Richard Gadd, creator of the hit Netflix, black-comedy TV series Baby Reindeer about his experiences with a stalker has been showered with awards at the Emmys. There was no mention of the defamation lawsuit filed against Netflix by the real-life woman who allegedly inspired the stalker character which was billed as “a true story” though has subsequently been claimed to be a fictional representation. Internet sleuths tracked down Fiona Harvey, a former Scottish lawyer as the person who inspired the show’s character Martha, and she appeared on a Piers Morgan show.
A federal judge has set a 6 May 2025 start date for Harvey’s action against Netflix, and Gadd has filed court documents testifying about thousands of emails, hundreds of voicemails, and a number of handwritten letters he received, with examples included.
Richard Gadd was born 11 May 1989 1.39 am Dundee, Scotland, and has an intense 3rd house Taurus Sun opposition a 9th house Pluto; with the triple conjunction of Uranus, Neptune, Saturn in Capricorn all hidden in his 12th house opposition Mars in Cancer His 7th house Leo Moon is inconjunct Uranus and sextile Mercury and Venus. His strong Pluto could arguably lead him into situations where power and dominance were a key issue. His highly-strung, fairly chaotic 12th house planets would also make him vulnerable.
What is surprising in his chart through probably also his saving grace, is a yod from Saturn Neptune sextile Pluto inconjunct Jupiter. Such an apex planet could lead to over-confidence but can also have an impact on society, often in surprising ways.
When his stalking experience started in 2014 tr Pluto was opposition his Neptune Saturn; his Solar Arc Mars was moving to conjunct his Moon; tr Uranus was on the cusp of his 3rd house; and his SA Uranus was opposition his Moon two years after. A high stress time.
Fiona Harvey, 28 July 1965 9.15pm Fyvie, Scotland (Frank Clifford source) who is suing Netflix for defamation is the alleged stalker. [Please by wary with comments in light of the ongoing legal battle.] She was born 3 days before J.K.Rowling.
She has a 7th house New Moon in Leo with an 8th house Uranus Pluto conjunction in Virgo opposition Saturn square Jupiter in her attention-seeking 5th house and Mars also in her 8th. Her intense 8th house will give her a tendency towards entanglements and impulsive behaviour.
Some comments from a past post on 8th house – “The eighth house is associated with entanglements, power games, boundary crossings, or dealing with taboos.” “Unhappy with the present, traumatized by the past, daunted by the future… Everything is defined by others.”
See The hidden 8th house – pulling back the veil 16th November 2023
Her Leo New Moon falls in Gadd’s 7th conjunct his Leo Moon so there would feel as if there was a connection. Her 7th house Venus is conjunct his South Node and her Gemini North Node is conjunct his Jupiter – so their coming-together, no matter how uneasy, is connected into the zeitgeist out in society as well as to each other’s respective destiny and development. Her Venus, Mercury, Pluto, Uranus all fall in his 8th so she would have a strong impact on him making him feel trapped and edgy. Her Neptune is conjunct his Pluto and opposition his Sun for a disorientating, undermining effect which was difficult to pin down.
Their relationship chart has an Air Grand Trine of Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, formed into a Kite by Jupiter opposition Neptune – hinting at a communication overload, difficulty in disengaging (Saturn Pluto) and a power play for the upper hand (Jupiter Pluto) all focused through an evasive, smoke-screening Neptune. Not surprisingly there is also a fated composite yod of Saturn sextile Neptune inconjunct Venus and Mercury. The composite Mars at 26 Leo will be rattled up exactly when the defamation trial starts next year; and also picking up late this month and through October no doubt in response to the Emmy Awards.
Odd how certain stories catch the mood of the moment and have an impact.
Good to see that Gadd’s birth time has surfaced.
Interesting how his Capricorn Saturn-ASC was highlighted for the personal recognition and professional success he received at the Emmys (with a sextile from transiting Saturn supporting ambition/achievement; and added emphasis on opportunity/reward from others, with SA Jupiter opposing his ASC).
Assuming the details are correct here, the synastry between Gadd and Harvey is outstanding.
Sorry pdw – that was supposed to be a stand alone comment!