Spain – all change at the top



Mariano Rajoy, the Spanish prime minister has lost a no-confidence vote and is gone with his replacement, Pedro Sanchez, due to be sworn in on Monday.

Rajoy has had two terms in office, the second overseeing an economic recovery and drop in unemployment, but he’s been dogged by the corruption scandals in his party. He was sworn in on 31 October 2016 which has a crisis-ridden and hostile Mars Pluto square Uranus, with tr Pluto now square the Uranus exactly – which is often when administrations tumble or leaders fall off their perch.

He has a formidably bullish and obstinate chart with a Mars (Moon) in Taurus opposition Saturn square Pluto in Leo, which was, I suspect, the reason why he handled the Catalan situation with such unyielding belligerence.  His Aries Sun has had the discouraging tr Saturn square this year, returning exactly within days; and more significantly his control-freaky T Square has moved by Solar Arc to collide with his Neptune square Jupiter Uranus – so throwing him into the worst crisis of his life.

The Spain 22 November 1975 12.45pm chart is labouring through sticky times ahead with a jolting tr Uranus square Saturn picking up from July onwards into 2019 which might suggest ruptured relations with neighbours. With a downbeat series of Saturn transits in 2019 to the Jupiter opposition Venus Pluto square Moon, so not a happy populace, or finances.

2 thoughts on “Spain – all change at the top

  1. A series of Articles in various newspapers/publications this past week that Spain
    has replace Italy as 4th most important/powerful member of the EU.
    What’s Spain’s outlook from 2020 Marjorie as notice this is the last time
    you wrote about it.
    Thank you.

  2. Good morning Marjorie!
    Speaking of Countries, the U.S., I note has Sun/Mercury/Venus/Jupiter in Cancer and Uranus in Taurus will Sextile these Planets
    on and off over the next several years as you know.
    I note with Uranus in Aries this Squared the U.S.’ Sun/Mercury/Venus/Jupiter in recent years.
    Uranus in Taurus will form a Grand Trine with the U.S.’ Neptune and Pluto also over the
    course of the next several years.
    So because of Uranus’ move into Taurus suffice to suggest that the U.S., will have a far more successful
    Country/Economy ahead over the next Decade?
    Thank you if you comment, look into.
    All the best,

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