Rachel Reeves – facing unpopular choices

Rachel Reeves, UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, is facing flak from all directions as she is poised to make £5 billion welfare cuts and hack back the civil service at a time when inflation is rising, borrowing costs are up, the economy is flatlining and defence costs are rising.

 She does have tr Uranus square her Aquarius Sun exactly at the moment and moving to square her Mercury in Aquarius from mid May so the over-wrought, excitably irritable mood will roll on. On top of that tr Neptune will oppose her Saturn/Pluto midpoint throughout April which is associated with shattered nerves, instability and evasiveness.  The mood around her will worsen from late May when tr Saturn opposes the Saturn/Pluto midpoint; and even more so from July as tr Uranus is opposition her Mars/Saturn midpoint bringing catastrophes, calamities, high insecurity and will test her nervous strength. That last repeats Oct/Nov and into 2026 as does the assault on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint.  So the good times won’t be rolling along any time soon for her.

 She does have a confident tr Pluto opposition her Jupiter returning September to early December for a confidence surge so she may brass-neck out a deteriorating situation.  

 Her relationship with Starmer at best is built on high hopes that will inevitably lead to disappointment and is very (karmically) tied together with a composite yod of Pluto sextile Neptune, Sun inconjunct Mars. Their destinies will be intertwined for good or ill – and will be under serious stress from this July with tr Uranus opposition the composite Neptune – extending into 2026 with a separating tr Uranus opposition the Sun and Venus on one leg of the yod so something will blow apart.   The composite Uranus this year at 11 degrees Libra is catching both Solar Eclipses in hard aspect – for a change-or-else choice.

 Reeves’ relationship with the UK is more than fraught this year and next – with tr Neptune Saturn conjunct the composite Mars, tr Pluto conjunct the composite Sun, and tr Uranus in a jolting square to the Saturn in 2026. Even if she goes early, she’ll get the blame for subsequent problems.

 The Starmer Government chart, 5 July 2024 12.19 pm London, with an explosive, insecure Mars Uranus in the financial 8th and Saturn Neptune in the health and employment 6th house fits the current trends.

50 thoughts on “Rachel Reeves – facing unpopular choices

  1. Rachel Reeves and British farming!

    ‘No Farmers, no food’ – we’ve all seen the variations on that slogan for a few months now. And the rallies of tractors in Whitehall and Westminster and elsewhere have been a sight to behold. As we know, it began with the Inheritance Tax ‘punishment’ imposed on British farmers by the Chancellor, and is now the stuff of legend – no matter what one’s private thoughts may be.

    Please may I ask for your opinion of what appears to be a very tough situation facing British farmers and the agricultural scene in the UK ? We have always been proud of the way we farm, but it seems that terrible obstacles are now being thrown in front of those who feed us. Perhaps it’s to clear the way for ‘foreign investment’ (good and bad) and the ultimate destruction of precious landscape in favour of landgrabbing to satisfy what seems an almost lunatic lust for building. Or maybe it’s to shape a new
    ‘world order’ …

    I find it hard to accept DEFRA Secretary Steve Reed MP’s words ‘Farmers will just have to learn to do more with less …’
    It strikes me that our farmers are a pretty remarkable breed who do more and more for less and less, anyway. Certainly less and less regard from Westminster.

    Given the fact that ‘agriculture’ is NOT ‘industry’ surely it should be treated as something of a special case. We need it and our farmers more than we need fast cars or ‘lab-grown steak’ – especially in these ‘uncertain’ times.

    (Forgive me – I left London a very few years ago, after a lifetime, and I am resident in rural Wales. Something of an eye-opener.) Nobody is talking about the (very) few uber-wealthy among landowners, who can probably cope with financial horrors – but I worry about the myriad hardworking small farmers – the ones who look after us and our green and pleasant land – on what seems to be something of a knife edge.

    I think we challenge the rather wonderful work they do at our peril. Unfortunately, I am not sure our leaders would agree – in spite of what they might have said to win an election.

