There are calls for far-right GOP Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene to be removed for her extremist views. She was described as a gun-obsessed racist who has spread gruesome conspiracy theories about a Satan-worshipping cult and mocked the deaths of schoolchildren in the Parkland school shooting. Her past social media posts indicated support for executing Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and echoed conspiracy theories that California wildfires were caused by a ‘Jewish space’ laser from space triggered by a group of Democratic politicians and companies for financial gain.
Lauren Boebert, another newly ordained Rep Congresswoman, appears cut from the same cloth as a ‘fast-talking, gun-toting tavern owner’, who relishes her reputation as a provocative and disruptive force. Both Greene and Boebert have appeared with white supremacists, and Boebert has prior connections to anti-government extremists in groups involved in the events of January. 6. Both have endorsed QAnon conspiracies. They have refused to wear masks and Boebert attempted to violate House prohibitions on carrying firearms on the floor of the chamber. Boebert also appeared to revel in the insurrection as it was happening, tweeting about Pelosi’s location and proclaiming earlier in the day, “Today is 1776,” suggesting the possibility of an armed revolt.
Greene, 27 May 1974, is a Sun Gemini opposition Neptune trine Pluto – so driven by heady ambitions. In addition she has a super-charged Mars in Cancer on the focal point of a Uranus opposition Venus in Aries – making her volatile, disruptive, drawn to high-adrenaline situations. Oddly her Mars in Cancer is conjunct Trump’s Saturn which isn’t a great interface though her relationship chart with him has a friendly, affectionate Sun Venus in a controlling square to Pluto, so she will be drawn to him – as she continues to campaign against the results of the election. Though her bond with him will going through an exceptionally bumpy phase this February and March with tr Uranus opposition the composite Neptune and square the Mars.
Her own chart show 2020 as being one of devastation and confusion, despite her Congress win, with hitches, glitches and swamps continuing through this year and the next two.
Boebert, 15 December 1986, has her Sun Uranus conjunct in Sagittarius with Saturn Mercury also in Sagittarius, a Gemini Moon across the zodiac probably squaring onto Mars Jupiter in Pisces, and an intense (manipulative) Pluto Venus in Scorpio trine Mars Jupiter. She’s quite a whirlwind of rebellious impulses, wildly outspoken with so much Sagittarius; fuelled by anger and self-righteousness – Mars Jupiter on the focal point of a T Square tends to see itself as a holy crusader. Like Greene she was not a happy camper in late 2020 from road-blocked Solar Arcs. Her way ahead looks even less certain than Greene’s with tr Neptune square her Uranus and Sun through this year and next; with catastrophic, crises-attracting tr Pluto conjunct her Mars/Saturn in 2022/23. She’s not winning too many arguments.
Her relationship chart with Trump isn’t as cosy as Greene’s – with, in her case, a composite needs-space Sun Uranus in a trapped opposition to Pluto, Mercury Venus – and that connection is sinking below the water line through 2021/22/23.
Josh Hawley, 31 December 1979, another GOP troublemaker raising doubts about the election result, is a Sun Capricorn in a hyper-active trine to Mars Jupiter in Virgo. He has Mercury Neptune in Sagittarius and a Gemini Moon. So another whirlwind-in-a-storm personality with so much mutable. He’s in a win-some, lose-some year with disasters late February through March and again mid October to mid January 2022 with tr Neptune opposition his Mars/Saturn midpoint.
MTG is missing the earth element in her chart and she inherits a construction company from her father. Very Capricorn and very ironic.
Marjorie Taylor Greene has already made her mark in her own work environment by attacking new congresswoman Cori Bush when Bush told her to wear a mask. Subsequently Greene has since been targeting CB on social media, with Bush having to move her office. Now that Trump is gone, these minions have sprouted like heads from a decapitated Hydra. I hate to say it, but Marjorie Taylor Greene is probably going to have to shoot someone before something gets done about her and even then I’m not sure it’ll be much more than a stern talking to.
Interestingly they are born 12 years apart with, both having squares to their Jupiter in Pisces (at same degree if I read correctly) – fanaticism but not compassion?. Being a mutable sign, I used to think we were reasonnable because of our adaptability and generally not interested in leadership and causing mayhem, (well, maybe Sags 😉 but the past few years, can’t help noticing the prominent Gemini world leaders (inc Navalny, who for now is on the good side) , some Pisces (McConnell, bin Laden yrs ago) and their Virgo enablers (Trump’s got a handful).
