Ted Cruz – stamina for the long haul

Ted Cruz, the junior Republican senator for Texas, a former lawyer and Tea Party favourite, though not popular amongst mainstream party members, beat Trump and Rubio in the Iowa caucuses, the first Hispanic ever to win there.

Born 22 December 1970 in Calgary, Canada, he has a zero degree Capricorn Sun square Pluto in last degree Virgo. He’s also got Saturn in Taurus opposition Mars Venus conjunct in Scorpio and opposition Jupiter in Scorpio as well. So controlling, hard-edged, stubborn, has endurance. His Pluto is in a successful sextile to Jupiter.  His Mercury in practical Capricorn is trine Saturn and square Uranus – so although realistic, he can be intemperate and outspoken as well.

No birth time doesn’t help. At the moment he has a tough-slog tr Pluto trine his Saturn which clearly isn’t doing him any harm. Then from late March a seductive and possibly popular tr Pluto sextile his Venus on and off through the rest of the year. He’ll have some downers, only to be expected in a marathon campaign as tr Saturn is conjunct his Sun/Jupiter and Sun/Neptune until the fall.

Mid March to early April sees a minor disaster with tr Uranus opposing his Mars/Pluto. But he’s had a couple of those last year so clearly not a terminal catastrophe. May also looks high risk and hugely pressured with tr Uranus square Saturn/Pluto. June will have its losses and moments of uncertainty as well.

His Solar Arc Jupiter is moving to the conjunction with his Mercury perhaps as soon as late this year which will be upbeat, though it could come through 2017, depending on birth time.

He declared his bid at midnight on 23 March 2015 with a usefully fiery chart – Sun Aries trine Saturn so well planned; Jupiter in Leo trines Uranus; which latter is widely conjunct Mars in Aries and both square Pluto. So a campaign which was always going to produce surprises, some ruthless manoeuvring, though is well planned and executed.

There’ll be a major jolt come late May when tr Uranus is exactly conjunct Mars.


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