Sarah Palin has popped her head above the parapet to announce she may run against Lisa Murkowksi, the Republican senator for Alaska since 2002, a Trump critic who voted for his impeachment. Others have said they’ll throw their hats into the ring as well.
Palin has faded from view after a flurry of several years of Tea Party political activity, reality TV shows, radio and a best-selling book in the wake of her failed 2008 VP run. She endorsed Trump in 2016 and divorced her husband in 2019.
Born 11 February 1964 Sandpoint, Idaho, maybe 9.44pm, a month after Jeff Bezos, she’s an abrasive, chilly Sun, Mars, Saturn in Aquarius square an unrealistic, slippery or can-be-delusional Neptune; with Moon Mercury also in Aquarius. And a grandiose Yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Jupiter.
She’s facing an extraordinarily difficult four years ahead with Neptunian confidence-dents to midpoints this year; then an agitated, nerve-stretched tr Uranus opposition to her Neptune in 2022, alongside tr Saturn moving across her Aquarius Sun, Mars, Saturn into 2023 as well. Then in 2023/24 she catches the tr Uranus square her Sun, Mars, Saturn which will be explosive, insecure and high tension. Plus in 2024 another disappointing Neptune hard aspect to one of her Jupiter midpoints across the election.
I’d doubt she’s going anywhere politically.
Murkowski looks confident enough through this year and next, with tr Pluto conjunct her Sun/Jupiter midpoint till December 2022; with another Jupiterian uplift around the midterms as well as a couple of sinkers. She may be OK.
Murkowski is very conservative, but she is one of the few senators we have who actually does due diligence in her review of issues. In these sad days, that makes her a national treasure, right in there with Liz Cheney…another arch conservative I find myself astonished to be praising. Character is so rare in D.C. these days, we have to support it wherever it lies…
Is ranked choice voting the same as proportional representation?
This astrological prediction sounds about right.
Alaska now has ranked-choice voting. So, I’m sure Lisa Murkowski isn’t worried about Sarah Malin usurping her.
Also, Murkowski has strong support from the Indigenous Alaskan community- they make up a fairly significant voting block in that state and could easily act as her firewall.
Was wondering why the 1964ers (see also Bezos) are coming up recently. I guess it’s transiting Uranus trining their Virgo Uranus-Plutos.
I’d almost forgotten about the Teapot Party people.
A lot like whack-a-mole when they suddenly or unexpectedly re-appear. THanks, Marjorie.