The relationship between monarch and country has always been troublesome (with scandals aplenty) though less so in recent centuries in the UK with the growth of democracy.
Queen Elizabeth’s relationship chart with the UK had a powerfully confident Jupiter Pluto conjunction suggesting a strong and successful association. There were two yods onto a Leo Moon and Neptune respectively pointing to a relationship which bound the destiny of monarch and country together – with pomp and circumstances from Moon in Leo and a life of sacrifice from Neptune. There were also rough edges of resentment from a composite Saturn opposition Mars.
Her hard-working Pluto was conjunct the UK Midheaven giving her great influence; and her lively Mars Jupiter were in the UK’s 5th house conjunct Venus so she would boost morale and attract affection.
Charles’ relationship chart with the UK is more stressed with a composite Pluto opposition Mercury square Saturn opposition Mars – chained-together by circumstances and having to accept it, resentful, aggravated, arousing bitter arguments – and getting more so over the next 18 months with tr Uranus conjunct the Pluto later this month into December, then the composite Midheaven, opposition the Mercury and in 2025 square the Saturn and square the Mars into 2026. Plus a separating, discouraging tr Saturn square the composite Sun Venus over this coming New Year and in early spring 2025. So a longish run of disruption and confusion, which may not all be financial but these revelations won’t help.
Charles always had a reputation for hobnobbing with questionable wealth which his father evidently warned him against. Armand Hammer I recollect from decades ago was a buddy, an oil baron with close ties to Russia. And Middle Eastern potentates as well through decades, who were still dropping lavish jewels on the Royals when Harry married Meghan. The Queen through her racing interests was also associated with Sheik Maktoum, the billionaire Dubai absolute ruler, who kidnapped his daughters. Never mind Andrew and the Kazakhstanis.
Prince William has a marginally easier relationship chart with the UK with a friendly, affectionate Venus Sun conjunction on the focal point of a linked-destiny yod inconjunct Midheaven sextile Uranus. Though a stressed composite Pluto in a resentful square to Saturn and a mutinous inconjunct to Mars hints at underlying problems on both sides.
There will be changes ahead in the relationship with tr Pluto square the composite Uranus this year and next; plus tr Neptune Saturn square the Pluto at the same time; and by 2026/7 tr Saturn Neptune will make an undermining square to the composite Sun Venus. An uneasy passage ahead.
William’s compassionate Cancer Moon is usefully situated conjunct the UK’s Midheaven with his Cancer North Node in the UK 10th square a disciplined, hard-working Mars Saturn on the UK Ascendant. He may be less on the hook for financial problems vis a vis the UK in contrast to his father and grandmother.
There was an astrological theory that William born in 1982 on the day of a Solar Eclipse in the 2 Old North Saros series which finishes in 2036 might be the last monarch and exit that point. Though how sound that speculation is I wouldn’t hazard a guess.
[Having skipped through my own chart looking at the repeating Saros series which oversaw my birth it did appear to coincide with career/house moves. So something may be afoot in William’s life.]In 2036 tr Uranus will be conjunct the UK’s 10th house Cancer Moon which is associated with the ruling classes. With tr Saturn on a Return in the UK chart conjunct the 11th house (legislature) Saturn opposition Pluto in Aquarius. That suggests major push for a change in the UK’s direction with a rethink of the parliamentary system and considerable financial pressures. It will be a pivotal moment for the UK with the SA Saturn conjunct the North Node, tr Pluto square the SA Uranus; SA Neptune conjunct the Midheaven.
It won’t necessarily involve the Royal question but it is true that the UK’s finances and parliamentary set up will be hugely affected by tr Pluto in Aquarius through the 2030s starting with a completely blocked square to the Mars in 2030/31 and moving its way on to hard aspect the UK financial Venus and Neptune and then Saturn.
