UK Supreme Court – another potential Brexit pothole


The UK Supreme Court is expected to give its answer about whether Boris Johnson’s cessation of Parliamentary business for five weeks was legal or not, within a day or so. Legal insiders say there’s a real possibility the decision may go against the government. If so, there’ll be more feathers flying in the henhouse.

The Supreme Court was first convened at 10am 1 October 2009 in London which suitably enough gives a Libra Sun with the scales of justice as the ruling symbol. There’s also a Uranus opposition Saturn which can be dictatorial and inconsistent, not given to humility. Plus a Yod of Mars in excitable and patriotic Cancer sextile Mercury in meticulous Virgo inconjunct Jupiter Neptune in Aquarius. Jupiter on the point of a Yod can be influential in setting social patterns and promoting development of ideals, though tends to be self-righteous. A Yod apex Neptune can be fairly ivory-tower and needs seclusion to operate best if it is not to become disorganized.

Neither Boris nor Dominic Cummings look altogether settled with the Supreme Court chart at the moment. Boris has an emotionally jangled, separating tr Uranus square the composite Venus Mercury now; and a disappointing tr Neptune square a composite Saturn opposition Uranus mid-November to mid-December. Dominic Cummings has tr Uranus opposition the composite Sun now and then Venus within weeks – and he regards them with real dislike with a composite power-struggle exact Pluto opposition Mars.

18 thoughts on “UK Supreme Court – another potential Brexit pothole

  1. Thanks Marjorie (and the others) for their comments. This does seem a typical chart of a court and accords with my view of them as slightly donnish and other worldly. If provoked, they can be obsessive and righteous.
    It would seem that they have a role to play in the UK

  2. Joanna Cherry QC Scottish SNP MP has won a case in Europe to enable the UK to revoke Article 50.

    She has been the main appellant of yesterday’s Court of Session, Edinburgh / Supreme Court, London ruling.

    And now she’s taken a case forward to ensure that Boris Johnston (or someone in his place) will be forced to request an extension from the EU hopefully to prevent a No Deal Brexit.

    Meanwhile everyone and their granny such as cowardly Corbyn Labour and Swinson Libdem, who weren’t prepared to lose their homes / be bankrupted, jump on her bandwagon.

    Add to that the BBC et all trying to airbrush her out of the news altogether.

  3. Lots of hard, hard aspects between that UK Supreme Court Chart and the UK 1927 chart for the creation of the current constitutional set up of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

    UK 1927 Sun 21 Aries square SC Mars 21 Cancer.

    UK 1927 Uranus 0 Aries square SC Pluto 0 Capricorn.

    UK 1927 Moon and retrograde Neptune at 24 Leo opposition SC retrograde Neptune 24 Aquarius.

    UK 1927 Venus 24 Taurus square SC Neptune.

    The Supreme Court natal Pluto sits exactly on the South Node of the UK 1927 chart

    Not an easy combination to put it mildly.

    • Hugh,

      You noted the conjunction between SC’s Pluto & UK 1927’s SN. This also happens to be the case between Greta Thunberg (Pluto) & Trump (SN), whose relationship is not exactly cordial (but as Majorie pointed out, there are plenty of discordant aspects to support that, as you did between the UK 1927 and SC charts). So, I hope you don’t mind elaborating what the Pluto conjunct SN aspect means?

      Thank you!

      • Well I am no expert but the nodes are usually regarded as the fated aspects of the chart with the South Node indicating where you are and the North Node being where you should be going. The South Node is usually indicative of where someone or something feels comfortable. Pluto is essentially a planet of death and resurrection at its most brutal. Taking that rather simplistic approach then the Pluto of the SC on the UK might be interpreted as the Court in some way acting as the destroyer of the established constitutional set up of the UK 1927 set up and pushing it to be reborn perhaps closer to the destiny indicated by the North Node. It is not necessarily negative but as in all things in life a price will have to be paid and some harsh lessons may have to be learned (or even relearned). I think the existence of the UK as a political entity is in play now and I would not be altogether surprised if it breaks up in some way over the next 5 years.

    • That’s an interesting observation, what conclusions do you draw? For me, I suppose an “easy” relationship isn’t necessarily desirable here. With no written constitution, challenging aspects are perhaps needed. Any thoughts Marjorie?

  4. “The Supreme Court was first convened at 10am 1 October 2009 in London which suitably enough gives a Libra Sun with the scales of justice as the ruling symbol.”

    Libra New Moon September 28th hits the chart, although apart from Sun, it seems to be a mutable heavy chart with a Pisces Moon on the top of the Virgo usually showing up on these charts.

  5. I cannot help but wonder what the Queen makes of all this mess. The fact that her Prime Minister has been found by the highest court of the land to have broken the law and embroiled her in this will not have gone down well at all.

  6. Hi Marjorie, Astrologically is there any signs of balance in parliament. Parliaments voice is unbalance. The garments voice is weak. Parliaments voice does not represent all people of the UK. I want politicians to stop name calling, slighting and putting each other down. It needless and upsetting. I’m fed up with it. Astrologically is there any signs of fairness. Parliament is letting us down, dismissing everyday Joe Boggs.

    • Well you said that Boris would be stuck from the 22nd of September in your article on the 10th July! You were certainly right with that assessment.

  7. The Chief Justice Lady Hale (born 31 January 1945 in Leeds)
    commenced reading the summary unanimous judgment of all 11 Judges at 10.30a.m.,
    she finished at 10.39a.m.
    Quite succinct and brutal!

  8. Boris’ analogy that he is the political equivalent of the Incredible Hulk should be viewed as a cautionary tale.

    The Hulk was eventually exiled to another planet, because of his destructive behavior on Earth……

    That may sum up Boris’ possible future if he is unable to pull off any deals regarding Brexit.

  9. I am so worried about all this. My daughter has a South African accent and yesturday she was asked if she was a foreigner. In 25 years this question has never been asked

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