Actor Ron Ely who came to fame as Tarzan in the 1960s television series Tarzan has died at 86 five years after his second wife was stabbed to death by their son Cameron who was subsequently shot by the police. Initially Cameron phoned police to say his father had killed her and when they arrived, according to the sheriff he indicated he had a gun and was shot. Ron Ely then unsuccessfully sued the authorities saying first responders were negligent in their actions involving both his late wife and son.
Ron was born 21 June 1938 8.10 am Hereford, Texas, with an 11th house Sun Mercury in Gemini and a fairly disjointed chart with a secretive, intense, seductive Pluto Venus on his Leo Ascendant; a free-spirited Uranus in his 10th in a creative trine to Neptune; with his 12th house Mars in Cancer square his Aries Moon and trine an 8th house Jupiter. His Sun was also square his Moon and trine his Jupiter. Plus he had a hard-edged, not-always-sympathetic Saturn in Aries square Mars and inconjunct Neptune.
There are not too many hints in his chart of the calamity that would strike him late in life though his South Node in Taurus conjunct Algol might be one hint since both oppose a 4th house Scorpio North Node, indicating that family and domestic matters were a challenge for him.
His son Cameron, 28 October 1988 was clearly troubled with a Sun Pluto conjunction in Scorpio and a probable Mutable Grand Cross of Mars in Pisces opposition Venus square Uranus Saturn in Sagittarius maybe opposition a Gemini Moon -this would make him exceptionally highly strung. Plus a yod of Sun sextile Neptune inconjunct Jupiter. He would have a hair-trigger temper, a need to maintain control over his environment and a tendency to flights of over-confidence.
What is marginally odd – if the birth dates are sound – is that Valerie Ely, 13 October 1956, appeared to have an easier relationship with her son than with her husband. She was a Sun Neptune in Libra with her Saturn square Pluto and Venus.
Her relationship chart with Cameron had an easy going composite Sun square Jupiter, a confident composite Jupiter trine Mars; and an admittedly intense Mercury conjunct Pluto.
His relationship chart with his father had a much trickier composite Mars trine Pluto with an ego-clashing Mars opposition Neptune; and a yod of Saturn sextile Jupiter inconjunct Pluto hinting at power and control issues – which were reflected in Cameron’s chart with his Sun Pluto conjunction as well as his afflicted Mars giving him major anger issues.
Ron’s relationship chart with his wife Valerie was even more stark with a truly difficult composite Mars square Pluto; and a yod of Jupiter sextile Neptune inconjunct Mars – suggesting an aggravated relationship with domination issues and resentment.
As I say it depends on birth dates being accurate but whoever did what to whom, the atmosphere in that house must have been a tinderbox ready to blow.
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a neurodegenerative disease linked to repeated trauma to the head. The encephalopathy symptoms can include behavioral problems, mood problems, and problems with thinking. The disease often gets worse over time and can result in dementia.
Most documented cases have occurred in athletes involved in striking-based combat sports, such as boxing, kickboxing, mixed martial arts, and Muay Thai and contact sports such as American football, rugby league, rugby union, Australian rules football, professional wrestling, and ice hockey.
In the murder chart we have two significant parans:
When Valerie rises at the Asc, Mars, knife, is culminating at the MC.
Valerie also aspects the victim Star ZOSMA.
When Cameron rises at the Asc, evil star ALGOL is setting.
The murder is represented by the midpoint Mars/Pluto = Hopi, knife.
Cameroin is shot by the police, shown by Cameron trine 8th cusp of death.
Cameron was suffering from early Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
a brain disorder. Below we have the murder event chart w notes.
There seems to be quite a few sun/Pluto around us including our PM