MTG chart stacks up – that now cliché Gemini position, and opposite Neptune in Sag to ram it home, with Jupiter in Pisces square it. A veritable ideological Lie fest.
And that oh so easily triggered, self entitled and unbalanced Apex Mars in Cancer T square Venus in Aires opposite Uranus in Libra. This is one very unstable, person, who knows how to throw a tantrum to bend people to their will.
Although tbh Im not entitrely convinced about her birthdate, she looks a fair bit older than 47.
Still if birth details are accurate, as well as the other contacts Marjorie mentioned, MTGs Libra Pluto bang on Trumps Neptune is interesting. Obsessive lies and fantasies to gain power, her life subsumed to his while she attempts to acrue his power for herself, to rise phoenix like from his ashes, while ‘dealing’ projecting with daddy issues through the Cancer contacts.
They will go [even more] insane together.
I would also hazard a guess she feels very competitive with Ivanka.
The GOP seem to be scared to do anything about these morons. I guess it’s the fear of losing senate seats etc. There is also a young congressman called Cawthorn who is basically a Nazi, he even made a pilgrimage to the spot where Hitler had his summer retreat and posted on Instagram (the post has sincevbeen deleted). QAnon idiots, white supremacists and Nazi’s serving in the Senate is sadly not surprising with the way extreme and racist evangelical christian groups have attached themselves to the Republican party over the past two decades or so. This influence got worse when Barack Obama became president. Having a black man in charge goes against everything they live for. (and I see Armie Hammer getting dragged again for bizarre unproven accusations but never mind *rolls eyes again endlessly*)
I’m not dragging him, P. I mentioned it because of the mutable energy in certain people in the mainstream news and find it unusual they all seem to pop up in clusters. There was a spate of Mars in Leos for a while too a few months back. Please learn to tell the difference and stop taking it so personally.
You called him a suspect mutable but whatever! It’s not personal. You could have simply said that Hammer is another person in the news at the moment with a mutable chart.
Meaning the mainstream media are not talking about them in a good light, hence the conversation why clusters of people with similar astro patterns, goor or bad, are subject to come up in cycles. I’m curious as to why this happens. I couldnt give a toss who is bad or not but why it comes up in clusters at the same time and why they are painted as such. So yeah, whatever.
Hawley is the next Trump. He is a Capricorn, so will play the long game. He is young and could be politically active in the 2030s and 40s. Roger Stone started as an intern for Nixon and had Nixon’s face tattooed on his back; then he found Trump. Similarly, some will see Hawley as a future President and will bide their time.
@Andre, when Sun Capricorns fall, they fall hard and never really recover. Look at Mel Gibson and Kevin Costner. They used to be the biggest movie stars in The World in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, Gibson really through the 1990’s. Costner lost his status simply by producing two turkeys. Gibson’s behavior was outrageous, but then again, Sun Cancer Tom Cruise has gotten away with similar behaviour for decades without Hollywood shunning him. I also think another prominent Capricorn Sun, Ted Cruz, might have taken one step too far alienating his big donors. Don Jr. was already teasing a run in Texas, and although I feel his Capricorn Sun fall is coming in a month or two, he has opened doors for others to challenge Cruz for his hypocrisy (Cruz’s wife still is a Goldman Sachs executive, after all).
I think Greene is more akin to Alex Jones in a dress.
Hawley is the furthest thing from a nut job. He’s a more sleeper cell version of Ted Cruz. They’re both self serving, opportunistic, well educated as&holes, erroneously thinking their going to co-opt the Trumpites to their side for a Presidential run. Ted was always more vocal as he doesn’t give a damn about being the most disliked Senator(which is a hell of an achievement with the likes of Graham and Paul in the running). But Hawley was operating in stealth mode all this time until he figured the right moment to strike, revealing his true colors; shocking even his former mentor, who recently disavowed him.
Oh the dark side of ambition!
“I think Greene is more akin to Alex Jones in a dress.”
She has, no doubt, listened to Alex a lot, given her obsession on school shootings, and might face similar legal challenges by victims’ families.They are also born in the same year, little over 3 months apart. That said, astrologically, she really has more in common with Trump than Jones, obviously taking in consideration that TOBs for Jones or Greene aren’t publicly available. Jones, however, is an interesting astrological case on his own. What Greene and Jones have in common is a Kite, but Jones’ Grand Trine is in Air with Sagittarius True Node as the opposition point to Gemini Saturn. Jones also had Sun conjunct Jupiter in often eccentric Aquarius (even Aquarius Sun “Conservatives” are often revealed to have an “alternative” side, see Austria’s Jörg Haider) likely trining Libra Moon conjunct Uranus, so not only comfortable, but thriving to be an “anti establishment” character. He also has Pisces Mercury square Sagittarius Neptune that can lead to shattered mind. That’s somehow mitigated by a materialistic and enduring Taurus Mars. But overall, he was born to be a “shock jock” first.
