Sharon Tate – etched into the annals of Hollywood


Sharon Tate is destined to be forever lashed to the memory of her murder in 1969 at the hands of Manson cult devotees. She’s become more famous in death than she was in life, her tale endlessly retold in books and movies. The latest is Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, labelled a comedy-drama starring Brad Pitt and Leo Di Caprio.

Sharon was born 24 January 1943 at 5.47pm Dallas, Texas and has a chart remarkably similar to Rutger Hauer (see post below). She was a Sun Aquarius in an Air Grand Trine of Sun trine Uranus Saturn in Gemini trine Neptune in Libra formed into a Kite by Sun opposition Pluto – controlling and influencer Pluto was the driving planet and in her case attracted her to powerful men and dark energy.

Her sacrificial-victim 12th Harmonic was stark and brutal connecting Venus to a bleak Saturn Pluto and Mars; and her leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17H is also marked.

There was a strong connection astrologically between her and Manson though they never met and he wasn’t present when she was killed. His Aquarius Moon and North Node are exactly conjunct and exactly conjunct her Sun; his Saturn was conjunct her Venus in Aquarius and his publicity-seeking Mars Neptune was conjunct her Virgo Moon. CM: 12 November 1934 4.40pm Cincinnati, Ohio.

Polanski’s Leo Sun was exactly conjunct her North Node so a fated connection there from a different viewpoint. RP: 18 August 1933 10.30 am Paris, France.

Her relationship chart with Polanski had an enthusiastic, adventurous but unstable Sun opposition Uranus square Moon Jupiter; and a dominate-submit composite Mars and Venus trine Pluto with Venus trine Saturn. The Sun newspaper has lurid tales of their sex n’ drugs marriage before the atrocity (URL below).

Her ‘relationship’ with Manson, though she never met him had an explosive composite Uranus opposition Mars North Node and a brutally suppressive composite Mars square Pluto. When she was killed, tr Saturn in Taurus was hovering around the opposition to the composite Mars and tr Neptune around the conjunction to the composite Moon. Assassination and delusion.

Manson died in prison in 2017 and not a moment too soon.

5 thoughts on “Sharon Tate – etched into the annals of Hollywood

  1. In his book, Cosmic Loom, Dennis Elwell noted a correlation between murder, psychopathy, violent events and the 20-23 degree Cancer/Capricorn axis. Sadly, Sharon Tate’s ascendant is at 21 deg. Cancer. There are quite a few mass murderers with planetary placements on 20-23 deg. Cancer/ Capricorn axis, such as Harold Shipman (mass murdering UK GP), Peter Sutcliffe (Jack the Ripper), amongst others.

    • Poor Sharon Tate wrong place at wrong time. Manson family members lived long lives whilst SH & friends lived short li as. Pray in future no more gang mentality Manson family again. Tragic.

  2. In the 12H chart, Moon, r8th of death/murder joins 12H Mars, knives and represents Manson’s women armed with knives. Her 12H victim chart shows she will suffer violence at the hands of women.
    There is an error in Marjories’s post …..Venus joins Saturn-Pluto not Mars-Pluto.

  3. Marjorie I would like to know what in Sharon Tate’s chart indicates that she would have such a violent death. She had venus in the 8th house and jupiter conjunct her ascendent. ALso, lots of people have uranus ruling the 8th house, but they don’t end up like poor Sharon.
    Thanks amy

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