Salman Khan – a nervy year ahead



Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has been sentenced to five years in jail for poaching rare and worshipped antelope back in 1998. One of India’s biggest stars, he has appeared in more than 100 films and has a huge fan following. He’s no stranger to criminal lawsuits but has managed to avoid guilty verdicts or convictions up till now. He can appeal but if he doesn’t get bail then several hefty film investments are at risk.

He was born 27 December 1965 in Indore, with various birth times given. He’s a Sun Capricorn; with Saturn in Pisces opposition Uranus Pluto square Mercury in Sagittarius, so he’ll live at a frenetic pace, be highly-strung and not always well-organised.  He has Mars Venus and Moon in Aquarius; with Moon perhaps square Neptune and trine Jupiter.  His Mars in uncompromising Aquarius is sesquiquadrate (135 degrees) to his Uranus and Pluto, which acts like a mild square,  making him headstrong. Uranus Pluto is also square his Jupiter prompting him to be overly confident at times and take risks.

Tr Saturn is conjunct his Sun in late June/early July and again in November, which will be discouraging, though it’ll pass quickly. Tr Pluto is also trine his Uranus Pluto this year, suggesting change with difficulty and is also in a confused sextile to Neptune.

On his midpoints he looks frustrated and trapped come mid July to late August, and again November through to mid-December, with tr Pluto conjunct his Sun/Mars. On the whole it’ll be a nervy year for him. He’ll bounce more enthusiastically in 2019/2020 though facing losses as well.

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