rules. Filming has been delayed because of Covid and there have been accidents so the production was already tense. Several crew members have left since Cruise’s rant surfaced, though for once he was talking sense. The industry has been badly damaged by the pandemic with widespread job losses as he pointed out.
Born 3 July 1962 Syracuse with an unverified time of 3.06 pm, he has a Cancer Sun trine Neptune trine Jupiter in Pisces with Jupiter opposition Pluto – so private and creative from the Water Grand Trine and influential from having a super-confident Pluto as the driving planet. He has a super-determined Mars in Taurus in a volatile square to Uranus Venus in Leo, so he will have a short fuse. His head-in-the-clouds Neptune in Scorpio is on the focal point of a Fixed T Square to Saturn in Aquarius opposition a Leo North Node and maybe Moon.
He is looking stressed as of now with a panicky-failure tr Neptune square his Sun/Mars midpoint till late January. And his life won’t improve much thereafter with a discouraging slog through February with tr Pluto square his Sun/Saturn midpoint and a mountain of frustrations thereafter as tr Pluto trines his Mars for two years thereafter. He also has a blocked Solar Arc Sun conjunct his Pluto within six months or so. Plus the high-tension and disruptive tr Uranus square tr Saturn will be bouncing off his Neptune and Saturn from spring 2021 onwards for more than a year which will induce considerable concerns. 2022 should be easier.
Thoughts from an industry insider.
I have to say that as someone who generally avoids conflict (Taurus ascendant, 4th house planets, Neptune in 8th); Tom sounded to me like someone who has been holding stuff in.
If you’re going to give out a big telling off, a few f-bombs get thrown in as suppressed anger finally gets let out.
But I also felt the people he was talking to were trying to placate him with quick apologies rather than taking him seriously. I got the sense they were trying to calm him down rather than acknowledge the strength of his feeling about this situation.
Again I’m relating to this from my own biography but when someone you’re talking to about a serious issue won’t address it in tbe present and just says things like “it won’t happen again” or “next week we’ll do it right”; it’s adds to your frustration. You simply want to hear an acknowledgement that they screwed up here and now, but of course most people are scared of taking that responsibility for fear the admission will be used against them.
I can see where Jupiter/Saturn currently transiting his 3rd house and Capricorn could manifest as harsh and bombastic communication. Solar arc NN on the SA MC does seem to call for a more diplomatic approach at this time, but SA Saturn conjunct SA SN in Aries suggests an outworn pattern of autocratic behavior. Also has his 2nd Saturn return coming up soon. Leo NN on the MC, definitely “star power,” and the right karmic path for him. But the highest expression of Leo should show more dignity and avoid outbursts. Too bad the Saturn/SN in Aquarius tangled him up with Scientology… I have that conjunction too, in the 9th house (whole sign). I’ve had my own problems in the past with getting free of controlling churches… not easy to break the ingrained pattern when the SN is involved. His natal Jupiter in Pisces, which is close to his natal Chiron (though Chiron’s not shown in the above chart) is begging for a much more relaxed, creative, and freeform kind of spirituality.
I suspect being in Scientology is kind of a hard slog for him, likely chafes at the control, secretly… but it’s familiar and feels like “home” with Saturn/SN on the IC.
An unsavoury and bizarre character this one.
A family member worked on one of his film sets in Australia. Aside from his many other wierdnesses and general control freakery, none of the crew was allowed to meet Mr Cruises eyes directly, which went down like a ton of bricks among straight forward Aussies. My relative said it was the most uncomfortable film job they’d been on. Cruises constant jockeying for power with the director and firing of the aussie crew to insert his own, which is verbotten there, caused major bad blood, especially as it was during his appalling treatment of Nicole Kidman who is a national treasure in Oz.
I note the Mars in Taurus square Venus in Leo and his propesnsity for giving cake to his co stars. Ive seen that repetiveley with mars in taurus, the gift giving as a form control/silence, especially with venus involved, and cake is so symbolic of that configuration, sweet celbratory indulgence, amplified with that Jupiter in Pisces .
And he doesnt just give them on the current job, which would be normal and nice, but for decades and decades after…
So many typos, sorry 🙁
He might have a point but he still made it in a completely over the top, psychopathic, control-freak, abusive, aggressive way – interesting what Thandie Newton said about him recently when she worked on Mission Impossible. And I don’t for one minute think he has any real interest in the ‘ordinairy people’.
“though for once he was talking sense.” My first thought on reading the headline “Oh no, what’s he said now?”
What is it about his chart that causes this response? I mean he’s very bankable and watchable at the box office yet few people seem to respect his opinions.
“What is it about his chart that causes this response? I mean he’s very bankable and watchable at the box office yet few people seem to respect his opinions.”
He was “very bankable” 20 years ago, as in, sometimes taking some risks with his movies and carrying them. In the past 15 years, he has mostly appeared in sequals of his previous franchises.
Very little in Hollywood isn’t a sequel or reboot these days – so I’m not sure what your point is? However the original Edge of Tomorrow made back double its $180 budget. Adaptation of Jack Reacher made $220m from $60m.
But that’s really a tangent to my question. What in his chart makes people usually roll their eyes at him?
I’ve always put his embedded relationship with the fruitcake-with nasty-undertones scientology mob down to his focal point Neptune in Scorpio square Saturn opposition North Node (Moon) added into the fact that his Neptune is also on one leg of a can-be-delusional Water Grand Trine tied into Jupiter. All of that sends him into another reality in a different galaxy.
On top of that he’s got Mars in Taurus which does harbour volcanic reservoirs of anger and jealousy and in square to Uranus will make him explosive. Plus he’s got that over-pushily confident driving rod Jupiter opposition Pluto which gives him the idea that rules don’t apply to him and social niceties get tossed aside as he heads for hat he wants.
So his weirdness from all that Neptune is fuelled by all too earthly materialistic and power-hungry ambitions.
Thank you Marjorie — very good read. His 12th looks pretty crowded to me — a lot going on “behind the scenes” in his life right now…?