Scotland not falling for Boris’s gladhanding



Boos and jeers met Boris Johnson on his Scotland trip as he faced up to an irate, Remainer Nicola Sturgeon pushing for a second independence referendum and Scots Tory leader Ruth Davidson who was threatening to withdraw her support altogether at Westminster. He grandstanded – behind a fence – on a nuclear submarine, arrived for official meetings and slunk out of the backdoor. Welsh farmers were metaphorically waving shears for his trip there. And in Ireland Sinn Fein are arguing that a No-Deal Brexit is a recipe for the unification of Ireland side by side with the US Congress indicating they won’t sign off on a trade deal if Brexit affects the Irish border. His ‘awesome foursome’ whirlwind tour is proving to be a stormy spectacle.

In Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, has her major push coming up in 2021 to 2023 as tr Pluto opposes her Cancer Sun and squares her Jupiter – and that will bring mountainous pressures and challenges but she’ll have the confidence for it; with a sharp change of career direction from late 2023 as tr Uranus squares her midheaven. And even before then there may be a radical shift career-wise (birth time being absolutely accurate) late 2020 into 2021 with her Solar Arc Uranus square her Midheaven. Before then there’s not much showing on her chart apart from a discouraging slog with some disappointments through this autumn and into 2020. She does have good news late this December to early February – of a mild variety – with a fortunate rearrangement of circumstances. That apart 2020 continues on with transits to midpoints showing as minorly discouraging and loss-making. Although Jupiter moving into her 3rd from early on in 2020 will bring her more enthusiasm. But there’s not too much that’s decisive until 2021.

Her Leadership chart does have a relentless get-it-together tr Pluto trine the Sun and a disruptive tr Pluto square Uranus in 2019/2020 – some pluses and a fair few upheavals. She didn’t start this term on a propitious note with an over hopeful Neptune opposition Jupiter in a riddled-with-setbacks square to Saturn and Mars.

Boris did murmur quietly something about staying in the Customs Union and single market for another two years – so it may all be pushed back, which might make sense of her chart. If the real Brexit fall-out date were sometime in 2021.

Where the Scotland England Act of Union chart, 1 May 1707 chart gets the next major shakeup will be in 2023 when tr Uranus is conjunct the Taurus Sun and square the Pluto. The last time tr Uranus was in Taurus in the 1930s the Scottish National Party had just been formed and was stirring up a rebellious mood. But it is a very tied together chart with a Taurus Sun square Pluto; and has been through three transiting Uranus in Taurus conjunctions to the Sun before this and not split.

7 thoughts on “Scotland not falling for Boris’s gladhanding

  1. Lord Ashcroft (Tory) has just released his latest polling results today, which have formerly been extremely reliable, highlighting that a majority of Scots now support Independence. The poll doesn’t include 16/17 year olds or EU Nationals who, in the main (around 70%), want to live in an Independent Scotland. Next up a General Election, which depending on who exactly wins, will also no doubt impact on the figures, one way or another.

  2. Thanks for responding to my post Marjorie, in particular as it’s now fairly out of date. I see that the chart is no longer showing up. Strange as it was when I posted it earlier!

    I wondered about the Ascendant / MC (Desc/IC) being placed at 29 degrees. Some sites describe this as highlighting an ending with 29 degrees Scorpio in particular being pretty negative. Others as 29 degrees being “magical.”

    I was interested in looking at Nicola Sturgeon’s solar return chart as she’d stated that she’d hold Indyref2 next Autumn (after her July birthday) but has now intimated that this may happen much sooner. Whatever the case it’s probably in the lap of the Gods now.

  3. I’m afraid to say that many people seem to have been duped by the MSM (practically 100% in support of the Union) in relation to Ruth Davidson (ex-BBC employee) and the Tories in Scotland. The Tories have never been elected by a majority of Scots at any in time in history and in fact Ruth Davidson presided over the worst ever vote share, of any Tory leader in Scotland in 2015 with 14.9% of the vote. During the last EU elections, this year, the Scottish Tories (London’s Scottish branch office) scraped through with 11.6% of the vote. She also has a dismal performance record when debating with Nicola Sturgeon at First Minister’s Questions through getting her facts wrong, frequently: So not exactly PM material either. And of course she is now the most unpopular senior Tory in Britain among party members, with her approval ratings plummeting.

    Her high note came in 2017 when 13 Tories were elected to Westminster, but even then they won due to their many dirty dealings such as Scottish Labour / Libdems (both controlled from London) forming a pact with Ruth Davidson to oust SNP politicians, such as Alex Salmond.

    Add to that using International ”dark money” donations that are being filtered through the DUP in NIreland (exempt from Electoral scrutiny)

    and recruiting racist and bigoted politicians with most of her general support coming from the Orange Order in Scotland.

    And of course there’s much more. Far to much to outline on here.

    Nicola Sturgeon on the other hand has the highest level of support of any leader in Europe and her party has been in power for 12 years now. Quite a record in particular taking into account that she is dealing with many ”enemies” within and outwith Scotland, not least of all the Unionist MSM, with Scotland of course having no control over broadcasting.

    I was looking at her solar return chart which seems to be ”interesting”, however I can’t tell if it’s positive or negative. I would really appreciate if someone could make comment on what they see.

    • Solar Returns give a general view of the year but they aren’t always hugely helpful in my experience. Hers looks high-profile career-wise with Sun, Venus, Mercury in the 10th but also stuck/blocked at a domestic level with Saturn Pluto in the 4th; very energised with Mars trine Jupiter and also over-hopeful with Jupiter square Neptune. Uranus in the 8th is a wild card, hitches, glitches and sudden surprises financial and otherwise.

  4. Thanks Marjorie! Interesting about the two years customs union and single market possibility……Ruth Davidson also interesting. I did quickly look at her chart on Astro-Databank and its MC is 4 Capricorn, where the Boxing Day eclipse with Jupiter will be. Do you think that’s significant? It’s tempting to speculate on the next Tory leader, if only to distract from this one. But Ruth Davidson seems clear she doesn’t want to do that, certainly not at the moment.

  5. A Tory will never be first minister in Scotland imo. Davidson may make it as UK leader if some safe seat can be found for her south of the border, post BJ. Is it too early to speculate on the next Tory leader? The current con man can’t last long surely?

  6. Its Holyrood elections in 2021, the feeling was Ruth Davidson might have finally made it to First Minister but I wonder if Boris has ruined her chances?

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