Scotland’s day – mixed fortunes ahead

Since google reminded me today was St Andrew’s Day with Nessie winking up from the depths of the Saltire in their glyph I thought it might be time for a reprise on Scotland’s astrology. Though facebook got it wrong and managed to celebrate it with the Rumanian flag. Oops.

The SNP government under Nicola Sturgeon are still confidently talking about a second referendum though the longer it takes, despite her popularity, the less likely it is the economics will be favourable. A former SNP chief policy adviser has recently said the arguments were always fudged. “The idea that you could have a Scotland with high public spending, low taxes, a stable economy and a reasonable government debt was wishful a year ago – now it is deluded.”
There are also increasing concerns about the running of the police, the NHS and education.

Nicola Sturgeon’s Term chart, 20 Nov 2014 10.15am Edinburgh, has an insecure, irritable tr Uranus square Mars for one more time early in 2016; though also a lucky tr Uranus trine Jupiter in 2016. Where the real problems hit will be late 2016 when a discouraging Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the Sun will bring setbacks; and more so in 2017 when tr Pluto is conjunct Mars for frustrating and trapped two years thereafter.

Her own personal chart, 19 July 1970 3.16pm Irvine, Scotland, will suffer a popularity dent under tr Saturn square and then tr Neptune in opposition to her 10th house Venus. The first comes in next month and the other from mid January to late Feb 2016. She does have a positive change of direction tr Uranus trine MC from mid 2016 and a decent Jupiter midpoint in 2016/2017 to keep her confidence boosted.
But it’ll be a fairly roller coaster, up and down through 2017 with a jolting tr Uranus square her Sun and an even more tense Solar Arc Uranus opposition her Saturn in Taurus. Worse in 2018/19 with tr Pluto trine her Saturn for a dreary slog.

The two SNP charts have the same feel over the next few years – strokes of luck and huge blocking challenges.

If the two Scotland charts, 842AD and 1034AD hold good, there’s a mix of tr Pluto on Saturn on both bringing hardship for 2016/17; and tr Neptune undermining confidence and motivation, especially this December and through 2016.

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