Solar Arcs in action can be a key indicator of life-changing events. Two cases in point in the news – one is radical preacher Anjem Choudary who has been found guilty of directing a terrorist group al-Muhajiroun banned under UK law. Seen as a radicalising network its former members were involved in the London Bridge killing with eight dead and at London’s Fishmongers Hall in 2019 with two dead.
The head of the Met’s counter-terrorism command, said al-Muhajiroun’s “tentacles have spread across the world and have had a massive impact on public safety and security”. The organisation has been linked to international terrorism, homophobia, and antisemitism. Choudhary did spend two years in prison after 2016 but emerged to continue on the same track.
Born 18 January 1967 in London, he has two major configurations in his chart. One is a Cardinal Grand Cross of a Capricorn Sun Mercury opposition Jupiter square Mars opposition ? an Aries Moon. Ambitious and overflowing with initiative. The other is a Water Grand Trine of Saturn in Pisces trine Neptune trine Jupiter, formed into two Kites by Saturn opposition Pluto Uranus in Virgo, and Sun Mercury opposition Jupiter.
At the moment his Cardinal Grand Cross has moved by Solar Arc to collide with his Water Grand Trine/Kite – and that is usually an indication of a life crisis of considerable proportions. His SA Sun is conjunct his Saturn; and his SA Mars is heading to square his Pluto; his SA Neptune is square his Mars.
In addition his Water Grand Trine has moved by Solar Arc to rattle up its internal components – with SA Uranus Pluto conjunct his Neptune and his SA Saturn opposition Neptune.
On transits he has tr Pluto still exerting pressure on his Grand Cross till late this year as well as tr Uranus shaking up his Neptune/Grand Trine.
Interesting astrology – though extraordinary he was still at large. I am sure if he had been born in France they would have turfed him back to Pakistan, his parents’ country of origin after his first prison sentence, citizenship or not.
The Al-Muhajiroun chart is also showing signs of a reversal with its natal Mars in Aries opposition Pluto Saturn moving by Solar Arc to collide with its Uranus.
The other Solar Arc in the news in a completely different arena is dressage rider Charlotte du Jardin, described as the dominant competitor in her field, winner of six Olympic medals, including three gold, plus multiple other titles. She has withdrawn from this year’s Olympics after a four year old video of her whipping a horse in training has appeared.
Born 13 July 1985 Abridge, England, no time, she is an excitable Sun Mars in Cancer with an obsessively conscientious and perfectionist Saturn in Scorpio on the focal point of a T square to a Mercury opposition Jupiter. With Saturn maybe opposition a Taurus Moon for an early morning birth. At the moment her Solar Arc Uranus is exactly opposition her Mars as her reputation and career disappear down a drain.
She may also on an early morning birth have tr Pluto conjunct her Midheaven which also can accompany a tumble from a high position. Four years ago tr Pluto would have been opposing her Mars which would have triggered her can-be-short-tempered Sun Mars.
Thanks, Marjorie.
Joe Biden is another prime example with SA Saturn squaring his natal ASC-Uranus opposition, reflecting potential major change, significant upset, difficult decisions, professionally and politically (referenced with Saturn and his Sagittarius ASC).
And, for those unfamiliar with solar arcs, Noel suggested these considerations for an arc’s development and significance: its aptness and timeliness with the individual’s reality and a tie-in with strategic transit activity. This one certainly seems to fit with Biden’s unfolding reality in the last few weeks, and transits support its timely development with added angular emphasis on Saturn themes (with T Saturn conjunct his IC) and a forceful trigger for activation (with T Mars opposing his Scorpio planets and directly contacting the arc, exact this week).
Just a bit of contextual info re Charlotte Dujardin resigning. The rider in the video was 15 and was allegedly repeatedly discouraged and warned not to report the incident by dressage world “high ups”. It happened 2.5 years ago. My understanding from someone close to the situation is that it’s not an isolated incident,that there are more videos and there have been long held concerns.. Brooke donkey sanctuary have announced they have terminated her role as their ambassador.
She does have a very intense, perfectionist and obsessive chart and probably quite a short fuse with Sun Mars in Cancer. Dressage in a way fits her temperament since it depends on very precise movements and complete control on the part of the rider.
Horses do not willingly, or naturally, prance on their toes and perform sideways ballet type moves. Glad this ‘win at all costs’ individual has been exposed for her cruel behaviour.
Hoping others will be exposed too as I doubt this is an isolated case in dressage “sport”.