    • From what I can see in this Labour government’s chart there’s Black Moon Lilith (tends to be malign), conjunct the Ascendant square Ceres (farming), in the 4th – roots, the land and home. This alone suggests to me Labour’s attitude towards all traditional landowners big and small was going to be threatening.
      My sympathies are with you and all British farmers. Battle on.

      • Thank you for this! I’m not a farmer, but my sympathies are very much with them, and I really appreciate you shedding this light. As far as I can tell, the ‘average’ British farmer is not going to give up easily.

      • Francis and Claire – I agree, small farmers are vital for many reasons and should be supported not targeted. The Government seem to see farming as an industry or business like any other, which it isn’t.

        I looked, too, at Ceres, the great grain goddess of the Mediterranean. Ceres does trine Mars in earthy Taurus, a sign associated with money, land, and through ruling Venus, market gardens and orchards. So there is some astrological support, despite the Government’s Mars in the house of ‘other people’s money’, the 8th, opposing UK Neptune – perhaps meaning that Government actions are, er, deceptive, confused, or that the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is up to? Surely not!

        In our current voltile atmosphere, with endless talk of defence and war, maybe its time to revive the WW2 ‘Dig for Victory’ theme and produce much more of our own food, not less.

      • As some farmers are hedge funds and tax avoidance vehicles, the government could have targeted them alone to avoid backlash. Many of the kerfuffles they’ve caused especially to themselves could have been avoided if their PR or Comms had been better. Neptune? Mercury? They’re either confused, inept, don’t care or all three. This is just another example.

        • And right on cue, the No. 10 Comms chief ‘resigns’ or is sacked today! But I can imagine how difficult it must be for that department, since I often fail to understand what various announcements actually mean, when delivered straight from a politician’s mouth! Temporarily, we could look at Mercury Rx I suppose. I’m wondering whether the current emphasis on Mercury, Neptune and Scheat brings themes that will repeat in September with the 29 Virgo Solar Eclipse, opposing Saturn and Neptune.

  2. Rachel Reeves stood up to make her Spring statement at 12:33 according to the BBC website. That put the ascendant at 5 Leo with Pluto at 3 Aquarius on the descendant. Unsurprisingly the Moon representing common people was at 25 Aquarius in the 8th House of collective finance square Uranus at 24 Taurus and inconjunct Mars at 21 Cancer in the 12th House. The Moon was conjunct Rachel Reeves Sun at 24 Aquarius and Mercury at 27 Aquarius. It also exactly squared the Uranus in the Labour government kissing of hands chart. The Moon trines the Venus in Keir Starmers natal chart at 25 Libra and opposes the Saturn in the UK 1801 chart.

    Mars in the Spring statement chart is square transiting Chiron in Aries and trine Reeves natal Uranus at 20 Scorpio and her natal Neptune at 20 Sagittarius. Mars is conjunct the Venus in the Labour government natal chart, sextile its Mars at 19 Taurus and trine its natal retrograde Saturn at 19 Pisces.

    This Spring statement chart looks to be triggered at the end of April 2025 when Mars crosses that ascendant 3 days after its opposition to Pluto on 27 April 2025 and 5 days after Venus conjuncts Saturn at 27 Pisces on 25 April 2025.

    • The local government elections are on 1st May. I presume that Labour will get a kicking in the polls. Will Reform win, given the state of both the Labour and Conservative parties?

  3. 2030 is far away. As things stand now, the Joseph Rawntree Foundation, founded by a Quaker to battle and extinguish poverty, says

    – by 2030 the average mortgage holder will pay £1400 more in mortgage interest annually
    – the average renter will pay £300 more in rent a year
    – average earnings will fall by £700 a year
    – the average family will be £1400 worse off, a 3% fall in disposable income
    – the lowest-income families will be £900 worse off, a 6% fall in the amount they will have to spend
    – in the report it describes the “dismal reality” and says the past year could mark a high point for living standards in this parliament.

