Spain is in shock after its worst flooding in decades after a year’s worth of rain fell in a matter of hours onto drought- hardened ground. The death toll is well over 200 and rising. It is Europe’s worst flood-related disaster since 1967 when at least 500 people died in Portugal. Spanish troops have been drafted in to help, with questions being asked about why the extreme red weather alert was not communicated to residents sooner.
The Spain, 22 November 1975 12.45pm chart had the recent Libra Solar Eclipse conjunct its Pluto – which is a hint about the need for change. Transform or stagnate is the message. Tr Uranus was also conjunct the Spain IC opposition the Midheaven and Mercury exactly now pointing to a domestic disruption. Tr Uranus moves on to oppose the Spain Sun later in 2025 into 2026 so major changes in the country’s direction will be unavoidable. Followed by tr Pluto opposition the Spain Saturn and square the Uranus between 2024 and 2027 bring a series of jolting events and a prompt to alter Spain’s attitudes and expectations. Tr Saturn Neptune into Aries just before mid 2025 and on into 2026 will square the Spanish Mars for another image and confidence dent.
The recent Solar Eclipse located to Valencia puts Pluto conjunct the Midheaven for an event of considerable magnitude and destructive power.
The Spain/EU relationship chart has a composite Saturn at 11 degrees Libra also being triggered by last month’s Libra Eclipse and the Aries one next March. It will be a time for facing reality.
Add On: King Felipe and Queen Letizia faced angry crowds when they visited the flood devastated area with shouts of ‘murderer’ and mud and stones being thrown. Though why the Royals were being blamed for what were local authority failures over communication; and government failures over disaster relief isn’t clear.
There are predictions that segments of the Mediterranean will become uninhabitable due to climate change with untenably high temperatures, and extreme weather conditions both drought and excessive rain.
King Felipe, 30 January 1968 12.45 pm Madrid, a New Moon in Aquarius; with Mars in Pisces opposition Pluto (conjunct Uranus) does have transiting Pluto crossing his Midheaven exactly at the moment which often accompanies a reputation come-down and damage to career. Tr Uranus is opposing his Neptune also this year into spring 2025 which hints at uncertainty in his relationship with the public (and wife). The recent September Lunar Eclipse and early and late Eclipses in 2025 hit his Uranus Pluto in Virgo, with a SA Sun conjunct his Saturn in 2025 and his SA MC opposition his Uranus by 2026. So there’s a whole cluster of sinkholes and potential calamities to negotiate over the next several years.
His Accession chart, 19 June 2014 12am is being undermined by tr Neptune square the Sun and Mercury exactly now and across till early 2026. It was always going to be a crisis-strewn reign with Uranus opposition Mars square Pluto.
Felipe and Letizia have been looking downcast and worn out for some time now. Their body language seems stiff, there is a pallor to him, almost fear in his face, and a certain air of loneliness and smallness of the current royal family. She looks often irritated by him, and I just can’t shake this feeling of something not being good between them.
Thankfully, Leonor always look radiant in public appearances, so maybe that hasn’t reached her yet. And Sofía seems always polite and kind.
A German friend who is very earnest sent Dr. Judy Wood to me. She said that she was not a follower of conspiracy theories but Dr. Judy Wood has presented scientific evidence that is compelling on the twin towers. I had a look at it and watched the YouTube lectures and then I got the book Where Did The Towers Go. i must say i am not a scientist but this woman is a white American. She is a scientist. She also seems to be a bit autistic, if this is not bad to say. That said it makes Dr. Judy Wood quite sincere. The doctor is not trying to mislead in her lectures but trying to find the truth. I do think Dr. Judy Wood scientific evidence of the twin towers is beyond compelling and crossreferenced scientific energy examining and reexaming the data as scientists do. Judy Wood said on an interview that she is prohibited as a scientist from having a Wikipedia page. That is striking. But the German friend who send us the links was really quite anxious that such a compelling piece of scientific evidence was in existance that shocked her.
