Theresa May – on a long road to nowhere



Lest Americans feel they are the only ones drowning in chaos here’s a Brexit update. Who’d know where we are heading? Theresa May makes opaque and cryptic utterances that make little sense to English-speaking Brits, so no surprises the EU-ers are perplexed. The international tower of babel, inhabited by politicians and commentators of varying hues, spews contradictory noise from all quarters – from Davis’s cheery ‘lightning speed’ negotiations to dead-halt-and-off-a- cliff-edge from others. December appears to be the next deadline which may or may not see progress.

Theresa May looks setback on her heels in November and irritable with it as tr Saturn is conjunct her Sun/Mars; depressed end dented in December  with tr Saturn square her Sun/Jupiter and Mercury; and in a complete and devastated muddle from tr Pluto square her Sun/Neptune from December 8th into early January 2018, returning on and off through 2018. Though she does have a great sigh of relief from tr Uranus opposition her Jupiter/North Node in December/January 2018 which is either good news, or she gets let off the hook and sent out to pasture. Somewhere along the way since her birth time isn’t known, she gets a massive jolt from Solar Arc Uranus conjunct her Sun.

If she sticks around, then it gets considerably worse in 2018 with tr Neptune returning to conjunct her Mars for a panicky feeling of failure from early February (returning late October into early 2019). From mid March onwards tr Pluto is conjunct her Mars/Saturn midpoint which is calamitous – though that could be a disaster of another variety such as a major atrocity. That returns on and off through 2019 as well, joined in 2019/2020 by a frustratingly-trapped tr Pluto conjunct her Mars/Node. By 2019 tr Neptune is in a bubble-bursting, false-hopes-dashed opposition to her Jupiter; and is exactly square the Sun and Moon in her government chart. If I was facing those influences I’d retire to a meditation centre and hide.

The UK chart surprisingly has moments of considerable cheer as well as angst from tr Pluto opposition the Cancer Moon and opposition the Solar Arc Mercury throughout 2018. This December and January 2018 look on edge and insecure; but from mid February there’s a run of tr Pluto opposition the Jupiter/MC, then Mars/Jupiter midpoints and square Sun/Jupiter running till late 2019. So there may be a devil-may-care mindset – or perhaps even a Royal wedding as as upbeat distraction.

4 thoughts on “Theresa May – on a long road to nowhere

  1. It’s come out that the russians messed with the Brexit vote, too. Oh jolly, maybe they gave you May like they gave us Trump. (sarcasm)

  2. I felt rather sorry for Theresa May at one point as she was bullied and abused quite badly by the press and the EU. Not anymore. I don’t believe that there has ever been a prime minister as abject and inept as she. It is beyond belief that she actually intends to grant to EU citizens rights not given British citizens. We will become second class citizens in our own country. Extraordinary! Now she is on the verge of doubling the sum to be paid to the EU. There is no money available to take care of the poor or to stabilise the NHS but the treasury will somehow find £48+ billion to pay off those avaricious, vindictive see you next tuesdays across the channel. How did such a spineless and incompetent individual become prime minister? She is an utter embarrassment to women and to this country. Indeed there is an underlying masochism in her relationship with the EU. And of course they are relishing playing the bullies.
    If she carries out the intention of giving EU citizens more rights than the Brits, and she hands over anything approaching the figure of £48billion cited in the press the tories can kiss good bye to being in government for the next few generations.

    Dear Marjorie
    What are Boris Johnson’s prospects over the next two years?
    Is there anyone within the Tory party that could make a better fist of it than this awful woman?
    Will the EU get its comeuppance?

    Thanks so much.


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