Actress Susan Sarandon, 35 years into a prolifically successful career, has found herself backlisted for remarks made last year at a pro-Palestinian rally. She later apologized but was dropped by her agent and reckons she’ll never be employed in a big budget Hollywood movie again.
Leaving aside the rights and wrongs of what she said, her astrology shows up an unwelcome turning point in her life.
Born 4 October 1946 2.25 pm New York, she has a dreamy, sympathetic and intense Sun Neptune in Libra in her 8th house with an emotional Capricorn Moon conjunct her Ascendant. Her opinionated 9th house has Mercury in Libra and an enthusiastic Jupiter Mars in strong-minded Scorpio which is square a stubborn Saturn Pluto in Leo in her 7th. Not a lady who does things by halves or gives way easily.
She is in the midst of a perfect storm on the astro front with tr Saturn now moving through the nadir of her low profile First Quadrant, not usually a successful time career wise. Plus tr Pluto conjunct her Ascendant for a wrecking ball moment image-wise. Tr Uranus has been opposing her Midheaven for another forced change of direction. And on top of all of that the recent Libra Eclipse and the March 2025 Aries Eclipse are in hard aspect to her Sun Neptune bringing an existential crisis of sorts.
One bright spark on the horizon is her Solar Arc Pluto moving to conjunct her Jupiter, exact in early 2025. She won’t bounce back to previous heights but will get a morale boost.
Are all Librans in for something similar to Susan Sarandon? The last three years have been extremely difficult health-wise and show only slight signs of recovery. Bills seem to be endless, too. (Libran 1945)
Won’t be down for long?
I wish her well, but Uranus opp MC, Pluto conj Asc and Saturn in the depths of the first quad?
I know people who’ve been halted by one of those at a time, nevermind all three simultaneously.
She’ll have to change course, at best. Maybe become a full time activist? It’s unlikely she’ll carry on as before. I enjoy her work though.
Absolutely. My question really was whether favorable solar arcs mitigate transits or not. Transit-wise the picture IS difficult.
Thanks, Marjorie. What’s interesting about this post is that Saturn is transiting her second, so, professionally speaking, she’s in a slow down period that would last until Saturn crossed her DESC by transit.
However, Solar Arc Saturn is 9° into the seventh house, so it’s angular, and also exalted in Libra. Can this be significant —i.e. mitigate her transits? Saturn rules her SA chart’s 9th and 10th houses. Not only that, SA Saturn is disposited by SA Venus in 12 Aquarius 08, which applies to conjunct asteroid Triumf at 12 Aquarius 52, (typically indicates success), and SA Venus and Triumf are closely conjunct her SA MC at 11 Aquarius 02.
Transit-wise Saturn above the DESC indicates a revving up of professional projects as Saturn advances toward the 10th which tends to be a time of construction and achievement. Of course, SA Saturn is bound to be in the 7th for 27 years, perhaps activating other Saturn significations. The question is: do we delineate the positions in the SA houses, as in this SA Saturn the same way as the transiting planets’?
In a recent video Bill Meridian explained why Trump would win the election and why Kamala did not stand a chance. He turned out to be absolutely correct. One of the things he brought up was a concept in Vedic astrology: when a planet enters a sign, it influences everything in it, it is functionally a conjunction. In the case of Trump, when Jupiter entered Gemini, sign of Trump’s Sun, his legal battles were effectively stalled, and his natal Gemini Sun was strengthened by the greater benefic. So it’s interesting to see that SA Venus will remain in Sarandon’s SA 10 house for the next 18 years, in Aquarius, and after that, will enter Pisces, the sign if its exaltation. Saturn will cross into Scorpio in 5 years, but by then Mars will have entered Capricorn and they will be in mutual reception, which means Sarandon might not fare too badly even then.