    It says that it is “wrong, and ultimately counterproductive” to rebuild public finances thorough disability benefits cuts. It suggests tax reform, many options to raise revenue from those with broadest shoulders, supporting growth by removing “perverse incentives” in the tax system and staying within the manifesto.

    Also last week a group of leading economists write to the FT saying “the UK cannot cut its way too growth”.

    What are these people thinking seems every day father from everyone else… There’s a whole lot of baffling confusion in this government’s affairs.

    • If that happens it will be awful for Britain. Your comments really recall the conditions for something I wrote in a blog at the time of the UK election. “The people’s only hope.”

      The UK Polls Close chart had August 2025 as the pivotal date when Pluto progresses to trine Neptune and the Midheaven. That is a lot of very public chaos, Neptune, linked directly to the Prime Minister, Pluto. Meanwhile the progressed Moon is opposing the Capricorn Ceres which I took to be the Conservatives. Seems like the British people might also be gazing at the Conservatives in their wilderness home then.

      The Aries Neptune – Aquarius Pluto is the archetype of Robin Hood. Action for the common man. The heroic outlaw. The Conservatives used to have a Lincoln green tree as their logo and the election definitely trimmed them down to a small merry band sent into the wilderness. Capricorn Ceres in the 12h.

      Without growth, the Labour Sheriff needs taxes. It strikes me that Rachel Reeves has the right name for such a role. The Sheriff. The Shire-Reeve.

      “The beginning of the Disney cartoon starts “Robin Hood was the people’s only hope”. Prince John, the cowardly Leo lion, is introduced playing with his money saying “Taxes, Taxes”. The cartoon concludes with Prince John having lost all his money and with his mother’s castle burning, he is sent to break rocks as King Richard returns to claim his kingdom. John the worst.”

      I believe Tory is an insult meaning outlaw. The Torys have time to think and come up with some new ideas that will help the regular people. Maybe the Tory tree needs to be repainted Lincoln green.

  4. Thanks for this
    I am not sure that Reeves is necessarily wrong on the economy but she (and Starmer) are Very poor on politics and timing. There is some panic here and she has reached for magical thinking ( growth will somehow appear and AI will deliver savings).
    She is very stubborn (Mars Sun in Aquarius) though I am puzzled by her Virgo moon and Saturn and they have boxed herself in- no increased taxes, no new borrowing save for infra structure, no change to Brexit.
    I suspect something will have to give and events will have their day

  5. By the way, Rachel’s, and I’m sure it has been said, Uranus has just left exactness of the square to her natal Sun.

    Transit Neptune once in Aries will trine her 1° Leo Jupiter. Same for Saturn.

    Transit Mars is leaving the trine to her Scorpio Uranus.

    • Her retrograde progressed Saturn is within 1° orb of her natal Moon and is trining her Venus. Her progressed Moon is slowly leaving Taurus and entering Gemini.

      SA Venus is leaving her natal Sun, and her SA Sun is leaving the square to Venus. SA Moon is leaving the trine to her Sun.

      Her SA South Node is on her Chiron.

      Maybe some of these benefics & trines are what got her the chancellorship.

  6. What I have noticed about Rachel Reeves was not her focus not on the job in hand – but the peripherals and the trappings: First Woman Chancellor, Feminist / Marxist artwork in her office, the fuss about the urinal, the “correct” clothing (paid for by someone else), the new hairstyle and colour before her first budget. It seemed like everything had to be a certain way before she could get down to work. I don’t know how /or if this is reflected in her chart – but I have worked with a number of senior women over the years that were enamoured of their “achievement” and “position” and “correct executive dress” and had to have the perfect set-up around them to the extent that they were almost playing the part. It could be a manifestation of imposter syndrome – that she believes – yet – doesn’t believe that she is up to the job. Again I have come across her dogmatic stubbornness to listen / change course in other women in high positions who were not at all confident in themselves. And I wonder if with this type of dogmatism she shares any similarities with Paula Vennells of the Post Office fiasco?

