Sweden is reeling from a mass shooting with eleven dead including the killer, a local man in his mid 30s who returned to a school he had attended which provided Swedish language classes for immigrants and adult education for people who did not finish primary or secondary school. ‘There is no obvious evidence of an ideological background or any connection to the gang wars that have driven the vast majority of Sweden’s shootings in recent years.’ Unconfirmed reports suggest he was reclusive and presumably suffering from mental problems.
At a memorial service Queen Silvia asked “Where did the beautiful Sweden go?”. Sweden already has by far the highest gun murder rate of any rich European country. The blame is being laid on the recent open-door migration policy with no policy to help the newcomers integrate. ‘This has served as an incubator for crime, as gangs take over where society fails.’ About 20 percent of Sweden’s 10 million residents are foreign-born (double the rate in 2000), many of them refugees from war-torn countries including Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia and many of the adults are illiterate.
Denmark has a tougher approach with a requirement that children of migrants learn the local language and values, the dispersal of migrants to different regions, longer sentences for serious crimes, double penalties for gang members and special prisons for young offenders.
There are two charts for Sweden.
The 6 June 1523 JC 11.30 am Stockholm chart was going through its Pluto Return and Neptune Return in the middle of last decade when immigration started to peak with the refugee crisis – and by July this year will be on its Uranus Return as pressure for a less permissive approach is hardening. [For Pluto Returns see previous post in search: Pluto Returns – collapse and rebuild 17th October 2020.]
The other is Sweden 7 December 1865 3.30 pm Stockholm, which is heading for a Neptune Return in Aries by 2028.
Both the Sweden charts are fairly Neptunian. The 1523 chart – Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, North Node in Pisces square Mercury Uranus. The 1865 chart has Neptune in Aries on the focal point of a Cardinal T Square to Uranus opposition Jupiter Mercury; with Neptune inconjunct Saturn. So their need to be and be seen to be compassionate is obvious.
If the start times are accurate then they have Moon and Jupiter respectively in the chart area of partnerships with The Other so would be welcoming to incomers.
Whereas Denmark, 5 June 1849 12.15 pm Copenhagen, has a harder, less sympathetic chart with Mars Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries in their 7th house. Denmark has some of the toughest immigration policies in Europe, which were initially seen as extreme but over recent years there is a move to follow its example elsewhere.
Sweden has its own identity crisis to negotiate with outer planet Returns prompting a radical re-evaluation of identity and direction. But the penalties of their lax immigration policies are causing a rethink elsewhere about the dangers of boundless and unregulated compassion with no thought of the likely consequences.
Thoughtless permissiveness is catching a sharp reality check as the planets redirect their energies.
Add On: The shooter has been named as Rickard Andersson, 10 August 1989 Orebro, Sweden. This makes him an intense, controlling, attention-seeking Sun Leo square Pluto with a Scorpio Moon; plus the can-be-chaotic triple conjunction in Capricorn in a volatile trine to an angry Mars Mercury in Virgo and a confident though mentally up-and-down Jupiter opposition Uranus Saturn.
His Solar Arc Mars was exactly square his Saturn for an outburst of anger at frustrating circumstances when he shot and was killed; and his Progressed Mercury was in a confused square to his Neptune.
In Martha’s chart, he has Mercury-Mars trine stellium of Uranus-Saturn-Neptune…..”These individuals may rebel against structures or orders, and
feel that these constrict their freedom & independence. Yet at the same
time they may feel a strong sense of social or personal obligation.
This conflict—social vs anti-social—can have an inhibing influence upon them. NEGATIVE: Fears & self-doubts concerning the uniqueness of the self
disperse energy and create confusion. Mercury-Mars trine this stellium adds
anger issues.”
Here is Rickard Andersson’s solar chart……when he suicided, trans Mercury
was on his 12th cusp, trans Venus on his 6th cusp…both planets at the
Aries Point. Natal Pluto on Asc gives loner, while Henderson there gives
antisocial personality disorder.
From Wiki….”The day after the attack, the media stated that the suspected perpetrator was Rickard Andersson, born August 10, 1989 in Almby in Örebro.
[14][15][16][17] He grew up in Örebro. [18][19] He had taken
courses in mathematics at Campus Risbergska, the last time in 2021, but cancelled it. [20] He had applied for military service but had not been called up for enlistment by the National Military Service.
@Martha, thank you for digging this up! I honestly didn’t have time this week.
Interestingly, Rickard had license for 4 firearms, including an AR-15 despite mental issues. Swedish government has now called for tightening of gun laws I seriously didn’t realize were laxer than in Finland after 2007 and 2008 shootings.
“Denmark, 5 June 1849 12.15 pm Copenhagen, has a harder, less sympathetic chart with Mars Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries in their 7th house. Denmark has some of the toughest immigration policies in Europe, which were initially seen as extreme but over recent years there is a move to follow its example elsewhere.”
After the UK (while a Member of the EU), Denmark has the next highest number of opt-outs from specific provisions of EU treaties. Denmark only joined the EU because the UK did, according to the Wikipedia page on the Denmark-EU relationship.
Denmark has also had pretty bad luck in her relationships with other European countries in the past two centuries. She lost Norway to Sweden in the 1810s after having sided with Napoleon, lost in the Dano-Prussian War in 1864 and was of course occupied by the Nazis in WWII.