On Prince William’s chart in 2036, tr Neptune is crossing his IC and move into his 4th bringing an unsettling sense that he is losing his roots; and the foundations of his life are dissolving. His Solar Arc Midheaven will also conjunct his Neptune the following year. Tr Saturn opposition Pluto will be bringing extreme pressure to bear on his Solar Arc New Moon as well. Nothing definitive in terms of a change of career but certainly highly stressful and confusing.
The Hanoverian Monarchy chart, 1 August 1714 JC, which was the start of this Royal line has a 19 degree Leo Sun which in 2036 will be exactly opposed by tr Pluto with tr Saturn square. There have been such influences before on this chart so it may not be terminal but it does indicate major challenges.
Add On: Prince George is a less obvious monarch lacking his father’s Jupiter Midheaven aspect and having a deeply buried Jupiter, Mars, Mercury in Cancer in the 8th. Though that Cancer collection does sit on the UK’s Midheaven along with his Cancer Sun which is conjunct the UK’s Jupiter in Leo which has the potential to be a successful duo. And his relationship chart with the UK is reasonably upbeat with a composite Sun opposition Moon square Jupiter.
In 2036 his chart is showing challenges, stress and pressure for change with tr Pluto opposition tr Saturn in hard aspect to his Solar Arc Sun and Moon; and his SA Saturn moving to conjunct his Ascendant. Again nothing clearly pointing to a change of life or career direction but challenges and difficulties aplenty.
Add On: The last time England was a republic was after the beheading of King Charles 1 on 30 January 1649 after which Cromwell took over as Lord Protector but the monarchy was restored 21 years later. In 1649 there was a ferociously difficult collection of Saturn Pluto in Gemini opposition Uranus Neptune in Sagittarius squaring Mars in the January.
The biggest issue for the monarchy is less the personality of the monarchs or how their finances are arranged but the fact they sit at the apex of an increasingly dysfunctional system of government in the UK. They can therefore act as a lightning rod for any popular discontent. I do agree that 2036 looks a tricky time for the UK politically not least because Neptune in Aries will be moving to conjoin Parliaments 12 January 1265 jul natal Uranus in Aries while transiting Uranus in Cancer will be moving to square it. Interestingly Neptune was in Aries when the original Magna Carta was signed in 1215. It was there again in 1381 at the time of the Peasants Revolt, in 1534 when Henry VIII used Parliament to make himself head of the English Church and at the time of the 1867 Reform Act which greatly widened the electoral franchise. Going back in time it was there during the Boudiccan Revolt in 60-61 CE.
On a point of clarification: Norman Baker is a self-confessed Republican and the Murdoch empire (a central player in this latest so-called ‘revelation’) has long-held issues against the Royal Family. Perhaps this is Rupert’s last, big effort!
The Times was first published on 1st January, 1785. Another Capricorn Sun at the same degree as the British UK 1801 Chart. There may be some interesting synastry between the authorities and this paper.. Perhaps a struggle for supremacy? It is also going through a trying time, as interestingly , it is also coming up to its own Pluto return next year – 2025. Quite a cathartic year! It is not the oldest Newspaper. That is the Oxford Gazette published 1720.
Britain is ruled by a Saturn. As we have a Capricorn Sun. A Saturn return could reinforce the Monarchy , not necessary finish it off. The Moon will be conjunct Regulus . Regulus is the Royal Star. The Sun\Moon midpoint it exactly on Regulus in the 1936 Chart which does mean a momentous occasion. Yet Pluto is not directly in opposition to Saturn. Therefore, the Saturn return will be more powerful. I have a feeling that this is when Britain will endorse a new kind of Parliament. A new Magna Carta for modern times. Perhaps to ensure the people are safeguarded from rogue Politicians? We need change. As Pluto signifies politics as it rules the eight house, not the tenth. Prince William has is Sun in Cancer in 7th house Libra trine Jupiter in Scorpio in the 9th which could signify a new partnership being forged. His Moon is also in the 7th houses of partnership concentrating on a connection and partnership with the people. . Transiting Pluto is his 2nd house in Aquarius the house of groups and partnerships. I see this a new kind of partnership. Britain since Brexit has had a turbulent time. Our Democracy is teetering. It is precious. It may fitting the Prince William may have been born to reinforce the people’s Democracy? As always with astrology is it what the heavens decree, not what we astrologer interpret. It is on my birthday. I am descendent from that old Magna Carta bloodline, a mere peasant, yet I would love to see a new reinforcement of an aged old partnership and our Democracy safe.