    • RR is a Sun, Mercury and more significantly Mars in Aquarius and that is really stubborn. Paula Vennells was mainly Mutable and Mars Pluto – father issues all round.

      • Dear Marjorie. Got to say that Sun, Mercury and Mars are in my husbands natal chart and stubborn to the point of actual stupidity. Also, never ever changes course no matter what, he is never wrong or at least cannot admit it, and always someone elses fault. I find that the most annoying. Weirdly he cannot answer a query or question with a simple yes or no just like RR or any politician.
        How bizarre to understand that on here.!

      • I would love to explore the topic of father issues further.

        My mother was orphaned at just a few months old and never knew her father. But his death, due to alcoholism, put my mother’s family in financial dire straits and she blames him for that. My mother’s elder sibling, who actually remember their father, remember him fondly.

        My mother also has a strong hatred of men in general, with her remarking through most of my childhood that “All men are bastards”. Thankfully my father and brother appear to have grown deaf to that sentiment.

        My mother has one of the lop-sided charts where all the planets, except Mars and the North Node closely (within a degree) conjunct, are on one side of the chart. Mars is widely (6 degrees) opposition the Moon and exactly opposition the South Node, but no other planets aspect the Mars.

        Any thoughts on what to look at in her chart about her strong hatred of both a father she never met and of men in general?

  7. As I was reading Hugh’s reply below, I was reminded of that line from the Downton film where I think Lady Mary’s husband asks her “What do you want?” and she drops that simple yet so powerful line I’m not sure I can transmit the energy I feel when I recall it to all of yo: “I want everything to do being such a struggle.” I always wonder if it is “trouble” or “struggle”, but both fit.

    The same way I just want this endless permacrosis to stop.

    Just as I’m losing faith in Barbault better days forecast, I’m starting to have dimming hopes for that end of UK’s struggles Marjorie sees in the Kingdom’s chart.

      • Marjorie, can you delete the comment above and leave this one: “I want everything to stop being such a struggle.” I don’t know what it is: my keyboard needing reset, me being more mindful, Mercury retrograde… I once knew how to type properly.

  8. She does appear to be an odd choice for a chancellor – what in her biography made her be seen as competent for the job?

    From the start she was off: it was good to say there is no money, but the way she said it, it was like she threw a megaton of superheavy stone right on top of the country. Then it was misstep after misstep with no genuine remorse or idea that the course needs to be different, let alone on how different it needs to be…

    • Absolutely At last someone who can see her for what she is ,or rather what she is not but should be in such an important job

    • I wonder if she was chosen because Labour hasn’t got a record of female representation for the top job and this was seen as “ceiling smashing”. What jd Vance would call a dei hire..

  9. Thanks Marjorie. So much to consider! I suspect someone (or plural) is working against her interests, with the new freebie story on the news yesterday, more free gig tickets apparently. A silly, frivolous choice for her to make when so many people are really struggling.

    It’s interesting to see the Aries Solar Eclipse on the government’s North Node, plus cropping up in other charts you’ve posted here. It suggests alliances of various kinds are in focus, plus emphasises the idea of movement of goods in and out of the country – the Nodes sometimes meaning passageways in every sense. I think it’s close enough to the UK Union 7 Libra ascendant to make further impact.

    I’ve also been mulling over the English Republic lately, with vague thoughts of wealthy old puritanical Cromwell seeming to resonate with what’s happening now. He may have had the rather hopeless King Charles I executed, but soon appeared to enjoy his title of Lord Protector and various other privileges. Looking at his natal chart, 25 April 1599, I was interested to see he had Mars 10 Aries opposing Saturn 10 Libra. The Sun in the chart for the Republic, March 27, 1649, is 7 Aries, opposing Jupiter 4 Libra – so maybe this me/them Aries/Libra theme strikes an English chord across the centuries?