Greene, I think, is wired very differently. She shares Sun sign with DJT and has Moon in the same element, and even in the same sign of DJT’s Ascendant/Mars (motivation). Her Jupiter and Saturn are in Water signs, instantly highlighting emotional needs in a way that’s not really present in Jones’ chart (Mercury is his only Water planet, and is more about intellect). She also has a prominent Pluto, that’s maybe even surprisingly absent on Jones’ chart in absence of TOB. But I think it kind of makes sense – Alex Jones originated conspiracy theories tend to have a more Uranian streak, it’s tech heavy, and he denounced Q soon after January 6th. I think she is much more a “belonger” than Jones, and no matter how brave a face she puts, will suffer being shunned in Washington, just like DJT always suffered being shunned by New York elites.
“Greene, 27 May 1974, is a Sun Gemini opposition Neptune trine Pluto – so driven by heady ambitions. In addition she has a super-charged Mars in Cancer on the focal point of a Uranus opposition Venus in Aries – making her volatile, disruptive, drawn to high-adrenaline situations.”
I looked at MTG’s chart last night, and have to say I’ve seldom seen a more straightforward astrological transit manifestation than “empty corner” of her T-Square being banged by Pluto, as well as by Saturn and Jupiter for shorter periods, for the past couple of years and her going full blown, (at least) verbally violent conspiracy theorist. She has a “performative” Gemini Sun/Leo Moon combination and Gemini Mercury sextile that Aries Venus as well as Libra Uranus explaining why she loves her own ideas and can’t shut up. Steered to another direction, she might have become a celebrity PT with Youtube channel or what not. But, as Virgoflake (shoutout!) said in Ivanka Trump, she is “Donald Trump in a dress”. She is daughter of a construction company owner and inherited his father’s business.
Thanks Solaia 🙂 I didn’t know about the company inheritance, that’s an interesting parallel.
I meant to say, ‘Gemini and Sagittarian politicians in the news that are constantly causing chaos, especially with extreme views.’ I thought having mutable energy was a strength to adapt and see the other side of the argument. Clearly in politics, this means no such thing.
Maybe they are adapting to the buzz of the moment – finding a flag they can rally round which gives them a spotlight.
You might be right. Bloody annoying tho! Its almost like a fairweather friend energy and when i think about it in those situations, Ive known a few geminis do this in my own personal experience.
Again, Gemini and Sagittarian politicians in the news! What is wrong with this lot? Which is the other mutable sign? Is it Virgo? You dont see a lot of them in politics, it seems. However, the fact Armie Hammer has come up in the news seems to reflect a lot of churning out of suspect mutable sorts at the moment.
@Jo, my theory has long been that the very debate base political culture in the US and the UK is what leads to abundance of Gemini and Sagittarius influenced politicians. These signs do, after all, rule two main “communication” houses. Interestingly, Finland has Sagittarius Sun, likely Gemini Rising and Virgo Moon, and we’ve also had many prominent Virgo politicians.
Interesting and does make sense. I cant think of any prominent Virgo politicians. I have however, noticed a lot of Librans in the UK government. Most notably women.
Bernie Sanders, John McCain, Lyndon Johnson, Chris Christie. In US anyway.
Keir Starmer is a Virgo, Jo. Not sure what that means for the UK Labour Party under his leadership.
Thanks, Trish. I never actually looked to see his birthday. Yes, I’m in the UK. I just find it highly unusual how a lot of these mutable signs are making their way into the mainstream news and not always for the right reasons. Its’ like there are patterns being thrown up for some reason. It is interesting though.
@Trish, yes, Keir Starmer came to mind. That said, he has strong underlaying Libra, which is also commonly found on British politician’s charts, given it mostly falls to the UK 1801 chart’s first house (and Theresa May’s Sun is on Ascendant). But mainly, Virgo falls to the UK’s 12th house, which may indicate Virgos mostly working behind the scenes.
In the US, Virgos are more easily found in visible roles in politics, likely because Sibly’s MC is 27′ Virgo.