How fare the fervid Brexiteers? As negotiations teeter on the brink of – yes, no, maybe and why don’t we postpone the agony by stretching the deadline – it seemed worth looking at Rees Mogg, Liam Fox and the Tory ERG leading members (European Research Group which despite its name is virulently anti-EU and does no fact-finding investigations).
The ERG was launched appropriately enough in July 1993 (no date) on the exact can-be-fanatical Uranus Neptune conjunction in Capricorn; with Saturn in Aquarius in an unyielding square to Pluto.
I’ll skip much of the predictive astro-explanations since there are too many charts. But Rees Mogg, a flighty Sun, Mercury in Gemini opposition Mars in Sagittarius maybe square a Virgo Moon with Pluto Uranus Jupiter also in Virgo, is certainly being rattled up by the present Eclipses especially his Mars, so insecurity and bad-temper running high. Plus he has a seriously stuck Saturn Pluto Solar Arc around now. 2021 will be up and down with his influence receding but perhaps his finances prospering since his finance house deals off-shore. 2022 looks like a dead-halt setback which appears on the charts of several of his political BFFs.
Mark Francois, 14 August 1965, a vague/slippery Leo Sun square Neptune, with a Mutable T Square of six of his planets is another scattergun. He looks deeply frustrated, blocked and enraged from February 2021 onwards for two years with tr Pluto square his Mars; plus he has a sprinkling of Neptunian disappointments moving ahead.
Steve Baker, 6 June 1971, a Sun Gemini is panicking until late this December, jangled across New Year, is up and down in 2021 and hits a catastrophic road block come 2022 courtesy of three unhelpful Solar Arcs.
Liam Fox, 22 September 1961, a Sun Virgo trine Saturn Jupiter in Capricorn, looks furious and fit to explode across this month and through January; with career losses through from January 2021 to late 2022; and his nadir is again 2022.
Daniel Hannan,1 September 1971, a journalist and early ERG member, A Sun Venus in Virgo square Saturn in Gemini opposition Neptune – yet another jitterbug – is similarly being rattled up by the eclipses, especially the recent Lunar on his Saturn, bringing a reality check. He’s also panicking wildly through this month; and being tossed hither and thither by aggravations and setbacks in 2021.
Relationships between all of the above and Boris look discontented and aggravated in 2021 – which may or may not mean much.
Not sure what this all adds up to except that none of them look in a celebratory mood now – and several will be holding their head in their hands in 2022.
Add On: David Jones MP is Deputy Chairman of ERG, has held several Tory ministerial posts and is on the advisory board advisory board of Leave Means Leave. He’s also on the board of Eco Central, a climate change denial group, which uses Facebook adverts to spread false and misleading information. He voted against same-sex marriage and against Marcus Rashford’s scheme to off free school meals to poor kids in holiday periods.
Born 22 March 1952, he has his Sun in Aries with Mercury, Jupiter also in Aries in a confident trine to Pluto and oppo9sition Saturn Neptune; with his Pluto in a hostile, angry and determined square to Mars in Scorpio. His Pluto may oppose an Aquarius Moon squaring onto Mars; and his Sun squares Uranus. Quite a ratchet, contrary and awkward-squad personality. The Mars square Pluto is often found in shock-jocks charts or members of the tribe who are AGAINST whatever. They need a focus for their hatred.
Anyways, not an amiable bloke. He’s not remotely happy ahead either, with a fraught February 2021 raising his blood pressure to dangerous levels and that runs on and off till late 2022. Plus considerable disappointments through February to June 2021 and beyond into 2022.
I’m wondering if the current English Brexit shambles is due to a strategy going wrong or a strategy going right. I’m also wondering what the astrological word on Scotland might be .. Disclosure : I’m a pro-Yes, England-friendly Scot who is also pro-Yes to Scotland joining Europe.
Priti Patel gets her gun boats. Sigh.
Today on Dutch radio I heard politicians/journalists discussing the consequences of a No Deal…people do underrate the affection UK is held in by the rest of Europe, I could hear the sorrow and disbelief in their voices as they discussed the fact that Blighty is an information/service hub but they do not PRODUCE ANYTHING on the scale that other members do… Tesco says it is stockpiling food already, enough for a run of 3 months…..they’ve seen the future, and are trying to pre-empt it, but the scale of damage is unimaginable…No Man is an Island, the logistics are incalculable – there is no plan in Johnson’s government, just the assumption things will go on as usual if they can stare down the barrel of the gun. How has it come to such a tipping point?
Honestly Maggy, I can’t even talk about it I am that pissed off. And at least half the population feels the same way as me
Tara, is it too late to vote again on the net and get himself to apologise by saying sorry Europe, we lose too much, we will honour the union and the laws all others do. It will mean immense volatility and the breakdown of law if it goes on..,
Urgh, just a gynormous botch up. I’m a bit like Tara, gibbering in disbelief and loathing for the idiots who persuaded the disenfranchised that Brexit would be the answer to all their problems. Just like Trump. And look at the end result of that. We might have been better to listen to De Gaulle and not gone in, then at least we’d be in a better place now. But a 40 year old relationship was never going to be easily untangled – and this lot have utterly not a clue how to handle the fall out.
I’m the same; depressed and speechless at this insanity.