    • Worth noting, too, is the Aries Eclipse aligns with the fixed star Algenib, 9 Aries, in the constellation of Pegasus the Winged Horse. This constellation has been highlighted quite a bit – with troublesome Scheat currently sitting with Neptune at 29 Pisces. The recent Lunar Eclipse opposed Markab, also in Pegasus. The flying white horse was born from Neptune and the blood of Medusa (fixed star Algol in Taurus). The energy of these stars can symbolise rising above difficulties, or, like Pegasus’ unfortunate rider, fail in a mission and fall to earth.

      “With Sun: A fighting spirit and a love of learning. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.12.]

      With Moon: Dishonor, loss by scandal, exiled or forced to flee, ill health, trouble through writings. [Robson, p.122.]”

      And by the way, another disruptive, pivotal force in UK history, Henry 8th, had his Moon at 10 Aries.

  10. I am not sure why anyone would feel sorry for her when she has lied on her Cv and is clearly not up to the job We only have her word for it that she inherited a financial black hole from the Conservatives You do not promote growth by making it harder for employers to employ people-raising their National insurance contributons will result in them cutting their workforce She is going to put 10,000 civil servants out of work and at the same time is tightening up benefits,the two do not go together at all Taking the winter fuel allowance from elderly people and now PIP from people , many of whom work ,who have disabilities, is cruel and shows a huge level of ignorance This woman is finacially illiterate and also nasty and then she wonders why she gets personal attacks. I hope she is sacked very soon

    • I don’t think anyone is imagining the £100 billion pound per year that the U.K. government is spending servicing its debt. That is equivalent to about 12p on the basic rate of income tax (ironically still less than the 33-35p basic rate on tax many British people paid in the 1970s). The SA Uranus hitting the UK natal Mars in the 8th house indicates that the financial crisis the U.K. government faces is very real. The causes can be traced back decades and even as far as the 1980s. Personally I feel the burden of fixing it should be shared by everyone not just the elderly and disabled.

      With regard to Reeves I would agree she is not upto the job but then British Parliamentary politics is not loaded with talent. The same would appear to be the case with the Civil Service whose administrative record in recent years has been less than stellar. One of the things undermining Britain has been a torrent of badly thought out policies and legislation in recent years. This is indicative of a political system that is essentially broken and is one of the prime reasons the economic failures cannot be resolved. In particular the FPTP electoral system produces governments that do not actually reflect the way people voted. As a consequence parties with a minority of the vote can win huge Parliamentary majorities allowing Prime Ministers to push through laws with little real opposition. This has led to most MPs becoming little more than lobby fodder for party machines.

      Pluto in Aquarius is currently exposing that fact as the sign is associated with the 11th house which rules legislatures and “advisers to the king”.

      • I was wondering who Starmer would find as her replacement. There doesn’t seem to be anyone with brains, never mind talent. And why Milliband is still there is beyond me. Did anyone notice him in the House of Commons when Rachel ‘from complaints’ was answering questions? He looked as though he was auditioning for a horror film
        Perhaps a read of his chart is in order.

  11. I feel a little sorry for her as she has been served a hospital pass by the outgoing Conservative government whose fiscal incontinence left a huge debt pile among a myriad other problems. Moreover she has been restricted by the Labour Party’s stupid election pledge not to raise income tax, National Insurance and VAT (incidentally the last Chancellor to raise the basic rate of income tax was Dennis Healey in 1975 over 50 years ago).

    It is fair to say Reeves has played a bad hand badly dribbling out reforms such as cutting the Winter Fuel Allowance, Personal Incapacity Payments piecemeal while raising employers NIC which is effectively a tax on jobs. Talking up the atmosphere of financial crisis after the General Election has not helped either. She should have spent more time assessing the situation and if she has to deliver cuts and tax rises they should have been done together as part of a single set of reforms. At the moment she does not appear to be fully in control.

    As Marjorie has pointed out that composite chart for Reeves/UK with Mars at 0 Aries makes it look as though she is going to be one of the lightning conductors for any political and public backlash. Like Ed Milliband she looks set up to be set up as a potential future scapegoat for wider government failings.

