The surprise coming together of the two Gallagher brothers is partly put down to the exit of Noel’s wife Sara MacDonald from the scene who not surprisingly took a dislike to Liam. Likewise the George Clooney Brad Pitt bro-romance resurgence is attributed to Angelina Jolie no longer being present since she evidently did not get on with Amal Alamuddin. One-on-one relationships are tricky enough but add together two couples or a family and the stress dynamics mount.
Following on from previous post 22nd August 2024: Uranus – liberator or wrecker – Yoko, Wallis, Meghan + Camilla.
Sarah MacDonald, 22 October 1971, who divorced Noel early last year had a definite needs-space relationship with her rambunctious brother-in-law Liam with a composite Sun Uranus and a definite-dislike Mars opposition Saturn.
Angelina Jolie and Amal Alamuddin together had a composite power-struggling composite Sun opposition Pluto; with a high-tension, chilly composite Venus opposition Uranus square Saturn and a simmering-resentment Mars trine Pluto sextile Saturn.
Wallis Simpson also had a fractious relationship with her brother-in-law King George VI who was landed with the burden of monarchy because of her relationship with the Duke of Windsor. Their relationship chart had an aggravated, resentful composite Saturn square Mars with Mars trine Neptune Pluto – serious dislike.
Meghan Markle has a power-playing composite Jupiter Pluto square Sun Venus in her relationship chart with Prince William. A tussle for the upper hand and last word.
Any more sister in law/brother in law examples welcomed.