The Solar Eclipse of October 2nd is conjunct the Fixed star Vindemiatrix, named after the Latin for ‘the grape-harvestress’. It suggests a collector or gatherer of information, can give mental concentration as well as produce ‘The One Sent Forth in the Faith’ – a missionary for their cause, whether religious or other. Astrology King calls it a ‘mischief-making star that can sometimes indicate disgrace or the untimely death of a husband hence the old attribution of the widowmaker.
Astrology King runs down interpretations of planets in aspect to Vindemiatrix. https://astrologyking.com/vindemiatrix-star/
Looking back on this 8 South Saros series of eclipses there are only odd ‘spotlight’ events in the midst of the usual run of accidents, disasters and killings. 2006 oversaw Israel invade Lebanon, Tony Blair resigns, Saddam Hussein hanged.
1988 – Al Quaeda formed. Iran-Iran War ends
1970 – Jimmy Hendrix and Janis Joplin both die of overdoses within two weeks of each other.
1952 – The European Coal and Steel Community was set up.
Saros Series Eclipses do not always occur on exactly the same degree. So looking at eclipses which did occur around 10 Libra as this approaching one does:
2005 – Just before was Hurricane Katrina and five days after the Kashmir earthquake killed 86,000. Israel withdraws from Gaza strip. Saddam Hussein on trial. Angela Merkel becomes Chancellor.
2006 another eclipse at 8 Libra – Indonesia earthquake. Iraq Civil War. Israel offensive against Gaza.
1986 October Eclipse at 10 Libra – the aftermath of Chernobyl (late April). Fox Broadcasting born. Iran-Contra political scandal.
1978 eclipse at 9 Libra – Pope dies, new Pope elected and dies after 33 days – John Paul 11 is elected. The Vatican chart of 7 June 1929 has Uranus at 10 degrees Aries – so disruptions to be expected. Iran quake – 15.000 dead. Camp David Accords. Jim Jones mass suicide – he had his Moon at 12 Aries and North Node at 13 Aries.
Some interesting pointers though nothing earth shattering.
I have Vindemiatrix conjunct my Ascendant so the gatherer of information does hold good. Looking back on past Solar Eclipses which were conjunct my Ascendant there was nothing calamitous ongoing though there were notable major moves, domestic and/or career which did imply a leaving behind and separation from what went before but again not heart-rending. My father did have his Libra Sun at 10 Libra and he was widowed after 10 years of marriage so that resonates.
I don’t pay much attention to Fixed Stars, but Vindemiatrix is, interestingly enough, sitting almost exactly at the midpoint of my Sun/Pluto conjunction. I absolutely get the information gathering, even hoarding aspect. The closest fixed star to my Sun is Diadem, though.
Of the previous Libra 8-10 degree eclipses, it’s interesting that the 2005 one was more consequential than 2006 one: I had the first date with my now husband a week later, and we were already chatting (maybe not surprisingly given communication aspect, we first “met” in the internet).
My MC is at 5 Libra. I’m not sure this counts as a conjunction, but the eclipse will be a professional turning point. I am ending my conventional career as a lawyer on October 1, which will free me for personal projects.
Typo, 1988, should be Iran-Iraq war je pense. Doesn’t the Middle East situation depend on Hamas and Hezbollah continuing to receive support from Iran? If the Iranian support were to dry up …
I find the Chinese names of this fixed star and Porimar (intellect) which is at also at 10 Libra very interesting. The effect of an eclipse is 6 months before and after or only after?
There are many ways to look at the fixed stars.
One is these simple conjunctions by degree.
Another one is parans (Bernadette Brady).
A third one is the Astrodienst fixed stars map, which is available with a free account there for drawing charts.
By the way, if you ever find something interesting on Capella, α Aurigae, the blinking, twinkling stars in the night sky, do let us know.