    Looking at past financial crises when the UK had to go to the IMF for a crisis loan in 1976 transiting Uranus in Scorpio was opposite the UK 8th House Mars. At the moment the U.K. SA Uranus is conjunct that same 8th House Mars and transiting Uranus will not clear Taurus until 2026. There is a view in 1976 that Healey and the Treasury partially concocted the IMF crisis in order to enable them to push unpopular cuts through Parliament. I wonder if Reeves and Starmer will look for similar international “cover” to do the same.

    • Starmer was born with his natal Neptune at 11 Scorpio opposite the UK Mars. This is probably not the best placement for a British Prime Minister. On 13th July 1962 Harold Macmillan sacked half his Cabinet,including Chancellor of the Exchequer Selwyn Lloyd. This happened just a couple of months before Starmer was born. One wonders if history will repeat itself with Rachel Reeves.

      • Thanks Hugh – interesting to see just how sensitive the UK 8th house Mars can be. Made me think again about the chart for the UK House of Commons in 1265, which connects with UK 1801 Mars, and Starmer’s natal Neptune. It has Sun 8 Aquarius, Moon 25 Aquarius, Mercury 6 Aquarius, and financial Venus 12 Aquarius. Neptune is 9 Leo, suggesting some hazy, grand ideals and much fog around financial matters. The 1066 Mars at 8 Aquarius, ruling the 1066 ascendant, also in play perhaps.

        Meanwhile, the 1970’s seem to be keen to return with mountains of rubbish in Birmingham, endless poorly mended potholes reappearing and looming Union tensions amongst much else. Far too much else really!

    • The Aquaruis Pluto transit has been very harsh on legislatures and with the Pisces Saturn this seems to play out as change followed by the government systems dissolving.

      I use the polls closing which gives a 29° Capricorn Ascendant. There is a mystic rectangle in the chart which remained in the one above too. rx Pisces Saturn sextile to Taurus Mars trine to Virgo Juno sextile to rx Scorpio Pallas trine back to Saturn. In the two charts, the Virgo Juno goes from the 7h to the 12h. So from the court into the institution.

      Rachel Reeves’ Scorpio Uranus is conjunct the government Pallas.

      As I understand mystic rectangles, they become gyroscopes when one spot is disturbed. The Saturn-Juno opposition lies loosely conjunct her node axis. She consumes the Virgo Juno and produces the Pisces Saturn.

      She appears to be an astrological actor accomplishing the chart but may be unpopular for it. I know they didn’t run on it, but at the moment Britain voted the chart was ruled by the Pisces Saturn. Dissolving government in the 1h. Thats a very active dissolution. It is on the battlefield. One can picture an escaping soldier who is abandoning equipment some still working as he advances in the opposite direction, retreat. If she is the one producing that outcome, it is a chaotic backward piecemeal dissolution. Trying to keep things going before recognition occurs that it needs to be abandoned to allow for further escape would cause the dissolution to happen over time and space. Pisces Saturn in the sixth house takes on more of the idea that it is on the workbench being worked on with pieces being stripped away. Disassembling the government systems.

      While I am sure that Keir Starmer, whose name roughly means dark star, is the Aquarius Pluto on the Ascendant in the chart I use. Maybe Rachel Reeves would be the Virgo Juno in the 7h.

      The Virgo element is especially difficult. We don’t much worry about the bacteria innocently living on our windows when we choose to come by and wipe it down with a soap water mixture. Virgo.

      This seems to be one of those situations where the chart which is about the astrological entity of Britain the nation and what the people innocently living in Britian want might not be in an easy relationship right now.

        • It is really both due to the rebirth element of Pluto. When Pluto moved from Sagittarius into Capricorn, it first demolished the Sagittarian bubble, the 2008 financial crises, and, at the same time, empowered the Capricorn government.

          Now it is demolishing the Capricorn government and empowering the Aquarian legislatures. All the freshly elected legislatures are getting mandates.

          The Pisces Saturn is the dissolution element. We don’t think about it but we are undergoing the same level of transformation that we all saw as the 2008 financial crises but because the government is the proximate cause we don’t see it like in 2008 as a more universal force.