Marjorie, could you do an add-on exploring Denmark’s unique path in Europe over the past two centuries?
Astrology is about where we are born. With large groups of people moving to other countries, why not look at a relocation chart? It may reveal reasons. We do it for individuals, yet why not for a group of people? It could give an indication as to how people settle, react to a new location. It could be quite revealing to look at test cases, as if relocation charts work for individuals, why not for groups? Looking at logistics of the movement of people and not taking into account where they were born maybe the wrong approach? I see my first comment was removed. Yet if astrologers cannot ask why things happen, does where you were born, influence where you end up living? Then what is the point in studying/ observing the stars – looking for answers – if there are no go areas? Astrological charts give a country’s identity. Relocation give a person chart another meaning, we may be missing a vital part in helping to understand how some cannot settle or feel they belong.
Hmmm yes totally makes sense from astrocartography pov.
The trouble with astrocartography is you need an accurate start time which often is not available for countries. Also astrocartography in my experiences does not work well even with government charts where there is a definite start time – in pin pointing later hot spots and successes.
How would one do a relocation chart for a class of people from different places, whose defining characteristic is that they are refugees?
And are the refugees the problem, or a symptom of a greater problem?
Why has Western culture turned its back on those who might want to have a family? Why has family have less importance than work. Is having a family now the privilege of those with enough assets not to need one parent or the other to go work full time? And there is little help from our thought leaders to support families. Or to provide quality childcare at an affordable cost? Working parents are nothing new, but with the loss of communities and extended families to share the burden, is it no wonder birthrates are below replacement level, and it becomes necessary for migration to ensure economic activity and output is maintained? The problem lies less with the refugees, but with our myopia about being complicit with the state of affairs that created the need for there to be refugees, and the need for them to make up for our mistakes.
The Family has been subjected to the needs of the economy, and so efficiently has it been done, that it’s undermined it as an institution, and we tolerate our own children to go hungry and suffer from deprivation. But we want refugees to keep the dysfunctional system that created the lack of children in the West. So if the interest in housing refugees is to get them to work, no wonder some countries somehow don’t spend the time and effort to get them ready to work and be a part of the community. In the countries that don’t make the effort to integrate refugees, there is also the scapegoating of refugees for political point scoring. Colour me surprised.
Better to look to the charts of the countries having problems with refugees, because you will find the causes rather than the symptoms. And we might have to do a bit of chart turning to find the house of the refugee, especially as Astrology relies on metaphor a lot where significators are concerned. And the indications will be much clear using the country chart
Astute analysis
“Both Swedish Charts are very Neptunian”. Drugs appear to be a problem. Whereas before a kind of religious order was lived, ethically minded and a base for fairness. This has changed as those who moved there may have not had this ethos instilled in them, in the same way. A more harder approach? Many may not be use to be responsible for their own responsibility- having been told everything? I am fascinated in how cultures form. What may be an underlying problem in Sweden is the adjustability for living in the dark for many months. Many of these migrants/refugees are used to an entirely different climate. It takes years for different groups to assimilate. The language, darkness, cold weather. Along with why they moved there. What was their motives, to escape from the country they lived in , rather than their way of life? This is the crux of the matter. Are they really happy in Sweden?
About the shooter: He was reportedly 35 years old, which puts him to the same age group as Pekka-Eric Auvinen, who killed 9 and wounded 12 in the first big school shooting in Nordic in Jokela in 2007. Auvinen, born 4th June 1989, had a very stressed chart with a Yod formed by Gemini Sun/Jupiter, Capricorn Saturn/Neptune and Scorpio Pluto. I wouldn’t be surprised if we found out the shooter was born “there about”.
The Swedish police was very prompt to deny any “terroristic motif”, but there is a video of the shooter shouting “people” should “leave Europe” and apparently targeting immigrants. I am pretty certain that when the police has gone through his devices, they will find the usual trail of 4chan type net board the shooter – who left his primary education without diploma, and had since only studied sporadically, supposedly more or less forced in order to keep his benefits, and hadn’t worked in a decade or so – was active on. Stochastic terrorism by the Far Right inspired individuals, hating not only immigrants, but women and anyone “queer” seems to be very poorly recognized.
Also, disclaimer: I have family members and neighbors born 1989, we are talking about children I babysat. Children born around the Pluto in Scorpio and Saturn/Neptune in Capricorn seem to have had it rough. In Finland, this age class was about to graduate from secondary school when Jokela shooting happened, and many were shaken.
We had another school shooting, this time at a polytech 28th September 2008, and then a high profile mass shooting where a disgruntled ex-boyfriend shot his a woman, and then four of her co-workers at a hypermarket who’d stood up for her and made certain he’d keep his restraining order on New Year’s Eve 2009 in Espoo. A testament on how small this country is, I know someone who was involved in each of these incidents, I have been co-workers with two people who lost their family member, one when it happened.
Apart from the highest gun violence per capita in Europe, the bombings are the bigger problem in Sweden -nearly one a day. 3 separate shootings (Kalashnikovs!) in Brussels yesterday barely registered. Looong Mars/Pluto opp continues.