The upcoming Libra Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra hints at closure, completion, a parting of the ways, separation, over-straining energy. It will be mirrored by the late March 2025 Aries Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Aries, which is in a Saros series that is physically expressive though also over strenuous and accident prone. These eclipses were around previously in 2006/7, 1988/89, 1970/71, 1952/53, 1934/35.
In between, this month’s Lunar Eclipse at 26 degrees Pisces, is followed next March by a Lunar Eclipse at 24 degrees Virgo and then a Solar Eclipse in September 2025 at 29 degrees Virgo.
Sun Aries individuals around this degree include Samuel Alito, Nigel Farage, Piers Morgan, Celine Dion, Elle MacPherson, Al Gore. A Solar Eclipse opposition Sun hints the time has come to get out of a rut, admit mistakes and move on. A Solar Eclipse conjunct the Sun hints at a crossroads being reached in life with significant decisions ahead. Ambling along sticking to old ways won’t work any longer.
Mars in Aries or Libra types – Angelina Jolie, Prince William, Hunter Biden, John Roberts, Tim Walz – will be in a competitive, not to say combative mood, racing around at speed and in no mood for compromise. Hunter Biden in particular will be jolted in a significant fashion with his Mars opposition Uranus getting the full blast of these two eclipses over the coming twelve months.
Netanyahu has his Mercury in Libra getting rattled so will be running round in circles trying to straighten out confusion and reach agreements.
France has its financial Venus at 11 degrees Libra hinting at financial upsets. In individuals it is more likely to bring emotional ups and downs.
Outer planets being impacted by an eclipse is not always obvious but worth watching for – Clarence Thomas, Elton John, Camilla, Queen Guitarist Brian May all have their Neptune in Libra conjunct/opposition these two Solar eclipses.
Melania has her Chiron in Aries being rattled by both Eclipses – interesting to see how that turns out. Independence? Exerting her power?
The Palestine – 11 June 1967 chart – has Saturn at 10 degrees Aries with South Sudan Independence having its Saturn at 10 degrees Libra. Both of them in different ways will be facing a tough year ahead. Saturn conjunct an Eclipse points to a need to restructure and take responsibility, which can be discouraging, even fearful and requires effort.
The UK British Medical Association is embroiled in ructions having mystifyingly decided to ignore the Cass Report on puberty blockers etc and triggered an internal civil war. Its’ Pluto in Aries is being elbowed which can be a hint at a choose between transforming or stagnating.
These are only a few of the ones which caught my eye recently – feel free to add
Interesting to see that these eclipses hit the chart for the NHS, with Lord Darzi’s damning report just published this evening. He says the NHS is in a “critical condition”. NHS Neptune is 10 Libra. NHS Mars 23 Virgo, square Moon 23 Gemini, with the ascendant 28 Virgo, and tr Neptune conjunct the descendant now. So something will, it seems, be coming to an end if the theme of the Saros series materialises. The matching set of eclipses next spring may re-energise things perhaps, although I hope they don’t rush into any more unreliable and expensive digital systems……Neptune transiting in the house of both partners and open enemies doesn’t bode well!
Change is in the air for Canada’s PM Trudeau. Jagmeet Singh has recently torn up the supply-and-confidence agreement the NDP had with the minority liberal government. The separatist Bloc Québécois may fill their place place, otherwise the liberals will be left quite vulnerable in any confidence vote.
Ooh looks very sticky for Trudeau. Will write up tomorrow
Lost comments From Cher S
This is a transcript from a podcast between Chris Brennan and Bernadette Brady about eclipses. It’s well worth a read. I’ve posted a small excerpt about aspects and orbs below which may help those who are not familiar with eclipses and how to interpret them.
