Timothy West, one of Britain’s most respected and versatile actors, has died at the age of 90. Renowned for his Shakespearean performances on stage as well as a wide range of television roles, in recent years he had success with his wife of six decades Prunella Scales filming Great Canal Journeys, despite her advancing Alzheimers.
He was born 20 October 1934 6pm (from memory) Bradford, England, into an acting family and had a hard-working, enthusiastic Libra Sun conjunct Jupiter in his 6th house; with Mars and Neptune both in his performing/entertaining 5th house and a well-organized Saturn in his 10th. He did have a tricky Sun opposition Uranus square Pluto (in the 4th on this birth time) so he would be restless and fairly controlling. He also had a yod of Mars sextile Jupiter inconjunct his 11th house Aries Moon. Such a Moon would make him emotionally hyper-sensitive and in his younger days disorganized – he was suited to a career with a public audience. (Actor John Nettles also has the Moon on the focal point of a yod).
He is survived by his wife, Fawlty Towers star Prunella Scales, to whom he was married for 61 years, and three children.
Prunella Scales, 22 June 1932, 10 pm (unverified) Abinger, England, is a Sun Cancer with an Aquarius Moon which is an an easy-going opposition to Jupiter. She would balance out his workaholic/serious Saturn in the 10th tendencies. Her Mars in Gemini sat in his Ascendant so it would be a dynamic relationship with a few heated moments.
Their relationship chart had a supportive/successful Pluto sextile Jupiter; though there was a hint of hardship and a power imbalance from a composite Mars Pluto conjunction. Saturn was on the focal point of a yod to Mercury sextile Mars hinting that self-control, self-discipline and maturity were needed to make it work.
Their Wedding chart from 26 October 1963 had an ethereal composite Venus Neptune conjunction, suited to a creative partnership. But most significantly it had two yods from Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Jupiter and Jupiter sextile Saturn inconjunct Pluto – a union that altered each other’s lifepath dramatically bringing Jupiterian bounty and influence.
Tr Pluto is square Timothy West’s Uranus exactly now with tr Pluto moving to oppose his Solar Arc Uranus this coming week.
Life is moving on as the planets cut ties with the past.
Add On: He died at 6.55pm on November 12 in London when tr Pluto was exactly square his Uranus.
I tested 31 of his Harmonic charts….only one contained the STAGE pattern,
The stage pattern is a quadriateral rectangle, pinned at 4 corners with
planets. His stage pattern is pinned by Sun opp Moon, Uranus, Mercury
and Jupiter.
With theatrical connotations, the Stage is a base from which the
individual can perform, and connect with others. People with this pattern
“try to talk away differnces and to create a unified picture.”
Since this stage was formed in the 22nd Harmonic, it will guarantee
him a legacy of world renown and super star status.
Timothy West is beyond wonderful in Beecham, TV drama of conductor Thomas Beecham. The quips and delivery of the quips are painfully funny. One of the lines West delivers aka Beecham is when he has tempestuous relationship to a soprano over tempi that he is conducting: “How would you like it tonight madam? Too slow, or fast?”
Here is Prunella’s biwheel for 2013 when she was diagnosed with Alheimer.
Inner wheel is her Solar Return, outer wheel is her natal chart.
Ebertin gives Mercury/Uranus as…”temporary or occasion confusion”.
In her biwheel she has…..Natal Mercury square Solar Return Uranus, &
Natal Uranus square Solar Return Mercury.
In addition there are 3 more Alzheimers indicators, namely Fisher, Blok, and Franke. Notice how these indicators also form aspects in the biwheel
to support her diagnosis during 2013.
The weight of this sad time we must obey,
Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say.
The oldest hath borne most: we that are young
Shall never see so much, nor live so long.