Algerian boxing gold medalist Inane Khelif, at the centre of the gender row that dominated the Olympics, has laid a complaint with French authorities (the online hate centre of the Paris prosecutor’s office) over aggravated cyber harassment. Several high-profile individuals could be named in the suit, including JK Rowling, Elon Musk and Donald Trump.
According to interviews in the Daily Mail, Khelif’s own coach admitted problems with chromosomes led to previous bannings; and the Spanish national coach Rafa Lozano said Khelif was considered too dangerous to pair with women at a boxing retreat in Madrid ahead of the Olympics. He said coaches only found a match for her after pairing her up with Jose Quiles, one of Spain’s leading male boxers.
Previous post IOC – a Cancerian with a women problem 4th August 2024 – has useful info in the comments section on DSD, testosterone etc.
Khelif, born 2 May 1999 in Algeria, is a determined Sun Saturn in Taurus opposition Mars square Neptune in Scorpio – very Fixed and enduring. Her Sun Saturn square Rowling’s Leo Sun with her Neptune in opposition – not a happy combination. If Rowling’s birth time of 9.10pm is reasonably accurate then Khelif’s Pluto is closely conjunct JK’s Midheaven and Khelif’s Uranus closely conjunct JK’s Ascendant – so Khelif would have an urge to control JK’s chosen direction and upset her image.
Their relationship chart is hostile with a composite Sun Mercury trine Mars Pluto (Moon) with Sun Mercury in an evasive/disappointing opposition to Neptune. With a yod of Mars Pluto (Moon) sextile Neptune inconjunct Jupiter – which is interesting since one of the effects of a Jupiterian yod is to have a strong impact on mass consciousness and social culture. Khelif and Rowling – the litmus paper or test case for a larger argument. There will be upsets between them into 2025 with tr Uranus opposing the composite Uranus.
Rowling has all the money in the world to fight a battle which is clearly important to her – and I would imagine Kherif’s lawsuit is also being financed by backers. I don’t know enough about French law to be able to comments on the likelihood of a result.
Totally unconnected but another two minor stories involving Taureans who are obviously having ‘a moment’, unsurprisingly, given the way tr Uranus in Taurus is kicking up its heels for a swansong before it exits next year.
George Clooney, 6 May 1961 2.58am KY, is sniping back at film maker Quentin Tarantino who said he was not really a movie star anymore. Clooney is a Sun Mercury in Taurus opposition Neptune in Scorpio with Jupiter in Aquarius opposition Mars in Leo – very, very Fixed and enduring. Tarantino, 27 March 1963, TN, is an Aries Sun but has like Clooney an attention-grabbing Mars in flamboyant Leo. Their relationship chart is inherently aggravated with a composite Mars opposition Saturn square Neptune – instant dislike and suspicion. Two Hollywood egos colliding.
The other Taurus headline, evidently of great interest to Gen-Zers and tik tok is the split between two former Love Island, influencer-types, Molly Mae and Tommy Fury after five years of Instagram bliss together. And what an odd mismatch it was. Molly Mae, 26 May 1999, is a controlling Sun Gemini opposition Pluto with Saturn in Taurus square Neptune and Uranus in Aquarius. Tommy, 7 May 1999, is a Sun Saturn in Taurus square Uranus. She’ll be possessive with a strong Pluto and he’ll be stubbornly intent on doing his own thing with Fixed + Uranus. Their relationship chart is a maze of inconjuncts– Sun inconjunct Mars, Pluto inconjunct Saturn and Venus forming a yod with Pluto on the focal point. Not an easy chemistry.
There’s a great article in the “Washington Post” which uses science to discuss the difference between sex by biology and sex by identity, with women who have extra male DNA (“an XY disorder of sexual development, or XY DSD” which it sounds and looks like Inane Khelif has) and trans-women having the unfair advantage in sports competitions of extra testostorone:
“Why elite women’s sports need to be based on sex, not gender:
Katie Ledecky holds the women’s world record in the 800-meter freestyle. 26 U.S. boys under 17 have beaten it.”
Something interesting in Rowling’s chart. Pluto/neptune midpoint = Mars in Libra (<3 orb).
I should check, regarding Clooney, if you wrote about his synastry with Pitt, given their recent appearance in GQ.
The emotional wounds that JK Rowling has survived have obviously cut very deep. Well done to her, I wish others were as unafraid of standing up to issues that upset them.
Does anyone know whether JK Rowley has explained why she feels so passionately about this issue? Considering how public she had been about this I suspect there must be some underlying motivation or influences. Thanks!
Oops! “Rowling,” not “Rowley.”
