Sheena Easton – scaling the heights from lowly beginnings



Scottish singer Sheena Easton, a huge recording star in the 1980s, is to make her UK West End debut, age 57, in the musical 42nd Street. For the past 20 years she put her career second to her two adopted children, moving to Las Vegas, where she could sing without touring. She’s been married four times, the longest lasting 18 months and she says never again.

Born 27 April 1959 3.40pm Bellshill, Scotland, she was brought up by her mother, who worked on a factory assembly line after her father’s early death. “I think she gave me her work ethic. She would never pray to find a bag of money, she would pray for overtime. That stuck with me.”

She has an intense, quite bleak and very ambitious chart with an 8th house Taurus Sun trine a 12th house Pluto trine a 4th house Moon Saturn in Capricorn – a practical, business-minded Earth Grand Trine where the planets say a great deal about the Scottish work ethic. That is formed into two Kites by Moon Saturn opposition Mars in Cancer in her 10th and Sun opposition Neptune. So Mars and Neptune are the two driving planets – undoubtedly talented, assertive, disciplined, not easy within herself or to live with, but a go-getter. Taurus is often found in singers’ charts, as is an emphasised Neptune.

Her Mercury in Aries is trine Uranus in Leo, sextiling onto a charming Venus in Gemini on her MC. Her Jupiter in money-attracting Scorpio is in a pushily confident square to Pluto. Her Mercury is opposition a North Node in Libra (= relationships are the unknown and therefore challenging) square Mars opposition Saturn Moon – so a Cardinal Grand Cross, a whirling cauldron of initiative though also prone to a life of revolving crises. Her Sun opposition Neptune squares onto her Uranus – making her quite fanatical at times and very independent-minded. She’s got quite some chart.

At the moment tr Pluto is poised to move into her performing 5th so she’ll become more visible in future years. Tr Neptune square her MC won’t make this year a huge success; but with tr Saturn now into her 2nd quadrant, she’s got a great deal ahead of her.

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