“And then particularly for a solar eclipse, I would look for a square or conjunction, or an opposition—that’s the fourth harmonic—because that’s the harmonic of manifestation. Other aspects are great, but this is an event coming in, and then you don’t get time to sit with it for 10 years and learn its nuances. It’s a plunk, an event happens. And so, as soon as we get that sense of happening it’s a fourth harmonic. The conjunction, the square, or the opposition. 90° in other words. 90°, 180°, or 0. So you’re looking for that and then you’re looking to the personal points of the chart, Chris; this is what I believe anyway. So you’ve got Sun, Moon, Ascendant, MC, you know, the cross of matter in other words. Venus, Mercury, Mars. Once you get into Jupiter and Saturn you’re looking at the social planets there, and of course they are not as sensitive as the inner personal points. And once you go into the outer planets—Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—you’re looking at a generational statement…
And then look at really tight orbs, as you’ve already mentioned, 2°-3° at the most, and just use a bit of common sense here, Chris. Like a Sun, Moon, and Ascendant, MC, you might use 3°, but Mercury, Venus, Mars, you might only use 2°. Keep it tight.”
PDW: Solaia, wanted to add that the activating or stressing square from transiting Mars in Cancer may accentuate this eclipse for some Libras. I’m thinking about this combo as a force for increased solar expression, interaction with others, and possibly public recognition – that may be connected to personal strain or difficulty, emotionally or physically (Mars in Cancer).
I’m wishing former president Jimmy Carter a blessed birthday this year. Others may want to check out his chart for the potentially critical period, involving T Mars, as the eclipse highlights his 12th House Sun, at 8 Libra. Leading up to the eclipse T Mars will exactly square his Sun on Sept. 19.
Marjorie: Eclipses are a challenge to change – volunteer to change or get dragged into it uncomfortably later on. Looking at my own Sun/Moon midpoint though it has only ever been impacted by Lunar Eclipses there were significant relationship changes – sometimes separation or moving away – moving house/location where inevitably there was a parting from those in the previous location, not necessarily a one-to-one partnership.
Asking for Julie Andrews, Theresa May, and above all Jimmy Carter, how will the Libra Suns fare? (Oct 2nd and 3rd will be even closer hit, these days have Sting, Donna Karan, Annie Leibovich, Gwen Stefani, Al Sharpton and Tommy Lee among others)
I have my Venus at 9 and Sun/Moon midpoint at 10.50 Aries in the second house. I’m interested to see what effect the eclipses might have.
I would have thought that an eclipse conjunct the outer planets will have generational influence.
So those born 1970-71 for Uranus, 1976-77 for Pluto and 1947-48 for Pluto would be affected. Individuals however will only feel this if the axes or the personal planets are involved.
Marjorie, As I read down I was looking forward to a mention about Uranus conjunct in Libra (1 deg orb) but no such luck. Could we have a line please? Much thanks
Brian May has recently had a stroke, not sure if this fits
Hello Marjorie, how many degrees orbs you use please on either side ?
Always a problem with the slow-moving outer planets, because people born around the same time will all experience the ‘hit’. The solar eclipse, however, makes a direct contact with one of my outer planets making up a natal grand trine; which is also currently being visited three times over the next six or so months by transiting Jupiter. I await to see if there are any obvious consequences.
Can you expand on how the Solar Eclipses and Lunar eclipses can impact other planets that are either conjunct/opposite them or square to them?
My Moon in my 4th and Mercury in the 10th are exactly (within a degree) on both Solar Eclipse axes you have mentioned above.
And what I noticed is that for both years mentioned in that Saros cycle is that my family moved home in those years. Now, interestingly, my brother is moving house in December this year, but his chart does not flag up such a move (nothing at those angles). But I do (Moon in the 4th). Can the chart of one member of the family flag up for other members of teh family?
Interestingly, the Uranus for both my brother and sister-in-law are square (orb of 2-4 degrees) the Solar Eclipse axis. Could that indicate a change?
Of course that would suggest a change for anybody born in those years too, which doesn’t make sense.
Unmystic Mom, it would make sense as people will have it in different houses, with different aspects to other planets in their charts, don’t you think?