Personally I find dressage very peaceful to watch and imagine it is the least likely of the equestrian sports to involve cruel treatment.
Horses at liberty do move in all directions – and some breeds have particular gaits – Hackney high steppers and trotting ponies for example. Dressage horses tend to have strong haunches and a centre of gravity over their beam end where racing thoroughbreds have their centre of gravity through their shoulders allowing them to move forward at speed. The Lippizaners of the Spanish Riding School are at the top/far end of dressage breeds.
I learned to ride in Ireland at an international centre where there was a considerable mix of showjumpers and dressage – and Sylvia Stanier who did everything on long reins from the ground. What struck me as intriguing was that the Italian influence in showjumping (in those days) was very laissez-faire whereas the German approach was much more about firm domination of the horse’s movements. National characteristics.
I am too old to have acceptable views on this debate – but I wonder whether all the Strictly Come Dancing hoo ha about nasty trainers might have a connection. All sports training is hard – and while there may be an argument that a horse does not have a choice, if they decide not to cooperate, they won’t compete at top level.
Whipping a horse in order to win a sport contest is abhorrent and not worth any medal or award if won in this way. It seems to me the only choice the horse has is to either comply with the instructor or be whipped into submission. The horse was clearly in distress on the video, jumping in the air when whipped. How can this be right? The horse doesn’t choose to be in the contest.
Is it 2.5 years ago? Or four years ago? Thank you for taking time to clarify.
‘On Tuesday Dujardin said the video was “filmed four years ago”, but Wensing said it was from two and a half years ago.’ from the BBC. The whistleblower claims two and a half years, Du Jardin four. I heard that someone from the Danish team has also been removed in exactly the same scenario, last minute whistleblowing using old video footage.
I think the person who delayed reporting the incident for 4 years also has questions to answer. Obviously, releasing the story just before the Olympic Games guaranteed maximum publicity but doesn’t say much about their concern for animal welfare if their silence enabled the whipping to continue – and I read that Dujardin had been eliminated from a previous event because blood was found on her horse.
Whipping a horse is never justified. It’s animal cruelty. She’s right to resign.
Everything related to horse “sports” needs to be reviewed especially horse racing. Cruel, archaic , unnecessary, elitist ghoulishness for people with altogether too much money.Extremely upsetting video btw esp her cackling over the whipping sound.
Agree, anna and I grew up with horses too.
What is the difference between solar arc chart and secondary progession chart Marjorie? It seems confusing. Thanks.
The reasoning behind either is not something you want to tangle with. But they do seem to work.
Secondary Progressions move the planets on from the birth positions by one day for each year. So one day after birth is the position on the first birthday. Two days after birth equals 2nd birthday. Since the outer planets move very slowly it is really only useful for the progressed inner planets aspecting the birth chart – Progressed Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
Solar Arcs move the entire chart positions one degree for one year so the outer planets are involved in aspects later on and it is in a sense more helpful. Though I always check both.
This was very helpful, Marjorie.
Thank you and thanks to @A for the query!
Charlotte du Jardin was due to become the most decorated female GB Olympian if she had competed and won a medal in Paris, which she was expected to. I abhor animal cruelty but I think the Dutch team who consider GB a threat, and waited until days before the start of the Olympics to release this having sat on it since before the Tokyo Olympics are hardly covering themselves in glory, especially as they have a convicted child rapist on their volleyball team they have banned the media from interacting with.
I do not know if comparing the Dutch national chart is worthwhile but Charlotte’s progressed sun is opposite the Dutch Saturn and her natal Mercury opposite the Dutch Uranus, I don’t have time to see if anything current has set those points off.
It does seem an odd story – given the time lapse. I had a look at the video – and I was around horses for twenty years amongst hunting and competitive types. She was hardly thrashing the horse. More irritatedly trying to get it to sort out its hind legs with a lunging whip which tend to be used more as pointers than punishment. They aren’t bullwhips.
Probably no different to what any of the competitors do. I don’t think she should have resigned like that. All it does is make people think they were justified. I loathe that sort of behaviour. Usually it is something that the Americans do, sadly to say. Though usually in other sports. It is about time that Sport’s Bodies made it abundantly clear that making charges against other competitors comes with a price tag that nobody wants to pay, whether they are right or not.
With solar arcs, are you only looking for conjunctions/squares/oppositions from SA planets to Natal planets, angles, house cusps? Would you look at any other aspects e.g. trines/sextiles/quincunx
I tend to focus on hard aspects.