The Sun is a little over half a degree from changing sign into constructive Capricorn. 2 1/2 years after film + idealism Neptune will follow the Sun into the sign. In Capricorn, the SA Sun’s dispositor will be natal Saturn in Leo, fortunate for the Sun, and SA Saturn in Libra, the Sun’s fall but Saturn’s exaltation. At that point, the Sun’s trine to the SA NN on the cusp of the 5th will become exact, and right now, SA Saturn in her SA 7th sextiles both the SA Sun in the 8th and the SA NN in the 4th/5th.
It will be interesting to see these charts at work. Could be that Sarandon stops working in Hollywood but continues to work in the theatre, perhaps with Tim Robbins’ help, or in independent film productions abroad, as many American actors have done, or the she finances a documentary, or writes an autobiography.
Here’s an interesting detail about Sarandon’s blacklisting: SA Venus in 12 Aqu 08 separating from the square with SA Okyrhoe (centaur) at 11 Tau 25. (Tau: speech). Okyrhoe is the daughter of Chiron and Chariklo, she had the gift of prophecy but her words ended up displeasing the Gods because she revealed their plans to mankind, so she was turned into a mare as punishment. According to Mark Andrew Holmes, Okyrhoe “seems to indicate being criticized or attacked, being able to cope with attacks or unpopularity, ability to stand up for one’s beliefs or principles.”
“And from her deepest heart Ocyrhoe sighed,
and ears ran down her cheeks;
she said: “The Fates have checked my speech.
I am allowed to say no more;
they will not let me use my voice.
What good was there in having learned this art,
if now it only draws the wrath of gods against me?
Would I not be better off
Without the power to predict the course of days to come?
I can already sense that they are stripping all my human semblance.”
(Ovid’s Metamorphoses)
Stay tuned as SA Venus, dispositor of her Okyrhoe will conjunct SA Triumf this year, in her 10th.
Interesting monographs about Okyrhoe’s discovery, orbit, and meaning in the chart:
Lucy. What a great post. She will not be down for long and actually Hollywood is not in it’s ascendant either.
This news about her statements is months-old.
And she’s 78! Most people are retired by then, even actresses.
A little confused by this post.
Her Heliacal Rsiing star, Acumen…”A life constantly challenged by others.”
PARANS: Acumen rising as Mars on MC…”Motivated to act even in the
face of negative social opinion.”
Mirfat on MC as Venus sets…”Candid in person & public life.”
Deneb Aldige on MC as Saturn on IC…”To act vs society’s expectations.”
Zuben Elgenube sets as Venus sets…”Manipulating the social order.”
Altair sets as Mars sets…”Bold rash action.”
Alkens on MC as Mercury on MC…”To demand right to be heard.”
Zosma sets as Sun sets….”To receive, or cause, suffering.”
Alcyone on IC as Saturn sets…”Desire to reshape political ideas of others.”
Won’t be down for long?
I wish her well, but Uranus opp MC, Pluto conj Asc and Saturn in the depths of the first quad?
I know people who’ve been halted by one of those at a time, nevermind all three simultaneously.
She’ll have to change course, at best. Maybe become a full time activist? It’s unlikely she’ll carry on as before. I enjoy her work though.
Sorry Martha!!!
Was not supposed to post this here! Sorry x
In her Age Harmonic chart, Chiron conj Sun, r6, in 6th, shows her
woundedness concerning future work.
Susan is 78+ yrs old. In her Age Harmonic chart she has a planet
“At the Bends”, namely Jupiter, r10, career, so a planet square the
Nodal axis will suffer….she will suffer in career at this age.
She also has Sun, ruler 6th of work, in 6th, conj Hades, so she will
be black listed for any future work.
Her commuications about Palestinians lacked thought, Merc conj
Saturn, giving loss of money, by oppostion from Mars, in 2nd, money.
Black Moon squares her Jupiter, r10, suggesting a fall from grace.
Uranus, in 10th, also aspects this fallen Jupiter, so her career will
change dramatically.. Here is her Age Harmonic chart.
in career by a tarnished BML.
Interesting. I haven’t bought software to cast age harmonic charts. Is there a place online to do it?
Astrodienst. Free.