Sydney Powell, the former prosecutor and now attorney who has been out-Trumping Trump in wild claims of election fraud is still on the rampage spouting QAnon and other crazed theories despite having been officially cut loose by the White House. She’s now unnerving even Republicans like Newt Gingrich with her request for voters to abstain in the Georgia runoff election in January, based on conspiracy theories that the communists will overturn it anyway.
Born 1 May 1955 in North Carolina, she was respected as a young prosecutor and lawyer but somewhere along the way she flipped.
She’s a Sun Taurus with Mercury also in Taurus opposition Saturn in obsessive Scorpio square Pluto in Leo. A focal point Pluto tends to have a one-tracked mind, endless staying power, and a desperate need to control. With Mercury involved and in a fixed sign she’s stubborn to the nth degree and also underneath all the hot air got a depressive streak.
Her very central Mercury square Pluto will also incline her towards what Ebertin describes as ‘fraudulent misrepresentation’ and he also associates it with demagogues and plagiarists. My impression of Mercury Pluto is that it puts excessive pressure on the thinking function which can be at risk of collapse so it invokes a desperation to prop up a shaky mental edifice. Fending off any threat to the rigid mindset from dissenting opinions becomes a life or death battle. That’s the extreme version. In moderation it can give penetrating insight but there is always a driving and defensive need to control everyone else’s thinking.
She’s also got a lucky Jupiter Uranus square Neptune, trine Saturn. Uranus square Neptune can be fanatical. Her Uranus Jupiter hook into the USA Mercury opposition Pluto so she will have a knack of exacerbating the worst of the country’s tendency to manic and paranoid thinking.
Her relationship with Trump is love all the way with a composite Sun Venus in a lucky and amiable square to Jupiter; with Mercury trine Neptune sextile Jupiter adding a layer of illusion and delusion to the warmly supportive feelings.
Her focal point Pluto is conjunct his Mars which could have been hostile, but she clearly decided if you can’t beat him, join him, so she has subsumed her relentless drive to control any narrative in his favour. Her Taurus Sun is exactly square his Pluto which again could be a struggle for dominance but instead he’s got her hooked.
She’s disappointed in her connection with Trump throughout 2021 with tr Neptune opposing the composite Saturn. Her own chart will be shaken by tr Uranus conjunct her Sun from mid year with tr Saturn square her Sun – so she’ll be buffeted around.
Thank you Marjorie seems a true DJT disciple. I know Joe has got the band back together for one more gig ( the swampetts ) But somehow I keep thinking that if the GOP and others don’t sink the cowardly lion he may return. Especially if 2021-23 are dominated by financial discord and discontent we may yet see a second coming?
She might want to get tested for Covid. Rudy Guiliani has came down with it.
Another Taurus Mercury /Virgo Moon Trump lackey… I see “another”, because these positions seem to be overpresented in Trumpsphere.
I notice Mercury in Taurus keeps cropping up for Alt-Right peddlers worldwide. It’s rapidly becoming top of my ‘most narrow-minded Mercury zodiac signs’ list.
What I keep noticing is all the Scorpio Moons. (In all sides.)
Scorpio moon men are narcissistic and sadistic and will do anything for fame and power and they are sleazy and can never be faithful. I don’t know about the women but they really want fame as well.
I’m a proud Scorpio moon and fame is the last thing I want. We like to be private.
@Virgoflake, true story. I have a Scorpio Moon ex-colleague and later a friend. I first learnt he was a Scorpio Moon because many of us at work used services provided by the company, but were not allowed to log into our own data at CRM system. So, he once had me to check his and handed me his ID, maybe because I was new at that department, and a “stranger”, maybe because I tend to project my reserved Capricorn Moon. Turned out, he’d had birthday the week before but hadn’t said a word, because he never celebrated it, which was very unlike his Sun Sign. I had an inkling he had Scorpio, so checked his astro data too, and he turned out to be a very likely Scorpio Moon/Pluto (definitely a Scorpio Moon, Pluto conjunction would vane in the day he was born). So, there’s a fair chance that people aren’t even aware of most Scorpio Moons, because casual acquaintances never get to know their birthday!
Hehe. I wonder if it was because he didn’t like the attention that mentioning his birthday would have brought? I used to dislike birthdays for this reason as a child!
It must be more than coincidence that Sydney Powell’s Jupiter/Uranus is conjunct the USA’s Mercury in Cancer, which is currently in opposition to transit Pluto in Capricorn. I think Marjorie has mentioned before how the USA’s natal Mercury/Pluto opposition can manifest as paranoia and belief in conspiracies.
Hi Thanks. Jogged me into adding a paragraph. Her Mercury Pluto is key to her crazed approach.
I looked up White supremacist and anti-Semitist Richard Spencer. He has this Mercury/Pluto opposition too.
Hi, Marjorie! Thank you for this, but I am left wondering if you or astrology in general can detect if people like Sidney Powell are so delusional that they actually believe the lies they make up? In other words, can astrology detect mental illness?
For some reason, she can’t get her legal filings correct. She has done this multiple times such as mentioning a county that does not exist. She is a joke.
You wonder at what point will they disbar her for filing conspiracy theories without proof. While disbarment is usually a punishment for unethical or criminal conduct it may also be imposed for incompetence or incapacity, but it doesn’t seem to show up in Marjorie’s reading .
@Anita, or this just would not be a major career setback for her, since she can’t expect getting much of “regular” legal work come into her way after this. Her best chance to extend the con is to get a regular stint with NewsMax or OANN – although the latter is said to be struggling.
Maybe she is doing that on purpose. Plausible deniability.