      • The UK SA planets are playing into the atmosphere of crisis. The natal Mars is not only conjunct the SA Uranus but is sextile the SA Jupiter in Pisces which will facilitating and expanding the sense of financial dissolution. It is also in conjunct the SA Pluto at 12 Libra which is transiting the UK first house having crossed the ascendant about 5 years ago. This suggests the government is being undermined by the inability of those in power to get a full grasp of what is happening financially. The UK 1801 SA Saturn had moved to Aries and was opposite the natal Uranus when Johnson and then Truss were ousted from office by what were essentially coups organised from within the Cabinet. That opposition is separating but is still in effect and may be triggered again as Neptune and then Saturn move into Aries.

      • This is interesting, thank you. Saturn in Pisces just about nails the flavour of this government. Anything definitive just seems to dissolve.

        Reeves has made some poor decisions, but I expected to see more stubbornness in her chart than there actually is. (although Moon Saturn in Virgo could be a degree of perfectionism and intransigence that cripples sound decision-making)

        If she started to tax the super-rich in any significant amount, she would be respected more by most of the electorate. I really hope she gets that memo.

        • Even the non super rich, like me would be happy to pay a little more tax if it meant not penalising the disabled and the elderly and those on other benefits. Since I have a friend dependent on disability benefits, I know how difficult/almost impossible it is already.

          Yes, Hugh – been saying this for some time, but we simply do not see the talent on the front benches anymore – politicians such as Robin Cooke, Mo Mowlam or Michael Hesseltine for example had gravitas. Today’s generation come across as quite lightweight and underwhelming in comparison.

          • “we simply do not see the talent on the front benches anymore – politicians such as Robin Cooke, Mo Mowlam or Michael Hesseltine for example had gravitas. Today’s generation come across as quite lightweight and underwhelming in comparison.”

            Almost all MPs in the recent past have been research assistants to other MPs or worked in think-tanks and very few have worked in jobs in the regular economy/private sector.

            And the change in quality shows.

        • Unlikely as they have left and labour only have contempt for the little people.4 months to IMF which will mean decimation of services and public sector worker jobs and pensions. Ussr 1991.

        • The risk with taxing the super-rich too much is that they can leave, or intentionally make themselves poorer (transfer wealth, reduce hours, etc).

          I was told by my parents of a time when the income tax in their socialist country of origin was about 97% (after factoring in surcharges in addition to income tax). Turns out nobody is willing to work if most of their earnings go to the government and not themselves.

          Somebody else remarked about placing the burden on “those with the broadest shoulders”. Well, the burden needs to be spread around enough to keep those with the broadest shoulders around. Else, they’ll just walk away and then who will pick up the burden.

  12. Interesting that this post comes as the Moon is opposing Mars, which can be interpreted as experiencing anger from a woman or – anger (Mars) of the populace (Moon) opposing a woman (Moon).

    And, wow, she is yet another Moon in Virgo. That Moon is conjunct Saturn, and that’s no easy aspect, giving a person prone to depressive moods. Venus in Capricorn is not really a love-filled placement either.

    Her SA Jupiter is on her North Node, which might help her mission in life, and SA Uranus, if I see correctly, in a year will be within orb of a conjunction to her Venus.

    I kind of feel sorry for her, but at the same time she irritates me, because it is as if I am experiencing a kind of tone-deafness from her and maybe also perceive her to truly believe that she is so great for this job.

    • I also heard a brief insert from an interview with her yesterday, where she said that she doesn’t mind political attacks and scrutiny, but is really surprised by personal attacks. And I really liked that and appreciate it.

      • Surely she should remember when protestors were yelling at Jacob Rees Mogg’s children that “your father is a horrible person”. That was in 2018. Personal attacks are par for the course in politics.

        • Ha! A quick flick through some rude and robust 18th century political cartoons by, say, Gilray and others, would demonstrate that personal attacks triggered by politics are indeed par for the course here. Similar outbursts of satire can be found all over Europe.

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