Rex Tillerson – team spirit at breaking point



Will he or won’t he? Jump, get pushed? Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State, has never looked happy in the job and according to those in the know, Trump and he are increasingly exasperated by each other’s approach and methods. Tillerson’s more traditional stance on global problems has constantly been contradicted by presidential tweets; and Trump evidently finds him arrogant since he won’t kowtow to the imperial need for homage to his image rather than the country. Despite yesterday’s denials and expressions of loyalty, he could well be heading for a high noon.

Born 23 March 1952, he’s a cautious Aries Sun opposition Saturn with an innovative square to Uranus; plus a relentlessly determined Mars in Scorpio square Pluto. His relationship with Trump has its plus points but is heavy on control with a composite Sun Venus square Pluto; and worse a composite Mars Neptune – if one succeeds the other feels as if he has lost. Trump evidently resents the arguments that Tillerson has won.

Tillerson’s personal chart does have tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter/Saturn midpoint now till late October, which can be a time of job losses. And he’s certainly looking undermined from Oct 10 to early January; at a time when his relationship with Trump is at a low as well with tr Neptune opposition the composite Mars/Pluto.

Both Tillerson and Mattis have their Uranus conjunct Trump’s Mercury, so arguments were inevitable. Tillerson’s unforgiving Mars in Scorpio is also trine Trump’s Saturn which is an aggravating interface. Mattis’s Sun Saturn in Virgo and John Kelly’s Mars (Saturn) in Virgo all square Trump’s Sun Uranus and Moon – so the three ‘grown-ups’ who have lashed themselves to the mast, no doubt out of a duty to the country, are all at odds with their employer.

Mattis has the same problem as Tillerson with a composite Mars Neptune in his relationship chart with Trump, so again the president will feel diminished every time Mattis wins a policy point. Both Mattis and Kelly have chained-together composite Saturn Pluto conjunctions in their relationship charts with Trump, so will be less likely to bale than Tillerson. Though November/December this year look edgy, jangled and flummoxed on all three relationship charts with the great leader. Heaven help the US if they disappear off the scene.

3 thoughts on “Rex Tillerson – team spirit at breaking point

  1. Thank you for the update on Game of Thrones White House edition. In the past I went to vote & went back to my life, I trusted our government, that kind of ignorance has created a powerful monster. Now I’m more involved & aware, we have no choice, we have to make our government work for the people, & not for the power.

  2. Your timing would seem
    to confirm that he was
    prevailed upon to stay only to the end of the
    year.May the heavens help us all indeed.

  3. As reported in the Washington Post yesterday, “…as Tillerson has traveled the globe, Trump believes his top diplomat often seems more concerned with what the world thinks of the United States than with tending to the president’s personal image.” Trump in a nutshell.

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