The implications of all this are so huge, across so many areas of research, work, trade, creative arts, and on and on….The imminent eclipse seems quite unstable to me, with much energy. I wonder what is being “eclipsed” at the moment? Apart from the horribly obvious. Next year’s tensions between old (Saturn) and new (Uranus) will be challenging, and have the potential for creation but after much destruction and instability I fear. Marjorie notes 2022 several times, so we’ll just have to ride this hateful rollercoaster and see what emerges by then.
The all too vivid memory of the yellow-trousered Nigel Farage in his Union Jack socks with Ann Widdershins waving their ridiculous plastic flags at the European Parliament will haunt me for the rest of my days, Jane.
Thanks VF, for that delightful picture! Since negotiations will still continue in various ways for a long time yet, with various locations, I do hold faint hope of something else emerging eventually. Group endeavours and alliances are favoured by Aquarius at its best, and we are entering a more Aquarian time ahead. Perhaps I am clutching at straws, but Britain has long been a trading nation. I can’t see how making most things here small and stifling is going to last. I realise I may have quite a wait before some kind of new dawn breaks.
I do hope you’re right Jane! I must say, after years of Capricornian heaviness I’m hoping the coming Aquarian, more airy astrological phase will bring a fresher morning for us all.
Perhaps with the Saturn Jupiter conjunction approaching with hopefully a change
in energy for the human collective, we should be concentrating on more positive .and kinder comments .
It’s all hanging by a thread as I write. Words fail me. I thought I’d look at the position of Ceres in the UK 1801 chart, out of curiosity. It is at 23 Taurus, in the 8th house – quite apt for farming and money I think. In this context I’d count the harvest of the sea as well. It squares the Saturn in Leo, and trines asteroid Vesta (home and hearth) in the 4th house of our roots. Seems to describe the Englishman’s home is his Castle idea, and also all the rural fantasies the UK has always been so fond of. Currently, at this time of entirely avoidable Brexit crisis, Pluto is trine UK Ceres, conjunct Vesta – home and “harvest” of various kinds are being shaken up or transformed? And inconjunct the bombastic Saturn in Leo in the 11th, describing various groups of people with shared interests who are struggling to find common ground.
I guess these salty sea dogs don’t have a sweet tooth as the good ship fudge steams across the channel. It’s Pantomime season, what a carry on!
Thank you Marjorie for looking at Rees-Mogg and the rest of the ERG. The are a double dealing lot of characters. Interesting that Mogg has a Virgo moon, he is a pedant and that fits nicely with he square Saturn and Gemini Sun/Mercury. A stickler for detail with communication. Mogg’s Moon square Saturn in Taurus/Virgo depicts someone who needs money for security. Although, I doubt whether there will be enough to satisfy his insufferable snobbery. I always feel extremely uncomfortable whenever he is speaking. He is a slippery character.
Thanks Marjorie. So much mutability – and too much games playing I fear. The Brexiteers’ world view must surely have been altered by living through a global pandemic? It’s strange with so much Gemini and Virgo around that these people seem to be so very stubborn. Unless they view everything as a game, and gain some enjoyment from taking everything to the brink. Indeed, they seem to want to shove it all off the edge of the cliff. Perhaps when Uranus and Saturn have finished transiting both UK Mars positions in Taurus and Aquarius, we can pick up the pieces in some way? In January, Black Moon Lilith and Mars in Taurus, plus Jupiter in Aquarius, will all transit those Mars positions as well. A lot of energy, but not looking too stable or fruitful.
Eventually, I believe there’s the possibility of a two tier EU or something similar, and that one of these days Brexit won’t mean Brexit any more!
Jeez Marjorie what is it with all the Gemini types around the world causing trouble everywhere!
Hi Marjorie It now seems that crunch time for a deal is Sunday 13th- the day before the solar eclipse. Could the potential for new beginnings on the 14th be cause for optimism that a deal will be made ??
Have added yet another unhappy Brexiteer so heaven alone knows what’s going to happen. Doubt the Eclipse will bring new beginnings of a cheery variety.
Thanks. Oh dear! Note your new addition was born only a few days after that other charmer Philip Green.
I think boris is trying to delay matters and stretch everything out so that there is no choice but to have a no deal brexit.
If the single market is still attractive, may be. Look at Marjorie’s predictions on EU over the last year.
I am afraid the other side of the water isn’t conducive to the deal either 🙂
“The Brexiteers’ world view must surely have been altered by living through a global pandemic?”
I doubt that, because wealth and priviledge tends to shield people from all kinds of life altering external events. While some of ERG members mentioned here (most notably Liam Fox), have worked their way up, they’ve all been in a certain kind of a Tory bubble for decades. The one with the most priviledged background, Rees Mogg, even looks like he has come he straight from the early 1950’s.
Yes, I agree Solaia – Rees Mogg’s nickname used to be “Minister for the 17th Century”…I suppose what most puzzles me is the potentially very damaging effects on business, and therefore tax revenues and money. I know there are fiendish ways of making money during any crisis, and many have indeed made lots of money this year through speculation. However, since the pandemic has cost an enormous amount of money already, we are no longer in the position we were back in 2016 anywhere in the world. At this point, I think the games playing and brinkmanship has really got out of hand, and is wildly irresponsible. Possibly this signifies mutable sign energy at it’s worst?
Well said, Srini…..and justifiably so.
But they have to protect the Single Market, it was never possible to get the perfect deal. Brexiteers always unable to grasp this fact just delusional
Could 2022 be when the UK is forced cap and hand to rejoin the Single Market?
that is a very interesting thought.
If the single market is still attractive, may be. Look at Marjorie’s predictions on EU posted over the last year.