2024 was Jupiter Uranus conjunction on Spain South Node. The people are rising against tourism and homelessness. Too much horrible concrete in buildings as other countries. Uk builds on flood plains and everyone wants block paving and tarmac drives for their precious cars. A disaster waiting to happen. Nature is not happy.
This a foretaste of the severe social disruption that climate change will bring even to Western democratic societies in coming decades. Twenty years from now, insulting and throwing mud at the Spanish king will be seen as a very small thing. Climate change may cause the biggest threat to democracy and the existence of the state in many countries. The people’s anger at the sudden destruction of their way of life will have untold political consequences. They will blame their governments for their own resistance to the inevitable transformation of society that is required to face the upheaval of nature. The crisis of civilization is only beginning and will increase through our entire lives. Trump will soon be gone but greater problems will follow. The survival of humanity will be greatly tested. I believe that somehow it will survive this most critical century.
What alternative to Western democracies do you envision?
Here is the event chart for the Valencia, Spain, flooding event.
It is perhaps interesting that the solar-arc South Node is on the Spain Moon. What could that mean? South Node is a hole something fell and falls through and the Moon the people. South Node, we also read here a lot, pulls you back towards the past. So maybe a pull and fall towards poorer times? Moon also rules Spain’s 6th house, of health and daily routine, so maybe there’s something there as well.
Thank you.
You’ve probably seen the news about Spanish royals, so maybe if you could add a brief look at the charts of Felipe / Letizia / Sánchez / Feijóo and the Spanish monarchy chart, I think many would be grateful.
Yes would love more about the Spanish royals. Also saw on the news uproar about the British royals finances. Would love to see what’s going on specifically in regards to these two situations
Thank you Marjorie
Dubai had similar ‘floods’, didn’t it? It was firing rockets into clouds to cause rain. Spain has had a flood. Could we be seeing the same shenanigins? Dr. Judy Wood, materials scientist, author of ‘Where Did The Towers Go?’ compelling evidence of a Directed Energy Weapon/Radiation attack on 9/11, spoke of Hurricane Katrina (the naming of weather for fear is cracking) in terms of, “The storm was seen well in advance. It could easily have been ‘seeded’ over the ocean and the hurricane dispersed over the sea, as has been done many times before. Someone somewhere didn’t want that to happen. Someone wanted that storm to hit the land. The organised damage would make millions for contractors, demolition and builders. The land could be bought for pennies on the dollar. It is easy to understand why the hurricane was not seeded. It made a small group of people very very rich”. The Spaniards find themselves in something similar. Makes you wonder who’s next?
Why does everything has to be a conspiracy? It really would not be the first or even 100th explanation that crossed my mind. Have a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_floods way back to the 14th century when they had not invented any hooky spooky laser technology.
I was chuckling earlier this morning about “god’s will punishing those who swim in excessive debauchery” as it might hv been considered back in the day.
Thanks Marjorie. Cloud seeding has yet to prove its effectiveness and reliability, so it’s hard to envisage it as some form of weapon; while the alternative theory for 9/11 stopped me from reading any further.
I read that the old Roman defence wall held its own and saved Valencia from complete destruction. It was the modern defences structure that crumbled. Perhaps a metaphor for Spain? Still, little comfort for those who are affected and those who perished. Yesterday it was stated that two thousand are still unaccounted for. A huge wrench for Spain. It politics is stuck at the moment. Pluto is the underworld, others people money and politics. This terrible occurrence will bring a lot of pain for those who suddenly lost their loved one. Transiting Pluto has just finished transiting Spain’s Sun. Perhaps it has left its mark on Spain for real change to happen in their politics? Money spent on their country? Didn’t Franco’s policies see a resurgence in the past few years and made a return to politics via the Vox Party in 2023?
Not Roman getting my countries mixed up, the old type of building a solid way. Rather than block concrete that must be mixed and reinforced properly? Pluto may expose cheap building practices as well?
It was a roman wall, built by the romans around two thousand years ago…Spain, called Hispania then was a roman province.