An absolutely remarkable post. I will be saving it and consulting it in the future. This also will have great impact on my own country, Canada.
The British monarchy has of course seen Pluto in Aquarius before, but the last time it was severely weakened by the French Revolution in 1789, and American independence recognized by the UK in the Treaty of Paris of Paris in 1783 followed by the prestigious presidency of George Washington, also beginning in 1789. Washington received the keys to the Bastille for his Inauguration as the British watched helplessly. This was too much for poor George III, who went mad. His son the Regent had to take over from the demented king. Another son, William IV, was the last to try to impose a government on the House of Commons. When Victoria became queen in 1837, she was the first monarch without any political power, which was hidden and overcompensated by propaganda and the empire.
This was all the product of Pluto in Aquarius, and the mounting sovereignty of the people, though of course it was not proper in Britain to say the quiet part. This time the monarchy is so discredited it will go.
In 1900, Europe was ruled by five monarchies: British, Russian, German, Austrian, Ottoman. Four of them are gone. At least 80% of the planet was then part of kingdoms and empires. Now three quarters of the world are republics. Hardly anyone misses the monarchy when it is gone. It is time for the UK to catch up. It is foolish to hang on to an institution that has outlived its time.
Most Labour voters and Labour Party are republicans. There is a strong republican movement within the Labour Party. 2036 is only 12 years away.
Watch Harry turn into a British republican by 2030. He will think he will be avenging his mother. Watch at least one of William’s sons, perhaps the heir to the throne, do the same. It will be all over soon.
We need to see France’s and America charts as well. As this is a bigger topic than we think. I am an intuitive first and an Astrologer second. My feeling has always been that America will start morph into a kind of European style country/ individual states. . It would be interesting to see Frances Royals along with the Republiqe Charts. There is plenty of change around and a need for security. Yet Prince William was born under an eclipse for a reason. The British parliament is in need of modernising and being held to account. We need both in my view to hold each other in account. Westminster which my forefather’s built, along with Windsor are old buildings. It could become a state Museum and hotel, with a modern Parliament built elsewhere?
An interesting article from Marjorie. The monarchy has regularly been ‘at risk’ and of course did experiment with being a republic way back when.
Just a few thoughts. It’s much easier to trivialise and distort KGIIIs complex and decades long serious mental health issues than reflect on the irony that he was very publicly anti-slavery while Washington was a slave owner who sanctioned flogging for male and female slaves and actively tried to stop British forces successfully emancipating slaves while drafting the Treaty of Paris. Or that the French Revolutionary govt that presented Washington with the keys to the Bastille after they’d liberated its 7 occupants also executed tens of thousands of innocent ordinary people as well as their King and Queen and over 1000 aristos during The (literal) Terror of political purging in blood. There is no great honour or glory on any side in this. History isn’t anything like as simple as everyone wants it to be and I welcome the complexities of astrological interpretation about the past, present and future to help us challenge what we just assume is true because we think it is. That said, no problem if people want to support either constitutional monarchy or a republic. As we are seeing right now both have their limits and challenges and a republic is no guarantee whatsoever (and never has been) against presidential or state tolerated corruption, abuse of power and betrayal of democratic principles.
My bad, England experimented with being a republic way back when.
And btw, like many I’d be interested in understanding what a UK republic might look like if unwinding the system of constitutional monarchy can be done well. After Brexit I don’t think I’d trust any govt of any colour to be competent to do that.
Nothing similar up and coming astro-wise to previous republic.
It would be good to see Prince Georges Chart on this thread to give more of a sense of William’s family heritage!