“I respect every trans person’s right to live any way that feels authentic and comfortable to them. I’d march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans. At the same time, my life has been shaped by being female. I do not believe it’s hateful to say so,”
From a compendium of her own words:
A timeline of JK Rowling’s comments about women and transgender rights, Independent, Tuesday 25 April 2023
Also on that page is a link to a rare interview, the seven episode podcast titled: The Witch Trials of J.K Rowling.
With Marjorie’s permission, I’ll include the link below.
Hi Nicole,
Rowing has been open about domestic abuse she suffered at the hands of her first husband and having a bad relationship with her father. I guess her philanthropy for at-risk women explains that. The gender identity debate falls within that scope.
Marjorie, do you see anything in her chart on this issue? Thanks
Sorry *Rowling
What I find interesting about the composite chart between JK Rowling and Imane Khelif is the nebulous undercurrent. There is a lot of water in control of this clash. Gemini placed in the 12th house appears to complicate the aspect of what is actually being discussed. As Neptune the ruler of the 12th house is in Sagittarius in the 7th house – Libra partnerships and balance. A coach has already stated there were issues surrounding chromosomes, so what is the argument here? Sagittarius rules the higher mind. Its ruler Jupiter is also in the 12th house in Taurus ruled by Venus. I presume any hearing or discussions will take place in the country where the objection has been documented? We are no longer members of the EU. So how will this be conducted? It is also brings into question women . As a Mars, Pluto, Moon stellium is a powerful combination. Especially as Pluto rules Scorpio and is central to this stellium. Mars is ruled by Aries/Ram ,which also rules head in Astrology. Pluto rules the sexual part of the body and the accompanying undercurrents and the Moon emotions – especially women’s cycles and feelings. This stellium is actually showing the battle between the sexes. A Goliath argument. Lastly Uranus – the planet that spins the opposite direction – is in the 6th house of work, wellbeing and also daily health. This composite chart is fated whatever the outcome.
PS. I guess in a way Uranus is placed in the sixth house ruled by Mercury, as is the Sun and Mercury placed in Gemini. Because it is a mercurial/nebulous argument only. To date science cannot change a chromosome. Rowlings and Khelif composite chart becomes even more fascinating for astrologers to muse. As the stars have most definitely aligned to show how an argument can be so concentrated on sex and that any outcome can only be semantic.
Hi Helen, we don’t have Khelif’s birth time, so unfortunately it’s not possible to determine the position of planets in the composite houses. But as the aspects show, it’s pretty hostile.
Thanks, Ann! My sense is that usually when someone becomes an activist on any issue there’s a related personal history or underlying issues. People’s motivation fascinates me and makes me ask why.
Its no secret, start by reading her very well known letter its been in the public sphere for several years, in which she explains her position with utmost clarity.
Its quite stunning how many of her critics still havent.
And that way you hear it straight from the horses mouth, avoiding misrepresentation and misinformation
Her concerns are the same as most peoples and certainly all the Left wing British women who have spoken out about this despite loss of jobs reputation death and rape threats and fought it through the courts successfully one court case at a time, funded by ordinary women who have been donating small sums averaging £20 for 6 years.
Interestingly in America there have been more sackings and black listings on this subject than during the McCarthy Era.
Impressive for a liberal democracy…
The US isn’t that much of a “liberal democracy” in many places, as witness Florida’s current dumping in the landfill of books on diversity and LGBTQ issues from the library at (formerly liberal, now conservative) New College in Sarasota. It’s an often weird mix of enlightened and regressive ideas and policies that vary radicallly state by state.
My sense is the controversies over trans rights, especially trans women, that have roiled the UK are very different than in the US, where the most right-wing elements want to deny trans people of all ages their very existence and deny all rights. In contrast places like California are far more protective, but even here prison authorities have struggled to figure out how to house trans convicts. But I haven’t heard of many high-profile cases that have gained traction in the media or garnered immense outrage. It’s more, how do we handle this situation?
She is a survivor of domestic violence.
Having been punched in the face by a man herself, she can relate to female boxers being smashed by someone with XY chromosomes.
JK Rowlings only gets a Rodden Rating of C, thats not useable.
From an article in the Spectator
“James Tidmarsh, a Paris lawyer who is qualified in both England and France, tells me:
‘In order to amount to cyber bullying under French law there would need to be intent to harm as well as a pattern of harassment against the same targeted individual. If there is no pattern of harassment shown against Khelif, and no specific intent to harm Khelif, the criminal case will not proceed.
And even if it were to proceed I seriously doubt that Musk could be extradited to France over this — the offense would also need to be a crime in the States for him to be at all concerned —which presumably under US First Amendment guarantee of freedom of speech it is not.’”